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本文主要讲什么是道德消费主义,根据Auger et al. (2003), Bray et al.(2011)和Papaoikonomou et al.(2012),道德消费主义可以定义为有意购买的商品或服务,这些商品或服务的制造/制造对动物、周围环境和人类的伤害可以忽略不计。本文将生动地讨论道德消费主义对企业、政府和整个社会的影响。这篇文章将批判性地分析为什么人们(消费者)和企业不喜欢完全合乎道德。在这篇文章中,它将展示道德消费主义如何可能塑造企业的未来。本篇商业文章代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

According to Auger et al. (2003), Bray et al. (2011) and Papaoikonomou et al. (2012), ethical consumerism can be defined as the intended purchase of goods or services that are manufactured /made with negligible harm to animals, surrounding environment and human beings. The present essay will vividly discuss the effect of ethical consumerism on businesses, government and society at large. The essay will critically analyse why people (consumers) and businesses do not prefer to be totally ethical. In the present essay, it will be shown how ethical consumerism might shape the future of businesses.
Thus, they have less trust and finally improper distribution of such goods is another reason behind non-purchase of ethical goods by consumers. Therefore, it can be stated here that ethical consumerism though a new tool in the hand of the companies to market their products is not fully accepted and successful as price of the products are high; it forces consumers to avail general products rather than availing ethical products (BIS, 2014).
Today as consumers are becoming more and more aware and alert about their personal and family health, are switching to ethical product. It is believed that customers today are looking into a company’s CSR activities before they buy a product. Companies today are forced to use several ethical standards and certifications before they launch a product in the market. In almost all of the developed nations, certain ethical standards of doing business are mandatory. However, for developing nations still, there are scopes of selling products that are unethical or not being produced keeping all the ethical norms checked. Ethical consumerism though considered as a hot topic in businesses, will never become fully successful until and unless the price of these products go down. Consumers who are price sensitive in most of the cases will prefer to buy good which are low prices and may not be produced ethically.







数据提供了一个选择,通过分析运动最大化效益(LePage, 2015)。零售品牌的数字营销就是一个例子。当消费者搜索特定的信息时,它为零售商提供了了解消费者偏好的机会,并通过可能的选项实现相同的要求。获取数据的主要原因是即时性。数据是基于特定标准连接零售商和消费者的一个因素。例如,一个需要一台机器的买家寻找最近的和高质量的零售商来交易这台机器。这种即时性可以是1小时,也可以是2天,也可以是1周,但不同客户的情况有所不同(Gustafsson, 2009)。







众所周知,数据聚合在几个方面有利于零售商。Morris在第13次POS标杆调查中得出的结论,根据零售商对技术的采用程度对其进行了分类(Fiorletta, 2012)。那些利用信息技术的零售商被称为早期采用者,他们有更多的机会与最终用户进行互动,并在较长时间内保持这种兴趣。有了智能手机,零售商就更容易收集实时信息和购买历史。这是一个尚未开发的机会,通过这个机会,零售商可以提供店内体验,并与购物者保持最新的联系。


Retailing is one such segment that directly faces the customers and witnesses their interests towards products. With the technological advancements already in place, retail sector has undergone a transformation. The transformation has driven customers around the world to gain personalized experiences. It has enabled retailers to gain advantage in marketing and technology practices. This report explains the impact of data and technology on retailer’s businesses and the experiences of retailers to achieve focused marketing strategies. Further, two cases are taken to explain the shopper benefits and retailer benefits. The insights are then used to estimate the experiences and future of retailing upon integration with data and technology.

Role of data in retailing

Data gives an option to maximize the benefits through the analytical campaigns (LePage, 2015). An example is the digital marketing of a retail brand. When consumers search for specific information, it gives the retail owners the opportunity to understand consumer preferences and fulfil the same with possible options. The main reason to obtain data is immediacy. Data stands as a factor to connect the retailer and consumer based on specific criteria. For example, a buyer who needs a machine looks for the nearest and quality retailer who trades the machine. This immediacy could be either 1 hour or 2 days or 1 week but it differs from one customer to the other (Gustafsson, 2009).

Upon collecting the consumer centric data, the retailers get benefited in the following ways:

– Retailers can understand consumer buying patterns.

– Long term success is feasible as retailer is keen to fulfil the needs.

– Assures a better return than desired as interested customers do not hesitate more than what is demanded to fulfil their immediate need.

– It gives an opportunity to leverage knowledge base and do business without any issues on the margins.

Yet another strategy that needs to be noted is the cross channel shopping. This strategy has boomed the retail industry and changed their perceptions towards consumer requirements. With the web technologies, consumers turn to be internet savvy and find the best deals based on reviews and insights from others. This informs the retailers about the competitiveness which needs to go ahead with the pace. Fiorletta (2012) says that the retail industry has a direct relationship with the customers. The market is volatile such that data intensive retail brands sustain and establish interactive relationships with the consumers that are beyond the inflection point.

Data aggregation is known to benefit retailers in several ways. The findings by Morris from the 13th POS Benchmarking Survey state the classification of retailers based on their adoption to technologies (Fiorletta, 2012). Those retailers who utilize information technologies are known as early adopters and have more opportunities to interact with the end users and sustain the interest on a longer run. With smartphones in hand, it becomes easier for the retailers to aggregate the real time insights and buying history. This is an untapped opportunity through which retailers can give the in-store experience as well as stay in touch with the shoppers on latest updates.




《公司法》(2001)是由澳大利亚联邦制定的。这些法律是针对澳大利亚的商业实体制定的。据观察,这些公司的业绩是基于一些重要的切线。这些包括合作伙伴关系和投资计划的管理(Tomasic, Bottomley和McQueen, 2002)。公司法是公司的基本立法。这些公司正在使用这种对公司的监管。这些都是关于公司的形成和经营的。这些都与公司可能采用的章程相结合。这些是官员和筹款人的职责。《公司法》(2001)的原则适用于案件和不同的法律行动。这些已经在下面的分析中阐明。


根据2001年公司法的规定,公司有权实施自己的章程或使用该法中规定的可替换规则。公司需要践行责任原则(Kang, Cheng and Gray, 2007)。有限责任是指个人或者单位的财务责任限于一定数额。最常见的因素是个人投资的价值有限。如果公司是有限责任公司,如果被起诉,索赔人只能起诉公司而不能起诉所有者。独立的法律实体可以定义为业务与个人或其他业务分离的过程。这是关于责任的问题。独立法人是指公司或者公司人员与其他公司的个人发生分离的情形。公司面纱的定义是,法院在发现股东对公司的行为负有个人责任的情况下,将公司的有限责任搁置一旁(Wettenhall, 2003)。在封闭式企业中,穿面纱是最常见的行为之一。发现这些工作对公司的凝聚力,以指导公司的内部管理。第136(1)条规定,当章程是根据申请人的协议制定时,公司可以采用章程。他们也可以在不制定宪法的情况下注册公司,并在通过特别法律后采用新的决议。该法的第233条规定,法院可以制定一个新的命令,以确保公司采用宪法(尼克尔森和基尔,2004)。澳大利亚证券和投资委员会(ASIC)将在14天内公布。因此,需要在这个范例中考虑公司面纱和法院含义的原则。


The Corporation Act (2001) is an act that was determined by the Commonwealth of Australia. These were set out the laws that deal with the business entities in Australia. It is observed that the of the companies are based on a number of important tangents. These include partnerships and management of the investment schemes (Tomasic, Bottomley and McQueen, 2002). The corporate act is the principle legislation in the companies. The companies are use this regulating of the companies. These operate on the formation and the operation of the companies. These are in conjunction of the constitution that could be adopted by the companies. These are the duties of the officers and the fundraiser. The tenets of the Corporation Act (2001) have been applied with the cases and in the different action of the laws. These have been elucidated in the following analysis.

Company Registration, Company Constitution and Replaceable Rules

Under the provisions of the Corporation Act 2001, the company has the right to either implement their own constitution or use the replaceable rules that are found in the act. The tenets of liability need to be practiced by the companies (Kang, Cheng and Gray, 2007). Limited liability refers to when the financial liability of an individual or entity is limited to a fixed sum. Most common factor is that the value of the person’s investment is limited. If the company is with the limited liability, if sued the claimants can only sue the company and not the owners. The separate legal entity can be defined as the process where the business is found to be detached from the individual or another business. This is referred with respect to the accountability. The separate legal entity can be defined as the case where the corporation or the person in the company is found to separate from the individual of the other company. Corporate veil is defined as the situation where the courts are found to put aside the limited liability for the company in cases where they find the shareholders to be personally liable for the action of the corporation’s (Wettenhall, 2003). The veil piercing is one of the most common actions in the close corporations. These are found to work in cohesion to the company in order to guide the internal management of the company. S136 (1) states that the company can adopt the constitution when the constitution is developed based on the agreement of the applicants. They can also register the company without developing a constitution and can adopt a newer resolution after the passing of the special laws. S233 of the act states that the courts can make a newer order to ensure that the companies adopt the constitution (Nicholson and Kiel, 2004). Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) are within 14 days. Hence, the tenets of corporate veil and court implications need to be considered in this paradigm.






