





专业正规的美国论文代写EducaTionren服务有专业的客服人员,同学们要做的就是先和客服进行沟通,看看论文代写机构是否可以按照同学们的需要来完成论文,所以留学生要与加拿大代写详细讲清楚毕业论文的写作要求,专业方面也需要说清楚,毕竟大家也要肯定对方是否能够完成论文。同学们可以去论文代写机构的官网看一些论文代写案例, 这样就能够同学们知道该机构的能力到底如何,是否真的符合需要等等,只有如此才能够让挑选到一个合适的论文代写机构,还可以保障论文代写原创质量。







因为代写毕业论文完成创作之后,对方提供的论文是否真的符合留学生的需要,还是一个未知数, 所以留学生必须要做好基础的一个衡量和确认工作。如果真的是检查好了没有任何的一个问题,那么这样的论文才能够提交给自己的导师。因为如果出现情况,对于论文要求一旦理解偏差 ,写出的论文和同学们的要求是不同的话,这类论文是不能提交的,不合适的话也需要让对方修改才行。









在这里留学生还需要注意的是代写价格越便宜越好吗,其实并不是这样,特别是一些个人机构运营成本低, 以超低的代写价格低吸引留学生的注意,但是论文代写却是无法保障的,也无法按时交付,毕竟个人机构能力有限,不建议留学生选择。
























































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对于限时Essay来说,毫无疑问是最具挑战性的一种留学生作业形式。在课堂上,你要面对的是老师的监考和时间的限制,在这种双重压力下写出A+ Essay确实十分不容易。虽然限时Essay的写作时间是有限的,但一般情况下老师会提前说有限时Essay要求大家在课堂上完成,所以留给大家的准备时间还是蛮充分的,因此大家更要利用好这段准备时间查阅资料做好准备去写这限时Essay。




4、你可以在Spark Notes和Shmoop上找到常用的限时论文题目和素材,所以在进行写作前,你为何不去看一看呢?





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美国代写论文是如何收集文献的?论文结尾部分如何写?要想一篇论文写得好,那么开头和结尾必须得写好。在留学期间,论文写作非常多。而我们不仅要准备资料,还要在有限的时间里构思方案,争取拿到好的成绩 。那么怎样收集文献?如何写出呼应前文并能准确表达自己的观点和见解的结尾呢?请看我们美国代写论文的讲解。


首先,了解一下什么是文献,文献有哪些特点。文献最早是指历史的一些Classics,之后泛指社会上一些用于记载Written language的材料。现代社会技术不断发展,一些用于记录文字、图表、数字、符号、视频等的信息资料都成为危险。当代社会,文献资料的主要特点是数据急剧增加和类型的多样化。另外,由于技术的不断进步,当代文献资料也有High speed, short life, repeated contents and uneven quality的特点。

第二,根据英文论文写作题目来确定合适的文献资料。面对老师布置论文后,首先要明确自己的写作目的和写作方向,这样就可以根据自己的写作目的和方向来选择合适的文献资料,要选择精华内容的资料,恰当的利用Literature data,保证文章的质量,如果要引用的话,要避免抄袭,不然会造论文质量低的情况,被导师判定为抄袭就不好了。很多留学生们面对外文资料都会觉得苦恼,这里建议可以通过快速阅读的方式来进行文献的查找。对于一些理论性的有价值的比较权威的材料,对于自己论文写作的段落可以详细的阅读。

第三,文献收集在英文论文写作中的重要性。通过Collection and analysis的方法选择合适的信息,达到某种调查研究目的的研究方法就是我们常说的文献法。文献法是一种研究的方法,也是收集资料的主要方法。它是最基础的一种搜集资料的方法,任何社会研究前提都是要先从文献资料调查的方法入手,使Survey purpose更加明确,使文章的内容更有创新的特点。另外,文献资料收集法是可以独立完成某些课题的全过程,因此在英文论文写作中,具有很重要的作用。

第四,如何收集有价值的文献资料。在文献资料的收集中,可以使用Retrieval literature的方法来进行查找。一般来讲,文献资料分为未公开的文献资料和公开发表的两大类,未公开的文献需要根据已知的线索或主观判断按图索骥,向个人咨询或到有关单位查找。公开的文献资料必须利用现有图书馆情报资料去专门的图书情报机构查找。现在很多的国外大学都是有专门的网上图书馆的,平时可以多去查阅资料,这样在收集文献资料的时候也会更加方便。

第五,资料的Screening and recording。对于自己选择的文献资料来进行筛选,采用去粗取精、去伪存真的方式来进行资料的分析和整合,选择合适自己的资料,这样才可以保证论文的写作质量。对于文献资料的记录建议在阅读的时候,可以通过写批注、Notation或者是摘录法来进行资料的Sorting and recording,或者是通过自己手工做笔记的方法来收集,具体可以根据自己选择的文献资料的类型,如果是书本资料可以做标记;如果是电子资料,可以手工摘抄。















Constructing the history in terms of noting down attributes of the historical events and causes of happening of such moments is found to be aggravated through development of certain arrangements of data sources. Such kinds of data sources are likely to be in two different forms. One belongs to the nature of secondary data and the other in the form of primary data. However, in the development of noting down historical events and references to them, there are certain positive and negative implications of the same. For example, primary data is found to be the most important method of data collection and is considered to be of high significance to historians. This is because of the high level of authenticity that such data provides to general persons and historians for both present significance and future study.

On the other hand, primary sources that are available to historians include letters and speeches delivered by somebody significant, autobiographies noted and witness statements that are delivered by witnesses during the occurrence of the event. These classes of sources can be described as one of primary sources of information that is likely to be included in the method of developing attributes to any situation or progress. Among them, the most reliable source of information that can be called as the primary data includes hand written manuscripts allowing it convey the relevant first-hand information that has been collected but also offers an insight on the period during which the manuscripts were written that act as a evidence about the reliability of the information. This is because of the actual presence of original manuscripts at the time of occurring making it as a major source of information through provision of information about the availability of resources to produce manuscripts at time of occurrence of events.




毕业论文代写:学校体制和市场化的因素。多元文化主义受到挑战是因为学校的选择和营销方式,这对公平和多样性有影响。学校正变得种族隔离。据了解,家长选择学生,然后把他们送到学校是基于一些隔离因素,如阶级或种族。学生们倾向于与他们认为与自己相似的人结盟(Chang & Le, 2010)。家长们最终会选择那些他们认为学生会符合类似种族社区的学校。由于这种选择性的学校教育和市场营销,现在人们发现学校很难实现社会凝聚力和多元文化主义。接下来毕业论文代写专家将为同学们分析下学校体制和市场化的因素。

在过去,学校会被视为一个培养更多种族和民族包容性的系统,为孩子们提供更好的学习环境,以提高他们的多元文化。然而,在目前,学校变得更加隔离。例如,数据显示,私立学校是盎格鲁人主导的。来自盎格鲁社区的学生最终只会见来自他们自己宗派的人。他们没有机会或技能来发展文化。这些学生缺乏跨文化意识,因为跨文化技能只有在人们与不同群体混合的地方才能发展。如果他们没有,那么他们就缺乏跨文化技能。家长应该寻求给他们的学生一个全面的教育(ISCA, 2017)。对多元文化缺乏基本的了解,会导致学生缺乏在日常生活中生存所需的技能。在日常生活中,学生将不得不与来自不同文化背景的人打交道。这不仅仅是盎格鲁学生的问题,即使是在公立学校学习的学生也无法接触到大多数的盎格鲁人,这再次削弱了他们与每个人接触的基本能力。因此,由于特定的选择和营销,可以确定多元文化主义受到了挑战。这与多样性和公平性问题有关。解决这个问题的方法应该考虑到所有这些方面,而不仅仅是提高学生入学率。


In the past, the school would have been seen as a system that fostered more racial and ethnical inclusivity, allowing the children a better learning environment in order to improve their multiculturalism. However, in the present time, schools have become more segregated. Private schools for instance, as the data show is Anglo dominated. The students from Anglo community end up meeting only people from their own sect. They are not given the opportunity or skills to develop culturally. Cross cultural awareness would be missing in these students as cross-cultural skills only develop in such places where people mingle with diverse groups. Where they do not, then they lack cross cultural skills. Parents should seek to give their students an all rounded education (ISCA, 2017). A basic lack of understanding of multiculturalism will result in students lacking the needed skills to survive in daily life. In the normal daily life, students will have to mix with people from different cultural backgrounds. This is not an issue for the Anglo students alone, even students studying in public schools will not get exposure to the majority Anglo population and this once again undermines their basic capacity to engage with everybody. Therefore, because of specific selecting and marketing, it can be identified that multiculturalism is challenged. This is connected to issues of diversity and equity. A solution for the same should consider all these aspects and not just focus on improving the student induction rates.

The parents end up selecting those schools where they believe students would conform to similar ethnic communities. As a consequence of such selective schooling and marketing, it is identified now that there is difficulty in social cohesion and multiculturalism in schools. At its very end, multiculturalism is destroyed in the country and a very unhealthy environment where students might not understand each other’s diversity will grow to thrive. To consider this argument, consider the difference between the private school and public schools that Ho (2015) presents. Ho stated that the schools have become even more segregated and racially and ethnically divided compared to even the neighbourhoods.





现代广告并不注重创造新的美的价值。他们想要销售他们的产品,创造一个消费者基础。他们注意那些不安全感,以抓住潜在目标受众的注意力。作为观众,人们也喜欢娱乐方面,女人可以达到这样的美丽水平。女人的美丽常常与一个女人的成功相协调。这种古老的意识形态在当今时代仍然盛行。它们被做得很微妙,但它们似乎强化了这些意识形态。男人喜欢这些广告,而女人则是为了符合标准的美丽努力。有一种破坏性完美主义和过度的自我批评的培育(Hawn 31)。这并不能帮助女性的发展,相反,它只注重于夸大所谓的美的标准的某些方面。

这个广告物化了女性,让她们在心理上屈从于其他女性的评判,她们想要帮助她们看起来更好、保持健康(Hawn 31)。



Modern day advertisement does not focus on creation of newer values of beauty. They want to sell their products and create a consumer base. They pay attention to the insecurities to grab the attention of their potential target audience. As audiences, the people also enjoy the entertainment aspect that women can reach such levels of beauty. The beauty of the women is often attuned to the success of a woman. This age-old ideology is still prevalent in the current times. They are made subtle, but they seem to reinforce these ideologies. The men enjoy these advertisements and the women’s is made to conform to normative beauty efforts. There is a fostering of the destructive perfectionism and excessive self-critique (Hawn 31). This does not help the women develop rather it focuses on exaggerating some aspects of the so called normative standards of beauty.

This advertisement objectifies women and makes them psychologically submit themselves to being judged by other women who wants to help them look better and stay healthy (Hawn 31).

The real question is why women let themselves would be objectified knowing the ramification, it would cause for them and their society. It is owing to the fact that it is easier to work with the existing stereotype rather than change the normative standards of beauty. The questions would even arise why not adhere to these standards. These kinds of semiotic design need to be rejected as they focus on the sexism and continue to develop on the gender inequalities.

This advertisement is one effort by the company to meet their investor needs. However, to solve the social issues that are prevailing in the society and for true capitalism, all the people need to come together to find solutions. This can be first achieved by level plying the field. As an inception step, the people need to raise their expectations of the viewing content rather than the women to solve these issues. These are the main determinations that the people need to address in the society.






