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多实少虚,顾名思义就是说实际的东西要多于虚幻的东西。写作文章时也是一样,需要遵循多实少虚的原则,原因很简单,一篇再好的文章也经不起我们的空话连篇。文章中还是应该多一点实际的东西。我这里所说的虚词就是指那些比较大的词。比如我们说一个很好的时候,不应该之说nice这样空洞的词,应该使用一些诸如generous, humorous, interesting, smart, gentle, warm-hearted, hospital 之类的形象词。再比如:走出房间,general的词是:walk out of the room;但是小偷走出房间应该说:slip out of the room;小姐走出房间应该说:sail out of the room;小孩走出房间应该说:dance out of the room;老人走出房间应该说:stagger out of the room等等,由此可见,多用实词,少用虚词,文章将会大放异彩!


挑战极限,顾名思义就是找到自己的极限在哪,并且不断的去突破,去挑战,这就是挑战极限的意思。但是在这里的挑战极限的意思是,你挑战的东西必然是比较难的,但是并非不可攀!原因就是因为每个导师都是喜欢看见文章中含有学生的独立主格的句子。但是现实当中却是在学生的文章中,很少发现诸如独立主格的句子,其实也很简单,只要花上5分钟的时间看看就可以领会,它就是分词的一种特殊形式,分词要求主语一致,而独立主格则不然。例如:The weather being fine, a large number of people went to climb the Western Hills.或者是Africa is the second largest continent, its size being about three times that of China,只要你的文章当中能出现一点这样的句子,高分是肯定可以有的!


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其次,是初到国外的同学。相信每一个初到国外的同学都是抱着一腔好好学习天天向上的态度立了flag一定要好好学习,初次拿到“Essay”对题目觉得信心满满按照自己雅思七分八分的写作水平来写以为能够获得老师的赞许?简直是图样图森破!对于国外论文作业写作格式一概不知,拿到成绩怕是当头一棒!Dueduedue essay代写网教育小编的建议是自己先学习写作格式,把essay这类小论文暂时交给专业的机构来做,等之后有把握了再自己写。而且,代写论文作业的过程也是一个学习的过程,有专业的编辑根基你的实际情况与要求,写出一篇高质量的论文作业,对于你的写作水平也是由很大帮助的。这么说来,刚到国外的留学生,找人代写作业还是一个一举两得的好办法。

再次,是作业想得高分的同学。诚然,完成论文作业肯定需要一定的写作方法和技巧,但更重要的是需要知识的积累、思想的展现,想要论文作业满足这些条件并不是留学生们一朝一夕就可以完成的。相信大家都有这样的情况,自己写的essay及格很容易,但是想要拿高分却特别难。如果想要提高GPA或者申请奖学金的话,这时候就需要代写了。比如我们Dueduedue essay代写网已经推出了保分代写服务,可以为大家的网课和作业提供保A,保B和保C的服务,这类服务是非常适合想得高分的同学。



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这份报告分析了在旅游和旅游公司Global Adventures内部变革管理的前景。在本报告中,对全球冒险结构的各个方面进行了分析。值得注意的是,全球冒险遵循了公司治理的模式。环球冒险是一家国际旅行公司,通常组织旅行和促进世界各地的旅游。此外,全球冒险集团董事会由5名外部董事组成。这些人给公司带来了各种各样的技能。然而,有趣的是,这五位董事中有一位是没有任何旅游和旅游业经验的会计师。同样值得注意的是,已经进行了SWOT分析,以确定优势和劣势的各种因素。此外,它还分析了全球冒险的威胁和机会。除了上述因素外,本报告还对全球冒险的财务业绩进行了评估。




This report has analysed the prospect of change management within the tour and travel company Global Adventures. In this report, various aspects of the structure of Global Adventures have been analysed. It is also interesting to note that Global Adventures follows the model of corporate governance. Global Adventures is an international travel company that usually organises travel and promotes tourism to all parts of world. Moreover, the Global Adventures’ Board consists of five external directors. These people bring a wide variety of skills to the organisation. However, it is interesting to note that one among these five directors is an accountant who does not possess any experience in the travel and tourism industry. It is also interesting to note that a SWOT analysis has been done to identify the various factors of strengths and weaknesses. In addition to that, it also analysed threats and opportunities of Global Adventures. In addition to the above factors, this report also evaluated the aspects of financial performance of Global Adventures.

Moreover, the report also analysed various marketing and customers that are directly linked with each other. Global Adventures is an international reputed travel and tourism company which organizes trips and various programmes in all over the world. Several adventure programmes are conducted by the company in which they sell their travel related products to the customers in all over the world. Marketing is very essential for Global Adventures as it is totally based on the promotion and advertisement of their products and services. Change management is the process or technique which is adopted by a business organization in order to achieve the desired business outcome. Successful implementation of change plan is very significant for a company in order to exist in this changing business environment. Globalization is the ultimate cause for which the business environment is rapidly changing. The rapid development of technology like development of social media and mobile adaptability are constantly forcing the business organizations to adapt proper change management.

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The case study shows that Dan and Jacob order Mikaela their wedding cake. Mikaela made their wedding cake using the almond flour from the Tower Flours, which she believed gluten free almond flour as per her conversation with Ricky, the representative of Tower Flours. The Flour was not gluten free and as Dan has the colic disease, she has a severe reaction to the cake. Then Dan and Jacob want sue Mikaela for the cake as they think it is the implied term that the cake must be of gluten free. Some customers do not ask for gluten free cake, and thus Mikaela uses to make cakes, which are not gluten free.

In this case, Dan and Jacob did not request for gluten free cake and they only asked for almond cake. Mikaela intended to provide them gluten free cake used the almond flour from the Tower Flours, which is believed to be gluten free as per her conversation with the company representative Ricky. As the wedding cake may be of gluten free as well as with gluten, Dan and Jacob did not request for gluten free cake. They did not sue Mikaela for the cake for what happened to Dan after eating the cake.


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In the world today, the saxophone is portrayed as an instrument that excels in different genres of music. Countless amazing jazz saxophone artists play regularly around the world to tell the world about the sound of the saxophone. It seems that the saxophone has become one of the icons of jazz music. However, what most does not realize is that the saxophone is as widely used in classical music as it is widely used in jazz music. The same question regarding the selection of the classical or the jazz is being faced by every saxophonist. It seems that classical and jazz saxophones are two extreme ways of learning saxophone. Is it possible to being a multi-faceted saxophonist? And what are the difficulties?

To start with, it will provide a brief background and history about how the saxophone came to be, what it was used for in the very beginning (Cook, 2010). Then it mentions how the saxophone grew and morphed to become the instrument that it is today. In addition, the details about the similarities and differences of equipment and techniques of playing classical and jazz saxophones are undertaken for showing the difficulties of playing in multi-styles. To end this research paper, a short conclusion and suggestion for the intended multi-faceted players will be provided.


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根据业务流程,采购也是买方和供应商关系的重要组成部分。采购是一个从外部来源购买和获取产品和服务的获取过程。一个组织可以使用的外部资源是其他公司、机构和慈善机构。在达成协议之前,外源必须是合适的,并向组织的管理人员提供解决其困难的办法(Azevedo, 2013)。在选择之后,价格或成本需要令人满意。巨大的公众和企业组织喜欢通过采购和获得项目来促进选择和更大的竞争。选择和优势在商业中大有作为。最后,每个人都能从中受益。

外包是一个个人或组织执行任务、提供服务或为其他公司的业务活动生产产品的过程,这些活动本可以在内部完成。外包自然被公司用来节约成本。业务外包服务提高组织的盈利能力和效率,满足内部和外部利益相关者(Bolstorff和Rosenbaum, 2007)。在少数情况下,公司的整个信息管理是外包的,包括计划和业务分析,以及网络和工作站的安装、管理和服务。


Procurement is also a significant part of the buyer-supplier relationship as per the business processes. Procurement is a gaining process used for purchasing and acquiring products and services from external sources. The external sources that can be used by an organization are other company, institution, and charity. Ahead of an agreement can be reached, the outer source must be suitable and make available to the management of the organization with a solution to their difficulty (Azevedo, 2013). Following that choice, price or cost requires being satisfactory. Huge public and corporate organizations like to promote option and greater competition with procurement and gaining programs. Choice and superiority go a long way in business. In the end, everyone can benefit.

Outsourcing is a process in which an individual or organization executes tasks, supply services or produces products for other company business activities that could have been or is done in-house. Outsourcing is naturally used by companies to save costs. Business outsources services for increasing the profitability and efficiency of the organization and satisfying internal and external stakeholders (Bolstorff and Rosenbaum, 2007). In a few cases, the entire information management of a company is outsourced, with planning and business analysis as well as the installation, management, and servicing of the network and workstations.


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The men aged from 20 to 64 in the unskilled manual occupations are prone to premature death owing to the cardio vascular disease. These numbers are relatively higher than the educated men in the society. The benefits for the health and awareness are not evenly distributed in the societies. Harmful stress is considered to be associated with cardiovascular diseases. These lead to a number of other conditions such as depression and lead to poor life expectancy. The diet of the people which include higher intake of salt is the most important contributing cause for the heart conditions. The increase in the saturated and trans fat leads to heart ailments. This is found in the WHO (World Health Organization) report.

Obesity in adults combined with inactivity is the leading cause for the people to develop such ailments. This is found to become even worse in the case of tobacco consumption or alcohol consumption. These lead to conditions of Diabetes or globalization. These cardiovascular diseases contribute to 4 million deaths in Europe. 30% of the years in life and the quality of life are reduced based on these conditions. These are found to become aggravated in smoking and drinking habits. The dietary patterns in Europe have been worsening in the past decade according to the WHO report. The levels of obesity in minors are also increased in Europe.


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认知治疗师的角色是寻找与客户互动和深思熟虑的方法。这使客户能够形成结论。这包括基于所有治疗阶段的积极参与和协作(Corey, 2015)。这包括决定客户是否需要与客户进行积极的协商。其中包括结论的客户端框架,以开发可测试的假设。治疗师被发现在治疗过程中参与病人的参与。这些问题包括如何探索和制定议程。贝克被发现将合伙关系概念化,为客户的负面假设设计有意义的评估(Corey, Corey & Corey, 2013)。这些使我们能够在处理解决方案时采取更积极的方法。


The strength in this treatment are that there is reality testing that is considered. Clients are found to gain perspectives from the experimental levels of their misconstrued situation. In this process, the rational thinking of irrational beliefs is discussed. There is also self-realization that is possible in these situations. In this notion, Beck takes into account the rules formulated by the individuals and their roles in society. The people get into trouble when they are able to evaluate their sets of rules. Beck asks the people to merely retrospect into the issues and look for solutions. They want to create a system where the people are able to reassess their situation. There is also fluidity in this model. It enables flexibility for Stan to address the situation at his own pace. There is no real pressure that the therapist tries to lay down on Stan. There is guidance offered and solutions are provided based on these contexts.

The role of the cognitive therapist is looking for ways to interact and deliberate with the clients. These enable the clients to form conclusions. These include the active participation and collaboration based on all the stages of therapy (Corey, 2015). These include deciding the client as to how long there must be active deliberation with the clients. These include the client frame of conclusions to develop testable hypothesis. The therapists are found to engage in the client participation throughout the phases of therapy. These include how the problems are meant to explore and set agenda. Beck is found to conceptualize the partnership to devise the meaningful evaluation for the negative assumption of the client (Corey, Corey & Corey, 2013). These enable in developing of a more positive approach in dealing with the solutions.


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有人可能会想,“只有小婴儿才会睡很多的觉,我们不需要。”其实,我们每个人都需要有足够的睡觉,才会在第二天感觉更有活力。 有的同学说,“我好累呀,昨天晚上过了半夜才睡觉!”如果在那个时候做功课,是可以理解的。可是,如果半夜还在玩儿电脑游戏,就有一点儿惨了。要是每一天都这么晚睡觉,会对身体有很多坏处。









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The company uses marketing strategies such as integrated marketing communication with the consumers to improve the relationship. The objective of the company is to create positive consumer strategy with a lager consumer base, it mainly targets the lower income group to form long term relationship with the consumers. It is increasingly focused on meeting the consumer relationships based on the interim consumer needs. This is owing to the fact that the consumer needs are changing and the company wants to create a positive brand relationship. The company has adopted a different brand communication strategy with the consumers. It focuses on providing the consumer with mobile app technology, Star reward programs.

The main consumer base for the company is the professionals, students and tourists who simply do not have time to make a good coffee at home. The company tries to customize the products and ensure that the services to the consumer are met. They have also changed some of the taste of the product with the local Australian taste in order to form cohesive positive relationship with the consumers. It also changes its coffee tastes with the different consumer markets in order to meet the consumer needs of each place. This value addition enables the company to form positive relationship with the people in the different communities. Apart from this it also sells food products, packaged goods and also has a retail chain. The juices and beverages are some of the best sold products. The packaging techniques such as high pressure pasteurization (HHP) have enabled the company to create unique selling proposition.


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在价格细分市场的全球营销组合中,定价技术应该以消费者可以轻松地选择的方式来执行,而不是其他竞争者的产品和服务。麦当劳产品的价格部分应遵循公司的目标、细分市场、消费者偏好、产品市场结构和竞争强度。麦当劳的管理需要重点关注出口价格、价格的升级和保险、关税(Kotler和Keller, 2016)。通货膨胀应该集中在管理上,这是对不受控制的通货膨胀和紧张的关注。

如果通货膨胀率非常严重或不受控制,那么应对通货膨胀的一些替代方法就应该像通货膨胀一样。在麦当劳这个案例中,汇率和转移定价是一个很重要的问题,因为它设计了进入新市场的全球营销计划(Kotler et al., 2015)。在决定价格区间的情况下,管理层需要关注反倾销法规,在决定全球价格时考虑这些规则。


As per the global marketing mix of the price segment, the pricing techniques should be executed in the manner that consumers can easily grow their choices than the other competitor’s products and services. The price segment of the products of McDonald should follow the company goals, segments, consumer preferences, product market structure and the intensity of competitions. The management of McDonald needs to focus on the export price, escalation to make the shipping price and the insurance, tariffs (Kotler and Keller, 2016). Inflation should be focused on the management which is a concern about uncontrolled inflation and intense.