在荷马的观点中,雅典人认为自己过着一种美好而高尚的生活。他们做得很好,生活也很得体。在这段时间里,人们理解了一些术语,叫做“好”或“阿加索斯”,“坏”或“卡卡斯”。雅典人的生活有多好,可以从阿加托斯和卡卡斯这两个概念中看出。因此,雅典人并没有过多地参与了解好人是谁这一更广泛的概念(Choi & Sciglitano 35)。好人能成为好国王、好丈夫、好妻子等等。一个人的社会角色和所处的环境是了解好人所必需的。现在需要回答的一个问题是一个人内在的善与恶是否仅仅作为一种社会情感而被否定?当一个人试图将个人理解为上帝的形象时会发生什么?如果上帝在他的美德中创造了人,那么一个人就会不顾世俗的诱惑,为善而战,因为他有神圣的美德。这似乎与雅典人的荷马观点相矛盾。雅典人认为他们是社会的好与坏,个人与社会没有太多的联系。


The Christian view of men argues that humans are indeed created in the image of God. It was God who created these social beings, and in doing so, God has made us have his virtues of sympathy, altruism and many more. This essay argues that much of the social good we seek; social collectiveness and politics of living is indeed derived from some good elements. The good elements are embedded in us and hence using that understanding for the greater good must be a common purpose. Everybody should seek to find the good within them.

Being Good as a Social Sense

In the Homeric view, Athenians saw themselves as living a good and virtuous life. They did good and lived appropriately. There were terms understood during this time called the good or the agathos, and the bad or the kakos. How well an Athenian lived their life was indicated by two concepts called the agathos and the kakos. Athenians hence were not much involved in understanding a broader notion of who the good person was (Choi & Sciglitano 35). A good person made good kings, good husbands, and good wives etc. The social role and setting of a person were needed to understand the good person. Now a question that begs to be answered at this point is whether the good and bad within a person were only denied as a social sensibility? What happens when one seeks to understand the individual as an image of God? If God created people in his virtues, then a person fights for being good because of the Godly virtues in him, irrespective of worldly temptations. This would then seem a contradiction with the Homeric view of Athenians. Athenians believed that they were social good or bad, and the individual did not have much connection to do it.





对于企业来说,沟通是必不可少的,因为这是企业将其产品和服务传达给竞争对手的方式。没有适当的沟通,企业最终将失去竞争优势。他们将无法沟通为什么他们的产品和竞争对手的产品有何不同。这些是关于文化的外部交流问题,然后还有内部的文化问题。有效的沟通是企业内部与员工沟通的必要条件。如果没有适当的沟通,企业可能会陷入混乱。随着内部文化问题对传播策略的影响,就有可能增加个人偏见和更多(Kim, 2000)。

在全球范围内建立起来的公司更有必要了解文化问题可能如何影响经理下属关系。从Thomas和Ravlin的研究工作中可以看出,参与者可能会与他们的管理者建立不同的联系,这取决于他们对自己的文化、国家和其他方面的个人态度(Thomas, & Ravlin, 1995)。研究表明,研究参与者与他们的国籍有更多的联系。这种与国籍的联系使参与者无法与管理人员适当地联系起来。他们认为经理和他们的相似度很低。这可能会有效地削弱管理活动。在工作场所,由于社会文化因素而与管理者产生距离而感到被孤立的员工,将无法与管理者建立良好的关系。企业将遭受损失,因为不可能有一个适当的管理设置(Thomas, & Ravlin, 1995)。


Intercultural Implications and Global Communication Strategies

Communication is essential for businesses as this is how the business will be able to communicate their products and services to competitors. Without proper communication, businesses will end up losing competitive advantage. They will not be able to communicate why and how their products are different from that of a competitor. These are external communication issues with respect to culture, and then there are internal cultural issues, too. Effective communication is required for the businesses to be able to communicate internally with their employees. Without proper communication, businesses might end up acting chaotic. With internal cultural issues having an impact on the communication strategy, there would be a chance for the increase of personal bias and more (Kim, 2000).

Companies that are globally established have a greater necessity to understand that the way cultural issues might influence manager subordinate relationships. It was seen in the research work of Thomas and Ravlin that participants might connect differently with their managers based on their personal attitude to their culture, their nation and more (Thomas, & Ravlin, 1995). Research study participants were shown to have more connection with their nationality. This connection to Nationality stopped the participants from associating properly with the managers. They assumed managers were of low similarity with them. This could effectively undermine managerial activity. Members who feel disconnected in the workplace because of their distance from the manager based on sociocultural elements would not have a good rapport with the managers. Businesses would suffer as it would be impossible to have a proper management setting (Thomas, & Ravlin, 1995).







An epiphany is referred to as experiencing striking and sudden realization. Most of the time, this term is used for description of scientific breakthrough, philosophical or religious discoveries, but the application can be done in any situation when enlightenment of realization helps in understanding a situation or problem from a deeper and new perspective. There is considerably rare occurrences of epiphanies and in general, a significant though has to be processes in relation with an issue. More often, the triggering of this is done by key and new piece of information, but most significant of all, there is a major requirement of obtaining deep knowledge prior to leaping up to any understanding. Epiphanies hold the tendency of coming in a number of different forms, and more often, a complicated combination of context, predisposition, knowledge, memory, and experience. Irrespective of the popular image, epiphany is considered as the outcome of significant work related to what is discovered, and there can be achievement of satisfactory results in context with a long process. The fulfilling and surprising feeling of epiphany that is extremely surprising, as one may not be successful in predicting when one will achieve something out of the efforts they put in. The subconscious mind plays a significant role in the delivery of solution, and there is fulfilment of the same as it tends to be rewarding for a longer period of time.

With key emphasis on epiphany, it can be stated that a story cannot be considered as a road one should follow, instead, it is the house where one considers going inside and staying for some time, wandering now and then, and making settlements. One takes time in recalling and discovering how corridors and rooms are related to one another. The visitor can be related with a reader, who deal with the alterations taking place in the enclosed space, even if it is full or easy and ample over the crooked phases, or opulent and sparse furnishing. One can consider going back again and again, and every corner of the house, representing story, will have something left that was not discovered in the previous times.











What research methods do you intend to use?

Some researchers use only one research method for conducting the study based on the requirement of the research. For achieving best results, it is recommended to use the mixture of qualitative and quantitative research method. Qualitative and quantitative both methods will be used because mixture of both methods can help in getting in depth analysis. Interviews and surveys will be conducted from the target respondents. Both types of information will be generated in this manner and this information will give detailed analysis. Researcher will analyze the situation deeply with the help of both these methods. With the mixture of both research types, this study will give an in depth look helping the researcher to explore the insights.

What primary and/or secondary data sources do you intend to use?

Primary sources will be in the form of interview and survey responses. Respondents will give their insights about the topic and the researcher will have the chance to use these responses in the best possible manner. Secondary sources used in the study will be in the form of reports, journal articles, newspaper articles and books. All the secondary resources detailing about the topic will provide some useful insights for the topic. Journal articles and books will be first preference for the secondary data. Websites, on the other hand, will be given importance because some of the information is only available on the site of the company.

Please provide draft chapter headings for your report

The draft for headings is based on the rough estimation for the future heading. Headings can change once the study has been conducted based on the requirement of the research.




从那时起,会计道德标准就已经制定出来,至今仍在会计机构和独立公司中使用。不同的团体使用这些道德原则来塑造他们的商业实践和决策。在19世纪,私人公司开始使用会计伦理,这样他们就可以使他们的实践可靠。客户忠诚度方面的到来改变了这种情况。信任和忠诚的方面通过在会计原则中加入伦理原则帮助重塑会计原则(Neu和Green, 2006)。

在工业革命期间,大多数英国人的工作都遵循道德规范。帐户负责提供有关其内容的有效和详细的信息。为了使他们的工作更可靠,为了与批评作斗争,他们必须提供更多的证据。当时,英格兰和威尔士成立了专门负责会计实务的特许会计师事务所。世界各地的会计师开始担心这个问题,他们开始在实践中使用道德准则。为了提升自己的地位,他们必须忠诚,并与客户建立信任关系。双方之间必须保持保密的因素,这样才能建立信任(Tsamenyi和Uddin, 2009)。




专业行为:所有账务均需遵守相关及最新的会计法律法规。建议避免谨慎,以最好的方式行事(Duska, 2003)。

专业能力与关怀:这一原则是探讨个人专业知识最重要的原则。与客户保持良好关系需要技巧。会计专业人员将采用新的技能来维持标准。他们需要遵循最新的技术和专业服务(Devi, et al. 2011)。



保密:保护客户提供的信息的机密性是会计的基本职责。他们不应该向第三方透露任何信息,因为这会违反道德标准。法律或专业的披露将永远不会被允许,只有在客户同意传播信息的情况下才有可能。为了维护与客户之间的信任关系,应保护机密信息(Devi, et al. 2011)。


Ethical standards in accounting have been developed since then and still are used in accounting organizations and independent companies. Various groups have used these ethical principles for shaping their business practices and decision making. In 19th century private companies started using accounting ethics so they can make their practices reliable. Aspect of customer loyalty came and changed the situation. Aspect of trust and loyalty helped in reshaping the principles of accounting by adding ethical principles in them (Neu and Green, 2006).