在深入探究Vissarion的邪教细节之前,我们必须了解后苏联分裂宗教的重要性。据说,《最后的遗嘱》教会为生活中困难的问题提供了答案,并列出了维萨里翁希望他的追随者如何生活的一些特征。显然,一些人认为这种邪教有潜在的危险,主要是因为它要求女性“和男性一起行动”的方式。这个邪教信仰外星人;认同自我毁灭,相信世界末日。追随者和游客应该避免吸烟,喝酒和吃肉。从社会的角度来看,他的追随者相信他,而不质疑他的厌恶女性的偏见(Goldwag, 2009)。

这部纪录片围绕着主持人在Petropavlovka的经历,并解释了这个邪教追随者的社会行为。这位老师在接受主持人的独家采访时,回答了主持人的提问,语气含糊不清,但仍在暗示,这个小小的定居点确实是某种异教隔离。为了解释这种宗教是如何真正发挥作用的,这一部分旨在回答一些好奇的问题,自然产生的看完这个视频。顺便说一句,你可能会提到1973年的电影《柳条人》(The Wicker man),这部电影与维萨里翁的邪教作品有着不可思议的相似之处。

My targeted media is a short documentary entitled ‘Jesus of Siberia’. Based on true facts, the host explains how an atheist Soviet union crumbled to give rise to smaller religious cults, Vissarion (the Teacher) being a by-product of the same. There are multiple variations or cults seeping out from one main religion, such as Christianity. In the dense Taiga forests of Siberia, a 29 year old Russian patrol officer, Sergey Anatolyevitch Torop claimed that God has sent him to save the world. His sudden revelation led to the birth of his version of the last testament, which claims to provide answers to life’s most difficult questions. Whether Vissarion’s approach to religion is in vogue with the outside world is questionable.

Before diving into the details of Vissarion’s cult, one must understand that post Soviet Union division religion started gaining much significance. The church of the Last Testament allegedly provides answers to life’s difficult questions and tabulates some characteristics of how Vissarion wants his followers to lead their lives. Obviously, some regard this cult as potentially dangerous principally because of the ways in which it dictates women to ‘behave with men’. The cult believes in aliens; approve self-annihilation and keeps faith in End of the World. Followers and visitors are expected to refrain from tobacco, alcohol and meat. From an social perspective, his followers believe in Him without questioning his misogynistic bias (Goldwag, 2009).

This documentary revolves around the host’s experience in Petropavlovka and explains the social behaviour of the followers of this cult. The teacher, in an exclusive interview with the host, answers his queries with ambiguity still suggesting that this small settlement is indeed some sort of pagan isolation. To explain how this religion really works out, this section aims to answer some curious queries naturally arising after watching this video. Incidentally, one might refer to a 1973 film ‘The Wicker man’ that shares some uncanny resemblance with how Vissarion’s cult works.

























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都说英语是一个逻辑性思维很强的语言,因为英语论文写作中要求用词的人、数、格的统一,句子的严谨性以及段落之间的结构层次清晰 。美国论文代写表示,一篇好的论文要注意句与句之间的连贯性和段落与段落之间的连贯性,而不是句子的随意堆砌,因为它们是一个有机的整体。论文写作中把握好句子与段落的逻辑性关系,就要应用好连接词和语义的承接。






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4、主体。论文的问题一般比较固定,大多是三段式结构,其中在展开段进一步阐明论文的内容、研究方法、分析过程及论证要点,结尾段是给全文作出结论并指出结论的意义。 论文的主体主要是介绍自己的研究,该部分应占整个论文的60%以上。主体部分应做到论点明确、基础理论扎实、逻辑推理严密,尽量用专业语言,避免平铺直叙白话连篇。


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本文主要讲的是风险因素发展的问题,最重要的因素是风险因素的发展。这些被发现是模型创新的一个长期问题。经理们发现很难确定这个模型中的哪些变化会起作用。他们寻找方法来确保更新的产品或技术被注入到这个过程中。这些价值链风险被发现与创造、供应和消费过程相关(Aaboen et al., 2017)。在风险分析中必须考虑的三个重要因素是过程的收益、成本结构和资源速度。本篇留学生作业代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The most important factor is the development of the risk factors. These are found to be a perennial problem with the model innovation. The managers are finding it harder to determine what changes in this model would work. They look for ways to ensure that newer product or technology that are infused in the process. These are value chain risks that are found to be associated with the process of creating supplying and consumption of the process (Aaboen et al., 2017). The three imperative factors that must be factored in the risk analysis are the revenue of the process, cost structure and the resource velocity.
These are created from the resources that are available in the markets. These factors are found to be the main theme or focus on the management literature. The companies need to focus on the ways to increase the potential to create value and redesign the business model. This is done in order to reduce the risks that are applied in the process. The ways in which the risks can be avoided in this instance is reduction of the infrastructure costs, transferring the risk of delivery to the local producers or by improving the quality of the service deliverables that are designed in the website. These are some of the ways in which the companies can relate to the growth of the company. The companies need to ensure external analysis, meso-analysis and micro analysis.
It is imperative to factor in the internal analysis of the process to determine the best course of action.
The company idea is somewhat a newer idea. It needs to develop by focusing on the ways to increase the healthier food option to the people. The company needs to find ways to establish itself with the local community. It can use a fluid model given the size of the operation.


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The change is undeniable event in the life of an organization, and managing the change properly is the first brick in the foundation of successful growth of the business. Like any other function, implementing change also comes with the cost attached to it. Some people perceive it as an opportunity while others look at it skeptically. The whole process of brining change consumes both time and resources of the company. Therefore, it is always desired to have its successful implementation. The positive results from the changes undertaken might take some time to show.
Under these circumstances, it becomes the responsibility of leaders to keep the employees convinced about the benefits of change. The managers take on the roles of a leader at the time of changes in an organization. Merely managing the situation does not suffice the requirements of change implementations. The problem related to the change implementation needs gamut of activities to be performed. Here we have discussed the steps that might help the leaders prepare better for the upcoming obstacles. We have also tried to understand the changes from employees’ point of view, how they generally perceive changes and the issues that are important for employees. The leaders can get an insight into the thinking of employees while the changes are implemented.
However, in context with the modern scenario and the future workforce, the manager would have to take advantage of the newer leadership tactics. The next generation employees are armed with the latest electronic devices, cell phones and laptops. Generally, they are impatient to reach their goals and expect everything to be done very quickly. However, they are not easy to be manipulated and do not like to be dictated (Blanchard, 2009).

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本文主要讲的内容是索赔,基金索赔经理:在组织中评估工人支付担保的日常工作是由几个不同的财务管理部门联系在一起的。基金委派的安全一次性票据支付者被称为“财务索赔经理”。“考虑让各组织的代表(专家薪酬主管)与基金索赔管理人员一起提供咨询,指导权利的管理。工作站伤害(根据WIM&WCA 1998 s 42条款)指的是对劳动者的伤害,根据1998年WIM&WCA条款,专家应支付或可能支付工伤赔偿。本篇美国作业抄袭文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Fund Claims Manager: Day to day duty in respect of evaluating the workers for paying guarantees in the organization is associated by several different management of treasury. The Fund-delegated safety disposable bill payers are called “Finance Claims Managers.” Organizations have representatives (specialists’ remuneration chiefs) are considered for counselling along with the Fund Claim Manager to direct the administration of the entitlement. Workstation Injury (under the WIM&WCA 1998 s 42) implies a harm to a labourer for which specialists pay is, or might be payable under WIM &WCA 1998. Damage: by and by, wounds fall into three general classifications: 1. Physical injury2. Sickness 3.Mental injury under WCA 1987 s4, damage is characterized as
a) individual damage emerging out of or over the span of service;
b) incorporates an ailment harm, which means: an ailment that is shrunk by a labourer over the span of work however just if the business was the fundamental contributing element to getting the illness, and the disturbance, speeding up, compounding or disintegration over the span of work of any ailment, yet just if the business was the principle contributing component to the irritation, increasing speed, fuel or decay of the malady, and
c) does exclude (aside from on account of a labourer utilized in or about a coalmine to that the Coal Mines Regulation Act 1982 applies) a tidy infection, as characterized by the employees Reimbursement (Dust Diseases) Act 1942or the disturbance, quickening, worsening or crumbling of a tidy sickness, as so defined (Chambers, 2011).The meaning of ailment harm does not make a difference to cops, terminate contenders and paramedics. These programs of specialists allude to the meaning of damage in the recorded adaptation of the WCA 1987as at 26 June 2012.A mental or mental issue has emerged out of or over the span of business. See area 9 of this approach order for more data on the mental/psychiatric disorder. No remuneration is owed under the WCA 1987s9A in regard of harm (other than ailment damage) unless the business concerned was a significant contributing variable to the harm.


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My decision for the character of space attempts to let the work fully demonstrate my bodily movement. Namely, the design for the space is to make the work symbolically represent my body. M. Merleau-Ponty claims “We must avoid saying that our body is in space, or in time. It inhabits space and time…I belong to them, my body combines with them and includes them” (Merleau-Ponty, 1945, p.162).Namely, the components of space such as breath, height or depth, are not present as juxtaposition, but co-existence, which are simultaneously perceived by our body. Therefore, as an instrument of subject, my painting or moulding limbs are always acting with the simultaneous sense of breath, height, and depth of surrounding space. In fact, both external space and objective body, are belonging to an undivided synthesis, which is possessed by the subject (Merleau-Ponty, 1945).
If we observe the process of bodily movement in an empty space, the space, as what is presented, is in fact possessed by the movement.In other words, what a body possesses, including physical movement, implies the ability to immediately ‘understand’ and react with the characters of space, just like what a voice possession implies the ability to change key(Merleau-Ponty, 1945). Therefore, the capacity of space in my work could be considered as a synthesis of my bodily movement, which is presented by an absent body. Namely, the main concern of my practice is that the abstracted bodily movement will be visualized instead of the physical body itself.
In Bruce Nauman ‘s early series of gestural work Fingers and Holes, what he explored is the sculptural presence of the relationship between body and space. In these works, the ‘holes’ between the fingers, are not only negative spaces but also substantial parts of the gesture. They had a role to play. In other words, the spaces between the fingers should not be considered empty, but a significant part of the whole artistic presence (Basualdo and Taylor, 2009). Similarly, in my work, the physical body, abstracted movement,and emptyspace, should be viewed as an undivided unity.


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本文主要讲述的是假日酒店,据酒店假日酒店及度假村品牌管理高级副总裁Mark Snyder称,该活动的目的是提升全球游客对这个标志性品牌的看法,该品牌正在不断改进其形成的方式,以满足客户的需求。强调的元素是高速互联网接入和舒适的室内工作空间等。这些服务似乎是基本的,但很有意义,因为他们影响的品牌形象和遗产的品牌像酒店假日酒店。本篇作业代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

According to the senior vice president of brand management of hotel Holiday Inns and Resorts, Mark Snyder, the aim of the campaign was to enhance the outlook of worldwide visitors towards the iconic brand that is working continuously for evolving the ways formed for meeting the requirements of the customers. The elements on which the emphasis was given were high-speed internet access and comfortable in-room workspaces etc. These kinds of services seem to be fundamental but are highly meaningful as they affect the brand image and legacy of the brand like Hotel Holiday Inn.
In the history of successful hotels worldwide Hotel Holiday Inn is one of the leading names as it works on innovations and creativity. The e-marketing strategies of the hotel are formed in such a manner that these are taken as opportunity for presenting the image of the brand as distinctive among the other players of the same industry. The major means of advertising in the hotel industry is through electronic media such as radio, television and also through newspapers and magazines that are part of print media. In the present scenario the e-marketing or internet marketing is attaining more importance in the hospitality industry. The two major methods used for assessing and selecting the media for advertising are Cost per thousand (CPM) and Gross Rating Points (GRPs).
The effectiveness of any advertising media is assessed on the basis of four factors i.e. cost, frequency, impact and reach to the worldwide customers. The conventional advertising techniques are changed with the advanced and improved advertising techniques in the hotel industry. There is seen a shift in the marketing strategies of the hotel industry i.e. now the marketing is done through internet advertising and digital marketing. This is done with an aim of increasing the level of interaction with the customers. It is crucial for hotel firms to identify the timings during which the customers are willing to pay for attaining the various services of the hotel which provided worth to the business. Some hotel firms follow the strategy of advertising at that period of time during which the targeted audiences are willing to purchase the services and experiences offered by the company.