If inflation rates are rampant or uncontrolled, then some alternatives of counter inflation should be engaged as per the changing components product inflation. Exchange rates and transfer pricing are matters in this case of McDonald as per designing the global marketing program for entering the new markets (Kotler et al., 2015). In this situation of deciding the price segment, the management needs to focus on Anti-dumping regulations, which is considered when deciding the global price.


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投资者的行为和态度对市场上的股票表现产生了显著的影响。当投资者情绪高涨时,就会有更多的普通股发行。当情绪低落时,供给量就会超过对股市表现不佳的需求。在这种情况下,股票的价格会上涨,而定价偏低,因为发行者有优势。市场上的交易受到投资者意见的影响,这些观点导致股市崩盘和泡沫。投资者关注当下,忽视未来。其后果是由于未来价格的上涨而导致的崩溃和泡沫,当股票的价格达到其临界值时,股票的价格就开始下跌。在大多数情况下,企业家和经理因为他们的信心而过度投资于市场(Malliaris, 2005)。与市场上其他参与者相比,在不同领域取得成功的参与者更有信心。他们对自己的知识和技能变得更加自信。然而,人们发现,在市场上投资较多的投资者获得了更多的经验。那些在金融市场拥有更大经验的投资者过于自信。行为金融分析依赖于投资者对市场的过度自信,对股市产生重大影响。管理者认为他们的成功是基于他们的能力,他们高估了自己的能力。


The different tactics, the formulation of the market crashes and the market bubbles are drawn by the psychological trails that are related to the behavioural economics. This not only aims to the supplant others explanation but also to consider the psychological origins of the bubble behaviour. The attempt is being made for considering the argument regarding the decision making psychological factors. With these psychological factors, the characterization with indicating the extreme fluctuations in the market sentiment can be made and this leads to the collapse and the formation of the bubbles. Behavioural finance and other financial theories.


The behaviour and attitude of the investors impose significant impact on the performances of the stocks in the market. When the sentiment of the investors is high, then there is a greater issuance of common stock.When the sentiments are low, then the supply exceeds the demand that results to the underperformance of the stock market. In this situation, the price of the stocks increases and under-pricing decreases because the issuers take the advantage. The trades in the market are affected by the opinions of the investors which lead to crashes and bubbles. The investors in the market focus on the present and neglect the future. The consequences are crashes and bubbles due to the increase in the prices in future, and when the price of the stock reaches its critical value, and then the price of the stock starts falling. In most cases, entrepreneurs and managers overinvest into the market because of their confidence (Malliaris, 2005). The participants in the market who have attained success in different fields are more confident in comparison to other participants in the market. They become more confident in their knowledge and skills. However, it has been found that the investors who invest more in the market gain more experience. The investors who are having greater experiences in the financial market are overconfident. The behavioural finance analysis relies on the overconfidence of the investors in the market imposing a significant impact on the stock market. Managers believe that their success is based on their abilities and they overestimate their capabilities.


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对气泡和碰撞特征的分离可以通过以下几点来说明: 股价急剧上涨。利用大量的股份购买。资本市场的部分低效率。利益相关方的结盟。




The characteristics of the bubble and the crashes are shown with generating the slow accumulation of the long-time interval correlation. The collapse of the stock is being indicated for this reason, and the success of the income trust in the retail market has become the major concern for the creation of complexity in the income trust.
The segregation of the characteristics of the bubbles and the crashes can be illustrated by the aid of the following points mentioned below:
Steep rise in the stock prices: Leverage, High volume of the share purchase, Partial inefficiency in the capital market, and Alignment of the interested parties


Bubbles are indicated to be beginning with the rise of the stock prices, and if the rise persists, then the people tend to have more investment with raising the alarm of the naïve investors. The investors believe that the recent performance of the stock market could be used for making the future forecast and thereby, the future returns were expected to be more which were made by the investors . The rationale investors used to monitor the trading and the performance going on in the stock market. The decisions regarding selling and buying of the shares can be easily made to gain the huge profit. The attitude of most of the investors indicates the risk regarding the buying and the selling of the shares where they face many losses with gaining the chance to earn more profit. The fall in demand creates lowering the prices of the stocks and the crash is being created. The crash is very much essential since it creates awareness regarding the buying and the selling of the shares. This also creates an unwillingness in the minds of the investors to buy their shares and the unwilling acquire of the shares leads to the cause of the crash. The efficient market hypothesis is undertaken for the study which clearly explains the contributing factor for the asset bubble and the backing of the efficient market hypothesis is being imposed on the association. The changing of the market price is illustrated to be the main reason where the investor cannot expect to earn above the required returns. The combination of the two inside notions establishes an appropriate and efficient market which is being enhanced for the creation of the competition in the current market. Hence, the balance in the market must be maintained to avoid the downfall of the market.


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For the purpose of describing the elements, the persisting nature of the market bubble must be explained with a rationale to the advancement of the technology and the systems of the finance. It becomes very much tough to distinguish the bubble with considering the form of the ordinary market fluctuations. The primary market or the economic factors are taken into consideration for the purpose of separating the factor. With considering the years from the 1970s to the 1990s, the sudden rise and the fall of the “nifty 50” are seen in the stock market which is indicated to be a huge reason for the cause of the market bubble. The subsequent fall of the share prices was mentioned in the years 1974 to 1975, and it was caused due to the specific changes in the macroeconomic conditions. Henceforth, a large part of the market decline is indicated to be rationally linked with the sharp rise in the global price of the oil and this slows down the global economy with leading the bubble burst.


Similarly, it is indicated with the overvaluation of the prices that increases the interest rates. The characterization is being made by the collapse of the market bubble which is indicated to be linked with the market and the economic conditions. The bubble appears to be dependent on the measurement valuations and the changes in the prices, and it is indicated that the equity market might be included in the years 1970’s and 1987. Hence, the market bubbles are indicated as a major role which is present in the financial system.

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The internal monetary landscape is seen to have emerged the fall of the hybrid exchange rate system of the Bretton Woods. It clearly explains the state that lies somewhere in the polar cases of the gold standards and the pure float. The system seems to be flexible with indicating the flexible exchanges rates that are seen in the major countries. The active central interventions are clearly identified with the aid of the cases that considered by the form of the major currencies. As the industrialization and the development of the countries are seen, the majority of the research aims to focus on the currency markets since the early 1970’s. It is focused for the purpose of characterizing the flexibility of the exchanges rate under the hybrid regime (Farmer, 2014). The proportion of the exchange rates currently focuses on the models that critically explain the essentiality of various forecasts. As the post-Bretton Woods era is considered, the result regarding the explanation of the major currency movements is seemed to be surprising in nature, and the unpredictable situations are raised with undertaking the theoretical models.


The distinctive features can be indicated in the form of the asset bubble formation that is the formation and the collapse. The mortgaging of the financial system is characterized by the rapid rise in the housing prices and the retrenchment in the housing and the prices finance. The collapse of the mortgage of the bubble is indicated to be associated with the worst economic downturn. The above mentioned two financial bubbles are having some precedents. One of the unique features of the recent market bubbles is the occurrence of the rapid evolution during the period of the technological advancement in the global financial systems. This development enables the improvement in the statistical modelling, and the widespread availability of the market data with the formation of the unique features for the purpose of hedging the risks rose. This creates a financial sophistication among the participants in the market, and thereby, the two substantial bubbles seem to emerge despite the significant increase in the complexity of the financial markets. The rise of the speculative excesses in the financial market has led to some causes which include the misaligned incentives, lack of the investor sophistication, fraud and the experiences. The example can be illustrated in the form that during the period, a lack of institutional investor foresight is seen which gave rise to the risks during the evaluation of the mortgage instruments. The difference in the sophistication was being created between the homeowners and the mortgage originators.



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Inappropriate excavation: Slope corner excavation may reduce the shear strength of the rock, and when triggered by other factors, there is a possibility of immediate damage.
Geographical Discontinuities: The geographical discontinuities are referred as the structural discontinuities that are seen due to the natural phenomenon. With the excavations undertaken at the hillsides of any plain areas, the slope of the soil seems to be at a imbalanced position which clearly states the imbalance with forming the foliation, fracture, cleavage, crack and fissures etc. the properties of the discontinuity such as the orientation roughness infilling and the persistence are important for the bringing stability of the slope of the jointed rocks.


The discontinuity seems to be occurred due to the development of the immense pressure, and the mechanical characteristics are illustrated to be lying at the discontinuity set. It enables the creation of the anisotropic rock mass or the soil that enhances the gap between the developments of the mechanical characteristics. The orientation of a major geographical discontinuity is depicted to be relative by considering the engineering structures with o controlling the possibility for determining the unstable conditions. The structure clearly shows the orientation of the discontinuity which must be defined by the help of the dip and the dip direction. The strike seems to be created at the right angles to the top, and thereby, the relationship can be appropriately explained by the helping relationship between the strike and the dip direction.

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风化和侵蚀: 边坡和岩石风化后,强度大大降低。因此,边坡位于一侧,导致侵蚀增加,然后再次暴露内部岩石,导致进一步的侵蚀和风化。





Weathering and erosion: After the weathering of slope and rocks, the strength is greatly reduced. Thus, the slope lies at one-side that brings about the increasing of erosion and then re-exposed of internal rocks leading to further erosion and weathering.
The collapsed ground acceleration caused by the earthquake will increase the sliding force of the slope and reduce the resistance. The horizontal shock wave released by the earthquake will easily destroy the slope which lacks of the lateral shear force.


Improper exploitation of hillside: The improper use of hillside land can cause the change of terrain and natural vegetation. The gradient of the slope is steepening because of digging, filling and the natural vegetation being wanton felled, which leads to the loss of soil and water conservation function then increases the occurrence of slope collapse. The wanton felled is a type of excavation which is being made at the hillside for the purpose of developing natural vegetation on the hill side, and it leads to being of the soil slope level. As per the explanation of the vegetation is being considered along the hill slides, due to the vegetation, the geo-mechanical effect is being depicted by showing the enhancement of the work and the reinforcement of the soil by the plant roots. The distribution is being accessed by the eco-hydrological imbalance that is being seen in this case.


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这是一场活动举办的好莱坞乐园,尽管这部电影是一部无声电影,但观众们都喜欢它。给定的场景包括悲伤,讽刺和欢乐。最初描绘了悲伤。在工作室里,他发现演播室老板宠爱了佩皮,他给了它一个讽刺的样子。他曾经是明星,但Peppy因此现在被誉为明星(Phillips,2011)。在电影结束时,他对他们的合作非常高兴,并且他与狗的场景充满情感。他们表达了良好的理解,他们之间的信任可以通过他们的活动和表达来看到。特定场景围绕3个重要主题展开 – 对身份的渴求,对现实和竞争的不同版本。信息以简单但令人信服的方式传达给观众。

电影的音乐艺术家是一个重大的打击。由于几个原因,这是特殊的 – 合适性,创造情绪和适合现场。
从技术上讲,电影的分数已经足够覆盖投影机的声音。没有外部噪音。由于这是在戏剧背景下发生的,它也可以追溯到历史(1927 – 1932)。作曲家将音乐的选择与剧院元素融合在一起考虑了历史与音乐的搭配。作曲家得分高的音乐的第三个方面是美学意义。没有一个场景留下空白或被沉默主宰。有一些愉快和相关的音乐来填补预计沉默的场景。这样可以更好地理解电影的目标,并让观众更好地关注。


It was a Hollywoodland where the event took place and the audience enjoyed every bit of it though it is a silent movie. The given scene includes sorrow, sarcasm and joy. Sorrows were initially portrayed. In the studio, he finds that the studio boss pampers Peppy and he gives a sarcastic look towards it. He was once the star but Peppy is consequently celebrated as a star now (Phillips, 2011). Towards the end of the movie, he is totally joyous about their collaboration and his scenes with the dog were emotional. They express excellent understanding and the trust between them was visible through their activities and expressions. The given scene revolves around 3 important themes – thirst for identity, different versions of reality and competition. The messages are conveyed in simple yet convincing ways that move the audience.

Analysis of music in scene
The music of the movie The Artist is a major hit. It is special due to several reasons – the appropriateness, the creation of mood and the suitability to the scene.
Technically, the film scores have sufficiently covered the projector sound. There is no external noise. Since this happens within a theatrical background, it also dates back to the history (1927 – 1932). The composer has paired up the history with the choice of music taking the theatre elements into consideration. The third aspect of music where the composer has scored high is the aesthetics sense. No scene was left blank or dominated by silence. There was some pleasant and relevant music to fill the scene where silence is anticipated. This creates a better perception about the objective of movie and lets the audience to focus better.

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外部环境由不属于公司内部的不同控制因素组成。竞争的存在对企业至关重要。为了在特定的市场中生存,了解竞争至关重要。许多公司参与竞争分析,将其战略和产品与市场上的其他参与者进行比较(Esuh Ossai-Igwe Lucky,2011)。众所周知的外部因素将分为政治,社会经济,技术和道德或法律。政治,道德和法律是遵守商业法律和履行对社区和客户的社会或道德责任(Justino and Tengeh,2016)。社会经济因素是针对目标客户的态度,价值观和不同顾虑以及提供产品的经济能力。在某些行业中,企业的需求是由技术革新驱动的,以适应和研究改进。公司盛行的市场经济影响着成功的程度。在销售产品和服务的同时,如果客户无法直接付款,那么该业务将无法生存(Tsuruta,2016)。经济学是特定于客户的行业,或者是在全球范围内对供求关系产生影响(Chen et al。,2010)。对外交流非常重要;公司与观众之间如何互动以及客户如何影响其形象。


内部因素可以由公司控制。 企业的形象,信誉和声誉等一些因素是企业实施的最终结果(Song,Feng and Jiang,2017)。 还有一些其他因素,如管理结构,实体装饰和人员配置等,这些因素都是基于业务决策的,可以在需要时进行修改。 对内部因素进行修改涉及间接性成本,如培训新员工时的生产力降低以及到期前租赁终止所涉及的惩罚等直接成本(Andries和Czarnitzki,2014)。 相反,公司无法控制外部因素。 政府规定,竞争激烈和贷款条件紧张影响所有小企业。


The external environment is composed of different factors that are not within the firm on which there is not much control of the firm. Existence of competition is critical to the business. It is essential to be aware of the competition in order to survive in a given market. A number of firms engage in competitive analysis to compare their strategies and offerings with the other players in the market (Esuh Ossai-Igwe Lucky, 2011). The commonly known external factors will be categorised into political, socio economic, technological and ethical or legal. Political, ethical and legal are in terms of abiding with business laws and meeting the social or ethical responsibility towards the community and customers (Justino and Tengeh, 2016). Socio economic factors are in regard to attitudes, values and the different concerns of the target customers along with the economic ability of affording the products. In certain industries, the need of the firm is driven by technological evolution for adapting and researching for improvement. The economy of the market where the firm prevails affects the level of success. While sale of products and services are achieved, if the client is not able to pay directly, then the business will not survive (Tsuruta, 2016). Economics is specific to the industry of the client or it would be on a global level having impact on demand and supply (Chen et al., 2010). External communication is immensely significant; how a firm interacts with the public audience and customers impact its image.


