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有几种不同的理由来解释为什么中国企业决定走向全球。这些因素在一定程度上与推动西方企业进行国际投资的因素相同。然而,就中国企业而言,存在一些独特的属性。一个关键原因是国际市场的安全(Child and Rodrigues, 2005)。中国服装制造业的一些企业为了获得工业化国家的市场准入,在毛里求斯等欠发达国家进行了重点投资。这些国家在欧美市场享有贸易优惠。这对于获得优秀品牌、管理知识和技术的可及性至关重要。到2020年,中国将成为一个原材料和自然资源净进口的国家(Chhokar and House, 2013)。虽然降低成本是促使跨国公司离开发达国家的关键因素之一,但发达国家的企业对成本的考虑较少。


There are several different rationales for explaining why Chinese enterprises decide to go global. These are somewhat the same with those factors that drive western businesses for international investment. However, in the case of Chinese business, there is an involvement of some unique attributes. One key reason is the security of international markets (Child and Rodrigues, 2005). For gaining the accessibility of industrialized national marketing, some companies of garment manufacturing from China make key investment in less developed nations like Mauritius. Such nations are enjoying preferential privileges of trade in the markets of Europe and USA. This is crucial for gaining the accessibility of superior brands, management knowledge and technology. China will be a nation of net importing across raw materials and natural resource until the year 2020 (Chhokar and House, 2013). While reduction of cost is among the key factors motivating MNCs out of developed nations, businesses from developed nations are driven less by the considerations of cost.




Internationalization can be referred to as the process to cross national borders in proceeding with growth. Currently, China is the most active economy internationalized across the developing nations. The companies of China have adopted specific different strategic aspects and models to go international. Exporting is among the most adopted strategy for companies of China as a result of the implementation of open door policy. This particular strategy does not have specific involvement in any international active business presence or direct investment. China is among the third biggest exporter of the world after Germany, ranked second and United Stated, ranked first (Deng, 2014).


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