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本文主要讲述的是营销的重要性,作为一个买家,在选择产品时是有偏好的。每一次,这个项目都让我把自己想象成一个买家和市场分析师。在涉及SOSTAC模型的部分,对营销组合、战术、营销传播工具、控制策略和质量管理计划进行了培训(Marketing91.com, 2011)。科尔布的经验学习理论确实充分地激发了我对聚合型、发散型、同化型和容纳型等风格的思考。我最初是属于收敛型的。本篇美国传媒学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

As a buyer, there are preferences when choosing a product. Every time, the project let me to visualize myself as a buyer as well as a marketing analyst. In the section involving SOSTAC model, it educated on marketing mix, tactics, marketing communication tools, control strategies and quality management plans (Marketing91.com, 2011). Kolb’s theory of experiential learning did ignite me adequately on the styles such as converger, diverger, assimilator and accommodator. I fell in the category of converger initially.
In due course of time, I learnt that I could have performed better and then accommodator came into picture. I developed experimentation skills and reasoning abilities. Every activity that I did was supported with justifications. Without these strategies, it realized that it is impossible to promote a product and reach it to the target market. The most interesting part in this report is introduction of innovativeness and creativity to the marketing campaign. The choice of platforms, colours, demographics, timeline informed the possible outcomes and feasibility to achieve business objectives.
The analysis of marketing communication for Cuckoo has showed that it has not ventured into the online media platforms. This is the problem for the brand as it is yet to get recognized in the global market. Being a three year startup, the communication strategy has so far been weak. This report has identified objectives, tactics, strategies and change management plans to address the needs of customers and also introduce creativity in every plan of the firm. This can attract and retain large number of customers. The section on creativity has given further ideas on when to promote and the possible responses expected from the customers. The report has given several productive elements that can take the brand to next level.


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There are 3 distinct recommendations that can be offered to BT in order for the company to ensure long term sustainability. The first recommendation is to take into consideration economic and political aspects which provide essential analysis to support the utilization of technologies. BT, therefore, needs to keep a stronger focus on social perspectives as this has a relationship with new products qualitative and quantitative analysis that rather would locate for the preference of customers (Pitcher 2004). With other aspects, another factor of consideration is technology as it plays an essential role across the telecommunications sector wherein BT requires being updated and well-versed with all forms of technologies.
Secondly, BT is known for downsizing its employees and this can be overcome through transitioning into network for newer companys in the nearing years expected to end by 2020. The provision of service that BT delivers is lower effective and can be improvised through new IT solutions of interface and networking quality (Porter 1985). Through contracts and expansion strategies utilized, the company can pair up with international groups. This will allow the company to rejuvenate itself and reorient itself.
Another recommendation is for the company to be present in a competitive environment with other BT competitors, but excels by adding more diversified services to its product and services range. The efficiency to handle the normal complaints needs to be enhanced to higher aspects of quality. It needs to therefore develop and start newer methods of development to promote cheap voice based calling and increase the strategies in businesses (Hill et al 2014). The company further needs to properly plan and then executes systematic conditions at work for the employees along with focusing over work based standards that help in regaining active participation of employees. This would also include maintaining good relationship with political analysts and showing collaborative efforts as part of its CSR strategy.


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本文主要讲述的是消费文化对于性别和身份有无差别,大城市里的孩子不允许在大城市里闲逛,大部分时间都呆在家里。这些孩子热情地谈论操作电脑,然后是城市地区的孩子。通过新媒体,孩子们学习新产品和商品。现代性和进步也影响了世界上的性别角色和性别认同(McCabe, 2001)。本篇美国市场营销论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The children in big cities are not allowed to roam in the big cities, and spend most of their time sitting at homes. Such children enthusiastically talks about operating computers, then the children in urban areas. With new media, children learn about new products and goods. Modernity and progress has also influenced gender roles, gender identities in the world (McCabe, 2001).
The shift of traditional societies to the western capitalist societies from the second half of the twentieth century has brought the change in gender identifications on the social and psychological levels. The identification is now defined by the goods consumption and life styles rather than the traditional wok roles. Irrespective of gender and age, children also find shopping to be a pleasurable experience. When such children are asked about, what they will buy; there answer would be anything which will satisfy them (McCabe, 2001). The social roles and responsibilities in the present day society influence the gender identity. Thus, it could be said that consumer culture has brought significant transformation in historical concepts and culture. The contemporary consumer culture does not impose questions related to gender, sex or identity.
The essay examined the impact of gender and identified on the consumer culture of the Western world. Consumer culture is the term that is used to explain the consumption of consumer goods and spend the consumer money. It is also called as the form of capitalist economy. In other words consumer culture is the part of what we do, what we buy and how we consume different goods. In the traditional society, gender and identity were identified with the pattern of masculinity and femininity. Gender and identity are now dependent on the individual attitude towards gender image. Earlier people preferred only gendered brands but with consumer culture, gender is not limited to a label or brand. Men are not bound with their traditional image of masculinity, and are consuming products to display their feminine self. Women are now loved to hoe their male aspects and instrumental images. They consume brands that were earlier associated with males. Egalitarian consumers may take some time to expand, but now they have helped many brands to extend their products to different genders. The new technologies have greatly influenced the gender attitudes on consumer goods. In addition, gender roles have also transformed with consumer culture.


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旧金山论文代写-波兰作曲家Henryk Wieniawski介绍

本文是波兰作曲家Henryk Wieniawski介绍,波兰作曲家Henryk Wieniawski出生于1835年浪漫主义音乐出现的时期。他是个小提琴天才。1843年,他有机会成为巴黎音乐学院的一员。该机构接受了维涅夫斯基的波兰身份和他不符合条件的年龄(当时他只有9岁),因为他才华出众。毕业后,他花了很长一段时间和哥哥一起参加巡演,并演出了几场独奏会。本篇旧金山论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The Polish composer Henryk Wieniawski was born in 1835 during the advent of romantic music. He was a child prodigy as a violinist. In 1843, he got the opportunity to be a part of Paris Conservatoire. The institution accepted Wieniawski’s Polish identity and his ineligible age (he was only nine years old at that point of time) for his exceptional talent. He spent a significant period of time after graduation in tours along with the company of his brother and performed several recitals.
Wieniawski inherited the passion for music from his mother who happened to be an adept piano player. He already shined as a student of music and began his career as a composer from 1850. He performed in multiple concerts in Russia and Europe when he was accompanied by his brother Jozef. The audience quickly started to recognize this virtuoso for his inimitable talent and became the follower of his compositions. At the age of 18, he composed and performed the Polonaise and the Violin Concerto No. 1 in D major and F sharp minor respectively. Notably, the critics appreciated his technical supremacy for the Violin Concerto No. 1 in F sharp minor, which also created a huge impact on the audiences in Europe.
Nevertheless, he evolved as a musician eventually and restructured his skill in 1860. His new musical incorporation was noted in the Violin Concerto No. 2 in 1862. He left Russia in 1872 and started doing an international tour. Slowly, his health began to deteriorate after 1878 and in 1880 he died.The era of romantic music is marked as from 1780 to 1910 tentatively. However, the late 18th century also witnessed the advent of impressionism. The culmination of romantic and impressionist influences can be seen in the creations of Wieniawski. Some of the eminent precursors of Wieniawski were Karol Lipiński, Henrich Wilhelm Ernst, Henri Vieuxtemps and NiccoloPaganini. The romantic urge in music in the 18th century was originality. The audience wanted to connect with the music without understanding the technical complication of a composition.


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本篇文章是关于噪音改革计划,1930年的时间段与1900年完全不同(Grueneisen, 2003)。“挑战不仅仅是由噪音本身激发的,而且是由美国城市中起作用的社会和文化力量激发的”(Grueneisen, 2003)。上面的图片被称为“城市噪音”,来自纽约市的噪音控制委员会从1930年的报告。它展示了不可抗拒的声音披肩与机械技术。噪音改革计划是为了避免爆发疾病,以改善拥挤的地区和消除工业污染(Bright, Cook, and Harris, 2004)。本篇美国会计学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The time period of 1930 was totally different than in 1900 (Grueneisen, 2003). “The challenge was stimulated not simply by the noise itself, but also by social and cultural forces at work in urban America” (Grueneisen, 2003).The above image is called as “City Noise” form the report of Noise Abatement Commission of New York City from the year 1930. It displays the irresistible sounds cape with mechanical technology. The noise reform program was conducted in order to avoid the outbreak disease to improve the overcrowded areas and remove the industrial pollution (Bright, Cook, and Harris, 2004).
The scientists in 1920’s had the capability to determine noise with electro acoustical instruments (Grueneisen, 2003). Thus, with the invention of this tool, the expectations to reduce noise disturbances have increased. Thus this problem is resolved by adding acoustical application in the interiors. Thus, sound and hearing have been very important element in architecture. One of the exiting auditory experiences could be “tranquillity”(Grueneisen, 2003).
Silence is also used in forming great atmosphere in architecture (Grueneisen, 2003). For example, the design of Jewish Museum by Daniel Libeskind is working on the same experience. He had designed several rooms in the museum, which are installed with different equipments. In one room, the copper plates are placed on the grounds that have shapes of faces. The voice, which is echoed by the high walls, fills the complete room. This installation is also a memoire in the memory of the holocaust. The echo of the sound is created in such a way to create experience of the individuals who had to suffer. This also creates a creepy environment with simple dramatic procedure (Grueneisen, 2003).
The eyes are the organ that creates senses about distance while touch is the sense of closeness, affection and intimacy. Vision is meant to observe and investigate the environment, while touch is meant to understand the feel. When light creates shadow, the other senses are enhanced and sharpened including the touch sensitivity (Levin, 1988). Hazelwood School situated in Glasgow was specially designed for children who are “dual sensory impaired” such children are deaf as well as blind, which means that the sense of touch was considerably more essential to develop the sense of independence in them.


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Even in the case of working women, it was noticed that women might be earning much less than the men. The Human development report for India indicates that women might be far lesser in numbers in management positions and leadership positions also. There is a high level of inequality in education and almost a fourth of the HDI value for India is seen to be lost when it comes to educational considerations and gender. If the HDI of the country was calculated with respect to only gender differences where women are only considered then the country would actually rank 151 of 188, on the other hand if the rank was to be adjusted based on men then it would come at 120.
In terms of education and employment advantage it is hence seen that men might have more to gain (The Hindu, 2015). Without equity and equality, India hence faces problems in development (Appendix 8). While around 70 percent of farm work is being performed by women, women employment in the agricultural sector is still restricted to less skilled jobs without much prospects to diverge (Rao, 2006). They are restricted to working under severely limiting conditions and the weather changes will have an impact on the permanency and sustainability of their work.The variations in the employment and development of the agricultural sector are one more reason for the multidimensional poverty that is present in the country. Now according to the structural change approach economies such as India would “transform their domestic economic structures from a heavy emphasison traditional subsistence agriculture to a more modern, more urbanized, andmore industrially diverse manufacturing and service economy.
It (the structural change theory) employs the toolsof neoclassical price and resource allocation theory and modern econometrics todescribe how this transformation process takes place” (Smith, and Todari, 2003, p. 116). The problems in such a movement from traditional subsistence to modern ways of working and living are that there should be equal opportunity for everyone to develop themselves and the country is severely restricted here (Banerjee, and Duflo, 2005). The Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative develops the Multidimensional Poverty Index. Now according to this index, around 50 percent of the Indian population could be poor in a multidimensional way. They could either suffer from vulnerable employment situation, might have less female force participations, or less or no unemployment benefits etc. (The Hindu, 2015).


