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Soka Gakkai is a form of new religion. The Soka Gakkai was a Japanese Buddhist movement. The movement has its origins in Nichiren. The Lotus Sutra that was given by Nichiren was something that has solved the issues for mankind according to the Soka Gakkai. In every step, the follower of this religion would be able to handle the problems if they understand the value of the soka. The soka is basically called the creation. The creation is based out of the interdependences in one’s life. The Soka Gakkai furthermore understands that life in itself has an inherent element of dignity associated with it.
This dignity also called the Buddhahood exists in every person. Sokka Gakkai in its initial years of inception and later was seen to face some struggles because of how its beliefs threatened the then political rulers. Tenrikyo is another Japanese new religion which was seen to derive from struggle, but the struggle was personal.
Where Soka Gakkai derives from the teaching of a teacher from the 13th century, Tenrikyo derives from the teachings of a teacher from the 19th century called Nakayama Miki. Nakayama Miki is the God of truth. The way Nayakama Miki came to be recognized as a goddess is a unique one. She was a housewife who sought religious and spiritual guidance by contacting a person who talked through a medium. Later she became a medium and came to be understood as a person of God. From many shunning her, she soon came to be understood as a strong spiritual entity.
When one cultivates Tenrikyo, then the person supposedly becomes a part of the promotion of many joys in life. When comparing the two faiths, it is the Soka Gakkai that personally appeals to me, as the way to handle and understand social problems is an appealing trait.
The four noble truths in Buddhism are classified as follows. Firstly, there is the suffering or the dhukha. Secondly, there is the cause of such suffering or the samudaya. Thirdly, there is an end to the suffering that one has gone through, which is also called the nirodha, and finally the truth that lies in the path which could alleviate the suffering of a person which is also called as the magga.
The four noble truths understood in the case of Tendai Buddhism are being observed through the perspective of a dual truth which is associated with the perspective of arising and perishing. Life and death as understood in arising and perishing are the two main perspectives. When there is a death or a loss, then there is a dukkha created. There is sadness as there is a personal loss because of the death. Similarly, alleviation of the dukkha or some form of happiness is created because of a birth or an arising. However, this understanding of the dukkha and the alleviation of the suffering of a person are not quite complete. This is because the person tends to see suffering and the alleviation of suffering from the lens of a birth and death perspective.


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