During industrial revolution majority of accounts in Britain were following the ethical code of conduct at their jobs. Accounts were responsible for providing valid and detailed information about their contents. For making their work more reliable and for combating with criticism they had to provide more evidence. At that time Chartered accountants in England and Wales was established that looked after the practices of accountants. Around the world accountants started to worry about this issue and they started to use ethical guidelines in their practices. For upgrading their status they had to be loyal and develop a relation of trust with their clients. Element of confidentiality had to be maintained between both the parties so trust is developed (Tsamenyi and Uddin, 2009).

Basic principles

After discussions and debates by the IFAC and ACCA, 6 fundamental principles were established in accounting profession and these principles are as follows:

Objectivity: this principle discussed that professional accounts will not be biased towards anyone. They will not work under some influence or for personal interest. Their duty is to work in the best interest of the client by holding their professional and personal judgments about the client (Crouch, 2010).

Professional behavior: all accounts need to comply with the relevant and most recent accounting laws and regulations need to be fulfilled. It is suggested to avoid discretion and act in their best behavior (Duska, 2003).

Professional competence and care: this principle is most important principle discussing about the professional knowledge of individuals. Skills are required for maintaining good relations with the client. New skills will be adopted by accounting professional for maintaining the standards. They need to act in accordance with the latest techniques and professional services (Devi, et al. 2011).

Technical standards: accounts have the duty to maintain the quality of the work. They need to make sure that all work is performed by following the highest standards.

Integrity: accounts have the responsibility to be strait forward and honest during their professional relationships (Crouch, 2010).

Confidentiality: it is basic duty of the accountant to protect the confidentiality of the information provided by the client. They should not disclose any information to third party as it will violate ethical standards. Legal or professional disclosure will never be allowed, it is only possible in conditions where the client agrees to spread the information. Confidential information should be protected for maintaining a relationship of trust with the clients (Devi, et al. 2011).








On analysis of the income statement, MTT owners have invested £50K as initial seed capital for the company. They had managed to secure £400K loan from bank for the long-term. Apart from this they have managed to obtain £300K using crowd funding techniques. It is very difficult for start-up ventures to survive in the first year. The company has managed to survive in the first year. This is an encouraging factor for the company. For the fiscal year 2015, MTT did achieve revenue of £936K in the first year of trading through sales of their flagship product. However in spite of the sales the company posted it has posted a net loss of £674K. In the income statement, company has stated they will post profits and increase income for the next few years.

In 2016, MTT has planned to develop a new product. Bring in more production in house and establish global marketing campaigns. They plan to massively expand operations throughout the spectrum and become strong market players. VCI should question MTT about the funds that they would require for future. In the cash flow statement there is only mention of how the company will manage money for supply chain, distribution and the sales of the product. There is only mention of cash flow and income statement. The company should request about how the equity change will affect the process of the company. The company has a solid innovative idea and a market base for the product. Nevertheless the company should also factor in other costs involved for this process. This makes investing in the company a high risk.

This process of VCI investing in MTT is a high risk/high investment situation. MTT needs to address a number of inherent issues. Nevertheless it should not be forgotten that the product has a number of positive factors that will ensure that there will be sales and market for the product. It can be forecasted that the company has a high probability of success in the future.




世界第四大国家是与14个国家接壤的中国。它从北到南跨度5500公里,从东到西跨度5000公里。正是由于中国经济的显著增长,中国正面临着城乡之间的经济差距问题,贫富差距越来越大(Booth, 2011, p.22)。西部内陆地区的经济发展水平和城市化水平与东部沿海地区相比存在差异,导致两个地区之间的收入差距进一步扩大。

我国处于快速发展和城市化进程中的城市缺乏发展的时间。气候僵化的城市应该致力于培育能够自然生长数百年,并在数百年里不断变化的花园(Owens, and Cowell, 2011)。生物系统必须得到发展,因为它们自大约40亿年前进化以来已经变得复杂。在气候变化剧烈的城市中,生物系统通过不断的改造,使物种得以生存。为了在生态系统上有效地工作,城市必须以建立有效和刚性的城市结构为目标,以连接和区分各种力量来工作。

在不同尺度下,弹性城市呈现出不同的连通性和结构。中国空间规划的各个离散学科包括城市规划、交通规划、环境规划以及与土地利用相关的规划等(Sturzaker, and Shucksmith, 2011, p.182)。空间规划还包括社区规划和经济规划。它是在国际、国家、区域和地方各级进行的,构成了空间规划创作的基础。

空间规划策略是通过尺度、细粒多样性、致密化、功能灵活性、协同作用、城乡一体化、高度互联网络、绿化和水循环利用等原则,为当代中国城市发展提供自然演化系统结构弹性。在中国,为空间规划和领土发展制定的政策有三个层次,即社会经济、国家一级的土地利用规划和城乡规划(Ball, 2011, p-354)。这些社会经济计划草案是在县、省和地级拟订的。然后将县、国家、地、省、乡一级规划形成国家空间规划或土地利用规划。城市系统规划、村庄规划、乡镇规划是国家、村、县、省、地各级城乡规划的组成部分。


The fourth largest country in the world is China sharing its borders with 14 countries. It is having a span of 5,500 km from north to south and 5,000 km from east to west. It is due to the remarkable economic growth in China the country is facing economic disparity problems between urban and rural areas that are increasing the gap between rich and poor (Booth, 2011, p.22). There are differences between the economic development and urbanization levels of western inland regions in comparison to the eastern coastal regions and this had resulted in income disparities between two regions to widen.

The cities of China in race of rapid development and urbanization are lacking developing time. The cities that have rigid climate should work for nurturing gardens that will for centuries grow naturally and transform for centuries (Owens, and Cowell, 2011). Living systems must be developed as they have become complex since their evolution about four billion years ago. The survival of species was permitted by the living systems in the rigid climate cities with the help of constant transformations. For working effectively on the ecological systems the cities have to work with connecting and differentiating forces with an aim of creating efficient and rigid urban structures.

For various scales different connectivity and structures are presented by the resilient cities. The various discrete disciplines of spatial planning in China include urban planning, planning of transportation, environment planning and planning related to usage of land etc. (Sturzaker, and Shucksmith, 2011, p.182). There are various other areas that comprise of spatial planning are community and economic planning. It is conducted on various levels such as international, national, regional and local which form the basis of the creation of spatial plan.

The spatial planning strategies are planning to give the contemporary development of urban China by providing them with natural evolutionary systems structural resilience with various principles such as Scaling, Fine Grain Diversity, Compact Densification, Functional Flexibility, Synergy, Urban-Rural Integration, Highly Connected Networks and Greening and Water Recycling etc. In China the policies framed for spatial planning and territorial development have three layers i.e. socio-economic, land-use plans at national level and rural and urban plans (Ball, 2011, p-354). The drafts of the socio-economic plans were made at county, provincial and prefectural levels. Then the county, national, prefectural provincial and township level plans are formed as National spatial or land-use plans. The urban system plans, village plans and township plans are parts of Urban and rural plans that are formed at national, village, county, provincial and prefectural levels.








研究表明,学生以积极行为支持的形式参与将是有益的。对学生进行积极行为干预的结果是,他们能够更好地应对他们的教育(Sugai et al ., 2000)。这些干预措施通常被认为是学校的计划政策和战略。这些评估是基于对被录取学生的仔细评估、他们的要求和需求以及从他们的家庭和环境中收集到的需求信息。虽然要使它们达到传统教育制度的水平仍有一定的挑战,但特殊需要学校所采用的具体战略将使其取得成功。Zima等人(1994)在他们的研究中指出,儿童的行为问题可能导致他们的教育延迟。研究对象为社会经济条件较差的学生。学生的行为问题,加上他们无法进入能够帮助他们处理行为问题并继续学业的学校,导致了人们的担忧(Zima et al ., 1994)。他们不仅能够实现自己的教育目标,而且随着时间的推移,他们还会出现更严重的行为障碍,甚至更糟糕的社交活动。


Special needs educational institutions exist to bring the students up to par with the standardized curriculums used for children across all schools either at the district or national level. The children with special needs might have the needs focus with respect to language, or some form of educational requirement, behaviour, mental health condition, etc. There are many education providers who will help the students to meet their needs in the NSW education system. The aim of this report is to identify one such institution that caters to the needs of a specific segment of student and show through an analysis of the institution, the diversity of education provision in NSW and the challenges encountered in meeting student needs.

