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对于癌症的治疗,阿霉素是使用其他药物的组合。此外,在这种情况下,它与吡咯烷二硫代氨基甲酸(PDTC)是非常有用的。吡咯烷二硫代氨基甲酸合并施打(PDTC)和阿霉素通过胶束纳米粒子用于执行达到积极的靶向药物。除此之外,这种组合支持克服耐多药。共聚物的自组装纳米miecellar folate-chitosan部署自承运人吡咯烷二硫代氨基甲酸合并施打(PDTC)和阿霉素达到目的是阿霉素的释放以及pH值活性药物排出。


除此之外,管理这些药物组合的过程中克服多药耐药性阿霉素的支持。的高效融合FA-CS用于由NMR决定。粒子的标准尺寸并不足以实现整个系统的循环寿命。小机电在中性和弱碱性的情况下比一个酸性pH值可能导致血液保持良好的胶束纳米粒子的恒常性。阿霉素和PDTC封装胶束纳米颗粒的疗效分别为77.64和86.54 wt %,而加载相应的物质为12.34和15.32%。药物阿霉素在中性或碱性pH释放缓慢和常数,但在弱酸性条件下,释放更快接近75 – 95%的整个药物物质。


Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC) + Doxorubicin via Micellar Nanoparticle
For the treatment of cancer, doxorubicin is used with a combination of several other drugs. Moreover, in this case, its conjunction with Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC) is very useful. Co-administration of Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC) and Doxorubicin via micellar nanoparticles used to be performed to attain actively targeted delivery of the drugs. Apart from this, this combination supports in overcoming multi-drug resistance. The self-assembled miecellar nanoparticles from copolymer folate-chitosan were deployed since the carrier to co-administration of pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC) and doxorubicin to attain the aimed doxorubicin release along with pH reactive drug discharge.


Besides this, the process of administrating these drugs combination support in overcoming doxorubicin multidrug resistance. The efficient amalgamation of FA-CS used to be decided by the NMR. The standard size of particles was not adequate to attain longevity throughout the systematic circulation. The lesser CACs in neutral as well as alkalescent situations than an acid pH probably led to keep the good constancy of micellar nanoparticles in blood stream. The doxorubicin along with PDTC encapsulating the efficacy of the micellar nanoparticles were 77.64 and 86.54 wt%, whereas the loading substance was 12.34 and 15.32% correspondingly. The drug doxorubicin at neutral or alkalescent pH release was slow and constant, but in weak acidic condition, the release was much quicker near to 75-95% of its whole drug substance.

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