Internal factors can be controlled by the firm. Certain factors like the image, creditworthiness and reputation of the business are the end result of how a business is carried out (Song, Feng and Jiang, 2017). There are certain other factors like the management structure, physical décor and staffing that are based on the decisions regarding the business and can be modified as and when necessary. Making alternations in the internal factors involve costs that are indirect in nature like less productivity during training of new employees and direct costs like penalty involved in the lease termination prior to expiry (Andries and Czarnitzki, 2014). On the contrary, a firm has no control on the external factors. Government regulations, prevalence of competition and tight conditions in lending affect all small businesses.

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对于一篇美国论文来说,引用是必不可少的,是论文写作不可分割的重要部分, 它不仅仅是简单的格式问题。
简单来说,美国论文引用格式主要有三种Style:APA,MLA,Chicago。APA(American Psychological Association is used by Education, Psychology, and Sciences);MLA(Modern Language Associationstyle is used by the Humanities);Chicago(Chicago style is generally used by Business, History, and the Fine Arts)其中MLA 格式为英语专业广泛运用。MLA 格式的最大特点是简明扼要, 科学严谨。它采用文中用圆括号夹注形式( parenthetical citations) , 圆括号中有文献作者的姓氏和引文页码。APA格式是一个为广泛接受的研究论文撰写格式,特别针对社会科学领域的研究,规范学术文献的引用和参考文献的撰写方法,以及表格、图表、注脚和附录的编排方式。Chicago格式是以数字的形式出现,一种是以作者+发表日期的形式出现。


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基督教选择世俗的观点,不区分或区别性别,并认为他们没有区别。这已经严重影响了女性寻求男性属性并在健身房锻炼的能力,许多男性受到女性气质的影响,她们的行为和想法更像女性。 Gorely,Holroyd和Kirk(2003)描述了关于男性和女性属性以及需要性别相关教育来打破两种性别角色混合的主题。当生物差异不匹配并且不可能匹配并变得普遍时,这是有利的,这可能通过将差异视为歧视而导致令人不安的观点。当性别角色之间没有差别时,当固有的性别特征被错误的东西误导时,可能会出现重大混淆。这可能会导致严重的心理问题,特别是对于试图变得男性化的女性而言,她们的生物根源与男性完全不同,因此她们失败惨重。即使男性在试图变得女性化时也会受到严重影响,可能会丧失生殖和性生殖方面的生物责任。




Christianity opts for a secular outlook which does not differentiate or discriminate between genders and regards them as no different. This has had a serious impact on women’s ability to seek masculine attributes and working out in gym, and many men have been impacted by feminine qualities who behave and think more like women. Gorely, Holroyd and Kirk (2003) describe the theme that argues about masculine and feminine attributes and the need for gender-relevant education to break the intermixing of the two gender roles. This is beneficial when the biological differences do not match and cannot ever match and become universal, which could cause a distressing perspective by taking differences as discrimination. When there is no difference between gender roles, there can be significant confusions when the inherent gender traits are misled to something they are not. This can cause serious psychological issues, especially for women who try and become masculine and they fail miserably because their biological roots are completely different from men. Even men can be seriously impacted when trying to becoming feminine, there can be a loss of their biological responsibilities of procreation and sexual union.

Intersection of the two gender and sexuality
Sexual intercourse is one intersection where both genders come mutually to receive and part physical pleasure, and this role is constructed primitively and not socially. No one is more dependent on the other during sexual relationships, because it is a divine arrangement that the two genders come together and play their respective roles in realizing sexual ecstasy.

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在过去的传统领导力中,它关注的是保护公司计划和信息的所有权。 合作领导者是透明的领导者。 他们允许整个企业的员工战略为改进运营流程做出贡献。 这些领导者也很灵活地为员工建立合作环境。 这些领导者可以在公司结构的横向移动中发挥作用。 这些通常通过灵活的绩效评估来促进。


These diverse group of people need to work in the same level to achieve the targets. The fostering of team building would enable the company to meet these objectives. The most important aspect of team building is the level of trust that each team member in the company have. They must be honest with one another and eliminate the conflict of interest. The management also needs to have clear roles and responsibilities (Navarro-García, Peris-Ortiz and Rueda-Armengot, 2015). The team members need to learn from one other and find ways to help out each other people in the team. This as a whole would create the situation for the team to find innovative solutions. The companies in the contemporary times spend a lot of money to create team building activities (Maloney, 2016). In addition, the actions of social responsibilities between the members of the company play an important role for the fostering of team building in the companies. There must also be cohesive communications between the people to address conflict management. The leader also needs to play a facilitator role that is played by the team members to resolve the issues that arises during the operational process of the company. Added to these, they must develop team activities to find ways in which the companies can lead to resolution of the conflicts between the members of the team. Hence, as the article points out, the first inception system of building close communication and team is to focus on the aspects of team building of the company. These roles of leadership will be probed in the following section.


In the past traditional leadership, it is concerned with the guarding of the ownership of the company plans and information. The collaborative leaders are the transparent leaders. They allow the strategy of the staff to throughout the business to contribute to the improving of the operational process. These leaders are also flexible to create a collaborative environment for the employees to adhere. These leaders enable in the horizontal movement of the company structure. These are usually facilitated by the flexible performance review.

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性别的社会建构主要来自社会学和哲学理论,女权主义者和许多世俗活动家。他们的论点是性别或者更确切地说是性别角色是社会构建的,除了他们原始的生物学差异之外,他们每个人都是相同的。尽管社会建构是在评估了主要社会性别角色的分配之后定义和推导出来的,但是它们所展示的生物,物理和无生命的差异不能被排斥。性别角色是根据对两性的主要习惯,生物变化和困难,身体能力,情绪差异,行为差异和日常倾向的背景评估而施加或构建的。 在社会层面上,构建性别角色及其定义可能不会因其偏见或前提而被拒绝,因为尽管他们有统一的论点,但两者之间存在可见的和不变的差异。 可以注意到,性别角色可能是社会建构的,但不可能构建性别差异,因为没有任何事可以反驳两性的神圣差异。 可能有一条细线或一条模糊线来确定和界定两性之间的差异,因为随着文明的进步以及主要宗教和种族的世俗观在不断增长,这些角色正在被稀释。


Sexuality is one big factor in identifying the gender differences, in which the two have distinct roles in having intercourse and extract different joys and ecstasy. The female gender is known to be sexually active for a longer period time, experiencing multiple orgasms, and the male gender is less than the female. This is one difference that defines and distinguishes their commonality. Through sexuality, both play different roles due to which their roles came to be defined differently. In addition, the process of the intercourse leading to the conceiving of the female gender also makes a marked distinction between the two. Male gender cannot conceive biologically, which remains an indisputable and divine fact, and the female is the one endowed with the blessing of giving birth to a progeny or offspring. These roles define gender specifically and have been come to be fixated as male and female possessing and exhibiting two different social and cultural roles in different communities, which justifies their definition.

Social construction of gender
The social construction of gender hails largely from sociological and philosophical theories, feminists and many secular activists. Their argument is that gender or, more precisely, gender roles, are social constructed and each of them is identical except for their primitive biological differences. Although social construction is defined and derived after assessing the allotment of gender roles in major societies, there can be no rejection of the biological, physical and inanimate differences they display.Gender roles are imposed or constructed depending on the background assessment of the two gender’s primary habits, biological changes and difficulties, physical abilities, emotional differences, behavioral differences and their daily inclinations. Socially, constructing gender roles and their definition may not be rejected for its bias or presuppositions, because despite their argument of oneness, there are visible and unchanging differences between the two. It may be noted that gender roles may be socially constructed but it is impossible to construct gender differences because nothing can disprove divine differences of the two genders. There could be a thin line or a blur line identifying and defining the differences between the two genders, because these roles are getting diluted as civilization progresses and secular outlook keeps growing in major religions and races.

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War memorials, Obelisk and arch, stone statues are about some of the interesting aspect of the Australian Landscape. The monuments are symbolization about the history of the place. The events in history are embroiled in conflicts. Specifically, the statutes in the Australian cities are found to be about the colonizers. There is overlooking of the statues that depict the indigenous people. These monuments and historic pieces are considered to be about the ways in which the indigenous people were exploited (Memmott & Long, 2002). The enduring scars of the issues felt by the people are portrayed according to some groups. Some groups allude that these monuments symbolize a part of history and it is a neutral reminder. These opposing views have led to newer conflicts to be developed. The purpose of this analysis is to reassess the role of statues from the Australian national narrative and understand its significance from a sociological perspective.

About National Monuments
Australians are now faced with a choice as to how they want to see their past events. Historically, the White Australians had raised many kinds of memorials as tributes to the colonial times. They were the main focus of the history. According to history, in the 1800, the White Australians from European descent were slave owners and also committed atrocious actions against the Aboriginal Australians. It is evident from the perspective of History that certain events in history are atrocious and were also oppressive. Some of the national monuments are considered to have been a symbolization of such events. To overcome these issues, there were monuments that were constructed for the Indigenous people as well.

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Genesis能源有限公司曾经称为Genesis Power Limited,是一家新西兰零售公司,在股票市场上市为公共贸易公司,尤其涉及发电和配电,天然气采购和液化石油气制造。



Genesis Energy Limited once called Genesis Power Limited is a New Zealand based Retail Company that is listed on stock market as public trading company and particularly deals in electricity generation and distribution, natural gas procurement and LPG manufacturing.
The inception of the company is quite interesting as it was formed as a part of the massive reformation of electricity sector that undertook in New Zealand in the late twentieth century. Since then, the company has been well consolidated and has created a strong retail market for itself particularly in the Lower North Islands (England, 2017).
Genesis Energy is by far the third largest natural gas and electricity retailer in the entire island nation of New Zealand with a staggering market share of about 26% and 39% respectively in the financial year of 2015-16. In the year 2015, the company generated close to 14% of the entire country’s electricity production.

Changes in accounting practices
Genesis Energy has implemented a set of new accounting treatments during the end of financial year 2015-16 in order to defer the matter of recognition of incentives which are provided to customers as a part of acquiring new customer base. As the power industry is already highly saturated, and it has become even harder to attract new customers and retain the old ones, the cost of acquisition of new customers has gone tremendously high. As a result, the company is shelling out more and rather burning more cash to give substantial incentives to acquire solid customer base. The type of incentives given to customers varies and sometimes they are offered account credits and this amount that they are given as credit is included in the ascertainment of revenue and are spread over the length of the average customer tenure where there is affirmation that the return from the customer over the period of amortization is going to be positive, in accordance with the future revenue standard NZ IFRS 15
Revenue from Contracts with Customers
According to the accounting rules, the cost of acquisition spent on one particular customer can be directly attributed as an intangible asset as it meets the definition and interpretation of the same under NZ IAS 38 Intangible Assets.

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Google一直将机器学习和AI用于其现有的应用程序部署。但是,并非所有产品都从AI获益。例如,谷歌搜索引擎从成立以来一直是最成功的搜索引擎之一。从简单的蜘蛛网,搜索引擎继续由自动生成查询响应的算法驱动。但是,这些对查询的自动响应都没有使用人工智能。搜索引擎使用了算法。响应是由算法驱动的。与人工智能相比,算法不是自学。这是一组有规则的规则,它们会一个接一个地重复,并基于这些有限的规则集生成查询结果。 Google工程师将根据结果和性能问题来处理这些规则,并且他们会修改规则以产生更好的结果。但是,这些修改必须由他们完成,并且算法不是为了让他们自学而设计的。现在情况正在发生变化,因为谷歌现在宣布为其人工智能相关项目设立一个独立部门Google AI是Google于2017年宣布的一个部门,将完全致力于人工智能和相关开发。一些现有的项目是基于云的TPU,Tensorflow研究等(Craig&Karl,2016)。
想想看,如何宣布更好地融入AI改变了Google的前景。过去,谷歌搜索引擎是由有限查询驱动的,但现在他们会通过神经网络找到一些AI实现。监督该公司搜索引擎的人Amit Singhal即将退休,该职位被分配给负责监督Google人工智能工作的John Giannandrea(Craig&Karl,2016)。


Artificial Intelligence is an area of computer science that focuses the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans” (ETFdb, 2017, para. 1). Exchange traded funds ETFs in artificial intelligence (the AI fund) are expected to be sound investment in modern times. The exchange traded fund is one which acts as a marketable security but is not like mutual funds. It tracks index, commodity or bonds as an index fund and is also traded like a common stock like any other in the stock exchange. In fact, ETFs price change is usually very sensitive and fluctuating throughout the day as people buy and sell it.

History and Development of AI in Google
Google has always made use of machine learning and AI for its existing application rollouts. However, not all of its products benefitted from AI. For instance, the Google search engine has been one of the most successful search engines from the time of its inception. From simple spider craws, the search engine went on to be driven by algorithms that auto generated responses for the query. However, none of these auto responses to queries made use of artificial intelligence. Search engines made use of algorithms. Response was driven by the algorithms. Algorithms, as compared against artificial intelligence, are not self-learning. It is a finite set of rules that would repeat one after other and based on these finite set of rules, query results would be generated. Google engineers would work on these rules based on results and performance issues and they would modify the rules to generate better results. However, the modification had to be done by them, and the algorithms were not designed to make them self-learn. The situation now is changing as Google now announced a separate division for its AI related projects. Google AI was a division of Google announced in 2017 that would be completely dedicated to Artificial Intelligence and related development. Some existing projects are the cloud based TPUs, Tensorflow research, etc (Craig & Karl, 2016).Consider for instance, how the announcement of better incorporation of AI changes Google landscape. In the past, the google search engine was driven by finite queries but now they would find some AI implementation through neural nets. The person overseeing the search engine of the company, Amit Singhal is retiring and the post is assigned to John Giannandrea who also oversees the work in AI of Google (Craig & Karl, 2016).