Educational Institution

Characteristics and Needs of Children: Requirement for Special Strategies

This would enable the teacher to have more direct access to the student and vice versa. The teacher would be able to understand the needs of the child and the child (student) will be able to communicate better to the teacher now that they receive better attention. The children with social behavioural needs will need to have special educational strategies that cater to their specific requirement (Turnbull, 1995). The school in having teachers have more one on one interaction with the student will be able to understand the student specific need and design education strategy accordingly. In the long term, these students would be able to return to traditional learning environment. So in many ways this form of school is designed to help the children during a short time period. Children can take up testing at the general NAPLAN levels after a few years with the school.

Research indicates that student engagement in the form of positive behaviour support will be helpful. The use of positive behaviour intervention for students results in them being able to cope up with their education better (Sugai et al, 2000). The interventions are usually considered as planned policies and strategies of the school. They are based on a careful evaluation of the students being in taken, their requirements and needs and information on needs collected from their families and environment. While there would still be a certain amount of challenges associated with bringing them up to par with the traditional education system, the specific strategies used by special needs schools would make it a success. Zima et al (1994) in their research indicate that the behavioural problems of children could lead to them having educational delays. The research was conducted with students in underprivileged social and economic background. The behavioural problems of the students combined with their lack of access to schools that could help them to cope with behavioural problems and also pursue their education leads to concerns (Zima et al, 1994). They would not only be able to meet their educational objectives but with time are also seen to fall into worse behavioural impairments and even worse social engagements.




建设是劳动密集型工程,任务多样。所研究的个案是一幢十五层高的商业大厦,设有地下停车场。当前场景中的问题是访问施工现场。就像我们谈论建筑工程一样,它涉及重型起重机、机械和将要安装的巨大钢框架和结构,这些都要求按照政府规定采取严格的安全措施,以确保工人和附近基础设施的安全。此外,工作在高度将是一个关键的问题与巨大的脚手架和升降机和装具系统。这一切都需要一个深思熟虑的安全管理计划。安全管理也是必不可少的,以避免任何时间延误,由于不必要的事件,并满足时间表的安全和健全。根据政府政策,也需要处理代码(Kamardeen, 2014)。











Construction is a labour-intensive project, with diversity of tasks. The case under study is of a fifteen storey commercial building with a basement for parking. The issue in the current scenario is of access to the construction site. As when we talk about a building project, it involves heavy duty cranes, machinery and huge steel frameworks and structures to be installed, which demand intense safety measures as per government regulations to ensure the safety of the labour and nearby infrastructure. Plus working at height will be a crucial issue with huge scaffolding and lift and harness system. This all calls for a well thought safety management plan. Safety management is also essential to avoid any time delays due to unwanted incidents and meet the timelines safe and sound. Coping with the code is also required as per government policy (Kamardeen, 2014).

Australian Government has a Model Code of Practice for every kind of activity involved in construction work.“This model Code of Practice has been developed to provide practical guidance to principal contractors and other persons conducting a business or undertaking who carry out construction work on how to meet the health and safety requirements under the WHS Act and Regulations applying in a jurisdiction relating to construction work”.(Safe Work Australia)

Risk Assessment

Work at Height

Falling Objects

Working on heights and with crowded premises, the risk associated with falling objects became significant. For the current scenario, moving traffic is vulnerable to face such risk; hence fencing is very important to limit the working zone. Installation of signs is another precautionary measure.

Safety plan for Material Handling

Glass and steel are the major material of construction. Both require expert handling as damage to steel framework can risk structural integrity and mishandling of glass can create a hazardous situation in case of breakage, apart from financial loss. While shifting and installing both structures, proper route permit to be made and area should be made clear for safe movement.

Personal Protective Equipment

Pertinent to nature of the job, personal protective equipment should be provided to the working labour and made it mandatory. For instance, for height jobs safety helmets and harness should be made compulsory. For work in noisy place, ear plugs should be worn.







审计是会计的另一个组成部分,它包括对可能与一种或另一种报酬有关的主张进行核实的过程。审计是专业会计最重要的机构。审计在专业会计中很重要,因为会计可能包括对与组织有关的财务报表进行公正审查的过程。与审计有关的会计部门的目的是表示否认任何可能与一种或多种财务报表有关的意见(Burchell et al, 1980)。审计对专业会计如此重要的另一个原因是,执行审计的人有权就任何决定表达公平。这可以包括与财务状况有关的财务报表有关的意见,与业务有关的结果,以及作为实体一部分的现金流量。作为一名审核员是一项专业的工作,因为审核员确定了没有以适当方式遵守公认会计准则的情况。

专业会计的另一部分是信息系统。它是会计的一个领域,包括收集、存储和处理不同种类的财务和会计数据的系统,这些数据可能对不同的决策者有用。会计信息系统是一个包括使用计算机以正确的方式进行会计处理的领域。在财务报告之后产生的财务报告可以由管理部门内部使用,也可以由组织内部或外部的其他各方使用。审计和财务报告模块是最常用的会计信息系统(Gray, 1988)。这可能包括一些机构,如投资者、债权人和税务机关。


Accountancy profession may be defined as the one which involves the process of measuring, processing and communication of the financial information which may be related to different kind of economic identities. Accounting profession is one of the most important professions for information. It is the kind of profession which is required to be used in different business processes. Accounting is one such stream which may be divided in a large number of sub streams. In order to ensure that the accounting profession should be carried out in a proper manner, it is important to have the brief idea about the accountancy profession, its structure, characteristics and practices. In order to discuss professional legitimacy related to the accounting profession, it is important to discuss each and every feature of the same, including the structure which is followed in most of the countries, some of the common characteristics of this profession and the practices related to the accounting profession.

To have a proper knowledge about various kinds of theories which may be related to the procedure of accounting is another important feature of an accountant. Be it the general the accepted principles of an accountant or GAAP or kinds of technological advancements which the accountants need to be aware about.

Critical Analysis For Accounting structure and its professional legitimacy

Auditing is another part of accounting which includes the process of verification of the assertions which may be related to one or other kind of pay off. It is the most important body of Professional accounting. Auditing is important in professional accounting because accounting may include the process of unbiased examination of the financial statements which are related to the organization. The accounting department related to auditing has the aim to express of disclaim any kind of opinion which may be related to one or more kind of financial statement (Burchell et al, 1980). Another reason why auditing is important for professional accounting is that the person who performs the audit has the right to express the fairness with respect to any decision. This may include the opinion related to the financial statements which are related to the financial position, the results which are related to the operations and the cash flows which are the part of an entity. Being an auditor is a professional job as the auditor identifies the circumstances in which the GAAP hasn’t been observed in a proper manner.

Another part of professional accounting is information systems. It is the domain of accounting which includes the system of collecting, storing and processing of different kinds of financial and accounting data which may prove to be useful for different decision makers. Accounting information system is a domain which includes the use of the computers in order to carry out the accounting processes in a proper manner. The financial reports which are generated after the same can be used internally by the management or other parties which may be external or internal in the organization. Auditing and financial reporting modules are the most commonly adopted accounting information systems (Gray, 1988). This may include a number of bodies such as the investors, creditors and tax authorities.









这就是唤起错误归因的概念试图解释的。很多时候,男人对女人或女人对男人的感觉不是出于浪漫的原因。唤起的错误归因是心理学家常用的术语。随着时间的推移,这个概念已经被接受并得到了解释。每次一个人对异性感到兴奋,他们称之为浪漫,实际上可能是身体对外部环境的其他刺激的反应。大多数对恐惧的心理反应被人们误认为是浪漫的唤起。仅仅因为反应性的症状几乎是相同的,即呼吸短促和恐慌感以及高血压,人们混淆了两者(White & Kight, 1984)。


The human mind and body have been an area of fascination. The coordination between the two is that it gives immense scope for the people to research and study as to how the mind works, and how it would work differently in different situations when the human being is subjected to changes in the external environment and changes in the body. Thus, few experiments have been conducted so as to measure the capacity to find something attractive and to undergo changes when it comes to physical arousal. The given discussion has been based upon the different kind of reports. These reports have been prepared regarding the physical arousal that is seen in people. The perception of attractiveness of a man or a woman changes based upon the varying situations, that is before and after working out is different, and therefore has been taken up for studying. Few graphs and data have contributed to the given study.


The given discussion has been based on the study or research which is constantly trying to prove that there is a strong connection between the hormone adrenaline and the physical arousal or attraction which feels towards members of the opposite sex. It so happens that over the past three decades, experts have been trying to study the pattern which is followed by human beings when it comes to attractiveness to the opposite sex. Thus, a various data collection procedures and surveys have been involved, so that one can reach to some particular conclusion as to how far this statement stands true in all cases.

Misattribution of arousal

Before one goes on discusses how adrenaline affects the psychology of men and women towards each other, there is a basic concept which have to be understood, that has been a part of the study undertaken by people. Few surveys and data have been attached along with this discussion, which rates the attractiveness of a man or woman before physical exercise and after physical exercise and the mark on attractiveness that each had given varies from one to another.