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The two countries taken up for comparison are China and Pakistan. While there may be several similarities in economic levels but there are stark contrasts in the human capital. The utilization of human resources differs in both. While on the one hand, the Chinese economy has been segregated in a manner that caters to the low prices, middle level pricing and the high value products, the production houses that are controlling the output of these different levels of products are more tuned into the requirements of their clientele (Bosworth, and Collins, 2003). Thus, it was possible for taking up low value products that could be bought at low values for the low income groups as well as the high income groups, while the former used these products and revelled in the thought that they could afford such items.
On the other hand, the high income groups liked the thought of picking up cheap gifts as souvenirs for mass distribution (Ramlall, 2003). There was aware of new terminology available like, “use and throw” or “one time use only” which began to be attached to the shallow thinking and processing of such production houses.
The second level of products catered to the needs of the indigenous population. The inhabitants of China are totally dependent upon these types of products. The third types of products are directed at the high income bracket. The high value, luxury goods are directed for sale towards the higher income groups (Bosworth, and Collins, 2003).
Many of these luxury goods are made by age-old, traditional craftsmen and have a tremendous appeal globally (Cascio, 2007). From paintings to air planes, the expensive high value Chinese products have lasting appeal the world over. No doubt, at some levels, this form of segregation of various levels of production promotes the success of the production line on a large scale.
Pakistan, on the other hand, has not exploited to its fullest capacity in terms of product and sale of goods (Abosetegn, 2000). Many of the products are indeed of high value and high economic appeal like carpentry, raw materials, spices etc. The Pakistan Human Capital has instead excelled largely in the services and administrative sectors of the economy. While the product houses seem to work a missionary zeal (Abbas, 2001).

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在当今时代,快时尚已经成为最新的时尚宣言。它已经被培养成青少年的思想,并被世界各地的人们所接受。Zara是一家重要的零售商,因为它成功地将改变面料行业的使命结合在一起。Zara一直是最受欢迎的时尚品牌,因为它经常更新。定期更新的策略非常有用,因为它鼓励老客户时不时地回到商店,而不是一个季度来一次。除此之外,它还向消费者保证,所有的东西都会卖光(Bickle, 2011)。这个零售商也很重要,因为它也符合当前的客户趋势和他们的需求。与其他品牌相比,他们以更低的价格出售好的时装。


At present the company has around 1600 stores in 77 nations in the world and has been consistent in forcing the logistics system to stock rotation every 15 days. The company is so efficient that it takes the time of only 14 days in order to develop and deliver a new product. The company designs around 10000 new designs in a year.

Why this retailer is important?

In the present times, Fast Fashion has become the latest fashion statement. It is something which has been cultivated into the minds of the youths and teens and is adopted by the people all over the world. Zara is an important retailer as it has been successful in the incorporation of the mission to change the fabric industry. Zara is important has it has been the favourite fashion brand because it updates regularly. The strategy to makes regular updates is very useful as it encourages the regular customers to return to the stores every now and then instead of coming once in a season. In addition to this, it also assures the shoppers that everything will be sold out (Bickle, 2011). This retailer is also important as it is also fitting with the present customer trends and their demands. They are selling good fashion at lower prices in comparison to other brands.





农村流动人口从事的职业与城市居民完全不同,如农业、灌溉、节水、农业、为城市居民提供生计、食品生产、尊重自然的召唤等。农村居民和城市居民之间的联系发生在他们需要拥有更多的东西,并与城市居民在地位上平等的时候(Knox and McCarthy, 2012)。农村居民愿望的根本原因也可以追溯到各种公开的不平等的表现,这种不平等使农村人口寻求更好的机会,从而导致他们把基础转移到城市。此外,城市的成功是极其重要的,因为它与外汇的流入和创造就业的投资联系在一起。对人民需求的持续服务反过来又使国内企业得以生存并继续生产。国内业务的连续性来自于它们为现有人口和外来人口提供服务。在这个过程中,这些公司变得擅长他们的业务,并尝试创新服务。随着工业化的发展,对熟练劳动力和人力的需求也在增长。与此同时,个人和组织的收入也在增长。这进而创造了零售市场的需求,从而投资的周期跟上了来自国内外公司的持续投资(Cai, 2010)。

随着农村城市移民的增加,人们越来越担心稳定不平等并抓住其上升趋势的迫切需求。Henderson(2009)谈到了限制性政策中的故意隔离,农村和城市生活空间的隔离。这主要是为了将两个社区分开,以保持有组织发展的相关性。尽管随着教育投资意识的提高和学习能力的提高,农村人口的技能水平也在不断提高。许多经济学家和分析人士认为,为了减少城乡人口之间的不平等,提高收入平等和机会平等的标准,将城乡人口融合在一起是绝对必要的(Miller, 2012)。


The unanswered question of the rural-urban migration and the addressment of its rising issues

Rural migrants are involved into completely different occupation than urban dwellers such as agriculture, irrigation, water conservation, farming, providing livelihood to urban dwellers, food products making, and respecting the calls of nature which supports them to earn their livelihood through agriculture and selling the produce. The connection between the rural and urban dwellers happen when there is the identification of the need to possess more and be equal in status with the urban (Knox and McCarthy, 2012). The root cause of the desire of rural dwellers can also be traced back to the display of open inequality of all kinds which make the rural population seek better opportunities which can lead them to shift their base to urban cities. In addition, the success of urban cities is extremely important as it is linked with the influx of foreign exchange, and investments which create employment. The consistent serviceforthe population’s demands in turn makes the domestic companies survive and keep up their production. The continuity of the domestic business comes from their servicing the existent and the incoming population. In the process these companies become good at their business and try and innovate the services. As industrialization grows, the demand for skilled labour and manpower grows. Along with it, the individual and organisational income also rises. This in turn creates demand in the retail market and thus the cycle of investments keeps up with the continuous investment coming from domestic and international companies (Cai, 2010).

With the rise in rural urban migration, there has been a rising concern about the compelling demand of stabilising inequality and capturing its upward trend. Henderson (2009) talked about the intentional segregation in restrictive policies, the separation of rural and urban living spaces. This is primarily done to separate the two communities in order to sustain the relevance of keeping organised development. Though with rising awareness and learning with the investment in education, the rural population are getting more skilled. Many economists and analysts observe that it is absolutely necessary to integrate the rural and urban population and fuse them together in order to reduce inequality between the two and raise the standards of income equality and the equality of opportunity for all (Miller, 2012).


essay 查重:绘画女王

essay 查重:绘画女王




在谈到女王的绘画收藏时,一个值得注意的因素是,尽管人们看到女王在收藏不同的画作,但她对风景画几乎没有兴趣。风景画或人们所熟知的风景画是关于一个人所居住的地方的风景。它是关于背景,城堡,天空,山脉等等。比如克劳德·洛兰等艺术家的作品就没有受到克里斯蒂娜女王的欢迎。另一方面,她对描绘人物或历史场景的艺术作品更感兴趣。然而,这一观点在其他研究来源中被认为是不同的。谈到收藏品,人们认为克里斯蒂娜女王把她的收藏品与文化联系在一起,因此她也同样致力于购买代表文化元素的风景画。Mikulas Teich在《波希米亚的历史》中的作品表明,女王非常有兴趣在鲁道夫国王统治时期从布拉格购买鲁道夫·法恩画家的画作。在皇帝去世后,这些画和其他艺术元素被带到布拉格,并与其他当代画家的作品一起被安置在鲁道夫的画廊里。泰克估计,这些画作的价格将达到数百万弗罗林。他把布拉格称为“收藏家和强盗的磁铁”。事实上,作者的论点是,热爱艺术的克里斯蒂娜女王是有组织地抢劫鲁道夫·法恩绘画收藏品的一部分,这也是为什么大多数绘画作品仍可在欧洲观赏的原因之一。克里斯蒂娜女王表现出的这种矛盾的兴趣或动机可能有两个原因。由于争论导致人们理解鲁道夫美术在其意义上是非常复杂和象征性的。景观艺术通常是对元素本身的一种表达,在诠释上并不会带来太多的复杂性;这是一幅需要体验的画,而不是一个需要解决的谜题。然而,鲁道夫美术被认为是复杂的,它不只是风景;这是一种文化内涵的混合。捷克文化、德国人文主义等文化内涵,以及体现这种文化的建筑形式的景观作品,都在这幅画中得以体现。其他研究人员还指出,克里斯蒂娜女王热衷于收集人体画作,而布拉格艺术家们所采用的风格则被认为符合她的天性。

essay 查重:绘画女王

Queen Christina is known not only for her royal identity but also with her intellectual personality, with her actions, with her radical and different royal appearance in world history. She was daughter of King Gustavus II Adolphus and Maria Eleonora. King Gustavus II Adolphus was very important leader and was known as the monarch that ruled during the time of greatness for Sweden. This was the seventeenth century when Sweden slowly found its way forward in culture. Sweden acquired cultural artefacts through its aristocracy and its rulers and this was a time of cultural development for the country. Although a male dominance existed in the art collecting areas a few such as Queen Christina of Sweden, Madame Pompadour, Isabella Stewart Gardner and Peggy Guggenheim were the exceptions.

The purpose of this essay is to critically understand Queen Christina through her paintings collections. The motivations of the collector in collecting these art forms and the different representations chosen are analyzed. The queen was considered a paradox in her times and many historical records paint her as being focused on things that were beyond her time. A tomboy by nature and upbringing, Queen Christina was considered rebellious and forward in her thinking, a nature many in her time could not relate to. This essay argues that Queen Christina’s painting collections stand to represent-a motivation to improve cultural capital held by her country and also present her own identity.

Motivations of the Collector

A notable element that is argued for when it comes to the Queen’s painting collections is that although the Queen was seen to be collecting different paintings, she showed little interest when it came to landscape work. Landscape paintings or landscape art as they are known are about the landscapes where one lived in. It was about the backgrounds, castles, the sky, the mountains and more. Works of art from artists like Claude Lorrain for instance were not entertained by Queen Christina. On the other hand, she was more interested in the artworks that portrayed the human figure or historical scenes. However, this argument is seen to differ in other research sources. When it came to collections Queen Christina was seen to associate her collections with culture and as such was also equally invested in acquiring paintings of landscapes that represented cultural elements. The work of Mikulas Teich in ‘Bohemia in History’ shows that the Queen was very much interested in acquiring the paintings of the Rudolfine painters from Prague during the reign of King Rudolf. After the Emperor’s death the paintings along with other artistic elements were taken to Prague and were installed in the gallery of Rudolf along with the works of other contemporary painters. Teich estimates that the price of such paintings would be in millions of florins. He calls Prague as a “magnet for collectors and robbers”. In fact, the argument made by the author was that art loving Queen Christina was part of an organized robbery of the Rudolfine painting collections and this was one reason that most of the paintings are still available for European viewing. The reason for this paradoxical interest or motivation that Queen Christina showed could be because of two reasons. As arguments lead one to understand the Rudolfine art was very much complex and symbolic in its meanings. Landscape art is usually a representation of elements as such and does not lead to much complexity in interpretation; it is a painting to be experienced and not a puzzle to be solved. However, Rudolfine art was seen to be complex, it was not just landscape; it was a mix of cultural connotations. Cultural connotations like that of Czech culture, German humanism and more were presented in the painting, along with the landscape work of architecture forms that bespoke this culture. Other researchers furthermore note that Queen Christina was motivated to collect paintings of human forms and the mannerism style that was used by the Prague artists was seen to appeal to her nature.

