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接收 : 影响被流程很好地定义为关注仓库经理,他们参与管理挑选和包装流程。接受的不足表明,为了在整个过程中创造流利性,需要克服高的和重大的后果。

路径 : 当接收到的库存被开槽时,KPI度量似乎在描述主要用户的输出时创建了一个困难的位置,并且这个困难似乎在路径问题中被指出。为了使系统更加流畅,必须考虑到准确率方面的因素,同时还要考虑到在适当的时间放置物品的成本,而且还必须确定接收位置。






The specific methods that are included in the measurement of the performance are provided in the following points:
Receiving: The impact is being well defined by the process creating a focus on the warehouse managers who are involved in managing the picking and the packing processes. The receiving inadequacies indicate a high and the significant consequence which needs to be overcome for the creation of fluency in the entire process.
Pathway: As received inventory is being slotted the KPI measurement seems to be creating a difficult position with depicting the primary user’s output and the difficulty seems to be indicated in the pathway issues. The factors regarding the accuracy rate must be considered with the cost of putting the items in the appropriate time and also receiving location must be fixed for the creation of fluency in the system.


Storage: The storage must consist of the automated systems that become the key indicator for the measurement of the performance of the storage.
Order packing and picking: The order picking and the packing process must be appropriately handled for the betterment of the services with consuming the labors.
Shipping: The on time shipping is the most important factor as recognized for the enhancement of the process and thereby the appropriate process can be easily depicted with on-time shipping of the goods.

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