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本篇文章主要讲的是医疗价格,与这一特定门槛相比,任何规模较小的基金都将缺乏效率,最终会屈服于更高效、更大的竞争。这要么导致为恢复规模经济而吸收更大的基金,要么导致对绿色牧场表现出兴趣的成员流失(Powell et al., 2013)。最重要的是,外部方应该普遍地处理某些服务,而其他方则跨一系列的外部第三方和内部提供者。同样重要的是,虽然大多数费用与基金的成员数目有正的关系,但存在着减少帐户平均规模的倾向。本篇达拉斯论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Any funds smaller in comparison of that specific threshold will lack efficiency, while succumbing eventually towards the more efficient and larger competition. This either results in the absorption of a larger fund for the purpose of restoring the economies of scale or results in the loss of members showing interest in green pastures (Powell et al., 2013). Most significant of all, external parties should be universally handling certain services while others move across a spectrum of external third-party and in-house providers. Having equal significance, while majority of the costs have positive relations with the membership of fund, there lies propensity for declining the average size of account.
The price of free market stands for Q1, and price stands for P1. However, the level of social efficiency stands for Q2, under the scope of which Social Marginal Cost is equal to Social Marginal Benefit. One key reason that the government has not been allowing Medicare for the negotiation of prices for the prescribed drugs. The cost of several medicines is significantly less across other developed nations such as Britain and Canada, which have not been negotiating with the manufacturers of drug.In terms of equivalence, it is the base price which should not be reduced for the sale of labour. Though it results in the deadweight loss for the society, it has been identified that this policy is helpful in increasing the standard of living among employees, reducing poverty, reducing inequality, boosting morality and forcing organizations for maintaining more efficiency (Bloom, 2014).
It has been recommended by the World Health Organization that increased tax on sugary beverages is crucial for the reduction of obesity during childhood. Some of the emergency services in the medical field making direct purchases from the companies of medical supply make even more payment and hence, the issue has to be resolved on urgent basis. It had been depicted by a research of British Medical Journal that the consumption of fizzy drinks across Mexico dropped in the initial year of taxation. Jobs of low wage across these cities only make slightly more payment in comparison with cheaper market platforms. Yet in small places, there is still a significant scope of high end jobs (Powell et al., 2013). This depicts that there are sufficiently healthy people for absorbing the increment in price before they end up becoming an issue. In the case of rising wages, business organizations may consider hiring less and investing more in automation and equipment.


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