


如果制造商损坏了一台过时的机器的一个大部件,市场上不再有维修备件,但碰巧这台机器仍然有用。制造商把坏了的部件拿到车间,在那里将从头开始制造一台新机器。机械车间是专门从事生产的车间的一个很好的例子。因此,job shop可以被定义为生产独特产品的制造商。工作车间的产品必须具有独特的性质,需要用特定的方法来解释客户的设计和规范。生产这样的产品需要独特的经验和生产技能。当指定产品设计时,生产的责任转移到一组工人身上,指定一组工人来决定如何最好地执行生产过程。在这种情况下,处理资源的可用性是有限的。另一方面,处理期间的存储容量是临时的,因为可用作业预期处理。如果该产品碰巧不是一次性请求,那么该产品可能是不规则的,并且在这些产品的订单之间有很长时间的间隔。由于每种产品的产出都有其自身的优点,并受到不同的对待,因此这种效率特性可能不会马上显现。



If the manufacturer breaks a large component of a machine that is out-dated and the repair spare parts are no longer available in the market but it so happens that the machine is still useful.The manufacturer takes the broken component to the shop where a new machine will be constructed from the beginning. The machine shop is a good example of a work shop which is dedicated to manufacturing.A job shop can therefore be defined as a manufacturer of products that are unique.The product subjected to the job shop has to be of a unique nature requiring a specific approach towards interpreting design by the customer and the specifications. The production of such a product requires unique experience and production skills. When the product design is specified, the responsibility of production shifts to a group of workers, a specified workforce is designated to decide how best to execute the production process. The processing resources in this case are limited in availability.On the other hand, the storage capacity during processing is temporary as the available jobs anticipate processing. Where the product happen not to be a one-time request, then the product is potentially irregular and having lengthy periods occurring between orders of those products. The efficiencyproperty may not be forthcoming because each product output happens with its own merit and treated differently.

The output prescribed in a job shop significantly differs in terms of structure, form, process requirement and materials needed. Each of the jobs goes through a functional area to the next in accordance with the unique routine, different operation requirements, and the time needed for the process. The flow of production is therefore cluttered and following no particular sequential pattern. The batch operations and job shops from the top left matrix quadrant are organised according to the functionalities of the machines in their individual capacities. This means that the machines are categorised depending on the purpose served or the process capabilities possessed. In a job shop, for instance the hydro power machinery would be grouped in a specific shop area, leather products in another area, drilling equipment in another, chemical reactors on another area etc. this classification is commonly referred to as the process layout.

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