




Constructing the history in terms of noting down attributes of the historical events and causes of happening of such moments is found to be aggravated through development of certain arrangements of data sources. Such kinds of data sources are likely to be in two different forms. One belongs to the nature of secondary data and the other in the form of primary data. However, in the development of noting down historical events and references to them, there are certain positive and negative implications of the same. For example, primary data is found to be the most important method of data collection and is considered to be of high significance to historians. This is because of the high level of authenticity that such data provides to general persons and historians for both present significance and future study.

On the other hand, primary sources that are available to historians include letters and speeches delivered by somebody significant, autobiographies noted and witness statements that are delivered by witnesses during the occurrence of the event. These classes of sources can be described as one of primary sources of information that is likely to be included in the method of developing attributes to any situation or progress. Among them, the most reliable source of information that can be called as the primary data includes hand written manuscripts allowing it convey the relevant first-hand information that has been collected but also offers an insight on the period during which the manuscripts were written that act as a evidence about the reliability of the information. This is because of the actual presence of original manuscripts at the time of occurring making it as a major source of information through provision of information about the availability of resources to produce manuscripts at time of occurrence of events.


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