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社会化媒体的潜在应用只有通过对社会化CRM战略负责人的创新潜力的挖掘才会受到限制。这些策略有助于维护酒店集团的环境,在其中,他们不仅维持自己,而且蓬勃发展到最佳质量(Inversini et al., 2014)。他们所处的环境是确保这些策略在被采用时能够以尽可能好的方式得到维护,从而接触到大量的社交媒体用户。本节将详细说明一些倡议,这些倡议在实施时容易实施,并且有能力为基于倡议和传统营销提供乘数效应。

数据传播:不同的社交媒体渠道适合分享不同类型的数据。例如,YouTube作为一种媒体,可以用来创建基于酒店的视频图书馆,包括基于设施的导游和具有特色的吸引人的环境以及员工采访。可以利用Pinterest和Flickr等社交媒体平台上传不同酒店区域和周边地区的图片。由于80%的Pinterest用户是女性,这样一个渠道对于酒店领域的营销人员来说具有独特的意义,因为休闲旅游主要是通过女性来规划的。Facebook等社交网站可用于分享酒店的最新更新,如新附件开业(Kandampully et al., 2015)。通过使用社交渠道进行信息分发,酒店有可能提供广泛的富有的好处,比如客流量被减少到昂贵的渠道,即联系基于中心的渠道,以及为客户提供更好的体验。通过社交媒体工具传递的数据有助于改进为客人做出决策的过程,特别是因为它可以在实时视角下共享。根据Bruha et al.(2015),以有效的方式利用社交渠道的例子可以在凯悦国际酒店集团(Hyatt Regency hotel worldwide)中看到,其社交媒体策略包括以下几个方面:

社交博客的存在:酒店的功能类似于存储几乎所有基于web的内容的存储库。此外,酒店通过Twitter和Facebook邀请用户访问公司博客,Facebook负责通过Flickr和You-tube托管酒店的所有视频和图片(Kaplan et al ., 2010)。




根据创新总监John Knowles的说法,酒店利用其视频和内容策略来推动其业务和营销需求(Kavoura et al., 2014)。社交媒体的方法将继续不断地发展,但是社区内部的奉献精神将使其保持相似。其中的目标将是通知、教育和激励其他个人持续地传播他们的信息。


High-Impact initiatives for social CRM

The social media potential applications have limitation only through the potential of creativity to those in social CRM strategy charge. These strategies help in maintaining a surrounding for hotel groups in which they not only sustain themselves, but also flourish to their optimum quality (Inversini et al., 2014). The context lies for them to ensure that these strategies when adopted are maintained in the best possible manner to reach a large spectrum of social media population. This section will elaborate on some initiatives which have ease when implemented and have the ability to provide a multiplier force to service based initiatives and conventional marketing.

Data dissemination: Distinct channels of social media have suitability to share distinct kinds of data. For example, YouTube as a medium can be utilized for creating hotel based video library inclusive of facility based guided tours and attractive surroundings with special features and staff interviews as well. Platforms for social media such as Pinterest and Flickr can be utilized as well for uploading images of distinct hotel areas and locales in the surrounding. As Pinterest subscribers by 80 percent are females, such a channel is of unique significance to marketers in the hospitality domain as travel for leisure is planned predominantly through females. Sites for social networking such as Facebook can be utilized for sharing the latest updates on hotels such as new annex opening (Kandampully et al., 2015). Through use of social channels for information distribution, it becomes possible for hotels to offer wide range of wealthy benefits such as traffic’s being decreased to expensive channels that contact based centres and a better experience to customers. The data conveyed over the tool of social media helps in improving the process to make decision for guests potentially particularly as it could be shared within the perspective of real time. According to Bruha et al. (2015), an example of utilizing social channels in an effective manner can be evident at the Hyatt Regency hotel worldwide, whose strategy for social media is inclusive of the following perspective:

Presence of a social blog: The hotel functions as a repository for approximately all the web based content. Further, the hotel gives invitation to its users to visit the company blogs through Twitter and Facebook, which is responsible for hosting all the videos and images of the hotels through Flickr and You-tube (Kaplan et al, 2010).

Having a library with more than 900 videos from Youtube: The key lies in ensuring that there is availability of video content to tell unique stories, which helps people engage within and provide information to users instead of simply consider how to promote their brand.

Having accounts on Twitter and Facebook: These accounts need to be monitored on daily or regular basis for the comments of the guests with response provided in a shorter frame of time. Also, Twitter is utilized for communicating data as well as hotel based deals.

Maintaining a culture of creating collaboration based content: The generated content comes not only from the interested guests, but also from the staff members.

In accordance to innovation director, John Knowles, the hotel makes use of its videos and strategy of content for fuelling its businesses and marketing needs (Kavoura et al., 2014). The social media methods will continue evolving constantly, but the dedication will lie within the community to make it remain similar. Wherein the goal will be to inform, educate and motivate other individuals to spread their word consistently.

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