This is what the concept of misattribution of arousal tries to explain. Many a times the arousal that a man feels towards a woman or a woman feels towards a man is not because of romantic reasons. Misattribution of arousal is a term which is used by psychologists. The concept has been taken up and it has been explained over the time. Every time a person feel aroused towards the opposite sex which they term to be romantic, could actually be the body’s way if responding to some other stimuli of the external environment. Mostly psychological responses to fear have been mistaken by people to be romantic arousals. Just because the symptoms of the responsiveness are almost the same which is occurring of short breaths and a feeling of panic along with high blood pressure, people confuse the two (White & Kight, 1984).



数学论文代写:essay的Reference写作浅谈 出国留学的学生都清楚,essay写作的时候,参考文献Reference的格式很重要。一般有两种Reference系统被广泛接受:哈佛大学文献参考系统(Harvard referencing system)和APA系统。

下面我们就以Harvard referencing system为例,向大家介绍如何正确规范得写reference list。文章的后半段AUS会以图文的方式给大家介绍如何使用查询这两种参考文献系统。





如:Making reference top ublished work appears to be characteristic of writing for a professional audience (Cormack 1994).

如:(Jones1946;Smith 1948)

如:Recent research has found that the majority of……(Green et al 1995)


如果正文中出现了作者的姓名,如 xxx said/ concluded/ suggests….则在姓名后面加(),()内只要标注年份即可,如(2005)。

如:Cormack (1994, p.32-33) states that ‘when writing for a professional readership, writers invariably make reference to already published works’.

如:Jones (1946) and Smith(1948)have both shown……

如:Green et al (1995) found that the majority ……

(三) 其他情况

如果一个作者同年出版了两本书,如2005年,要这样标:(Author2005a) 或 (Author2005b);如果在一篇文章中引用多篇报纸文章,要表明这篇报纸文章的具体日期,如(TheGuardian, October 18, 2005)。













The introduction to this report provided an insight into certain aspect that assures higher chances of failure. For example lack of consensus on location and issues in interaction in the first simulation. However, during the completion of the task, in both the attempts several issues have been highlighted. Firstly communication, which is the most important aspect in working with teams, has certain limitations in both simulations. In virtual teams, there were barriers to communication as there was no face-to-face interaction while in case of simulation when face-to-face interaction was possible the issues of communication were reduced to a greater extent.

It has been observed that more time was taken in decision making in case of face-to-face interaction also. There can be several reasons for such delay. These reasons have been discussed with respect to their impact on the Mount Everest simulation. Further, lack of leadership for analysis of information available has impacted the achievement of goals. This aspect has been discussed considering the leadership style that has been employed and the way team interacted to complete certain level of achievement of goal. Lastly, the issues in decision making due to conflict arising within the team have been discussed. It is important to highlight here that conflict may be considered as negative aspect but is important to evaluate and select appropriate option from the given options.

These are some of the major issues highlighted in the study. The issues highlighted above will be discussed considering working in a team that related to leadership. All these aspects have been discussed in detail in this section of the report. Apart from this there are certain related aspects that have influenced the goals that have been achieved. These are related primarily to the issues highlighted above and have been discussed.

Working in a Team

The first and foremost thing for a team to achieve the goal is that all the members are motivated to achieve the goal. The first issue that is there with the team is the absence of environmentalists. Since all the team members will not be able to reach the summit, the goal will not be achieved. Another point to note is that role of environmentalist will have to be taken up by someone else in the team who isn’t proficient enough to perform the task of environmentalist.

The team focused on communicating and interacting more so as to cautiously arrive at decisions. There are certain situations when the decisions were easily taken while at times there was clash of opinions and healthy debate took place. But still if the consensus is not reached vote was casted. The team leader took decisions only for trivial matters. Although everyone agreed that precedence will be given to the decision taken by the team leader, there was little confidence amongst the team members on the team leader decision and most of the times the decision was taken by voting. This shows that the leader had little influence on the team. This created confusion and discussion lacked directions. A lot of time was wasted in taking decisions as every member had equal say in the decision making. Each member spent time in convincing others on their idea. The focus of decision making shifted from selecting the possible options to convincing.

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刻板印象通常来自于一个人与性别、种族等的联系,这种特征与一个人的联系并不取决于他的任何个人性质。可以说,刻板印象的形成不太可能从任何形式的人际关系和态度发展而来(Jackson & Pearson, 2005)。另一方面,一个人应该体现的特点很可能是在个人管理的态度和行为的基础上发展起来的。刻板印象和一个人的真实人格之间有显著的区别,因为刻板印象中现实的存在减少了。刻板印象也没有考虑到个人选择和偏好的可能性。


性别是为了展示自己的形象,因为性别确实会产生一些联想,这些联想很可能被视为规范。例如,有些想法和可能性,我已经联系起来,可以很容易地由男人做,而某些事情由男人。基于人们对男性和女性的看法而产生的看法之间有着很强的联系(Jackson & Pearson, 2005)。个人影响与性别形成的刻板印象之间有着密切的联系。


Stereotypes are normally derived from a person’s association with gender, race, etc. such kind of characteristics are associated with a person not on account of any of his personal nature. It can be said that the creation of the stereotypes is unlikely to be developed from any form of personal relationships and attitude (Jackson & Pearson, 2005). On the other hand, characteristics which a person is supposed to embody are likely to be developed on the basis of the personal management of the attitude and behavior. There is a significant difference between the stereotypes and the real personality of a person as there is reduced presence of reality in stereotypes. Stereotypes also do not take into account the possibility of individual choices and preferences.


Gender comes to show one’s own image as gender does create some association which are likely to be regarded as norm. For example, there are certain ideas and possibilities which I have associated that can be done easily by men while certain things by men. There has been strong connection in the manner in which perceptions have been generated on the basis of opinion regarding men and women (Jackson & Pearson, 2005). There has been strong connection between the person’s personal effects and stereotypes developed through gender.

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In the modern times, there are complex processes and layers involved in the creation of the brand image of a product. The product is not simply based on its physical taste, the emotional connect with the product also plays an important role . The people associate with the brand based on peer reviews, past experiences and judgment calls if the particular product is worth for consumption.
In the current times, the market competition is from the local and the global competitors. There is the brand competition and even collision. The brand is a combination of the objectives of the company, significance of the culture of the company and history of the company .


In the case of beverages, it is got to deal with a host of factors. In the modern times, it is simply not only about the taste of the drink but it is about the visual appeal of the packaging, the emotional connect with the drink and other intangible factors. In the past few years, owing to the development of the digital communication there is a complete transformation of the balance of control. In this paradigm the consumer wishes have gained popularity. The consumers are found to give continual updating about the product and the product quality. The consumers also have a host of other reviews to make a judgment call about a product.

The brand should have the ability to respond to the ways in which they are perceived. The company should be able to work on its areas of strength and address the vulnerabilities of the brand. They should listen to the requirements of the consumers and be open to change. There are a number of online portals such as social media tools and websites that are dedicated to posting opinions about a brand. This peer reviewed brand image is also an important factor that needs to be contended while creation of the brand management.

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麦当劳的营销人员只有一个可能的全球营销计划,用最好的词来说就是营销组合计划。以麦当劳为例,为了进入新的市场,公司的管理层必须配合营销组合计划去做同样的事情。由于玻利维亚在市场扩张上的失败,麦当劳的管理层必须通过国际化的过程来减少进入新市场的挑战(Keegan and Green, 2017)。


麦当劳的管理是由最高效、最经济的平台组成的,可以说麦当劳可以管理全球营销平台。根据营销平台的营销组合,全球营销计划将在全球经济一体化和相互依存的情况下,对产品和服务的销售和推广相结合。在这份声明中,麦当劳公司可以使公司无状态,没有围墙。这是当今全球市场营销组合中最重要的部分(Kotabe和Helsen, 2011)。基于购买力的增强、新兴市场的发展以及互联网及其平台的发展,公司将制定全球营销计划,进军新市场。


Marketers of McDonald would only have a possible marketing global program in the best of all possible words that are marketing mix program. As per the case study of McDonald, the management of the company has to go with the marketing mix program to do the same for entering the new market. As per the failure of Bolivia in the expansion of their market, the management of McDonald has to consume internationalization process to minimize the challenges of entering new markets (Keegan and Green, 2017).


The management of McDonald consists of the best platform of efficiencies and economics so it would be stated that the company could manage the global marketing platform. As per the marketing mix of marketing platform, the global marketing program combines the selling and promotion of products and services in an integrated and interdependent global economy. In this statement, the company, McDonald, can make the company stateless and without a wall. It is the most important segment of the marketing mix in today’s global market (Kotabe and Helsen, 2011). Based on the increasing purchasing power, emerging markets and the growth of the internet and its platform, the company would make global marketing program to enter the new market.