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美国佐治亚大学(University of Georgia)创建于1785年,历史十分久远,首位校长以及一位校董事会成员参与起草和签署了美国《独立宣言》。作为美国公立高等教育的发源地,佐治亚大学也是全美第一所公立大学,由14所学院及1所研究所组成,校区面积广阔,拥有许多的天然资源。佐治亚大学由14所学院组成,校区面积广阔,拥有许多的天然资源,并且主要的校园共计有313栋大楼,以作为教学使用,总学生人数大约是33,000左右,历年来的学校排名位居前茅,《USNEWS》排出的“最值公立大学”中排第7,普林斯顿评价》评出的“最值大学”中排第9。其新闻与大众传播学院、公共行政学院更为全美最顶尖的五所学校之一,并为美国电视花生人奖(Peabody Awards)的主办大学,被誉为美国南方三所公立常青藤大学之一。
佐治亚有Georgia Tech,在理工学校里面仅次于MIT和CIT。
Iowa 更是中西部,大面积的平原,也不是人口集中的地方,就算有车也估计没啥地方可以去。
学校的话,都差不多,同一个档次的学校吧,不过Georgia 可能毕业后就业机会多些,毕竟这边人口多点,而且在东部。
另外不得不提的一点,Iowa冬天很冷,我曾在那里住过,冬天可以冷到零下16度,而且风比较大些;Georgia 的天气就暖和多了,毕竟是南部。
P.S. UGA出了名的美女多,Iowa就不知道了。

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这份特定文件旨在评估澳大利亚大银行组织(即澳大利亚国民银行,澳大利亚联邦银行,澳大利亚和新西兰银行以及西太平洋银行)的市场风险计量和管理方法。这是因为澳大利亚的一家小型银行机构Prospect Bank倾向于通过跟踪它们来控制市场风险(Schlagwein,Thorogood和Willcocks,2014)。

“市场风险”一词可以被描述为一种导致银行面临问题的情况。与信贷息差,股票价格,利率和汇率变化有关的问题直接表明公众市场的势头(Dell’Ariccia,Laeven和Suarez,2017)。为了更好地理解由于市场风险上升的不同因素引起的各种问题,下面将详细讨论澳大利亚四家银行 – 澳大利亚国民银行,英联邦银行,澳大利亚和新银行西兰银行和西太平洋银行。


Financial Institutions and Markets
This certain assignment paper aims to estimate the market risk measurement and management approaches of big-shot Australian banking organizations namely National Australia Bank, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Australia and New Zealand Bank and Westpac Bank. It is because Prospect Bank, a small banking institution of Australia is inclined to control market risks by following them (Schlagwein, Thorogood and Willcocks, 2014).
National Australia Bank is regarded as one of the most esteemed banks of Australia and an account of its annual financial report shows the extent of its dedication to the shareholders and the consequences of its market risk (Dell’Ariccia, Laeven and Suarez, 2017).
Commonwealth Bank of Australia enjoys the similar level of eminence and its work area encompasses retail business, institutional banking, wealth management product and services (Commonwealth Bank of Australia, 2017).
Australia and New Zealand Bank is focused on capitalizing commerce, smoothening business, enhancing economic engagement and retaining a viable economic growth.
Westpac Bank is another heavyweight financial institution of Australian nation providing mortgage services and other superior-quality financial services.

2.0 Major Market Risks of the Banks
The term Market Risk could be described as a condition that brings about a situation where the banks face problems. The issues related to spread of credit, equity price, interest rates and changes in the foreign exchange rates, which indicate directly to the momentum of the public market (Dell’Ariccia, Laeven and Suarez, 2017). In order to provide better understanding of the various problems that arise due to different factors that have given in to the rise of market risk are as discussed below in details taking into consideration the four Australian banks – National Australia Bank, Commonwealth Bank, Australia and New Zealand Bank and Westpac Bank.

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莱斯桥大学位于莱斯桥市,莱斯桥市在加拿大亚伯达省,距离美国边界仅一小时车程,往南六个小时可以到达全世界著名的黄石公园,往西二小时可到达洛矶山脉、加拿大华特顿国家公园,往北三小时,可以到达班府国家公园。莱斯桥大学于1967年成立,现有全日制学生6175人。该校是加拿大一所中型文理大学,成立于1967年,以文学与自然科学为主,提供50余种学士学位课程,现有全日制学生6000多名。  莱斯桥大学规模虽小,但提供富有特色的文学、哲学等文科课程。学校浓厚的学习环境吸引了大批的学生,大学一直保留了教师与学生互动的教学方法。学校每年获得丰厚收益的研究小目包括生物技术、水资源和神经心理学等方面。学校引以为荣的还有生命科学,管理和国民研究专业。

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雪城大学(Syracuse University,或译叙拉古大学)位于美国纽约州雪城,是一所历史悠久的著名私立大学。学校资金雄厚它跟纽约州立大学环境科学及森林管理学院分享部分设施。雪城大学在校园附近拥有一家喜来登酒店和高尔夫球场,在纽约市及华盛顿特区也置有物业。
雪城大学有南北校园之分。简言之,北校园是教学区,南校园是学生住宅区。然而,中国学生并不拘泥于学校住宅,而是分散在城市的各个角落。雪城大学目前有1万8千多在校学生,其中约1万2千本科生,6千多硕士与博士研究生。1999年有2368名学生获得学士学位、1747名学生获得硕士学位、207名学生获法学博士学位、150名获得博士学位。美国大学有两大类,一类是公立大学,另一类是私立大学。雪城大学是私立大学,其学生规模在私立学校中名列前茅。     2005年全美大学综合排名中,雪大位列54位,其中公共管理硕士教育在美国名列第一,为全美联邦、州、地方政府培训了一大批高级官员。同时在《美国新闻及世界报道》公布的美国最新综合大学排行榜中,该校被评为综合排名最好的50所大学之一。


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指定的电影是艺术家,电影的前6分钟被分配为这个任务的场景。这位艺术家是一部围绕着一个故事的电影,故事发生在1927 – 32年的好莱坞。这是一部无声电影,属于浪漫喜剧的类型。它得到了支持音乐、表演和剧本的认可。这部电影的作曲者主要是由Ludovic Bource完成,并在音乐排行榜上占据了较长时间的位置,并记录了唱片的高销量。被评估的场景是乔治·瓦伦丁的电化,接下来是他的表演,他把他的爱传达给了Peppy Miller。他们一起在人群中一起走向终点。





Ludovic Bource是一位来自法国的作曲家,他因在电影配乐方面的成就而广受赞誉。他开始了他的生涯,作为一个为商业广告配乐的作曲家。随后,他又跳上了《锡勒内·宋》(Sirene Song)等短片,并在导演中引起轰动。在这个行业中,米歇尔•哈扎纳维奇(Michel Hazanavicius)和卢多维克•布尔斯(Ludovic Bource)的组合一直是热门。因此,从2006年的开罗到2011年,他们一直在制作电影。



The assigned movie is The Artist and the first 6 minutes of the movie is allocated as the scene for this task. The Artist is a movie revolving around a story that happens in Hollywood in the era of 1927 – 32. It is a silent film falling in the genre of romantic comedy. It has received recognitions for the supporting music, acting and screenplay. The composer of this movie is mainly carried out by Ludovic Bource and ranked in the top positions for a longer period in the music chart and recorded high sales of the soundtracks. The scene to be assessed is the paper that is the electrification of George Valentin followed by his performances to convey his love to Peppy Miller. They both join together amidst the crowd towards the end of the scene.
Thesis idea
The musical score of this movie applies the contemporary forms of instruments to deliver a beautiful message and this arrangement has grabbed the attention of many.

Career summary of composer
Ludovic Bource is a composer based out of France and is acclaimed for his accomplishments in film scoring. He had begun his life as a score composer for commercials. He then took a leap to short films like Sirene Song and En attendant that created a buzz among the directors. In the industry, the combination of Michel Hazanavicius and Ludovic Bource has always been a hit. Hence, they consistently produce films starting from Cairo in 2006 to Artist in 2011.
His music can be witnessed in a number of films, short films, documentaries and TV series. He specializes in composing music for motion picture arts (Scott, 2011). Displaying his calibre in the movie The Artist in the year 2011, he has been invited by Academy of motion picture arts and science. He rose to fame in the international music domain and bagged prestigious awards like Golden Globe and Oscar. He does not only win for his calibre, but the originality in his presentation. 2011 was a period when talkies were popular and silent movies lost the scope. He had clearly applied his potential to achieve in French cinema domain.

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南卫理公会大学(Southern Methodist University,SMU)是美国一所著名的私立研究型大学,位于美国第四大都会德克萨斯州达拉斯市。该校始建于1911年,占地210英亩,现有学生约1.1万人。SMU校园风景优美,被The Princeton Review评为全美TOP10最美校园之一。
南卫理公会大学是卡耐基基金会指定的国家一类研究型大学之一,2015年US NEWS综合大学本科排名58位,应用经济学硕士全美排名31位。入读这所大学的学生,大多来自美国南方中上层的白人家庭。其商科、法律、统计学、计算机、心理学、视觉表演艺术等学科在美国名列前茅。自19世纪以来,SMU培养了众多世界知名的杰出校友,包括前美国第一夫人劳拉·布什;德州仪器首席执行官兼董事长Jerry Junkins;美国航空公司总裁兼美国航空集团董事长托马斯·霍顿;英国石油公司首席执行官罗伯特·杜德利;诺贝尔奖得主James Cronin等。


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我同意Richard Sennett的观点的人强调他的手艺,身心合一的,他在本书的核心主题是工匠思维和决策是一个统一的过程方面。显然,在你思考的过程中,练习会涉及到思想和情感,这是一个探索和表达的连续过程(理查兹,2009)。因此人们通过观察或接受这些美丽的工艺来相互交流。回到我们每天都可以开车过桥的桥上,允许我们去某个地方工作或出差,这是非常方便的,它连接了两个不同的地方或两个不同的国家。它也推动了整个社会经济的可持续发展。


世界上的人在许多方面都很不相同,但相似之处却存在着。人类许多语言被使用,许多宗教被实践,但是我们有一个共同点,人性。顾名思义,人类就是我们成为人类的一部分。就像是一个普遍的 桥相互连接的人群。没有人性,你会有许多群体像岛屿一样被困(马修,2010)。我们必须庆祝这座桥,让其他人跨越它,体验我们不同的文化。我们可以利用我们的各种文化知识来提高自己作为人类的能力。如果我们没有改善,那么我们正在后退一步,后退足够的步骤,我们最终会回到我们开始的地方。相反,我们应该向前走,跨过这座桥,与另一边的人团结起来。与人团结是防止不必要的偶然误解的必要因素(Mike 2001)。不团结的人互不熟悉,彼此不熟悉的人有更多的差异,而当差异存在时,就会产生冲突。战争带来冲突,战争毁灭,连接我们的关键桥梁被破坏。如果我们更经常地跨过环球桥,我们将几乎消除仇恨和种族主义,这是我们在这个关键和敏感时刻迫切需要的东西。


Besides this I agree with the argument of Richard Sennett who has emphasized his craft as a unity of body and mind and his core theme in his book The craftsman is that thinking and making are aspects of one unified process. Obviously making practice involves idea and emotion when you making you are thinking which it’s a continuous process for exploration and expression (Richards, 2009). Therefore people are communicating with each other through observing or accepting these beautiful crafts. Go back to the bridge we might driving through the bridge everyday it absolutely very convenient to allow us to go somewhere to work or for business travel It connect two different place or two different country. It also pushes the sustainable development of the whole society’s economy. People of the world are very different in many ways, and yet similarities exist. Many languages are spoken, many religions are practiced, but we have one thing in common, humanity. By definition, humanity is what makes us part of the human race. Humanity is like a universal bridge, connecting groups of people to each other. Without humanity, you have many groups stranded like islands (Matthew, 2010).


We have to celebrate this bridge, and allow others to cross it, to experience our different cultures. We can use this knowledge of our various cultures to improve ourselves as human beings. If we’re not improving, then we are taking a step back, enough steps back and we will eventually come back to where we started from. Instead we should take steps forward, crossing this bridge and uniting with the people on the other side. Uniting with people is essential to stop unwanted accidental misunderstand (Mike 2001). Those that are not united are not familiar with each other, and those that are unfamiliar with each other have more differences, and when differences exist, conflicts arise. With conflicts come wars, with wars come destruction, destruction of the crucial bridges that connect us. If we cross the universal bridge more often, we will virtually eliminate hate and racism, something which we desperately need in this crucial and sensitive time.



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加拿大劳伦迪亚大学又译名“康戈迪亚大学”、“肯高迪亚大学”、“肯考迪亚大学”,是魁北克省(Quebec) 蒙特利尔市的公立大学,历史悠久,可以追朔到100多年以前,是由始建于1873年的Sir George Williams大学(乔治 威廉大学)和成立于1896年的Loyola大学于1974年合并而成,两地之间有免费的穿梭校车服务 , 单程只需 10 分钟。劳伦迪亚大学是一个映射两种语言和多种文化的大型城市大学,该大学的商业和管理学院教育在国际上享有盛名,被国际教育管理组织授予质量合格成员。

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东北大学(Northeastern University),简称NU,成立于1898年,是一所国际级私立研究型大学,位于美国东北部马萨诸塞州的波士顿市,被新英格兰院校协会认可。东北大学有多于35个研究和教育中心。在以往以及现在的教员中,有数位获得古根海姆基金和一位国际天才发明奖获得者,一位美国总统的民主党候选人和一位普利策奖获得者。
基本情况就是这样,不吹不黑。作为一个美国前50的大学,neu还是有这个资格的。 如果你想要去neu的正规学院,那自然回答是不水的,这就和问去交大正规学院水不水一个道理,而如果硬件各类都不达标,想要去neu的CPS、bu的大都会这类学院,那就不要问水不水这种问题了,仁者见仁 智者见智吧。最后希望大家能够在答题的时候少一些戾气,正如下面某个回答所说,neu的本科背景不乏上财和复交的牛人,匿名也不代表部分没有去成neu的同学可以不负责任的随便否认那些托福102以上,gre320幸幸苦苦多年才终于来到美国学习的孩子们的梦想。请大家多一点多一些数据和理性客观的看待问题。还是那句话,别嫌弃学校好不好,还是要看你有没有驾驭他的本事。


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模仿其商业模式:受到Traer Joe’s成功故事的启发,许多其他公司适应了Trader Joe’s的商业模式。这些模仿者中最值得注意的是全球第三大连锁超市Tesco开设的’Fresh&Easy’商店。交易者乔的模仿降低了交易者乔的商业模式的独特性。它进一步减少了Trader Joe’s的目标客户群。随着越来越多的模仿商店在全国范围内开放,这个问题可能会对Trader Joe’s产生重大负面影响。

产品利润率:与大多数其他中级连锁超市一样,Trader Joe’s正面临产品定价中保证金比例问题。由于行业内竞争激烈,超市连锁店被困在Whole Food等优质公司和提供“极端折扣”的公司之间。这个问题越来越深,因为交易者Joe的成功部分归功于其员工的高工资和对他们的健康处理,这为Trader Joe’s带来了独特而迷人的购物体验。


What are the issues?
The issues Trader Joe’s is facing relate to its business model, expansion strategy and increased competition in the industry. The various issues Trader Joe’s is facing are described below:
Imitation of its business model: After being inspired from the success story of Traer Joe’s, many other companies adapted to the business model of Trader Joe’s. Most notably effort among the imitators is the ‘Fresh & Easy’ stores opened by world’s third largest supermarket chain, Tesco. The imitation of Trader Joe’s reduces the uniqueness of the business model of Trader Joe’s. It further reduces the target customer base of Trader Joe’s. With more imitating stores opening country wide, the issue is likely to have a significant negative impact on Trader Joe’s.