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人权是否可以被视为普遍的东西取决于普遍性的概念。普遍性一词总是与人权一词联系在一起。这显然意味着,在任何能够找到人类住区和栖息地的地方,人权也将同时得到行使(Cotesta & D’auria, 2012)。任何人都不能否认这一点。当人们谈论人权的时候,它意味着一些与人类和他们的权利有关的东西,人类占据了世界各地。世界上所有的人得到的任何东西在本质上都是普遍的。因此,由于人类是世界各地的共同生物,权利也应该是所有人的共同权利(Friedman, 2012)。

普遍性与相对主义概念是完全对立的,这有助于我们进一步探讨,以回答主要问题(Langwith, 2008)。因此,首先可以说,如果人权被说成是普遍的,那么它就不可能与任何文化或任何领土有关。此外,讨论还包括对文化帝国主义、文化新殖民主义和人权理论上不能受到文化限制的原因的简要描述。随后的讨论证明,在现实中,由于不人道的做法,人权正变得越来越不普遍和相对(麦考科代尔,2003)。

相对主义是一个与普遍性概念相对立的概念。有人说,相对主义不是真理本身或有效事实本身的观点,而是相对于其他一些真理或事实。这意味着相对主义只有在与其他事物相比较时才成立。在类似的背景下,文化相对主义也被提及(Donnelly, 1984)。

当一个人谈论文化相对主义时,他指的是人类内部和周围的一切。这将包括与文化相关的信仰或活动,以及追随文化的人(Morsink, 1999)。需要理解的是,如果人权是与文化相对主义有关的真实的东西,那么它就应该是某种保留在特定文化中的东西。这意味着有一些文化团体拥有这种权利,而其他人没有。由于这些都是人权,把它们限制在特定的群体或文化中是没有意义的。因此,我们可以很容易地排除文化相对主义与人权无关这一事实。人权是这样的基本权利,应该给予所有人,不管他们的文化和实践(Reidy & Sellers, 2005)。

由于文化相对主义是在人权的背景下讨论的,因此有必要阐明文化帝国主义、文化新殖民主义以及跨文化活动发生的不同方式(Stern & Straus, n.d.)。如果所有这些都发生了变化,那么全世界确定人权的方式也将发生变化。

文化帝国主义是帝国主义的文化方面。帝国主义是指权利不平等,把更多的权力交给“上等公民”,不平等对待的情况。因此,文化帝国主义意味着一个更强大的民族或更强大的国家的文化将被强加于一个不那么强大的社会或国家(Glendon, 2001)。在讨论文化帝国主义时,要牢记人权,这在性质上是对立的,因为人权是指给予世界上所有人的一套权利,而不论其文化、地位、种姓、种族或性别。但是,文化帝国主义认为,应该给社会中较强大的阶级或较强大的国家以利益和权利,而忽视较小的部分或较弱的部分。这也意味着更高或更强大的国家有权决定所提供的权利。这是对人权概念的存在以及对其定义的蔑视的最终失败(蒙泰罗,北达科他州)。


Whether Human Rights can be considered as something universal or not depends upon the concept of universality. The word universality has always been associated with the term human rights. It is clearly implied that wherever one can find human settlements and habitats, human rights would also be exerted simultaneously (Cotesta & D’Auria, 2012). This cannot be denied to anyone. When one is talking about the human rights, it means something related to humans and their rights, and human beings occupy the world all over. Anything when given to all the human beings all over the world is universal in nature. Thus, since human beings are the common creatures all over the world, the rights are also supposed to be common for all (Friedman, 2012).

Universality is completely opposite to the concept relativism, and this helps us in pursuing the discussion further to answer the main question (Langwith, 2008). Therefore, to begin with it can be said that if human rights are said to be universal, they in no way can be relative to any culture or to any territory. Further the discussion incorporates brief description of cultural imperialism, cultural neo-colonialism and the reason why human rights theoretically cannot be culturally restricted. Followed by the discussion it proves that in reality because of inhumane practices, human rights are becoming less universal and more relative (McCorquodale, 2003).

Relativism is a concept is opposite to the concept of universality. It is said that Relativism is not the truth itself or points of valid facts itself, but are relative when compared to some other truth or fact. This means that relativism would only stand true when compared to something else. In similar context, cultural relativism has been referred, too (Donnelly, 1984).

When one talks about cultural relativism, one is referring to everything in and around human beings. This would include the beliefs or activities which are in relation with a culture, and the people following it (Morsink, 1999). It needs to be understood that in case human rights was something that was true pertaining to cultural relativism, it would have been something that would have remained within a particular cultural. It means that there are cultural groups which have the rights and the others do not. Since these are human rights, limiting them to particular groups or cultures does not make sense. Thus, one can easily rule out the fact which cultural relativism is something that has nothing to do with human rights. Human rights are such fundamental rights which should be given to all human beings irrespective of their culture and practices (Reidy & Sellers, 2005).

Since cultural relativism has been discussed in context with the human rights, it becomes necessary that one shed light upon cultural imperialism, cultural neo-colonialism and the different ways in which inter-cultural activities are taking place (Stern & Straus, n.d.). And if at all this changes, the ways in which human rights are to be ascertained all over the world.

Cultural imperialism is the cultural aspect of imperialism. Imperialism refers to a condition where the rights are not equal, and more power is given to ‘superior citizens’ and there is unequal treatment. Therefore, cultural imperialism would mean that the culture of a more imposing nation or a more powerful state would be imposed on a society or a state which is not as powerful (Glendon, 2001). When cultural imperialism is discussed keeping in mind the human rights, they would be antagonistic in nature, because human rights refer to a set of rights which are given to all the people in the world, irrespective of culture, status, caste, race or gender. But cultural imperialism believes in giving benefits and rights to the more powerful class of the society or to the more powerful nation, ignoring the smaller section or the less powerful section. It would also mean that the higher or the more powerful states gets to decide upon the rights provided. This is the ultimate defeat of the existence of the concept of human rights, along with defying its definition (Monteiro, n.d.).




在现实中,语言从来都不是中立的。有必要剖析语言和对话的要素,以理解对话并理解它所代表的内容(Allen, 1979)。语言的组成部分总是有隐含的意义。它不能从单向的角度来考虑。要理解其对意识形态表征的影响,就必须对其进行分析。要理解潜在的价值观,并建立有效的沟通,就需要理解言语和对话的要素。


说话的语境和实际对话可能取决于情境的主观本质。然而,人们发现这类演讲或话语中存在一些共同的元素(Allen, 1979)。批评性话语分析(CDA)是一种用来理解言语成分的工具。







Words in reality are never neutral. There is a need to dissect the elements of speech and conversation to understand about the conversation and understand what it represents (Allen, 1979). There is always an implied meaning associated with the components of the language. It cannot be considered from a unidirectional perspective. There should be analysis of the speech to understand about the influence it has in representation of the ideology. To understand about the underlying values and to build effective communication there is a need to comprehend about the elements of speech and conversation.

According to Halliday (1978), the component of language is used to analyze about the ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function. This is the same ideology that is shared with the critical discourse analysis. It involves the power and the ideology. It fundamental aims to explore the relation between the discursive practice, text and events.

The context of speech and the actual conversation might be dependent on the subjective nature of the situation. Nevertheless, it has been found that there are some common elements that are found in this kind of speech or discourses (Allen, 1979). Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is one tool used to understand the components of speech.

Critical Discourse Analysis can be further subdivided into three concepts. Language and discourse, discourse and power are finally from a textual perspective. Language and discourse is understood from the context of social practice, Discourse and power is based on the implicit institutional arrangement and the textual analysis is based on the academic linguistic perspective.


However, these are only academic theories. There is a need to understand this aspect of communication through real time experience. It is only by combining these two systems there can be holistic understanding of the various models of communication. In this context the element of languages, discourse of speech and various theoretical models about speech has been considered. In this case study example, the people in the conversation are essentially discussing about Micheal Moore “Capitalism A love story”. There is differing opinion to elucidate the various aspects of this movie and the concepts involved in capitalism. The reason for choosing this case study is that people have been giving a lot of importance to the notions of capitalism. The ideology of capitalism has always been an issue that is hotly debated. The people often have a sense of multiple views regarding capitalism. Owing to this this particular case study was analysed.

Using a casual conversation between peers in the college community the theoretical models are probed. The theories that will be probed in this analysis are the speech act theory, communication theory and community principles.

The primary purpose of this analysis is to investigate the practical significant of the theoretical models, emphasise the importance of communication and dissect the elements of communication thorough the process of using a case study. When using participants for a study the issue of consent and personal bias has been addressed in this research. The most useful academic model that was found to be useful in this context was the notebook method of documenting data. The exact transcript of the conversation has been explained in detail in the appendix section.










Social media marketing has invented the need to change some of the traditional aspects of marketing. This is an argument made in research studies. It is true that there is a change initiated because of the exposure of the social media, its reachability, magnitude in access and more. Given this background context, the aim of the research is to analyse by means of mixed research methods, the impact of social media on consumer buying behaviour in the tourism industry. Knowing what form of consumer expectations arise with respect to media marketing and how it influences consumer choice will help the tourism industry to improve on their marketing style.


Some of the key research objectives identified are with respect to why the current marketing operational strategies might be lacking in using social media opportunities. Not all tourism operators would have made the transition

To identify the barriers that exist for tourism industry attempting to use social media or alternatively, to understand the challenges that exist for the tourism industry.

To analyse the consumer buying process in the tourism industry, and identify how the social media could positively drive the consumer buying process.








One of the most important elements which are essential for the sustenance of life on earth is fresh water. It is something which forms to be lifeline for all. The importance of water is such that the body needs 50%-60% of water. In the present times, water is being used for a large number of tasks including irrigation, agriculture and a number of other things. In addition to this, water is used for a number of other tasks. It can simply be regarded as the gift which is provided by the nature to all the human beings. The human bodies require water in abundance quantities. The water which is used for drinking should be very healthy. This is important as the drinking water should be free from all kinds of impurities. In general the water which is being supplied to human beings comes from the pipelines. The water which is present in these pipelines is not completely pure. Thus, it is very important to ensure that the water which comes from the pipe is fit for drinking. One of the most important problems related to water in the public areas is the problem of water consisting of lead. This lead can easily go into water and can be very harmful for the human life. In addition to this a number of chemical effluents also pollute water. It is another kind of hazardous water pollutant (World Health Organization, 2004). Chemical water pollution may include a number of chemical effluents such as metals and solvents from the industry. These chemicals are poisonous and if taken, may be hazardous. In addition to this the pesticides is another hazardous chemical which may pollute water. Another pollutant is the biofilm. It is the collection of inorganic and organic and inorganic, living or dead material which is being collected at a surface (World Health Organization, 2003). As a result of the biofilm in drinking water pipes, there are a number of problems. These can cause a number of problems such as the increase in the bacterial levels, taste and odor changes, red and black water problems.


The Human Pursuit of more Healthier of Life In Hong Kong, the economic developed and the peoples continuously improve their level of knowledge in last 30 years. At 80’s, Hong Kong was growing quickly. The information and communication technology was also advance expansion especially the internet has become mature developed. The place was changed the nature from an industrial to a modern commercial city (Misiūnas, 2008). The people was started to pursue a more luxury lifestyle by the improvement on their economic condition. By the advantages on the economic development, the peoples would allow to enhance their knowledge to widening their sight. Under the circumstances, the people would learn and found the newly information from different channels. Meanwhile, the people would more focus on their health or concerning on improvement their lifestyle quality.










Value chain is defined as the range of activities that starts at the design phase then production, marketing and distribution of the product.In other words, it is the process deployed by the industries from the start to delivery of the products. The value chain starts with procurement of the raw material and how it is sold to the consumers. This is different from supply chain management.The primary goal of the value chain is to ensure that each stakeholder in the value chain effectively communicate with each other.The logistics management is a part of the value chain that is used to meet requirements of the process by efficient transportation and storage of the products. Effective logistics management aids in the reduction of expenses and enhances the product quality while meeting consumer demands. To achieve this there should be appropriate selection of vendors with the capacity to provide transportation. Transport should be achieved by choosing the most effective route. There should be a competent delivery method for the products to reach the consumers. Induction of required software and IT resources are needed to handle the processes. The businesses are continually looking for ways to improve the business design to improve productivity and reduce costs involved while ensuring that the quality and safety of the products. This requires complex heuristics and efficient management.


Concept, principle/approach of value chain analysis

The concept of value chain was considered to be a part of the decision support tools. Inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and services were the primary activities of the value chain. The secondary activities include procurement of the products, management of people, technology and infrastructure to support the technology. There has been emergence of global value chain that has been found to have far reaching consequences.

The current methodology of value chain that has been followed by the different sectors has been elucidated in the following. Critical review of each application and process has been undertaken.


personal statement 代写:SCI论文的写作特点

personal statement 代写:SCI论文的写作特点 大家都知道,SCI论文的发表是很不容易的。我们会经常听到有人抱怨:不管如何修改总是发表不成功。那么,SCI论文怎样才能发表成功呢?SCI论文的写作特点是什么呢?