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论文代写靠谱吗: 三星的市场经营策略

论文代写靠谱吗: 三星的市场经营策略

根据Chaston(2014)的声明,三星已经在全球智能手机市场占据了第一的位置。三星在全球市场占据22.8%的份额。随着三星销量增长7.7%,这一地位得以保持。值得注意的是,三星的主要目标是品牌定位,同时也是产品创新。因此,这将组织带到了顶峰(Proctor, 2014)。在经历了低迷和繁荣之后,三星提出了更新的想法。这些创意都是高度以消费者为中心的创意,有助于在国际市场上树立强大的品牌形象。De Mooij(2013)补充说,三星过去生产和销售智能手机是为了赶上竞争对手,而不是为了生产通常的设备。三星的主要经营策略是提供更高质量的产品,满足消费者的期望。

论文代写靠谱吗: 三星的市场经营策略


论文代写靠谱吗: 三星的市场经营策略

As per the statement of Chaston (2014), Samsung has achieved number one position in the global smartphone market. Samsung has occupied 22.8 per cent share in the global market. This position has retained as the growth of the sales of Samsung has increased by 7.7 per cent. It is noted that Samsung mainly aimed to the brand positioning and also on the product innovation. Hence, this has taken the organisation to its zenith (Proctor, 2014). Samsung has come up with updated ideas after having the segment of slumps and booms. These ideas are highly consumer focused and also creative, which would be helpful to develop a strong brand image in the international market. De Mooij (2013) added that Samsung used to manufacture and market smartphones in order to catch up their competitors rather than the production of usual gadgets. The main business strategy of Samsung is to provide greater quality of products, which would meet the expectations of the consumers.

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On the other hand, Samsung have been continuously focused on the redesigning new series of products such as the Galaxy series. Presently, they have started to produce the lightest and the slimmest phone of the world and also focused on the powerful performance to achieve an edge over Apple. However, Samsung does not follow any particular tag line, rather they have the same tag line for all of the products while they launch and promote a product in the market. According to Blankson et al. (2013), Samsung does not manufacture their products not for any specific segment of the market, but mostly target to serve the high end consumers of the society.

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越南是TPP中的农业导向型国家。缺乏熟练劳动力、研发中心和不发达工业是阻碍该国发展的主要障碍。产品和服务出口在越南经济中发挥着重要作用。在TPP成员国中,越南的出口比例仅次于新加坡。因此,预计跨太平洋伙伴关系将增加对越南经济有利的出口活动。农作物和食品对该国出口总值的贡献很大。然而,这类产品与纺织产品相比数量较少(Corben, 2015)。产品和服务主要出口欧美。


TPP的实施将增加越南产品和服务的出口。《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(Trans-Pacific Partnership,简称tpp)将允许较富裕的成员国在成本更低的成员国升级生产和制造设施,并升级生产流程。较先进的成员国将向消费市场进口相对优质、低成本、高附加值的产品。因此,马来西亚、智利、秘鲁、越南和秘鲁等拥有低成本基地的国家将受益于使它们能够以适当价值水平加工和制造产品的投资。


Vietnam is an agriculturally oriented country within TPP. Lack of skilled labour, research and development hubs and underdeveloped industries are the major barriers for the development of the country. Exports of products and services play a significant role in the economy of Vietnam. Among the TPP members, the export percentage of Vietnam is second after Singapore. Therefore, it is expected that Tran-Pacific Partnership will increase the export activities which will benefit the economy of Vietnam. Crops and food contribute a significant amount to the total value of export of the country. However, this category is in a small amount in comparison to textile products (Corben, 2015). The products and services are mainly exported to EU and US.


The implementation of TPP will increase the exports of products and services of Vietnam. Trans-Pacific Partnership will allow the wealthier member countries to upgrade their production and manufacturing facilities and processes in cheaper cost member nations. The more advanced member countries will import relatively high-quality and low-cost value-added products into their consumer market. Therefore, the countries such as Malaysia, Chile, Peru, Vietnam and Peru with their low-cost bases will be benefited from the investment that will allow them to process and manufacture products at an appropriate value levels.

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The emotions are used for the rational thinking for a human being and are not a hindrance for the artificial thinkers in the society. The robots are used to not take the emotional side and do not make right decisions. The sentiments are used to affect the human efficiency . The artificial intelligence chances of error are found to be almost nil and greater accuracy is achieved in the process.
With artificial intelligence, the chances of error are almost nil and greater precision and accuracy is achieved. The intelligence machines are used to make dangerous tasks and are not affected by the factors that affect humans.
The maintenance and repair of the artificial intelligence is the costs that are involved in the process. There are many procedures used to restore the lost code or data. This can be a time consuming and costly process.


The important concern regarding the application of the artificial intelligence is the factoring in the moral values of the situation. The intelligence is considered to be a gift. However, it cannot work for the benefit of the people.
The machines are used to store vast amounts of data. However, the storage of the data is not as effective as the humans. They are used to perform repetitive tasks for longer times. The artificial intelligence is found to cause detrimental impact on common sense. It also impacts the creative process.
Hence, the robots cannot address some of the human emotions and the rationality. They need to factor in these technologies in the future. Plausible future trends have been elucidated in the following.

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据报道,史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)在《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)的一篇文章中引述道,“人们不知道自己想要什么,除非你把它展示给他们”(Levin, 2014, para)。6)在另一篇文章中,苹果员工曾说过,“我们不会浪费时间去问用户,我们通过创造人们会喜欢的伟大产品来建立我们的品牌”(Levin, 2014, para)。这表明,苹果依赖于向客户展示他们会喜欢的有意义的创新。



On the other hand, Apple operator is able to innovate in both the meaning and technology axis. Firstly, Apple introduces many products and services over the years that have a transformative effect on people as they relate to technologies. The Macintosh, the iPad, the iPhone and the iTunes change the way people connected. The classic user centered approach is traded off and instead users are presented newer ways of using products and services. This could have been a threat to development or a positive point, fortunately for Apple, its years of research on users and technology development help it formulate a plan. It is able to present technology to users in newer ways that they are even not aware of.


Steve Jobs reportedly quotes in a Newsweek article that “People don’t know what they want until you show it to them” (Levin, 2014, para. 6). In yet another article, Apple employees are quoted as saying, “we don’t waste our time asking users, we build our brand through creating great products people will love” (Levin, 2014, para. 7). This shows Apple relies on showing introducing its customers to meaningful innovation that they would enjoy.
It has worked on improving RAM screen, processor speed, the use of the NFC chip etc. It is in fact the use of the NFC chip which suggests that Apple has moved on towards an incremental innovation from formal innovation management. NFC is present in many phones, and the technology had an early adoption rate of 13.2 percent. Now the adoption rate is in the ‘majority pragmatists’ phase and the percentage adoption is thirty-four. This adaption of Apple indicates Apple is improving its products and hence is in incremental innovation.

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The pricing is a process where a business is able to set a price to the products. The pricing is based on the manufacturing cost, labour costs, competition, current demands of the product, brand image of the product and the intrinsic quality of the products . The theory of pricing is an important variable in the microeconomic price allocation theory. Pricing is a fundamental factor in financial modelling. Many theories such as pricing elasticity of the products are derived.


Companies make price determination based on the manufacturing costs, supply-demand and competitors. However, they also need to factor in the need of employee worker hours and utilization of natural resources. Many companies discount this in their manufacturing costs. These need to be factored in as well. From this, it can be concluded that in general the companies in the modern times need to factor in all these variables in their price determination process. These factors would enable the companies to be socially conscious, ensure ethics in the process and also maintain a healthy cash flow. This process would benefit all the stakeholders in the process as well as preserve the environment. To conclude, these factors must be taken into context during the price determination process of commodity.

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另一方面,女性倾向于从大局出发,试图找到其他解决办法。男人倾向于关注习惯,而女人则试图处理情感问题。这会导致女性患上更多的健康疾病。年龄可以影响工作压力的类型,但它往往是具体的工作的某些方面。例如,加拿大统计局(Statistics Canada)进行的一项研究显示,与年龄在15岁至24岁之间的员工相比,年龄在45岁以上的员工由于不得不学习计算机技能而感到压力更大。这些导致人们死于事故或发展成健康疾病。


Gender can affect the form of stress impact that an individual would feel. There may be differences in the coping mechanisms that men and women use to deal with stress. For instance, in some research works, it is established by primary data collection that women would tend towards using more of social and emotional strategies when it comes to coping with stress in the workplace . This is not the case with men. Men try different methods of behavioural strategies o to disengage from their current issues. Men tend to focus on the problems.


Women on the other hand tend to look at the bigger picture and try to find other solutions. Men tend to focus on habits and women try to deal with emotionally. This causes the women to develop more health ailments and conditions . Age can influence the type of workplace stress experienced, but it tends to be specific to certain aspects of the job. For example, in a study conducted by Statistics Canada, more workers over the age of 45 felt stress as a result of having to learn computer skills, as compared to workers between the ages of 15 and 24 . These causes the people to succumb to accidents or develop health ailments 。

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The pound was traded with $1.36 which is lowest level in three decades. Nifty falls 3.70 percent and BSE lowered by 3.57 percent. The Singapore dollar fell down to lower of last four years. All such incidents will impact on business operations of England based activities and thereby negative financial implications reflect on financial sector. The investments will be slow down due to uncertainty outcome which was happened Scottish Independence referendum in 2014. Britain will not accept free movement of people from Europe and consequently immigration problems arise and these will impact on the income of financial sector. The Status of financial centre would be diminished and Britain could reinvent like Singapore style.