Expansion of Trader Joe’s: In order to really compete with the major market companies in the industry, the company needs to launch its stores nationwide. Such a large expansion would require effective strategic planning, monetary investment and human resources, as well as training resources. As the Trader Joe’s stores have a unique theme associated with them, and even the employees follow a different and friendlier etiquette, it is important to train the new human resources as per the standards of Trader Joe’s.
Product profit margin: Like most other mid-level supermarket chain, Trader Joe’s is facing the issue of margin share in product pricing. Due to the extreme competition in the industry, the supermarket chain is stuck in between the premium companies like Whole Food and the companies that offer “extreme discounts” lie Dollar General. This issue grows deeper as Trader Joe’s gives the credit for its success partly to the high wages of its employees and healthy treatment of them, which brings the uniqueness and charm in shopping experience at Trader Joe’s.

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此外,由于投资者犹豫不决,银行并没有建立首都,因为银行注销了银行,导致储备减少。从这两个例子中可以看出,银行的倒闭与2007 – 2010年甚至大萧条等金融危机之间存在关联。此外,由于银行未能取得任何预算成功,因此通过提高资本基本需求本身来改善情况。银行资本倒闭和世界经济所面临的经济衰退之间似乎存在着直接的比例关系。现实世界金融机构的例子是金融储备和世界银行。

巴塞尔协议三下的杠杆比率可以定义为分子中的资本指标除以分母中的敞口指标,而比率通常以百分比的形式表示。世界范围内金融危机的主要原因是银行系统中杠杆资产负债表(无论是关闭还是关闭)的额外积累(CEBS 2010)。在某些情况下,银行建立了过度的杠杆率,但强烈维持了基于风险的资本比率,使资产价格下降的压力加大。 “巴塞尔协议三”框架提供了一个简单的基于非风险的透明杠杆比率,其目的是


Additionally, capitals were also not build by the banks as the continuation of crisis took place because there was hesitancy in the investors and write offs of the banks further causing the reserves to reduce. From both these examples it can be depicted that there is a relationship between the failures of bank and the financial crisis such as that of 2007-2010 and even Great Depression. Furthermore, the situation was improved by enhancing the capital basic requirement itself as the banks had failed to initiate any budgetary success. There seems to be directly proportional relationship between bank capital failures and the recession faced by the world economies. Examples from real world financial institutions are Financial Reserve and World Bank.

The leverage ratio under Basel III can be defined as capital measure in the numerator divided by measure of exposure in the denominator and the ratio is often presented in the form of percentage. The main reason for financial crisis in the world was the extra build-up of leverage balance sheets (either off or on) in the systems of banking (CEBS 2010). In certain situations, excessive leverages were built up by banks however capital ratios based on risk were strongly maintained in a way which amplified the pressures downward over prices of assets. A simple non-risk based transparent ratio of leverage was made available by the framework of Basel III with the purpose of
Restricting the leverage built-up in the sector of banking for avoiding the deleverage destabilization process that in turn leads towards damaging the wider system of finances in economies
For reinforcing the requirements based on risk with simplicity in a non-risk manner based on measures of back stopping
A framework with simple leverage ratio benefits in complementing the framework of capital based on risks
Credibility of leverage ratio helps in making sure broader and sufficient capture of not only the sources of on balance sheets but also off-balance sheets (Copeland, et al., 2012)

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The graph clearly shows that the data is positively skewed because it peaks towards the left of the data. The range of the sample is 40 with minimum being 0 and maximum being 40. The average of the minimum and maximum turns out to be 20. Since, the peak of the data is at less than 20, it is safe to conclude that the sample is positively skewed. However, to confirm this, the skewness of the data can be obtained which according to Table 1 is 1.96. Positively skewed data also have the property that their mean is more than their median which in turn is more than the mode. Here, mean is 6.63, median is 2.5 and mode is 0. Clearly,
So, the data is positively skewed.

The standard deviation of the data is quite high which is 9.07. This means that data shows high variability. It implies that data changes a lot between responses. A similar measure of dispersion is the interquartile range which is the difference between the first and the third quartile. If the difference between the first and the third quartile is high, it implies that the dispersion or the spread of the data is quite high. In the given sample, it turns out to be 9 which is quite close to the standard deviation.
There are three measures of central tendency viz. mean, median and mode. Mean is affected by the extreme values and can be deviating sometimes. Median on the other hand gives the exact point which divides the data into two equal halves. It is not affected by extreme values. Mode though not affected by extreme values, is the frequency of highest occurring data. In the given case, since the standard deviation is high, the spread of the data is very high. So, mean may not be a very good measure of central tendency. Mode is not appropriate here either. The best measure of central tendency thus is the median which gives an approximate data that divides the sample into two equal halves.

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然而,Artic home运动并没有提高客户意识和筹集资金的唯一责任,但可口可乐公司的营销方面就是成为这种慈善场景的一部分(Arctic Film,2013)。从营销的角度来看,营销活动是利用“与事业相关的手段”营销的一个组成部分来建立品牌形象的活动。



However, the Artic home campaign does not have the sole responsibility to raise customer awareness and raise funds but there lies a marketing side for Coca-Cola to be a part of such a benevolent scenario (Arctic Film, 2013). The campaign from the marketing perspective is a campaign to build brand image using a component of marketing by “cause-related means”.
Firstly, the aim of this advertisement was to reach consumer groups in several countries speaking distinct languages and so, rather than using more words in its advertisements, the company made itself to depend and emphasize on images displayed visually which is completely in alignment with what Leiss, et al in their textbook have depicted (Leiss, et al., 2005). According to Leiss, et al, (2005), language barrier escape makes advertisements internationally to gain a higher demand visually and by using animals or celebrities as a medium to create identification of characters, companies are able to make reference even without acknowledging any specific ethnic group. Coca-Cola company as a result used the video depicting polar bear mom and her child trying hard to survive the icebergs that have started melting. When Coca-Cola was able to solve its initial problem regarding language barriers, its second problems regarding international audience universal attraction was also resolves automatically because according to Admap, 2003, to develop intriguing and attractive focus, techniques such as animals, music, informal communication etc should be used by the advertisers for creating emotional appeal (Dean, et al., 2004).

As already depicted, the campaign was promoted through the medium of TV, social media networking and even newspapers but Coca-Cola also considered to promote the advertisement in the campaign through conjunction with cinema as the company acknowledged cinema to be a growing channel to advertise alongside TV (Douglas, 2005).

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相反,在企业社会责任的背景下,股东采取了一些行动;在这方面,可以提供社会责任投资基金的例子。SRI基金有一种投资方法,即在选择他们希望投资的公司时,考虑到环境和社会因素以及财务业绩。这些资金往往有一个坚定的立场;在机构投资者如养老基金,在美国和欧洲工作的情况下这是真的(Schwaiger 2004)。负面筛选是SRI基金为选择他们希望投资的公司而使用的工具之一。



On the contrary, in context of CSR there have been actions which are taken by the shareholders; in this respect the example of the social responsible investment funds could be provided. There is an approach to investment by the SRI funds which takes into consideration the environmental and social factors together with the financial performance when they select the firms with whom they wish to invest. These funds tend to have a firm position; this is true in the case of the institutional investors like the pension funds which work in USA and Europe (Schwaiger 2004). Negative Screening is one of the tools which are utilized by the SRI funds for the purpose of selection of the firms in which they wish to invest.

This encompass of elimination of firms which are engaged in the corporate activities which are ethically unacceptable and also includes comparison of firms with ethical criteria. These kinds of activities encompass of having unhygienic or unsafe working environment, paying low wages, discrimination against ethnic minorities, using child labor, supporting dictatorial regimes and polluting the environment (Epstein 2001).The fund tends to eliminate the firm from its list of the investment-worthy companies if the fund judges a company to be problematic in one or more than one aspects; moreover, they tend to sell up their share if they have already invested in that firm. Furthermore, SRI funds also utilize a method which is known as shareholder activism. This means that companies are approached by the fund in which they are thinking to invest and asks them to act in such a manner which takes into consideration the environmental and social concerns on which importance is being laid by the shareholders. To frame it differently, this means that those rights are used by the shareholders like rights to put forward motions, make decisions and bring forward lawsuits on their behalf (Goodpasture 1991). Stakeholders or shareholders could also be looked as the ones who function as restrictive factor on CSR of these options are taken into consideration by them.

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Missing Behaviours in Transformational Theory
The writer finds out some behaviour are not present at the dyadic, group and organizational level in the transformational theory. At the dyadic level, the right should be given to the followers to raise their voices in the decision making process, the followers should be animated by the leader. Animation could be done by giving meaning to the work. Ways should be paved for the followers so that their skills get developed. At the group level, facilitation should be provided to the followers; facilitation in their understanding of strategies and objectives. Also assistance should be provided on mutual trust and cooperation. At the organizational level, vision should be enunciated, strategies should be formulated, change should be guided and organizational learning should be encouraged.

How A Leader should be
Leader is the person who directs and coordinates with his subordinates. He gives them instructions that how work is being done. He assigns them the duties and then checks upon them that whether the work is being done or not. The leader has to coordinate all the activities in order to know that how much work is being done and how much work is being left. Who has done the work properly and who has not done it. Leader has a very significant responsibility of motivating his employees. He has to motivate his employees in order to attain efficiency. He needs to understand the problems of his subordinates so that they remain stress free at work. It is also ask him to meet the expectancy of the goals of the subordinates to that their belief the task is sustained. Most importantly, he should give the right to its subordinate to participate in decision making.

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Reflective observation refers to the act of viewing environment from different perspective and then making a judgment. In the above example the reflective observation would be understand the whole situation and understand what I should have done so that the work would not have piled up. Another observation would be to understand the fact that when I did not have enough time to give a presentation, I would have made my boss understand the same and should have scheduled the presentation the next day. This would have also helped me not to rub my shoulders with my boss by telling him the correct situation. Had I done my work on time, the work would not have piled up and then I would have been able to give the presentation as well. Since my boss would have given a commitment to his boss, I have to honour the request of conducting a presentation. Had I worked hard on my communication skill, I would have been able to convey to my boss that I am tied up with the existing work and would be able to give the presentation only the next day (Cetin, 2014).

The reflective observation helps in assimilating the facts gathered through observation and then it can be assimilated for future learning. Being prudent in professional life is very important (Andreou et al, 2014). Also, each and every person should be candid with his boss so that the boss knows the current situation and does not pile up extra work on the subordinates.
According to Kolb’s learning style, the assimilators dominant learning styles include abstract conceptualization and reflective observation. The learning styles which suits such kinds of people are lecture method, exploration of a particular subject and giving them instructor intensive training (Terrell, 2015). In reflective observation, the person tries and assimilates the things which went wrong with him and then understands what could have been done so that the current situation does not arise.

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在功利主义的观点依赖于行动的后果的情况下,康德的理论是基于行动者的动机。 “绝大多数好行为的目的不是为了世界的利益,而是为了世界的利益组成个人的利益”(歌手,1979年,第118页),当正确解释的时候个人决定也应该普遍适用。在康德理论的背景下,动机应该是允许行为的执行者遵守正义的义务。 “第一绝对命令”或“普遍法”规定,一个人只能以适用于其他人的方式行事。所有人都必须被视为目的而不是手段。康德视角的格言需要一个表述和一个概括。在Tavernise(2014)所讨论的这个特定伦理问题的背景下,可以为个体制定格言:我将接受一个遗传生育程序,在程序将为人类带来更大利益的情况下,促进整个人类福利(或世界的净效用价值)。将道德问题的准则概括化,可以说每个人都会接受遗传的生育程序,为了人类的更大利益,以促进整个人类的福利。

但是,这种泛化可能并不总是可能的。在功利主义的背景下,对自主性的同样关注也可能适用于康德的背景下。 Kim(2013)认为,通过康德,自治被看作是所有道德的源泉(Kim,2013)。个人有权选择对自己孩子有益的事情。另一个人可能不想冒险。


Where the Utilitarian perspective relied on the consequences of the action, the Kantian theory is based on the motivation of the person committing the action. “The great majority of good actions are intended, not for the benefit of the world, but for that of individuals, of which the good of the world is made up” (Singer, 1979, p.118), and when interpreted correctly an individual decision should be universally applicable too. The motivation in the context of the Kantian theory is that it should allow the executor of the action to be in conformance with their righteous duty. The First Categorical Imperative or the Universal law states that a person should only act in a way that can be applicable to everyone else. All persons must be treated as ends and not the means. The maxim in the context of the Kantian perspective requires a formulation and a generalization. In the context of this specific ethical issue that Tavernise (2014) discussed the maxim can be formulated for an individual as: I will accept a genetic fertility procedure in circumstances where the procedure will be for the greater good for humanity in order to promote overall human welfare (or net utility value for the world). Generalizing the maxim for the ethical issue it can be said that everyone will accept genetic fertility procedures, for the greater good of humanity in order to promote overall human welfare.

