



在深入探究Vissarion的邪教细节之前,我们必须了解后苏联分裂宗教的重要性。据说,《最后的遗嘱》教会为生活中困难的问题提供了答案,并列出了维萨里翁希望他的追随者如何生活的一些特征。显然,一些人认为这种邪教有潜在的危险,主要是因为它要求女性“和男性一起行动”的方式。这个邪教信仰外星人;认同自我毁灭,相信世界末日。追随者和游客应该避免吸烟,喝酒和吃肉。从社会的角度来看,他的追随者相信他,而不质疑他的厌恶女性的偏见(Goldwag, 2009)。

这部纪录片围绕着主持人在Petropavlovka的经历,并解释了这个邪教追随者的社会行为。这位老师在接受主持人的独家采访时,回答了主持人的提问,语气含糊不清,但仍在暗示,这个小小的定居点确实是某种异教隔离。为了解释这种宗教是如何真正发挥作用的,这一部分旨在回答一些好奇的问题,自然产生的看完这个视频。顺便说一句,你可能会提到1973年的电影《柳条人》(The Wicker man),这部电影与维萨里翁的邪教作品有着不可思议的相似之处。

My targeted media is a short documentary entitled ‘Jesus of Siberia’. Based on true facts, the host explains how an atheist Soviet union crumbled to give rise to smaller religious cults, Vissarion (the Teacher) being a by-product of the same. There are multiple variations or cults seeping out from one main religion, such as Christianity. In the dense Taiga forests of Siberia, a 29 year old Russian patrol officer, Sergey Anatolyevitch Torop claimed that God has sent him to save the world. His sudden revelation led to the birth of his version of the last testament, which claims to provide answers to life’s most difficult questions. Whether Vissarion’s approach to religion is in vogue with the outside world is questionable.

Before diving into the details of Vissarion’s cult, one must understand that post Soviet Union division religion started gaining much significance. The church of the Last Testament allegedly provides answers to life’s difficult questions and tabulates some characteristics of how Vissarion wants his followers to lead their lives. Obviously, some regard this cult as potentially dangerous principally because of the ways in which it dictates women to ‘behave with men’. The cult believes in aliens; approve self-annihilation and keeps faith in End of the World. Followers and visitors are expected to refrain from tobacco, alcohol and meat. From an social perspective, his followers believe in Him without questioning his misogynistic bias (Goldwag, 2009).

This documentary revolves around the host’s experience in Petropavlovka and explains the social behaviour of the followers of this cult. The teacher, in an exclusive interview with the host, answers his queries with ambiguity still suggesting that this small settlement is indeed some sort of pagan isolation. To explain how this religion really works out, this section aims to answer some curious queries naturally arising after watching this video. Incidentally, one might refer to a 1973 film ‘The Wicker man’ that shares some uncanny resemblance with how Vissarion’s cult works.



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