Though the current volatility is bearable, yet Britain’s financial industry will face severe difficulties. At present, the financial institutions serve their customers in 27 member countries without setting up local operations. Not only that Americans able to do business through the Europe with the London Base. It means the non-EU banks like Swiss operate business from London. With Brexit result, all such facilities will be withdrawn by the EU and every financial institution needs to set their branch in every area which will increase the costs in all angles and suppress the profits. The complete exit from the EU narrates that UK would lose the single market brand. Therefore, Britain renegotiate with the EU to access single market.


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萨班斯-奥克斯利法》的可行替代方案是COSO (Treadway委员会赞助组织委员会)。在此,对公司的治理、伦理、内部控制和财务报告进行了讨论。这些COSO关注于五个主要组成部分。它们是控制活动、监控、风险评估、信息共享和控制环境。这些组成部分都是相互关联的,并依赖于人类活动。这种方法的局限性是人为误差的可能性较大。




Viable alternative for the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission). In this, there is discussion for the governance, ethics, internal control and financial reporting of the company. These COSO focuses on five major components. They are the control activities, monitoring, risk assessment, information sharing and control environment. These components are all interrelated and depend on the human activities . The limitation of this method is that there is higher possibility of human error.


The advantage of this method is that it focuses on the restructuring of the workplace and more on the optimization of the resources. Resource optimization and development of resources require a set of protocols and methodology that matches the available resources with the need of the organization to meet its fundamental objectives. The company needs to mix the systemic vision and its global effectiveness of resource allocation. It is imperative that the company structures according to the network of projects that are required to recognize precise patterns and rules for the interdependencies . Kapoor and Talwar are also focussing on the restructuring of the employee hierarchy. This is the viable alternative for the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.


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In this regard, an important matter is needed to focus based on the topic of international agricultural trade, which is food commodity meat. Lamb meat and beef are the matter where the strongest dollar has a significant effect on increasing imports and decreasing exports. Based on the 2001 report of Economic Research Services (ERS), the exchange rate of the United Sates agricultural trade and rate of indexes were down to market. Over the last several years, the research on the agricultural export value had become a handicap for the United States agricultural exports. These factor indices the access of the United States competitiveness regarding the agricultural products.


Some of the research had found a relative minuscule role in the commodities of the United States, which had played an important part in those past years . During the year 1996,Kost reviewed the agricultural trade as a theoretical framework, which could access the business impacts of the country’s currency, the appreciation and devaluation of commodities. Kost found the effects on the significant changes in exchange dollar rates on the productions of commodities, price and consumption of trading partners where the movements could be the prime cause of increased demands. The importing countries had become demanding to fulfill their own resources to consume more and more. With the depreciation of importer currency as well as the appreciation of exporter currency, reduction of particular production with demands wants and the consumption level of course are seen.

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To make sure that the quality of the research is not affected, the participants are not chosen randomly. It is essential for the plans to be professional and functional enough to take it forward. Having understood the sensitivity of this issue, structured interviews are organized. The setting is a closed environment, mostly an organization where they work. The capital market leaders should necessarily be a person from the top management who has directly experienced the problem within the internal environment and has also got impacted because of being neglected by other countries. The next process in this research is to record a set of questions with relevant answers.


The questions will be open ended. The sample size is proposed to be 50 where each one of them plays an active role as a market leader in their respective fields. The interviews are structured with 10 questions that will give their perceptions on Brexit decisions and the implications to the country. Recommendations will also be asked for them for further consideration and future research. At this stage, it is important to note that 20 more people will be added to the participant list and this sample implies presence of people who are into politics or business or economist. This is an expert opinion management. While on one side the perceptions and experiences are noted due to Brexit in the country, the experts on the other side also drop their comments and recommendations for the environmental changes. In addition to these, the literary sources have already been used in this study to analyze the situation. Hence, the proposal is to deliver accurate and valid results from interviews and literary sources.

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The advantages of this research are that it points to the important variables that need to be considered in the teaching processes. From this, the gaps in the current teaching processes and the methodologies can be understood. There is a need for practice based learning that is fostered in this research. Apart from this, innate teacher beliefs are found to be an important factor that determined the teaching process. This could lead to the formation of the gaps. However, this is a qualitative research with limited number of participants.


In this process, there can be overlooking of the overall trends. The results can be skewed or the bias of the participants could be reflected in the research data that has been collated. Nevertheless, the research can be used as a focal point to generate trends and more research can be undertaken to determine the variables. Hence this research can be used as a focal point to develop future research variables. The specifics and quantitative analysis with the research data can be used in the future research. It explores the importance of the teaching methods and reiterates the importance of practice based learning methodologies.

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The over dependence on communication, has made our life riskier during their absence. As it is not possible to wander off all potential danger from our lives, so it can have various unintended consequences. For example, to prevent road accidents, phone jammer installation on cars has been made mandatory. During accidents or when being trapped in snow, it will be almost impossible for the driver to seek help by calling 911. Non-availability of assistance, during an emergency, will pose sufficient risk when using phone jammer.


In the time of the globalization platform where the cellular network is most critical needs of each and every individual for connecting to others, in this situation, no one can do anything without a mobile network. However, this network system is jamming by this jamming device, which is very disturbing and very irritating to complete the work. If a comparison between the time before jamming and the time after jamming perform, then it will be observed that after the jamming every work will be pending for the network. The work takes much time, and every individual has to wait for the network. On the other hand, without jamming every work can be done as fast as possible. This jamming process makes a huge impact in the telecommunication system as well as internet system. Due to the effect of this system, the whole internet networks are crushed, which affect the educational system, officials work, online ticket booking system, etc.

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resume 代写:通过教育可以实现男女平等权利吗

resume 代写:通过教育可以实现男女平等权利吗


resume 代写:通过教育可以实现男女平等权利吗


resume 代写:通过教育可以实现男女平等权利吗

It is universally acknowledged that education is beneficial for individuals and ensures the promotion of national development. The educational development of males and females similarly ends up increasing subsequent expansion and earning with future choices and opportunities for girls and boys. As identified in this research, education has specific dimensions of parity and access that close the gap of enrolment between boys and girls (Walby, 2005). Less attention is paid to achievement and retention, or the relevance and quality of education. There has to be provision of relevant education with good quality for improvement of retention and enrolment. Achievement, retention and quality are crucial components in the designed education strategy for the maximized potential of girls and boys.


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A major challenge is presented in the achievement of gender equality by the provision of education. This is because it has a significant negative impact on girls’ retention and participation in schools. Further ahead, ineffective reproductive and sexual health education ends up inhibiting accessibility of adolescents to details while contributing in dropouts of girls from schools, specifically on reaching puberty . With education, a number of benefits of women and girls are enhanced with the improvement of maternal health, reduction of infant mortality and rates of fertility. Gender discrimination in the field of education is a consequence and cause for deeply rooted variations across the society. Disparities with respect to traditional attitudes, disability, ethnic background or poverty related to their role and status end up undermining the ability of girls and women for the purpose of exercising key rights.


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近年来,信息的进步和能力有了一定的发展,科技发挥了关键作用,网络攻击的几率也有所增加。网络攻击也被称为计算机网络攻击。反对者的数据、网络和计算机系统被网络攻击破坏(Nandi, Medal, & Vadlamani, 2016)。人们经常被告知网络攻击的脆弱性,但在此之后,他们也没有采取多少可衡量的措施来消除网络攻击的影响。当病毒进入计算机时,会有一些病毒,这些病毒会破坏由个人或群体传播的计算机网络(Genge, Kiss, & Haller, 2015)。这些人每天都在传播病毒,并大规模传播危险(Manoj & Bhaskari, 2016)。虽然计算机的使用可以增加并提高生产率,但是主要的问题是开发的技术,这些技术非常昂贵,并且它的主要目的是保护计算机不受internet(用于共享信息而不是隐藏信息)的影响。


有各种高价值的目标,例如服务器、网络或路由器,吸引了网络攻击者。在2008年的军事斗争中,有人怀疑俄罗斯政府袭击或鼓励对格鲁吉亚官方网站进行有组织的犯罪袭击。因此,格鲁吉亚被俄罗斯入侵(Tran, Campos-Nanez, Fomin, & Wasek, 2016)。在2009-2010年期间,一个被称为Stuxnet的复杂政府制造了一个蠕虫病毒。有人怀疑伊朗将在其核工厂的帮助下生产武器级的增强铀。因此,为了使伊朗的核电站失效,Stuxnet蠕虫病毒被释放(Ntalampiras, 2016)。据《纽约时报》报道,以色列政府和美国政府设计了Stuxnet蠕虫病毒,这种病毒在全世界互联网上传播的原因是编程错误。一个网络指挥结构由美国国防部创建。这种结构的主要功能是构建防御性和进攻性的网络策略(Genge, Kiss, & Haller, 2015)。网络指挥结构被认为是美国政府的战争计划和战争的组成部分。


In recent years, there has been a development in the progress and capabilities of information, the crucial role has been played by technology, and there has been an increase in the chances of cyber attacks as well. Cyber attacks are also known as computer-network attacks. Data, networks and computer system of opponents are damaged with cyber-attacks (Nandi, Medal, & Vadlamani, 2016). People are regularly told about the vulnerabilities of the danger of cyber attacks but after that they also take no much measureable steps in order to get rid of the effects of cyber attack. There are some viruses when they enter into a computer, which harm the computer network that is spread by individuals or group of individuals (Genge, Kiss, & Haller, 2015). These individuals are spreading the viruses on daily basis and spreading a danger on a large scale (Manoj & Bhaskari, 2016). Although the usage of the computer can be increased and made productive, the main problem that comes are the developed technologies, which are very expensive, and it is used with the main motive of securing computer from internet (which is used to share information instead of hiding information).

