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本文的主题是变化,变化是自然规律。我们周围的每一件事都经历着变化。无论是生活、事业、工作还是任何事情,变化都是一个不可忽视的组成部分。这些变化可能会对业务产生广泛的负面影响。因此,有一个有效的变更管理计划是非常重要的。旅游公司“环球冒险”(Global Adventures)也面临着类似的变化。这家公司过去一直表现良好。然而,在过去的几年里,它正在经历一些变化。人们的态度发生了变化,顾客的心态发生了变化,全球竞争水平也发生了变化。本篇案例研究代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Change is the law of nature. Each and everything around us undergoes a change. Be it the life, the business, the work or anything, change is such a constituent which can’t be neglected. The changes may affect the business widely in a negative manner. Thereby, it is very important to live up to the change and have an efficient change management plan. Travelling company ‘Global Adventures’ is under the similar pitch of change. The company has been performing well in the past. However, over the past few years, it is undergoing a number of changes. There have been changes in the attitude of the people, the change in the mindset of the customers and a change in the global competition level.
The change management plan is useful for ‘Global Adventures’ in a number of perspectives. The processes which are required to be incorporated for the purpose of change are completely planned and managed. The effective change management for the organization will assist the organization to serve in a better manner. As a travelling company, it is also very important for the company to respond to the changes in the requirements of the customers. Because of the change management plans, the customers can be judged easily. Also the organization can take steps to overcome the changes so as to ensure that the overall impact comes out to be minimum.
The analysis of the change management because of the customers is useful as the organization can give a faster and better response to the need of the consumers (Newell et al., 2003). Another important use of change management plan is to ensure that there should be a minimum impact on the overall day to day businesses of the organization by having an effective change. A yet another benefit of having a change management plan is that the timeframe which may be required for the purpose of implementation of the change gets reduced by a significant level. Without any change management plan, it may prove to be very difficult for the organization to implement the changes, in the timeframe defined.


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