However, this generalization may not be always possible. The same concern of autonomy that is stated in the context of utilitarianism might be applicable in the context of Kant also. Kim (2013) argues that through Kant, autonomy is seen as the source for all morality (Kim, 2013). An individual’s right to choose what is good for their child would prevail. Another individual might not want to take the risk.

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哈里斯认为,在工业活动的空间结构调整过程中,已经发生了世界上有穷和无产者,工业化和非工业化,贫富差距的根本性转变。全球化最有见识的观察员之间的这种或那种形式(Slaughter and Swagel,1997)。这种观点下的极化倾向仍在起作用,但在第一和第三世界,北方和南方,而不在其中。核心外围不再是一个地理关系,而是已经成为一种社会关系。




It is believed by Harris that a basic shift from the imagined or real polarized structure of the world in haves and have-nots, industrialized and non-industrialized, rich and poor has taken place in the spatial restructuring of industrial activities. This among the best informed observers of globalization has taken place in either one form or another (Slaughter and Swagel 1997). Polarizing tendencies under this view are still at work but they are in First and Third Worlds, North and South and not within. Core periphery is no longer a geographical relationship rather it has become a social relationship.


The theory of race to the bottom in the language of welfare economics might be considered for labor in the richer countries or from the North as an externality of cross- border nature with lesser labor values in poor nations or people in the South. Including the assumption that there are no important expenses raising from disappointments in global supremacy this of course is subject to the usual caveats. ‘Race to the bottom’ has a more composite scrutiny which is provided by Staiger in the year 2003 in terms of non-pecuniary and pecuniary global externalities. The international externality would be non-pecuniary, if the externality from poor labor standards South is seen by North in humanitarian or in political terms. On the other hand, the upcoming of the pecuniary externality is from, for instance, South’s labor standards are of concern to North due to the economic well-being of US citizens because of their implications.

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关于Martingale的第一件事是世界上第一家提供短期延伸公司的资产管理公司。主动管理能力是Martingale成为唯一的力量,成为波士顿着名的计量和价值导向管理投资业务。这项管理工作是由Alan Strasssman,William Jacques,Patricia O’Conor和Arnold Wood四人创立的。他们在业务上的成就非常高,因此他们在2008年的早期阶段通过传统股权管理了大约50亿美元。他们赢得了很多利润,还有一大批好客户。通过他们的管理,他们赢得了包括公共或私人养老基金,国家基金和捐赠基金在内的40个机构组织的客户的信任。机构客户之所以在三年内扭转了1250亿美元至3000亿美元的规模,这只不过是他们业务的成功故事之一。



The first thing about Martingale is the first asset management firm in the world who offered short extension firm. Active management ability was the only power for Martingale, which became a famous measurement and value oriented management investment business in Boston. This management had been developed by four people named Alan Strasssman, William Jacques, Patricia O’Conor, and Arnold Wood. Their achievement in business was very high and hence they managed approximately $5 billion through the traditional equity at a very early stage in 2008. They earned profit as well as a long list of good clients. By their management they earned believe from clients of 40 institutional organizations included with public or private pension funds, state funds, and endowment. The reason of institutional client, they had made a turn of $125 billion to $300 billion in three years. This is nothing but only one of the success story in their business.

Once Martingale offered first short extension funds in 2004 and in 2008 they offered four funds based on 130/30. And an amount of $66 billion was involved in the business of Short extension firms. They struggle to push their investment business in the marketplace as in high profile. Fees for short extension for US equities were 60 to 100 bps. They researched a new strategy for stack business and used is low volatility equity. They also researched about their business and found the minimum low volatility strategy for investment. This decision they could take because the management of the organization also was very strong as they invested their brain in researching to find their new and new policies that could be profitable for their business rather than using the common investment policy. Mr. William Jacques has thought about to merge the minimum variance policy with lower volatility investment policy. As he had confidence in the ability of innovative active management like the Martingale. Through the ultimate innovation mentality it has recently moved forward over the last 20-plus years.

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客户行为 – 在线


Consumers Benefits
Internet is the best option for the consumers for buying any product of any organization as per their desires and preferences. It is the easy way of making comparisons in between the products produced by the two companies. Instead of going at retail shop and involves in all purchasing activities it is better and convenient best of all it is a time saver.

Customer behavior- Online
During the past decade, the main research topic of the e-commerce was business interaction between the company and the consumers. The internet left the great impact on the purchasing style of the consumer. They have adopted the online business interactions as compares to others because consumers get more than sufficient information about the products and company’s detail on their websites.
According to the McKinsey and the company, a consumer has a different journey that involves the variant steps those effects on the decisions of the consumers. The model of McKinsey has four stages. These are consumer consideration, evaluation, time of purchase and post the purchase (Court, et al., 2009). It describes that the first consideration in the consumer mind before purchasing is the company Brand name. At the time of purchasing new product consumers looks for existing as well as new brands. In the evaluation step, the consumer makes the comparison in the products produced by the new and existing companies. To purchase the product he sticks on one company and do the purchase. In the post purchase he gives his feedback and opinion about the product, company service etc (Court,et al., 2009).

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St = Pt-P * t + C

在上面的等式中,“C是一个常数,S是以外币为单位表示的每种外币的汇率的对数,P和P *是国内和外国的价格水平。在C = 0的情况下,等式将实现PPP的绝对值保持,如果c不等于0,则表示相对PPP成立。


“The flexible price monetary model”
The flexible price monetary model emerged as a vital model for understanding of the exchange rate (Devereux & Engel, 2003) . The monetary models for the determination of the exchange rates starts with the assumptions related to the perfect capital mobility. Two important terms includes the PPP and the interest rate parity conditions which are used for the determination of the equilibrium conditions (Girton & Roper, 1977).
The primary block of the model assumes that the purchasing power parity is held in a continious manner.
St = Pt – P *t + C

In the above equation, ‘C is a constant, S s the logarithm of the rate of exchange which is expressed in units of home currency for every foreign currency and P and P* are the domestic and foreign levels of price. In case the value of C=0, equation would implement that absolute value of PPP holds and if c is not equal to 0 it states that relative PPP holds true.
The secondary block for the model assumes that the stable money function for demand is possible both in case of domestic countries and foreign nations. The market conditions in which money exchange rates are determined is dependent on the logarithm of the real income, y and the logarithm of the price level, p and nominal interest rate, i. In addition to this, for the calculation of the exchange rate for foreign currency an identical relationship can be assumed by considering this model.
In the equations the foreign variables are measured by the use of asterisk.

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参考管理软件有各种不同类型或类别的软件包,可用于管理与参考书目有关的细节。这些文件可以在个人的研究,学位或论文的持续时间中找到(Fitzgibbons&Meert 2010)。所有这些类型的软件包可以在软件包的功能,特征,优点,缺点和其他不同方面进行比较和对比。考虑到这个事实,本节将比较EndNote和其他两个成功的软件包;即Catavi和Docear。

如上所述,EndNote是参考管理软件的商业软件包,用于任何类型的论文和报告撰写时的参考书目和书目管理(East 2011)。 Docear是指这个软件包的开发者中被称为“学术文献集”的软件包类型。 Docear为了实现学者的目的而捆绑了许多应用程序。 EndNote执行导出数据库到Bibtex格式的功能。但是,如果启动该功能,则已经看到用于引用引用的指导原则不合适。但是,在通过Docear(Duong 2010)导入数据时使用Bibtex的情况并非如此。 Docear也被称为为文字处理软件提供插件或插件,这些插件或插件为作者提供帮助,以便作者通过直接模式在其文档中插入参考文献。

There are various different types or categories of packages for reference management software that can be utilized for the management of details related to bibliography. These documents can be found in the duration of an individual’s research, degree or thesis (Fitzgibbons & Meert 2010). All of these types of packages can be compared and contrasted with respect to the functions, features, advantages, disadvantages and several other different aspects of the software packages. In consideration with this fact, this section will be comparing EndNote with two other successful software packages; namely, Catavi and Docear.

As mentioned above, EndNote is a commercial package for the software of reference management, which is utilized for the management of references and bibliographies when any kind of essays and reports are written (East 2011). Docear refers to the type of software package, which is known as the “suite of academic literature” amongst the developers of this software package. Docear contributes in bundling a number of applications for fulfilling the purposes of academics. EndNote performs the function of exporting database to format of Bibtex. However, if this function is initiated, it has been seen that the guidelines for styling the references are not conformed to appropriately. However, this not the same situation in using Bibtex while importing data through Docear (Duong 2010). Docear is also known for providing add-ons or plug-ins for software of word processors which provide help to authors in inserting references from their library through a direct mode within a document on which they are working or writing.

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在1800年代中期至20世纪20年代中期之间发生的全球化进程,以及1989年柏林墙倒塌所带来的全球化进程,与托马斯·弗里德曼(Thomas Friedman)所描绘的环境相联系,他将全球化定义为无情的整合的技术,市场,国家和国家,以前从未见过的一点(弗里德曼和弗里德曼,1980:12-19)。全球化是人口,企业和民族国家能够以比以往任何时候都更快,更深入的方式遍布世界的媒介,同时也是一种更便宜的方式(Chan,2014:33-47)。它进一步帮助人们在没有任何障碍的情况下深入,深入地球的不同角落。



The process of globalization that has occurred between the mid 1800 century and the 1920s and the most recent one that was marked by the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 has a link amongst it that is drawn by Thomas Friedman who defines globalisation as the relentless integration of technologies, markets, nations and states to a point that has never been seen previously (Friedman & Friedman, 1980:12-19). Globalisation is a medium through which the population, corporation and nation-states are enabled to traverse the world around in a faster and deeper manner than ever before and nonetheless a cheaper manner as well (Chan, 2014:33-47). It further helps one to delve deep and far into different corners of the globe without any barriers.

Globalisation has occurred in two phases, one marked by the World Wars and the other that may be called as Globalization II. The first mark of globalization began in mid-1800s and went on till 1920s and has many similarities and many differences with the second phase of globalisation (Boyer, 2004:19-27). The era between the end of the Second World War and the Berlin Wall’s failure in 1989 is characterised by the conflict in the period between the Globalisation I period and the period the Cold War, as it was termed at that time.
The history of globalisation has been divided into three periods, namely Globalisation 1, Globalisation 2 and Globalisation 3. While the first period falls between 1492 and 1800, the second is between 1800 and 2000 and the third is the on-going phase that commenced in 2000 (Cable, 1995:305). The origin of globalisation is a topic of constant debate. Certain scholars place the globalisation era as having origins in the modern era while some others consider it as a long and deep history. Some of the writers and scholars have argued that if globalisation has been marked far into the history, it renders the very concept of globalisation and makes it useless for analysis.

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Chapter 1: Introduction
Research Outline
This research is inclusive of 4 chapters with each chapter holding its individual significance. The first chapter that is introduction has provided an overview of this research, the main problem being addressed along with the methods that will be used for addressing the issue. The second chapter is a literature study performed through consideration of various literature articles to enlighten the methods available. Furthermore, Chapter 3 is inclusive of Data processing through literature review and then analysis. The final chapter is the conclusion chapter providing adequate explanation to the overall requirement of this research.
Chapter 2: Theory
This chapter is an essential chapter of this research as it will focus on defining the key terms being used in the entire thesis. There is an extremely broad application of the terms phase noise and jitter within the industries of electronics. There has been generation of a lot of literature for dealing with these. There are a number of misconceptions regarding what can exactly be referred to as jitter as there are huge variations in the definition being highly dependent on the particular application [14]. As a matter of fact, there is no denial in the fact that there is not a single, particular, universally approved and comprehensive specification that defines phase noise, wander and jitter.

Key Words Definition
The term jitter is referred to as the deviating point from the actual periodicity of a periodic signal being presumed in telecommunications and electronics. The observation of Jitter can be done in a number of features like the amplitude of signal, frequency held by successive pulses, or phase in the periodicity of signal [4]. Jitter, in general terms, is an undesired and mostly significant factor within the design of each and every link of communication. In the applications for the recovery of clock, it is referred to as the timing jitter [14]. The quantification of jitter can be done with respect to similar terms as all signal varying with time.

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The public relations practices followed by the company plays a major role as they are the members who stay in direct touch with the public so they have to be very effective, proactive and good forecaster so that innovative strategies can be formed to make the image of the company distinctive from others. Other companies can easily protect themselves from similar situation by making their PR mangers upgraded by providing them training from time to time and improving their strategies toward product development and by taking a continuous feedback from the consumers and the dealers about their product. These kinds of situations are easily avoidable by having a strong relation with public or the consumers through PR managers by conducting surveys and informal gatherings for consumers from companies side so that feedback can be achieved from the consumers.

What is the role of PR professional in avoiding such situations?
The role of PR in avoiding such situations:
1. To continuously indulge in research processes to effectively deal with the problems.
2. Building strong relations with media, so that if any such thing happens, an effective image building program with apology statement can be conducted.
3. PR manager should work on publicity of the products of the company in the public and getting a feedback from the consumers.
4. He should be capable in making strong community relations which will help in gaining the information about the current trends of the socio-economic environment of the country which is of great importance for the company.
5. The PR manager should arrange for special events for the promotion of the products of the company. In this way he can attain the essential information for forming the future policies of the company.
6. Raising funds for the company is an essential task for the PR manager; he can do so by arranging events or through personal meeting with the officials of the other companies or the financial institution and sharing the future plan with hem for which funds are needed.

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Multi-literacies and its benefits for the young learners

Today’s young learners will transform into the productive workforce of tomorrow and that can only be possible if the young learners are taught through multi-literacy about benefits of effective citizenship and productive work for which an effective interaction with multiple languages and communication patterns is essential due to cross cultural communities and national boundaries (Boonaert, 2011). All these arguments clearly shows the importance of multi-literacy that provides the young learners with immense exposure towards various forms of media that will help them in gaining better understanding of the practices, traditions and norms of the global world. It will help the young learners who are future employees with an ability to easily adapt to other social environments and the diverse people with whom they might work in future (Andreatos, 2007). If learners deny the multi-literacy they are in fact denying the opportunities of learning about the life and working patterns in other countries.
The pedagogy of multi-literacy helps the educators in dealing effectively with young learners in modern classrooms with learners of different cultural and social backgrounds. Through multi-literacy techniques the educator effectively recognizes and evaluates the unique cultural, social and intellectual literacy levels of various learners (Jewitt, 2008). Through multi-literacy learns are provided with advanced learning techniques through integration of technology with traditional teaching forms. Multi-literacy helps in valuing the extra-textual literacy and it helps in preparing the young learners to deal with the complexities of the real globalized platform of world which demands that the individuals must be able to express themselves in multidisciplinary ways on varied platforms. Multi-literacy classrooms are easily comparable within certain aspects of digital work world. One of the major benefits of multi-literacy classroom is that they are capable of making authentic assessments of learners.