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医生给病人开这种药,因为它有助于将这种疾病可能造成的危害降到最低。因为同样的原因,人们可以避免他们可能需要面对的问题,否则阿尔茨海默氏症。这可以暂时缓解老年痴呆症的症状。乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂是治疗阿尔茨海默病的处方药物,因为这种药物有助于防止被称为乙酰胆碱酯酶的酶在大脑中分解乙酰胆碱(McKhann et al . 939)。这是因为阿尔茨海默氏症患者会失去使用乙酰胆碱的神经细胞。神经细胞的丧失可能是有害的,并可能进一步导致疾病症状的恶化。当这种药给病人服用时,它有助于增加大脑中不同神经细胞之间的交流。




In the brain of the person who suffers from the Alzheimer’s disease, there are some lower level chemicals which are known as acetylcholine. This is the chemical which help in the sending of the messages between the nerve cells. Because of the disease, there may be the condition under which there is a loss of these nerve cells which uses acetylcholine. In medical terms, this drug prevents the breaking down of an enzyme called as acetyl cholinesterase from breaking down the acetylcholine in the human brain. This can lead to the increase in the communication in the nerve cells and help in easy passage of nerve cells in the brain leading to better communication among the different nerve cells.

The doctor prescribes this drug to the patients as it helps in the minimization of the harms which may be caused due to this disease. Because of the same, the people can avoid the problems which they may need to face otherwise with Alzheimer’s disease. This can help to alleviate the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease on temporary basis. The medicine acetyl cholinesterase inhibitor is prescribed for Alzheimer’s disease because this medicine helps in the prevention of the enzyme which is named as acetyl cholinesterase from breaking down the acetylcholine in the brain (McKhann et al 939). This is because in case of Alzheimer’s there is loss of those nerve cells which uses acetylcholine. The loss of the nerve cells can be harmful and can further lead to worsening of the symptoms of the disease. When this medicine is given to the patient it helps in the increase in the communication between different nerve cells in the brain.


Some of the major side effects of acetyl cholinesterase inhibitor may be either be mild or it may be serious. Some of the mild side effects include diarrhea, headache, insomnia, Nausea and Vomiting. On the other hand, there are certain serious side effects which include the pain in the abdomen, lack of appetite, yellowness in the skin, dizziness, slower rate of heartbeat, weight loss at a sudden or at a substantial rate and weakness. There are also some of the less visible symptoms which include the actions on the parasympathetic nervous system which can lead to the problem of bradycardia, hypotension, hyper secretion and the decrease in the intraocular pressure. It can also lead to the sludge syndrome and the prolonged contraction of the muscles.

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1917年的俄国革命取得了巨大的成功,其中包括一些很有前途的权利,如离婚和妇女堕胎的合法化。它给予妇女投票和成为政治职务一部分的权利(恩格斯,1972)。它还结束了将同性恋性行为和卖淫定为犯罪的法律。然而,它并没有挑战妇女的自然命运,它被认为是妇女的社会责任。同样,家务劳动也被认为是女性的社会责任(Riddell, 2013)。



在许多情况下,这种压迫是她们的母亲强加给她们的,她们自己就是妇女。女性被期望照顾孩子,保持家里整洁,而男性被赋予了保持家里整洁的自由,可能不会对自己的孩子表现出任何责任(Riddell, 2013)。另一个趋势是,在当今社会,女性被要求接受高等教育,这样她们就能照顾自己孩子的教育,并能在社会上由她们的丈夫适当地代表。然而,他们不允许自己做决定。


The Russian Revolution in the year 1917 was a huge success and it included some promising rights like legalization of divorce and abortion for women. It gave women the right to cast their votes and become part of political offices (Engels, 1972). It also put an end to the laws that criminalized gay sexuality and prostitution. However, it failed to challenge the natural destiny of women’s maternity and it was considered as her social responsibility. Similarly, domestic work has also been considered as social responsibility of the women (Riddell, 2013).


From time immemorial, it has been observed that women have been considered as the weaker section of the society. There are examples of powerful Queens, Goddess in the history and mythologies, they are still considered as weak individuals who are only meant for exploitation and oppression. There are societies in several developing countries where till date, women are considered as burden to a family and they are not allowed to pursue their own career interests. From the very childhood, little girls are forced to learn how to manage home, cook food, and take care of their younger brothers and sisters so that they can manage their own home properly after marriage.

In many cases, this oppression are forced to them by their mothers who are women by themselves. Women are expected to take care of the children and also keep their home neat and tidy whereas the men are given the freedom of keeping their home untidy and may not show any responsibility towards their own children (Riddell, 2013). Another trend has been observed in the present days where women are expected to be highly educated so that they can take care of their own child’s education and can be properly represented in the society by their husbands. However, they are not allowed to take decisions of their own.

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In terms of the rewards system in the workplace, different forms of motivational strategies and rewards structure must be identifiable such as that of intrinsic rewards, social, developmental and financial.
Intrinsic rewards have to be such that they help employee stay self-motivated and not rely on external elements, regulations and more to stay motivated. The workplace is one where intrinsic motivational factors are lacking.


Social rewards such as that of a recognition form of reward, something based on merit, productivity etc. is also missing here.
Developmental rewards are incentives given to the employee on account of their training and development proficiency within the organization. However, the organization’s HR manager does not believe in training and development.
Financial rewards are the only form of rewards here, which would be given out as $5000 annual bonus the best performers and employees who don’t meet the necessary mark are let go.

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Greentick审计公司受委托审计Soundworld Ltd的财务记录,Soundworld Ltd是一家从事dvd和其他音乐存储设备销售的组织。格林蒂克的审计主任被要求为这个组织准备一份审计计划。本审计计划是在评估Soundworld Ltd的业务和审计风险后,在一份报告中提出的。审计员已对上述机构的财务预测进行了评估,并确定了审计工作的主要范围。报告建议特别收集和分析与公司的销售、存货和现金交易有关的审计证据。公司内部控制亟待加强。


An audit of an organization is done to find out whether the accounting records of the enterprise show its true financial position and the financial statements make disclosures required by the regulating authority. The auditor is expected to use the individual’s knowledge of the industry and business of its client to make a fair assessment whether there are material misstatements in the financial statements or not. In the given case an audit plan is prepared for conducting audit of Soundworld Ltd.


The audit firm Greentick is entrusted with auditing the financial records of Soundworld Ltd, an organization engaged in sale of DVDs and other music storage devices. The audit senior of Greentick had been asked to prepare an audit plan for this organization. This audit plan has been given in a report after assessing the business and audit risks related to Soundworld Ltd. The financial projections for the above organization have been assessed by the auditors and major areas to be covered in the audit have been identified. It has been recommended in the report that audit evidence relating to sales, inventory and cash transactions of the company should be collected and analyzed in particular. There is an urgent need to strengthen the internal controls in Soundworld Ltd.

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由于缺乏教育和失业,贫困水平和疾病负担增加。土著男性更容易受到酒精和药物滥用的影响。性别和文化的集群影响着人们的社会秩序和态度。这些人也受到白人侵略者的压迫,这种压迫加剧了他们的侵略和愤怒。土著儿童也被迫离开他们的家庭,这进一步威胁到他们的文化和语言。这些人主要生活在偏远和农村地区,他们无法获得专业的医疗服务,不信任警察,害怕后果,缺乏获得支持性服务的意识(Morgan & Chadwick, 2009)。


Australia is a multicultural society. People from different culture, race and ethnicity live in Australia. The most deprived and unprivileged population of Australia is ATSI people, refugee groups and immigrants. They have various issues associated with their condition. These people have specific gender roles in their culture and for them traditional roles are very important. Aboriginal people have faced many consequences in past, which threatened their gender roles and culture. Due to change in their living condition, these people were forced to live in unhealthy living conditions and poverty.


Due to lack of education and unemployment, the level of poverty and burden of diseases increased. The men from indigenous origin are more likely to be affected by alcoholism and substance abuse. The clusters of gender and culture influence the social order and attitudes of the people. These people have also faced oppression by the White invaders and this oppression increased aggression and anger in them. Indigenous children were also forcibly removed from their families, which further threatened their culture and language. These people mainly lives in remote and rural areas, where they do not have appropriate access to professional healthcare services, distrust in police, fear of repercussions and lack of awareness to access supportive services (Morgan & Chadwick, 2009).

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The world is changing and so is the way people look at entertainment. By people, one refers to both adults and kids. Earlier the adults had various ways of recreational activities, which were different from the time spent on the internet. The kids were asked to play outdoors. Outdoor games were important and so was physical activity. The kids indulged in outdoor activities. With the advent of computer and later, the internet, the way people looked at entertainment changed. The adults have taken to spending more time on the internet which includes watching motion pictures and serials, playing games and connecting with other people on the internet. At the same time, it is seen that the kids are introduced to gaming techniques available online.


It needs to be understood that with the changing patterns of recreational activities, the behavioral pattern of people is also changing. People on a general note are becoming irritable and violent. The question that arises at the given point of time is that is the online gaming habit responsible for creation of violence in kids and people who play regularly, or it’s just the social media which is responsible for the same.In order to answer the given question, it becomes important to understand the usage pattern of social media by people and how it has been changing the behavioral pattern of people. At the same time if online gaming has also lead to a change in behavioral pattern. Besides, if either of it is responsible for creating violence in children or in adults (Bock).

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Zamini, Zamini and Berzegary(2011)进行了一项研究,旨在了解组织文化与工作倦怠之间存在的关系。这项研究的参与者来自大不里士大学。Hofstede组织文化和Maslach职业倦怠量表调查问题被询问给参与者。t检验结果表明,工作倦怠与组织文化之间存在显著的相关关系。研究发现,人际关系和整体管理文化直接影响员工的绩效。


本研究旨在展示人际关系对组织文化的影响(Zamini et al., 2011)。其中一些因素直接损害了公司和生产力。在目前的情况下,惩罚或训斥员工等方法不利于公司的生产力。在这种情况下,公司的个人开始对员工不利。公司的员工希望他们工作的公司给予他们一定程度的尊重。因此,如果员工觉得在公司里不受尊重,公司的生产力就会降低。如果公司的员工没有得到应有的尊重,就会导致员工感到疲劳。



Research by Zamini, Zamini and Berzegary (2011) conducted a research to understand the relationship that exists between the organizational culture and the job burnout. The participants of the study were from the University of Tabriz. The Hofstede Organizational Culture and Maslach Burnout Inventory survey questions were asked to the participants. The T-Test result showcased that there was significant relationship that exists between job burnout and the organizational culture. It has been found that the interpersonal relationship and the overall management culture were found to directly impact on the performance of the employee.


This research was used to show the impact of the interpersonal relationship on the organizational culture (Zamini et al., 2011).Some of the factors lead to the direct detriment of the company and the productivity. In the current situation, methods such as punishing or reprimanding the employees work against the productivity of the company. The personal of the company start to work against the employee in such cases. The employees of the company expect a certain level of respect from the organization where they work. Hence if the employees do not feel respected in the company the productivity of the company is expected to reduce. In cases where the employees of the company do not receive the required respect it leads to the employees to feel fatigued.
The issues of the employees and the causes of discomfort that leads to the employee burnout have been attributed to the organizational structure and function. There are many variables that are associated with the different subtypes and cause the employees to respond to the situation. Hence each case of employee burnout is based on many organizational factors. The companies need to probe into their working culture to understand the paradigms associated with the employee burnout.

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Government is another stakeholder which is the assessor of the planning, execution, management, and administration of the manpower and resources that goes in to preparing the project. For it, the project is of national importance and an instrument of pride that can be showcased to the world (Lawton, 2016). The government is rendered successful when it securely finishes the project and offers it to its citizens. Government has the duty of allowing its use to all who are entitled to it, and to enforce stringent risk management and quality adherence principles on the contractor employed. The government risks its global reputation of handling such a large project, numerous oppositions, and natural hurdles. Therefore the government is exposed to a giant risk, to the extent of outright rejection by the citizens.