There are various high value targets, for example, servers, networks, or routers, toward which the cyber attackers get attracted. In the year 2008, during the military struggle, it has been suspected by some that the government of Russia attacked or encouraged organized crime assaults on the official websites of Georgia. Because of it, Georgia was invaded by Russia (Tran, Campos-Nanez, Fomin, & Wasek, 2016).During the period 2009-2010, a worm was created by a sophisticated government, which was known as Stuxnet. There were some suspicions that arose about the Iran that they are about to make weapons-grade enhanced uranium with the help of their nuclear plant. Therefore, in order to disable the Iranian nuclear plant, Stuxnet worm was loosed (Ntalampiras, 2016). It was published by The New York Times that the government of Israel and the United States of America designed the Stuxnet worm and the reason behind the circulation of this worm around the internet all over the world was programming error. A Cyber Command structure has been created by the American Defense Department. The main function of this structure is to build cyber strategies that are defensive and offensive (Genge, Kiss, & Haller, 2015). The Cyber Command structure has been considered as an integral part of war planning and war making by the government of the United States of America.

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本文主要介绍的是战略领导,对于在战略领导能力和领导能力方面正面临成功的现有组织的研究,可以以这里为例。一个实际的发展计划可以被开发(Beck和Yeager, 2005)。首先,组织的战略敏感性和领导的敏捷性是相互关联的。组织的战略敏感性是组织对其所拥有的机会非常关注的方面。他们预测机会,并根据这些机会计划。根据不同的数据解读(Right Management Group, 2017),制定了基于现实世界秩序的战略。研究发现,组织在战略上是敏感的,他们的领导者更有洞察力。本篇美国代写毕业论文文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The research studies on existing organizations who are facing success when it comes to strategic leadership capabilities and leadership abilities can be taken as an example here. A practical development plan can be developed (Beck and Yeager, 2005). Now firstly strategic sensitivity of the organization and leadership agility are connected. Strategic sensitivity of an organization is the aspects of organization where the organization is very mindful of the opportunities that they have. They anticipate opportunities and are seen to plan based on these opportunities. Strategies are planned on realistic world order and based on the different interpretation of data (Right Management Group, 2017). Studies identified that where organizations are strategic sensitive, then their leaders are more insightful. Anticipation and foresight increases and this improves organizational resilience. New options can be created better, and the organizational communication practices are improved better as well. In addition, it is identified that the organization can continuous evolve when it comes to competitive landscapes. These expectations in competitive landscapes are easily met by the leader who can adapt strategic sensitivity (Horney et al., 2010). The leader who works on strategic sensitivity options can be called an agile leader (Joiner and Josephs, 2006).

Secondly, to increase leadership agility, it is necessary to improve resource fluidity and communication. This part of the development plan is needed to ensure that the organization in question adopts strategic options with more flexible standpoint (Swisher, 2013; Crocitto and Youssef, 2003). An organization that is seen to be suffering issues already would not be able to flexible enough in choosing solutions if the organization is very much contained in its choices (Pixton et al., 2010). Resources must be given the needed autonomy and should not be encouraged by the leaders all the time to just follow a rulebook. If necessary, the leaders must encourage the employees to work with a we-win approach, where the employees would believe they are part of the organizational success. Communicating hence becomes a critical element here, as the combined sense of actions of the resources will be needed for maintaining strategic advantage (McKenzie and Aitken, 2012). Therefore, in the organization, resources would have to be given better fluidity and better communication protocols should have been present.


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The internal monetary landscape is seen to have emerged the fall of the hybrid exchange rate system of the Bretton Woods. It clearly explains the state that lies somewhere in the polar cases of the gold standards and the pure float. The system seems to be flexible with indicating the flexible exchanges rates that are seen in the major countries. The active central interventions are clearly identified with the aid of the cases that considered by the form of the major currencies. As the industrialization and the development of the countries are seen, the majority of the research aims to focus on the currency markets since the early 1970’s. It is focused for the purpose of characterizing the flexibility of the exchanges rate under the hybrid regime (Farmer, 2014). The proportion of the exchange rates currently focuses on the models that critically explain the essentiality of various forecasts. As the post-Bretton Woods era is considered, the result regarding the explanation of the major currency movements is seemed to be surprising in nature, and the unpredictable situations are raised with undertaking the theoretical models.


The distinctive features can be indicated in the form of the asset bubble formation that is the formation and the collapse. The mortgaging of the financial system is characterized by the rapid rise in the housing prices and the retrenchment in the housing and the prices finance. The collapse of the mortgage of the bubble is indicated to be associated with the worst economic downturn. The above mentioned two financial bubbles are having some precedents. One of the unique features of the recent market bubbles is the occurrence of the rapid evolution during the period of the technological advancement in the global financial systems. This development enables the improvement in the statistical modelling, and the widespread availability of the market data with the formation of the unique features for the purpose of hedging the risks rose. This creates a financial sophistication among the participants in the market, and thereby, the two substantial bubbles seem to emerge despite the significant increase in the complexity of the financial markets. The rise of the speculative excesses in the financial market has led to some causes which include the misaligned incentives, lack of the investor sophistication, fraud and the experiences. The example can be illustrated in the form that during the period, a lack of institutional investor foresight is seen which gave rise to the risks during the evaluation of the mortgage instruments. The difference in the sophistication was being created between the homeowners and the mortgage originators.



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从Richard Rodriguez的角度来看,有两个美国梦版本。第一个美国梦的版本是移民,他们是美国文化的局外人,生活必须改变。对于那些出生在美国,有一个不同的角度(Anzaldua et al,1987)。这种观点并不在于改变个人生活,而是在于获得尽可能多的资本,以保持已经取得的成就。从这个角度看,美国梦辜负了那些居住在国内的人,但并没有辜负那些作为移民来的人。美国梦在全球范围内充满活力,但这在美国已经开始死亡。从引用内存状态向读者解释策略明显饥饿起始段;“我已经把丑陋的建议。我偷了他们的书。我会有一个运行在这个岛”(Anzaldua et al,1987)。这段引言有一个典故,描述了莎士比亚在他的戏剧《暴风雨》中所使用的相关语境。通过扩展的意义罗德里格兹的小说,它变得明显,墨西哥状况已经解释了入门款书中英美观点强加自己反对通过语言、墨西哥条件政治,基于权力、民族教育。作者通过解释美国在墨西哥的弱势地位和在极端条件下生活的希望,进一步加强了美国梦的前景,尽管在许多方面反对。在英国人进入李察的私人生活之后,李察的世界发生了变化,走上了一条完全不同的道路,这是一条通向被同化的中产阶级美国男子地位的道路。作为一个新来的美国人,在小说的结尾,李察从最初的角度出发,完全疏离了他所属的根源,实现了新的美国梦。


From the perspective of Richard Rodriguez, there are two American Dream versions. The first American dream version is that of the immigrants who are outsiders to American culture and that life has to be changed. For people who are born in U.S, there exists a different perspective (Anzaldua et al, 1987). This perspective does not lie in changing an individual based life, but it lies in acquiring as much capital as one can to hold on to what they have attained already. From this perspective, American Dream fails those living within the country but does not fail those who come as immigrants. There is liveliness in the American Dream along with across the globe but this has started to die in U.S itself. The starting paragraph in the Hunger of Memory states to the reader an interpretation strategy evident from the quotes; “I have taken Caliban’s advice. I have stolen their books. I will have some one run on this isle” (Anzaldua et al, 1987). This introductory paragraph has an allusion depicting the related context used by Shakespeare in his play, the Tempest. By extending the implication to the novel by Rodriguez, it becomes evident that Mexican condition has been explained by the introductory paragraph in the book with Anglo-American perspective imposing itself in opposition to the Mexican condition through language, politics, education and race based power. The perspective of American dream is further enhanced by the author by explaining the weak Mexican position in U.S and the hope of living in extreme conditions even though opposed in so many ways. After the moment that Englishman comes into the private life of Richard, the world for Richard changes and steps on a completely distinct path, which is a path leading towards assimilated middle class American man status. As a new man in America, by the end of the novel, Richard feels estranged completely from the roots to which he belonged and achieved the new American dream from his initial perspective.

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