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营销的概念是,企业和品牌应该分析客户的需求,并相应地作出适当的决定,以比竞争对手更有效的方式满足这些需求。尽管营销是企业的一个老规矩,但很多企业并没有正确运用这一概念,充分利用了这一点。在基于产品的营销中,营销人员需要了解需要销售的产品的产品动态,并向客户展示产品的最佳特征和质量。为了做到这一点,营销人员需要投入大量的时间研究市场,以达到他们的目标市场(iPhone 6 – 环境报告,2015:1-13)。本文讨论了苹果iPhone6产品的营销理念。
营销4Ps如下 –
产品 – iPhone6使用的最新版本的iOS是突出的产品功能,被认为是所有竞争对手中最强大,最强大的移动操作系统。手机的快速处理速度是该产品的另一个关键方面。与这款手机一起使用的独家应用程序也是有趣和新颖的。
价格 – 苹果iPhone6的定价策略与该系列早期的产品类似。苹果公司总是遵循一种撇脂定价策略,只针对其高端客户群,并且不提供产品的折扣或免费赠品。


The concept of marketing is that firms and brands should analyse customer needs and accordingly make appropriate decisions in order to satiate those needs in much more effective ways than their competitors. Even though marketing is an old discipline in businesses, many of them had not applied this concept properly and made the best use of this. In product based marketing the marketer needs to understand the product dynamics of the product that needs to be marketed and display the best features and qualities of the product to the customer. In order to accomplish this, marketers would need to invest a lot of time in researching the market to reach their target segment (iPhone 6 – Environmental Report, 2015:1-13). This essay discusses the marketing concept of iPhone6 product of Apple.
The iPhone6 is the latest product of Apple and is an innovative breakthrough in the series for Apple phones. The first phablet from Apple and having the multi-touch functionality and a fantastic product-driven technology are some of the key features of this product.
The 4Ps of marketing are as follows-
Product – The latest version of the iOS that the iPhone6 uses is the highlighting product feature and is considered the strongest and robust mobile operating system amidst all its competitors. The rapid processing speed of the phone is another of the key aspects of this product. The exclusive applications that come along with this phone are also interesting and novel.
Price – The pricing strategy of Apple’s iPhone6 has been similar to its earlier products in the series. Apple always follows a skimming pricing strategy aimed at targeting its premium band of customers only and offers no discounts or freebies with the product.

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Sales has been regressed against Advertising expense, Car spaces, number of staff and the number of trading hours to check which of the factors have the most effect on sales and if anything can be done so that the sales increases.
The coefficient for the Adverting expense comes to 0.0379 and its t value is approximately equal to 10 and it p value is close to zero. This indicates that advertising expense is statistically significant and hence affects the sale numbers.
Car spaces coefficient is 0.088. Its p value is 0.46 which indicates that it is not statistically significant even at 10% and hence the car spaces don’t seem to affect the sales at a particular store.
Number of staff value is 0.0577 and its p value is 0.0188. Thus it can be seen that the variable is significant at 1% level.
Lastly number of trading hours value is -0.0025 and its p value is 0.7635. Thus the value is not statistically significant but it tends to affect the sales in a negative manner and hence the firm should look into it.
Thus only number of staff and the advertising staff seems to affect the sales and the firm need to see the marginal revenue from the increasing staff or advertising expense. Firm needs to check whether the cost of additional staff justifies the increase in revenue and not look at the sales on a standalone basis.
Thus a complete analysis of the gross profit of all the stores has been done. A more comprehensive analysis on the cost of the stores can help to make judicial decisions for the firm.

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主基地的房屋结构是由所需数量的轮廓固定,只有一个开放的房子,大量的窗户在整个建筑物。同样是建造的砖使房子强大,木制的选项也在必要时使用。这是因为同样的方法不会失去对历史方法的态度。在这里,通过历史的方法,它指的是用来放置一个特定方面的地方,如壁炉,如果已经在建筑物内就不需要改变(Srivastava,A和Eustace,A 1994)。这是因为艺术的外观会改变,如果修改的话也不能保证一样。在外观上的改变的重要性,只是因为这个特定的方面的要求,如厨房的要求,以更好的房子的一部分。
The main base house consists of the structure that is secured with the required amount of outline and there is only one opening of the house, with larger amount of windows across the building. The same is built with the bricks that make the house strong and also the wooden option is used where required. This is because the same does not lose its approach towards the historic approach. Here, by historic approach, it refers to the place that is used to put a particular aspect, like the fireplace, need not be changed if already there in the building (Srivastava, A, & Eustace, A 1994). This is because the artistic look would be changed and the same would not be guaranteed the same if revised. The importance of the change in the looked would be only because of the requirement of that particular aspect like the requirement of the kitchen to a brighter part of the house.
The quality of the building depends on the foundation that has been set right with the required amount of the bricks and the structure is built with the measurements that are clearly sectioned and built accordingly. The quality internally also has the doors and windows that have been concentrated in the required areas that makes the house look much better outwardly.
Assessment of its fitness from BCA
The BCA has to certify the building to be the one that is to be occupied without any hindrance. For this the inspection has to go through the fitness of the building. The building has the concrete appearance and also has the strong built part of the bricks that have been used. Also it includes the steel used is the best quality and this has been certified by the authority concerned.
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Many people may claim this to be a coincidence and nothing else. They can traverse the same as a myth or a subjugation that has no appropriate evidence. But, this wasn’t the result just for a year or a single survey (Zolfagharifard, 2015). When the surveys and tests were done by different research groups on a different set of users, similar result was obtained. A number of people raised question against the research conducted by Chitika. It was said that the research was conducted in those state where the iPhone users were higher.
The counter agreement against the results that iphone users are smarter has their own reasons. They post a small question ‘How can the usage of a phone type, judge the smartness of a person.’ The question is valuable. But, it lacks the result and evidence.
The result doesn’t really say which phone is better. But, is dignifies between the smartness levels of iPhone users and Android users.
We don’t really say which one is better. You still have to choose by you own needs. Apple and Android’s APP store got their exclusive applications. If you are on the way to get a new phone, you have to see all of the details for both of them. Choose the tailored one for yourself is the first thought for you. But yes, if you wish to be considered among the smarter lots of people in the nest survey related to the same, get an iPhone. If you are already an iPhone user, then cheer up, as the world is already bowed up in front of you.

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Outsourcing may be defined as the process which involves the contracting of the business to another country or another party. It may involve outsourcing of the employees and the assets from one firm to another, one place to another or one country to another. US has been continuing to do the outsourcing for a number of years (Gilley et al, 2003). Job outsourcing in US is defined as how the different companies in USA hire low paid workers from other countries where the markets are emerging other than the people from their own nation. However, there are a number of negative effects of outsourcing. This discussion in this essay will be focused upon the process of outsourcing, the causes of outsourcing and the negative effects of outsourcing in US. A large number of organizations are outsourcing the works and labors.

Causes of Outsourcing in USA

1) US is a country where the labor is costlier in comparison to a large number of fellow nations. In the other countries such as India, labor is available at a cheaper cost. Thus, the companies in USA outsource in order to maximize their profits.

2) A large number of times companies in USA outsource the products and jobs in order to do the offshore jobs so that they can have a better focus on the core business processes.

3) Outsourcing of jobs enables the companies of USA, to build a better relationship with the fellow countries where they are outsourcing the work or the jobs.

4) For most of the company, sales of the products and services are a primary requirement. By outsourcing, the US companies can build a major market for themselves. This will not only lead to the creation of a new market but make them globally popular.

5) The companies outsource because they believe that by doing the same, they can build a better capital.

6) As a result of outsourcing the companies tend to earn the benefits related to leverage of taxes as they may have to pay higher taxes in USA, in comparison to other nations.

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加拿大是国际移民对该国人口增长贡献最大的国家之一。在2001 – 2006年期间,移民人数几乎占加拿大人口增长的三分之二。根据该国移民广泛流行的情况,估计到2030年,移民将成为加拿大人口增长的唯一来源(加拿大统计局,2007年)。这个国家的移民也是加拿大劳动力市场的重要组成部分,因此,移民收入的变动影响了加拿大的经济。1Objective
加拿大是国际移民对该国人口增长贡献最大的国家之一。在2001 – 2006年期间,移民人数几乎占加拿大人口增长的三分之二。根据该国移民广泛流行的情况,估计到2030年,移民将成为加拿大人口增长的唯一来源(加拿大统计局,2007年)。这个国家的移民也是加拿大劳动力市场的重要组成部分,因此,移民收入的变动影响了加拿大的经济。
Presenting the recent trends in the earnings of immigrants of Toronto and Quebec, the report aims at analyzing the difference between the earnings in the city and the province. The purpose of the report is to differentiate the composition of the immigrants in Toronto and Quebec and identify the reasons for the differences.
The major part of the population of Canada involves international immigrants who play an important role in the economic development of the economy. This makes it important to study the trend of earnings by the immigrants in the country. The issue of income inequality in the region has raised concerns for the economy, implications for which need to be identified. Toronto and Quebec are the most populous regions in Canada where the prevalence of immigrants is the most. Analysis of the earnings of immigrants in these two regions is important to identify the reasons for the inequality in income distribution which is affecting the Canadian economy adversely.
3Review of the Literature
Canada is among one of those countries where international immigration contributes the most in the growth of the population of the country. During the time period of 2001-2006 immigrants formed almost two thirds of Canada’s population growth. On the basis of the extensive prevalence of immigrants in the country an estimation was made that immigrants would be the only source of population growth in Canada by the year 2030 (Statistics Canada, 2007). The immigrants of the country are also an important part of the Canadian labour market, therefore, movements in the earnings of immigrants affect the economy of Canada.
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A variety of objections have been raised by professionals and academics to moral theories and language as appropriate for discussing about environmental matters related to business, inter alia, accusing them and also the promotion of the guilt feeling which would result in nowhere. In addition, in business organizations the hegemonic approach to the environment results in elimination of the moral considerations (Gardiner 2006). This is because of the fact that in most of the cases the amoral viewpoint is regarded as the only or the best strategy which enables to view the environment as the legitimate business theme by the professionals in the industry. However, within a given system of norms, values, virtues and ideals characteristics of the business world they must take the necessary action (Goodpaster 1978). For instance, issues related to the world like that of carrying capacity of the earth might result in distraction, confusion, stupor or anxiety. Thus, making managers bear the outcome of the moral language according to the amoral viewpoint is ineffective or serves no purpose.

In addition, one must keep in mind with regards to the accusation of being inducing or discouraging activity that how difficult and complex it is to find what motivates and stimulates individuals which also encompass the corporate executives. There might be many who would disagree with the theories of Hobbes and Kant but to abandon the moral viewpoint by managers or anybody else is that it might result in altruism.

With reference to the people who are against the morality as it doesn’t render any solutions, it could be asked whether the answers are unpopular of the problem is that it really lacks answers.



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Many economists and researchers have found that it is difficult to relate a particular model of economy that has been practised by China. However, a number of characteristics and evidence clearly point towards authoritarian capitalism model of economy. The Chinese political system and social patterns are such that the government intervention is required in one way or the other. Most importantly, the government intervention is utilised to the fullest by the companies and in return the state makes sure to fulfil its agendas through the state controlled companies. Authoritarian capitalism is not possible in a free market democratic economic structure. On the other hand, the power of the Chinese Communist regime has not only given the state an uncompromised control over things, but also it has emerged the Chinese power image at the international level to a new height.
The government in the authoritarian capitalism model is such that it can push its foreign relations and strategic investments with ease and according to its will. Presently, the Chinese investments are focussed more on strategic partner countries such as Thailand (being the neighbouring nation), South Africa (as a member of the BRICS). These investments are important both in terms of future return and in having better foreign policy leverage. Major Chinese companies (both private and publicly listed) are encouraged to invest in the strategic destinations and the government controlled national banks provide necessary capital support for the endeavours. As a result, the Chinese giants are easily out pricing the European and American competitors in certain markets. However, in a free democratic open market it is not possible for the government and the capitalist market to go hand in hand. For example, the Obama government in the USA cannot force the American corporations to invest in its strategic Southeast Asian markets unless the companies see value in it.

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Lack of Scripted and Standardized Procedures
The present scenario is indicating that there was a lack of monitoring of such serious patients in the palliative care department and that is the reason that the nurses and administration of the department remained unable to have any idea about the incident that took place in the ward. There was no proper attention paid to need for proper monitoring of patients at the terminal stages of their diseases and that is the factor that contributed to make this incident happen.
Discourse of Bureaucracy and Compliance
It was the duty of bureaucracy and compliance to ensure that there must be anyone responsible to monitor that such a sensitive patient cannot get the limits of the ward crossed. Someone should have been appointed t take of the factor that no patient remains able to get out of the ward in order to ensure their safety. Any sort of mental distress may contribute to deteriorate the physical condition of the patient and can become a reason behind serious outcomes like death of the patient. Mental comfort is necessary in such circumstances to be ensured because such patients at terminal stages of their diseases requires complete level of comfort so that they can easily pass the duration. At the same time it is not the duty of family or personal attendants of the patient to take care of her/him rather it is the duty of hospital staff to take care of patients. In this particular case the partner of the patient fell asleep and there was no other authority in the hospital to take care of the patient meanwhile. So, the role played by compliance department was unsatisfactory as no arrangements to ensure the safety of critical patients were made by the department.

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A). 琳恩很乐意与Kirk签订合同,完成甲板和园艺工作。Kirk除了材料费外,还要按小时收费。假设双方签订了一份合同以供考虑,琳恩有责任根据目前的劳动费率和材料向Kirk支付费用。如果琳恩在把订单交给安得烈叔叔之前撤销命令,她应该要求Kirk不要开始这项工作。因此,她没有显示通知Kirk关于撤销订单缺乏责任感,Kirk有权起诉琳恩和恢复挂起的700美元是由琳恩举起。



A). Lynne had willingly entered into a contract with Kirk to finish the deck and gardening work. Kirk was to charge her the going rate for labour on an hourly basis in addition to the material costs. Assuming that there was a contract that was signed by both for a consideration, Lynne had a responsibility to pay Kirk according to the current labour rate and materials. If Lynne was to revoke the order before giving it to her uncle Andrew, she should have asked Kirk to not start the work at all. Thus, as she did showed lack of responsibility in informing Kirk about the revoking of the order, Kirk has the right to sue Lynne and recover the pending $700 dollar that was held up by Lynne.