Environment, being a non-expressive stakeholder is a spectator and witness to the project. It is the most affected in embracing and accommodating such projects spanning a large area. The project must ensure it takes care of the environment and its sustenance, progression, natural existence, non-diversion, and co-existence with humankind, in as much as the way it treats it as the most affected and contributing entity. For if environment is harmed, anticipated long term benefits converts into short term natural disasters that may be irreparable to an extent. Environment poses a great risk when it is used, exploited, so measures of its natural coherence must be maintained. The existence of environment includes the sustenance of all animal species, endangered, who must be carefully handled without disturbing their primary right of existence.

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谷歌的业务适用于以有效地向更广泛的社会提供产品和服务为核心目的的经济活动部分(Carter, 2009)。这同样适用于谷歌具有其他目的的商业和经济活动。谷歌可以定义为个人在产品和服务生产中为在消费者市场上销售此类服务和产品而付出的努力,并通过这种有组织的努力获得成果和回报。这在功能上被定义为涉及生产和购买产品的人类活动,其目的是将产品交付给消费者,并获得一定的利润。谷歌作为一个组织不能改变外部环境,但可以提供他们的反应(Cateora, 2008)。


对业务的内部组件进行修改的目的是获得外部呈现的机会并体验相关环境的威胁。因此,为谷歌评估行业内成功和生存的组织环境是至关重要的(Hitt et al., 2012)。这表明了管理者在商业环境分析中所扮演的角色的重要性,以确保能够追求合适的商业战略(Drucker, 2007)。谷歌从社会本身产生人力资源、技术、信息、资本、原材料和能源。本组织遵循b0制定的规章制度、文化的社会规范和价值、全球联盟、区域条约、财务规则以及政府的税收政策。因此,由于谷歌在业务的动态环境中进行操作,所以它是一个动态的业务实体。


The business of Google is applied to the economic activities portion that has the core purpose of delivering products and services to the broader society effectively (Carter, 2009). The same is applicable to the commercial and economic activities of Google that holds alternative purposes. Google can be defined as an effort of individuals in products and services production for selling such services and goods in the consumer market and gain results and rewards through this effort in organized manner . This is functionally defined as such human activities that involve production as well as purchase of products with the intent of delivering them to the consumers with a margin of profit. Google as an organization cannot modify the external environment but can provide with their reactions (Cateora, 2008).


The internal components of the business are modified for the purpose of obtaining the opportunities present externally and experience the threats of the associated environment. Hence, it is critical to assess the organizational environment for succeeding and surviving within the industry for Google (Hitt et al., 2012). This indicated the essentiality of the manager’s role in business environment analysis to ensure that the appropriate strategy of business can be pursued (Drucker, 2007). Google yields the human resources, technology, information, capital, raw materials and energy from the society itself. This organization follows the regulations and rules devised by the government, societal norms and value of culture, global alignment, regional treaty, financial rules along with the governmental policies of tax. Therefore, Google is a dynamic business entity due to its operations within the dynamic environment of business.

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The aim of this audit would be to identify the specific issues that impede inclusion of all the workers. The barriers for effective team work would be understood from this process. Recommendations of the external HR consultant should be taken into framing the policy decision of the company. There should be feedback collected from the existing employee about their views of the project and the ways to improve productivity.


Stakeholders of the company will be analysed. Their primary objectives and expectation of the company will be analysed. The purpose of undertaking a stakeholder approach is to understand the ways to create a more inclusive workplace environment.
Apart from this, there will be a general overseeing of the organizational culture and the activities. The culture of the company refers to their current operational procedures and their work ethics. From the data that has been collected, there will be identification of barriers that prevents inclusion of the company.

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Graphic design for books combines print design aspects but is even more novel given that the graphic design elements here have to be considered from the end to end of the book. The front cover of the book, logo’s, embedding author names in different styles which would suit the book and its contents, choosing backgrounds and more are to be considered here. In the case of both print design and website design, it will be necessary for the person to consider the content being presented along with the graphic design. However, in the case of the book design, I believe this responsibility of the graphic designer would increase manifold. The graphic designer would have to work with the writer, the publisher and also collect first reader opinion and incorporate this into design. A certain level of uniqueness is also required here to use all these opinions and still think outside the box.


All three industries overlap with each other. I believe the industry of graphic design has been well received in general but the differentiations among these three aspects of designing are still not considered in its strictest sense, meaning when one hires a graphic designer for a website or for a book or print, they do not strictly make differentiations on their drawing skills. I believe that there should be some differentiation, because despite the overlaps the designers get attuned to what they do best.

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In the recent times, there has been a growth in the rapid population in the regions of Benton County, central western Oregon. This has led to the increase in the overall demands of the freshwater supply. The quantity of freshwater which may be provided in these regions can help in the development of the cities which are situated in the Benton country. Treated wastewater is the only resources in this area which can be used for the purpose of providing the fresh water in this region. Not only the development of the freshwater plant is challenging, but the management of the same is itself a challenge. One of the major approaches for the same includes the proper treatment of the wastewater in order to obtain the freshwater in a consistent manner. It is important to do the proper construction of the plant to ensure that there is a freshwater usage. In this report the research will be conducted on the development of the design for the wetland which was previously used to treat the dairy wasters. The construction of the wetland is useful as the natural processes generally have the water which is cleansed.


The location of the dairy is in the area of Benton Country which is located in Western Oregon, United States. The wastewater treatment system has been designed in order to treat the diluted daily flush water. In the site there are 6 parallel cells and there is a strong pond. Amidst these, there are two different cells which have the depth of around 1 m. The average depth of the cell is found to be around 0.38 m. The construction and plantation of the wetland system had been done in the year 1992 and the waste water had been received in the year of 1993. The wastewater was continued to be received till the end of 1996. The treated water was pumped twice from the pond to another mixing tank in which the concentrated wastewater had been added. It was during this time of the day that the pumping of the wastewater had been controlled with the help of the mechanical timer. The concentrated wastewater had actually been loaded from the liquid waste which had been pressured by the use of the handling system and the electrical ball valve. After this the volume which consisted of the mixed waste water was later loaded to the cells over the time period of around four hours, the vegetation of the cells had been done with the help of mix of cattails, bulrush and the floating grass and water foxtail.

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It is identified that the public opinion on the solar energy in India is more on the confused side since most of the public do not understand the terminologies of MW and GW that result in their opinion and preferences to become non-clear. The goals of the NDA government of India are to deliver 24 hours supply of power to the nation that is chronically short powered. Part of the governmental and corporate emphasis in related with the solar energy is to strengthen the position of India within the topic of global climate change negotiation. The focus of both government and the Indian policy makers are to reduce the reliance on the fossil fuels in order to reduce the emissions without committing to place cap on emissions .


However, India has placed the carbon tax on INR 100 to INR 200 per tonne for the greenhouse gas emitting coal. The public of India is equally concerned about the climate change because of which the focus has moved on the energy production and the impact on environment. Therefore, the public opinion about the concern of solar energy is in favour of expanding the solar power . Majority of the Indians are aware that there has been considerable growth within the solar energy sector of India and the considerable foreign direct investment has also been secured.

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中国幼儿组织对社交媒体渠道的研究兴趣背后有着多方面的深层次原因。如Bakshy et al.(2015)所断言的,社交媒体提供的内容是用户生成的,因此可以认为内容是由组织通过专门的内容团队或单个内容设计师生成的。此外,随着公民新闻的实时信息是由社会媒体推动的,因为它也使导航和绕过媒体渠道的垄断,并使经营,尽管有各种限制。儿童保健组织的经营者必须通过解决政治和立法方面的挑战来组成这些公司,并提供必要的即时信息。




There are varieties of underlying reasons behind the interest towards the social media outlets of the child care organizations in China for the research. As asserted by Bakshy et al. (2015), the social media outlets offers content that is user generated due to which it can be assumed that the content was generated by the organization through either a dedicated content team or through an individual content designer. Furthermore, the real time information along with the citizen journalism is facilitated by the social media as it also enables navigating and bypassing the monopolies of the media channels and enables operating despite of various limitations . It is essential for the operators of the child care organizations in forming the firms through resolving the political and legislative challenges and provides with the instant access to the information required.


This research is focused on examining the Chinese child care organizations’ websites, Facebook groups and pages. It is considered that various other communication methods such as newsletters, press releases and general informative texts can be undertaken. However, the press releases and newsletters in majority of the child care organizations were not present due to which undertaking the analysis of the social media content and websites will provide with the latest results with increased accuracy . The method of content analysis further provides easy access to the international researches as the online content of the organizations can be evaluated regardless of the organizational locations.


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The primary objective of NAFTA is to smoothen and improve the trade facilitation among the nations that are involved. It is evident that Canada has witnessed considerable benefits since the signing of the agreement due to the generation of enhanced trade. The Canadians are benefited by the NAFTA as the manufactured goods from Mexico can be transferred to United States and Canada without any duty that enables low cost.


Moreover, the additional advantage brought by NAFTA is the improved investments for Canada, particularly the foreign direct investment. This is due to the protection under the NAFTA and the low risk that is offers. Hence, both the foreign and domestic investors are allowed to leverage the same level of protection. The organization from Canada has also received the advantage from the scope of governmental contracts bidding across the United States and Mexico, due to which further opportunities are generated. Hence, it is viewed that the NAFTA not only enables job creation and improves the trade but also it attracts investments.

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It has been objected by Socrates that the rulers hold the tendency of making mistakes as they are humans. One should not be creating a confusion of disadvantage in comparison with the advantage on occasional basis. As in this particular scenario, obeying the laws will be working as the disadvantage of the ruler. Thrasymachus gives a prompt response stating that an individual conducting mistake to rule cannot be considered as a ruler under strict definitions. Hence, there has been introduction of craftsman analogy for supporting the specifically claimed idea. Mistakes have strong roots with ignorance and hence, may take place when there is incomplete knowledge among individuals about their craft . The quandary introduced by Socrates is further avoided by the qualification of Thrasymachus that rulers cannot make errors as rulers.


Thrasymachus never made an explicit agreement to this particular switch. Hence, on making it, the analogy has no safe position over the mutual ground. Agitated by the reasoning provided by Socrates, Thrasymachus further proceeded for blurting out the original statement in a revised version. It is claimed by him that injustice is stronger and freer in comparison with justice, and hence, it leads towards a happy life. However, previously he considered rating the subject with respect to specific lacking or advantageousness thereof. In the essential sense, this definition appears to be extending the previous version extremely.


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代写 英文:仓库管理系统的实施

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The implementation of warehouse management system requires huge investment and time. The management of warehouse is very much important for an organization as it shows the inventory level and quality of services. Warehouse management scrutinizes the progress of the items through the warehouse. It deals with the most significant process of the organization which includes receipt, movement, and storage of products usually finished products.

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It also deals with other functions such as recording all the transactions, safety stock, transfer process and analysing different locations for picking products. The manager of the warehouse needs to perform important functions such as recording and to oversee pickups and deliveries, unloading and loading supplies and materials, maintaining tracking system and inventory records, rotating stocks, identifying places for storage and adjusting the inventory levels. Therefore the enhancement in the process indicates the sacrifice of accuracy which becomes a major factor for undertaking the productivity. After all the researchers and the managers are trying their level best to set a measure that collectively captures the performance dimension for the short and the long-term horizons.


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In this regard, an important matter is needed to focus based on the topic of international agricultural trade, which is food commodity meat. Lamb meat and beef are the matter where the strongest dollar has a significant effect on increasing imports and decreasing exports. Based on the 2001 report of Economic Research Services (ERS), the exchange rate of the United Sates agricultural trade and rate of indexes were down to market. Over the last several years, the research on the agricultural export value had become a handicap for the United States agricultural exports. These factor indices the access of the United States competitiveness regarding the agricultural products.


Some of the research had found a relative minuscule role in the commodities of the United States, which had played an important part in those past years . During the year 1996,Kost reviewed the agricultural trade as a theoretical framework, which could access the business impacts of the country’s currency, the appreciation and devaluation of commodities. Kost found the effects on the significant changes in exchange dollar rates on the productions of commodities, price and consumption of trading partners where the movements could be the prime cause of increased demands. The importing countries had become demanding to fulfill their own resources to consume more and more. With the depreciation of importer currency as well as the appreciation of exporter currency, reduction of particular production with demands wants and the consumption level of course are seen.

