


当代媒体所代表的信息是基于社会中个人的感知。媒体内容的结构是为了提高特定视图的意识而开发的(Hodkinson 2010, p. 201)。对于互联网最初的看法是,它只是在诚信的努力下发挥作用,媒体内容只是阐明了舆论和公共领域的观点。在当代,基本上任何一个拥有电脑和无线接入的人都可以发表自己的观点,互联网增加了言论自由。然而,这在现代已经发生了变化。这根本不是真的。越来越多的商业化,以及对不同意识形态和民粹主义观点的批评。为了探究这方面的问题,本文以日本地震的媒体表现、女童入学教育和政党观点的表达为例,对媒体进行了个案研究。本文分析了这些方面在互联网上的新闻表现。





Contemporary media represents information that is based on the perception of the individuals in the societies. The very structure of the media content has been developed in order to enhance the awareness of a particular view (Hodkinson 2010, p. 201). The original views regarding the Internet was it functioned only on good faith efforts, and media content only elucidates the views of the public opinion and public sphere. In the contemporary times, essentially anyone with a computer and wireless access can voice their opinion, and Internet has increased the freedom of speech. This has nevertheless changes in modern times. It is simply not true. There is increased commercialization and also critiques of the different ideologies and populist opinions. To probe this aspect, the media representation of Japan Earthquake, Schooling for girls and political parties representation of their views have been used as case study examples to understand about the mediums. News representation of these aspects in the Internet has been explained in this analysis.

Purpose of this analysis is to divulge in detail about the elements of media, public opinion and representation of media using specific examples. This would help in developing a concrete analysis as to how Internet has caused a change in the public ideals. This addresses the question that the change caused by the Internet is positive or otherwise.

Public spheres and public opinion

Internet was once a free tool that provided information to the people and enhanced the communication and the portals in the society, but it has been changed recently. It has been found that Internet has become widely commercialized in societies. This has caused an impact in the public spheres. It has become a medium to sell agendas to the people and the public.

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