B). Andrew offered himself to do the gardening and was not called by Lynne. After hearing the willingness from Andrew, Lynne agreed to give him the job and also promised to offer a $200 gift voucher. Now, here is a promissory made to Andrew, irrespective of the quality of work done which was not part of their verbal conversation. They did not legally bind themselves by a contract, but they had a verbal agreement for some consideration. However, in this case, Andrew did not agree for any consideration for the work that he will do for Lynne, and the $200 gift voucher was a willing commitment from Lynne, without ever entering into a consideration for the work. So Andrew, though entitled to receive the $200 gift voucher as promised by Lynne, he is not entitled to take proceeding towards her for the non-payment of the gift voucher, as it was offered by Lynne herself and was not demanded by Andrew or a part of a verbal commitment or agreement by Andrew. Andrew is not entitled for the $200 gift voucher, as it was without commitment and being offered by her delightedness.

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Competitive advantage for a business is defined based on some of the elements that might give the firm a better profit, tangible revenues or other forms of intangible profits compared to other firms. Businesses strategize in order to maximize their competitive advantage and also reduce the threats that they may face in a growing competitive world. Two types of competitive advantages have been described for firms which are that of cost advantage and differentiations. How the firms user their resources and capabilities to meet some of the key critical success factors will lead to a success in strategy or failure. While businesses do set themselves apart to gain competitive advantage it so happens that over time with change in consumer base or when the business considers local or international expansions, it might face challenges. The business will have to address these challenges in order to move forward successful and make their business sustainable. This report is about Starbucks, the coffee company. The report analyzes some of the concerns of Starbucks as noted in news media. An analysis of Starbucks strategies based on Fishbone, PEST, SWOT, Critical Success Factors, Market Segmentation and the VRIO are presented. These strategies highlight the significance of why Starbucks will have to address the problem and the opportunities that Starbucks can wield to address the problem. Hence based on the analysis recommendations are made for the contemporary concerns that are noted for the company.

Starbucks is an American coffee company. It s based out of Seattle in Washington which is also its place of inception.  The Company is considered to be one of the largest coffeehouse companies internationally and has more 21,160 stores in around 63 countries. Starting in the year 1971, this is a company that was established as a roaster and retailer for coffee beans. At present it has more than 17,000 locations. The Seattle coffee bean company as of the years 1987 and 2007 expanded locally within the United States and established its first outside store in Canada and then in Tokyo.

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申请人回答说,一个初中他会告诉他随后的事情。初级脚本开发人员必须记住的一个关键字是“始终写作”。设定明确的目标,并不断写作脚本作为实践。要认识到剧本应该带来强烈的情感与旁观者的联系,并争取这种情感联系(弗格森,2009年)。最好的编剧是那些从他们遇到的人那里得到角色的人。 “瞄准你的品牌,你是一个作家,还是跟随其他作家,导演和制片人的作品,与你的作品相似”(Knittel,2014)。将个人经验结合在剧本中会使剧本更加可靠。初级编剧必须记住,有一天他们的辛勤工作将受到赞赏。这个行业竞争激烈,有很多反对者。初级编剧最好的地方就是开始短片工作,在电影院做实验。获得经验,不要重复他们犯的错误。最后,这位剧本作者得出结论说,剧本写作只针对那些对此充满激情的人。从长远来看,这只能证明是成功的,这个职业并不是为了寻求快捷的金钱。



The applicant replied that to a junior he would tell him the subsequent things. The one keyword a junior script developer must keep in mind is to “keep writing” always. To set clear goals and keep writing scripts as practice. To realize that the screenplay should bring a strong emotional connect with the onlooker and to strive towards that emotional connect (Ferguson, 2009). The best screenwriters are those people who derive characters from the people that they have encountered. “Target your brand, who you are as a writer, and follow other writers and directors and producers’ work that’s similar to yours” (Knittel, 2014). Combining personal experience in the script would make the script more relatable. The junior scriptwriter must keep in mind that one day their hard works will be appreciated. This industry has a lot of competition and there are a lot of naysayers. The best place for a junior scriptwriter is to start work in short films and experiment in the cinema. Gain experience and not repeat the mistakes they made. Finally the script writer concluded that Scriptwriting is only for the people who are passionate about it. It can only prove successful in the long run and this career is not for people looking for quick easy money.

The interview with the script writer was enlightening in terms of how the profession is demanding, and yet a person passionate enough about the work could make his niche in the industry. The more practical aspects required for successful script writing was also more insightful in understanding about the demands of the actual industry. Most of the entire interview was informational in highlighting the benefits of a career in script writing like the salary, the chance to work on creative jobs, and the freedom to work on different time choices.

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从Richard Rodriguez的角度来看,有两个美国梦版本。第一个美国梦的版本是移民,他们是美国文化的局外人,生活必须改变。对于那些出生在美国,有一个不同的角度(Anzaldua et al,1987)。这种观点并不在于改变个人生活,而是在于获得尽可能多的资本,以保持已经取得的成就。从这个角度看,美国梦辜负了那些居住在国内的人,但并没有辜负那些作为移民来的人。美国梦在全球范围内充满活力,但这在美国已经开始死亡。从引用内存状态向读者解释策略明显饥饿起始段;“我已经把丑陋的建议。我偷了他们的书。我会有一个运行在这个岛”(Anzaldua et al,1987)。这段引言有一个典故,描述了莎士比亚在他的戏剧《暴风雨》中所使用的相关语境。通过扩展的意义罗德里格兹的小说,它变得明显,墨西哥状况已经解释了入门款书中英美观点强加自己反对通过语言、墨西哥条件政治,基于权力、民族教育。作者通过解释美国在墨西哥的弱势地位和在极端条件下生活的希望,进一步加强了美国梦的前景,尽管在许多方面反对。在英国人进入李察的私人生活之后,李察的世界发生了变化,走上了一条完全不同的道路,这是一条通向被同化的中产阶级美国男子地位的道路。作为一个新来的美国人,在小说的结尾,李察从最初的角度出发,完全疏离了他所属的根源,实现了新的美国梦。


From the perspective of Richard Rodriguez, there are two American Dream versions. The first American dream version is that of the immigrants who are outsiders to American culture and that life has to be changed. For people who are born in U.S, there exists a different perspective (Anzaldua et al, 1987). This perspective does not lie in changing an individual based life, but it lies in acquiring as much capital as one can to hold on to what they have attained already. From this perspective, American Dream fails those living within the country but does not fail those who come as immigrants. There is liveliness in the American Dream along with across the globe but this has started to die in U.S itself. The starting paragraph in the Hunger of Memory states to the reader an interpretation strategy evident from the quotes; “I have taken Caliban’s advice. I have stolen their books. I will have some one run on this isle” (Anzaldua et al, 1987). This introductory paragraph has an allusion depicting the related context used by Shakespeare in his play, the Tempest. By extending the implication to the novel by Rodriguez, it becomes evident that Mexican condition has been explained by the introductory paragraph in the book with Anglo-American perspective imposing itself in opposition to the Mexican condition through language, politics, education and race based power. The perspective of American dream is further enhanced by the author by explaining the weak Mexican position in U.S and the hope of living in extreme conditions even though opposed in so many ways. After the moment that Englishman comes into the private life of Richard, the world for Richard changes and steps on a completely distinct path, which is a path leading towards assimilated middle class American man status. As a new man in America, by the end of the novel, Richard feels estranged completely from the roots to which he belonged and achieved the new American dream from his initial perspective.

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内幕交易激增:由于中国大多数企业是由国家拥有,无法交易的股份,大多数这些机构内部人士都很幸运,并为股票提供了财富。这个基本障碍广泛传播,股市被称为“无规则赌场”(Ho et al。2012)。然而,由于缺乏关于受托责任的知名概念,这个问题更加严重。而且,是因为“中华人民共和国法”的规定是以一周的方式执行的。
到2001年,证券诉讼没有出现在中国境内。这是中国最高法院关注发展投资者框架的(Ho et al。2012)。根据这一框架,上市公司因虚报财务披露而被起诉。但即使在这几年,这个过程也是麻烦而且很慢。


Rampant trading by insider: Due to the fact that majority of the enterprises of China are owned by the state, with shares that cannot be traded, insiders within most of these organizations were lucky enough and managed to make fortunes on offerings of stock. This basic obstacle is spread across widely that the stock markets had been termed as the “Casino without Rules” (Ho et al. 2012). However, the issue has been exacerbated due to the lack of a well known concept regarding fiduciary duty. Also, it is due to the fact that the provisions of the Chinese Law have been enforced in a week way.
Weak mechanisms for controlling false disclosure of finance: Financial reports being fabricated by corporations has been identified as an extremely serious issue within China. Even though steps are being initiated for changing the culture of business that have been tolerating corruption, weaknesses within the profession of accountancy, the courts, and the media undermining reforms.
The profession of accountancy has comparatively less level of independence from management (Abrami et al. 2008). Due to the lack of independence, it has been suffering from a serious scarcity of highly qualified auditors. Even though the media has been making progress in exposure of corporate fraud, hiring of journalists are mostly done by a process that is affected by senior officials of corporate.
Litigation of securities had not appeared within China until the year 2001. This was when the Supreme Authorities of Court of China had focused on the development of a framework for investors (Ho et al. 2012). According to this framework, listed companies were sued for losses that occurred by false disclosures of finance. But even in the current years, the process has been cumbersome and slow.
Immature markets of capital: Finally, it has been seen continuously that China is suffering from immature markets of capital. This has been characterized by the preferential treatment by Chinese banks regarding enterprises owned by state. Further ahead, difficulties are faced in issuing bonds of corporations, and the lack of an over the counter corporate market of debt and market of securities.

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It has been seen that the face-to face meeting is on the verge of disappearance. However, it is not true as we can see a high rise in business conferences, meeting places, conference rooms etc. As business giant, I am always looking forward to the personal conferences, though it involves huge costs. This need for the in-person meetings is due to a need for innovation and imagination that can come from in-person ideas (Collins, 2009). We have been travelling millions of miles for the regular businesses and hence, the business communication has gained importance. A sales executive is aware of the need of business communication and handshakes which can initiate a friendly note of the communication. Practically everybody communicates at work. Regardless of what the field, and regardless of the extent to which I think about my employment, specific information alone is not sufficient to assure achievement; communication aptitudes are additionally fundamental (Bonet, 2004).
As per examination at both Harvard and Stanford colleges, the individuals who succeed are the individuals who can really converse with other individuals. The capacity to speak without breaking a sweat is a key segment of effective administration, and in addition particular and expert achievement. The effective business communication has abilities to transform our casual conversation into enormous business. Communication has a significant part to play for the prosperity and development of the association. Now and then communication alone might be in charge of recovering mine association out of bothered times while the absence of it could be the sole reason for it being flop. Business communication has developed into one of the key elements in the parts of hierarchical operations that as even a couple of years back not given enough essentialness.

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The growth of movie intricacy has been motivated by a proceeding technological growth, adjusted by human effort and ingenuity, which has allowed filmmakers the opening to practice a much more complicated art to reveal more complicated stories. Jointly with social perspectives and propinquity, this technological advancement has driven the growth of unique styles, movements, as well as techniques that would have been unfeasible devoid of progressively innovative tools (Elsaesser, Thomas, 2005). Fortunately, this technical succession has been direct, it has not essentially accompanied with similar growth of quality; the capability of a filmmaker need not be judged by the technical intricacy of the film production, but by the aptitude of the filmmaker to possess the latest technology and also of his or her selection to efficiently and unmistakably communicate a narrative, make an impression or evoke a feeling. Though the linear technical growth of filmmaking has equipped filmmakers by providing a much more assorted log of tools and techniques, it is the filmmaker’s capacity to successfully and perceptively implement this technology inside a sequential and social context that accurately drives cinematic quality.
Since film history has progressed, hence tools have the elegance of filmmaking innovation, from cameras, to recording, to editing. Technical developments in these segments broaden the creative capacity of the filmmaker. Fortunately, just as advanced technology doesn’t imply that it is always exceptional in software. Instead, innovative technology is beneficial in that it widens the tools offered to the filmmaker from what they could recognize which tools and methods are perfect for a given production. As the progression of the movie has advanced, the brochure of cinematic official components has increased, allowing filmmakers to, at their perspicacity, make more intricate films.
The transformation of filmmaking technology continues unpredictable. The latest trends are readily developed, examined, as well as fine-tuned. Lately, the growth of digital cinema tools and techniques is starting intruding on the field as soon as dominated just by photographic film. Nevertheless, this technology just serves as an additional alternative for cinematographers to select and not a prerequisite of high quality.

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In the present article, the rhetorical traditions have been surveyed which throws some light on the imperatives pertaining to culture which include the major complaints in the field of education of individuals for citizenship as well as the democratic deliberation and the debate which exists due to the various prescribed rules and norms. The major points of oppositions being underlined by Fish include there is existence of truth which is independent of the various perspectives which have been put forward from time to time.
A large variety of truths also come to the picture whenever there is discussion regarding the establishment of a particular point of view. Secondly, there is a whole new perspective regarding the kind of knowledge which holds true and exists as it is in its nascent form without the dependence of any belief. Knowledge is sometimes considered to be incomplete and partial when it is generally acquired from another belief thereby becoming biased. Finally, there could be a leading opposition which might exist between one’s own self as well as the internal consciousness in the pursuit for truth and the gathering of correct authenticated knowledge. The inner sub consciousness is often directed inwards and it is related to its own set of prejudices which are generally being transcribed and translated into every word or action depicted so far.
According to Stanley Fish, rhetoric functions could effectively be a reason of danger and worry where the success of rhetoric corresponds to a function related to inner weakness though there is no assault from outside externally. Those writers who have an inherent quality to emphasize and lay stress on all those inherent forms of danger where the assumption about rhetoric is that all the humans have a natural tendency to be susceptible to the appeal being filed by the rhetoric.

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