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漫威电影《死侍》因审查问题未能在中国上映,但并不限制其在中国的受欢迎程度。电影制作者用一种独特的方式来宣传他们的电影,他们利用数字营销或者网络平台来进行这种宣传。该组织发布了一段视频,很快在中国漫威粉丝中传播开来。在视频中,粉丝或观众可以看到瑞安·雷诺兹(Ryan Reynolds)穿着其中一个角色的服装。瑞安·雷诺兹对中国新年的到来表示了良好的祝愿。因此,它帮助电影和电影中的人物接触到它的粉丝,即使有一个禁令,或一种禁止或审查有关观看电影。可以说,漫威通过数字媒体在英国和中国都取得了巨大的成功




The Marvel movie Deadpool was not allowed to release in China because some kind of censorship issue, but it does not restrict the popularity of this movie in China . The moviemakers used a unique way to promote their film, and they used the digital marketing or the online platform to make this promotion . The organization came with a video, which was soon viral among the fans of Marvel in China. In the video the fans or the audience, could see Ryan Reynolds in the costume of one of the characters. Ryan Reynolds provided his best wishes on the onset of the Chinese New Year . Thus, it helped the movie and the characters of the movie to reach out to its fan, even if there is a ban or a kind of prohibition or censorship related to viewing the movie. As a result, it can be said that Marvel has gained huge success through digital media, both in UK and China.


Thus, it can be concluded that in the present world of digital media, online marketing is an important platform that could be used by the film industry. History and even facts have shown that the digital media platforms could turn out to be very fruitful for the companies, especially for the independent filmmakers. The example of Marvel and the digital media marketing that is being used by this company in UK and China is an important example, which could show that digital and the online media marketing could actually help the companies to gain success.

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The design of the program is found to be innovative. This implementation is found to depend on the governmental agencies. The SLCP is found to be top-down structured. The kinds of PES can be defined as hybrid governance. In the implementation process, the departments are observed to take charge of SLCP by the central government. State Forest Administration (SFA) is found to have created the overall tasks of the entire country and assigned the reforestation tasks that are based on the provincial governments by signing the liability agreements. The targeting of the areas is usually done using the top down structuring format.


The key reflection is found to depend on the defining principles of the PES. A voluntary transaction is used when the land use is likely to secure the ecosystem service that is bought. This when contrasted with the studies, the government is the only service buyer. This is found to be a hybrid program. This is found to be less voluntary when compared with the market-based programs.


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In this analysis, it has been found that the people who face most daunting challenges are the rural communities. The second level of economic reforms the government workers. The private ownership and the people involved in the private sector business see an increase in the income. However, in this process, the real winners are the governmental leaders and the CCP (China Communist Party). They are considered to be the real winners and the principle group that has benefitted from the implementation of the changes.


The government created Special Economic Zones in the state. This was focused on the urban and coastal areas. The people in the middle rural communities and the rust belt areas were not factored in the development. These led to increase in income distribution .The people in the urban areas were found to earn more than the people in the rural communities. As a result of this action by the government, chances of survival were stifled for people in the rural communities and they were pushed into poverty. There faced the brunt of the issues concerned with economic reforms.
These were Agricultural de-collectivization and special economy zone was found to be entrenched in the inequality. The farmers in the economy did not gain proper returns for their investment.

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Networking is the opportunity that the social media platforms offer to add friends and followers. It enables a portal where the people can acknowledge the sentiments or the views of the others. They can then respond to the particular ideology that the people have developed. The interaction between the fans and followers create a system where the people are increasingly connected in the modern times. The actors of the portals then start to form the relationship by sharing the content newsfeed and also create heuristics for voter contact. The people have the option of being visible. The social media is considered to be a pull media. This is based on the interaction in which the actors are found to be interacting with each other. This is based on the people interaction.


The media news outlets can use this factor to add friends, create Facebook profile or create newer forms of communication with the people. There is increasingly nuanced communication that can be formed from the social media networking. Connectivity on the other hand is the option that is provided to the people to connect with each other. The citizens are all connected with the media actors. The people are more likely to follow or friend a media actor based on their ideology. There are increasing forms of communication that can be personal that stems between the voters and the politicians. The liking content is the first form of relationship that stems between the audience and the political actors. The people use their twitter feed or the Facebook posts to also reminiscence about the different ideologies. They also provide a forum where there can be critiquing the ways in which the people choose to interact with each other.

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The chosen media form is an article with supporting videos and charts to prove the premises by the author. The language used is positive. It provokes the readers with realistic words and the phrases seem appropriate. The reporter has been working on this subject and case studies are the supporting evidences. The creators of the case studies are the company and experts in the field. They have supported with statistical evidences and personal opinions.


The issues framed are coherent and there are no exaggeration strategies within the article. As it projects the reality, the story only explains the situation from various perspectives with supporting premises. It is thought-provoking and encourages the readers to understand the enemy construction easily. The article tries to highlight the policymaking process, health and economic aspects of the issue. The stands of government and policymakers towards the issue of legalization of marijuana are concealed with the cases of business developments and foreign investments . The article ends with the opinion of the author and the likelihood of immediate action plan of the government towards this issue. This shows the credibility and accuracy of the information presented in the article.

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The overall vulnerability can be increased by the inadequate consideration of issues related to privacy and confidentiality. Some possible harm that can be caused to the interviewee includes the following : Violation of privacy of participants by the accessibility of files or records with private details without the consent of interviewee 。
Secret observation of participant in terms of their behaviour
Failure in respecting cultural values and traditions.
While these are desirable for knowing the rules of confidentiality and privacy prior to agreement among the interview, the issue of privacy suggests that no entire assurance is provided. Therefore, some of the researchers have recommended a model of process consent or continuous consent where consent is reaffirmed in the entire research process .


As interviews can end up involving a dual end of therapy and information, and hence, a dual role is played by the research. The researcher should ensure the protection of participants from experience any harm. In a more ambiguous way, the research will show willingness in obtaining material of good quality. In order to ensure maximum effective, specific approaches of counselling can be used for drawing upon the key participants.

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In terms of modes of persuasion, the author has used a combination of logos and ethos and less of pathos. There are many places in arguments where the author could have pulled in pathos, such as when discussing paternalistic attitude of the dominant society towards the first people, or in other cases. However, the author has not adopted the pathos and has instead chosen to make use of the ethos and the logos. Ethos in persuasive writing will basically be an appeal to ethics.


Here, in the writing, it could be said that the author has made an appeal to the ethics of people to decipher images and picture stories in spite of the misleading way that they could be understood. Instead of an appeal to the emotions of the audience, the author has actually appealed to their inner ethics. The reader would be able to understand how some pictures are specifically created to depersonalize and infantize some things such as the Inuit people. The Inuit people are not children, but the way they are represented is the understanding of them by the photographer and is not actually a real image.
Logos is an appeal to logic and logos is the predominant persuasive technique that has been used here. The author has made use of arguments based on primary text so the reader is able to connect with the arguments better.

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对于癌症的治疗,阿霉素是使用其他药物的组合。此外,在这种情况下,它与吡咯烷二硫代氨基甲酸(PDTC)是非常有用的。吡咯烷二硫代氨基甲酸合并施打(PDTC)和阿霉素通过胶束纳米粒子用于执行达到积极的靶向药物。除此之外,这种组合支持克服耐多药。共聚物的自组装纳米miecellar folate-chitosan部署自承运人吡咯烷二硫代氨基甲酸合并施打(PDTC)和阿霉素达到目的是阿霉素的释放以及pH值活性药物排出。


除此之外,管理这些药物组合的过程中克服多药耐药性阿霉素的支持。的高效融合FA-CS用于由NMR决定。粒子的标准尺寸并不足以实现整个系统的循环寿命。小机电在中性和弱碱性的情况下比一个酸性pH值可能导致血液保持良好的胶束纳米粒子的恒常性。阿霉素和PDTC封装胶束纳米颗粒的疗效分别为77.64和86.54 wt %,而加载相应的物质为12.34和15.32%。药物阿霉素在中性或碱性pH释放缓慢和常数,但在弱酸性条件下,释放更快接近75 – 95%的整个药物物质。


Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC) + Doxorubicin via Micellar Nanoparticle
For the treatment of cancer, doxorubicin is used with a combination of several other drugs. Moreover, in this case, its conjunction with Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC) is very useful. Co-administration of Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC) and Doxorubicin via micellar nanoparticles used to be performed to attain actively targeted delivery of the drugs. Apart from this, this combination supports in overcoming multi-drug resistance. The self-assembled miecellar nanoparticles from copolymer folate-chitosan were deployed since the carrier to co-administration of pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC) and doxorubicin to attain the aimed doxorubicin release along with pH reactive drug discharge.


Besides this, the process of administrating these drugs combination support in overcoming doxorubicin multidrug resistance. The efficient amalgamation of FA-CS used to be decided by the NMR. The standard size of particles was not adequate to attain longevity throughout the systematic circulation. The lesser CACs in neutral as well as alkalescent situations than an acid pH probably led to keep the good constancy of micellar nanoparticles in blood stream. The doxorubicin along with PDTC encapsulating the efficacy of the micellar nanoparticles were 77.64 and 86.54 wt%, whereas the loading substance was 12.34 and 15.32% correspondingly. The drug doxorubicin at neutral or alkalescent pH release was slow and constant, but in weak acidic condition, the release was much quicker near to 75-95% of its whole drug substance.

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1997年黄河发生严重干旱。1998年,长江引起中国政府采取行动,解决森林生态系统退化问题。很明显,目前的资源管理系统不足以应对社会不断变化的动态。 SLCP的目的是增加森林和草原。它采取了这一举措,以确保减少对环境的不利影响。土地侵蚀,荒漠化和其他生态灾难问题将通过争论这个特殊问题来解决。这是由倾斜的倾斜的土地完成的。发现它大于25度。通过这一举措,农业用途以及森林和草地的回归将变得可行。




A severe drought occurred in the Yellow River in 1997. In 1998, the Yangtze River caused the Chinese government to take action in which the country would address the issues of degradation of the forest ecosystem. It was evident that the current system of management of the resources was not adequate to meet the changing dynamics in the society. The SLCP works with the aim to increase the forest and the grasslands. It has taken this initiative to ensure that there will be reduction of the environmental detrimental impacts. The issues of soil erosion, desertification and other ecological disasters would be addressed by taking this particular issue in contention. This is done by the steeping sloping land. It is found to be greater than 25 degrees. The agricultural use and the return of the forest and the grassland would be made feasible by this initiative.


A pilot phase was implemented from the year of 1999 to 2001. This was conducted in over 3 provinces. This was gradually extended over 25 provinces. The program that was involved over 32 million households was implemented. 257.22 billion RMB had also been spent by the year 2010. The official goal of this process was to convert 14.67 million hectares of cropland into forest (4.4 million of this was spent on the land that was greater than 25 degrees. There was afforestation of 17.33 million hectares of wasteland. This increased the forest cover in the areas by 4.5% by 2010. The full implementation was done in the year 2002.

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In the system theory, there are attempts done to integrate the ideas of classical and human relation theories. These are discussion of the ways in which the people want to interact with the environment. There are three factors that are considered in this system. They are the input, conversion and output factors. The organizations are found to consist of a number of interrelated smaller systems. The people and the social groups are found to be impacted by this process. There is effective and productive work dependence and interdependence in this system.


The advantage of this system is that it combines the benefits of the classical theories and the human relationship theory. The innate limitation of this theory is that the people management process is a nuanced and intricate process . The people management needs to change based on the social variables and the final objectives of each company. The contingency theory is focused on these aspects of the system theory. Nevertheless, the contingent independent variables that are found in other systems are also considered.

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There are theories in social thinking that show people are used to thinking of other people based on social constructivism. People view others in a specific stereotype or would be biased towards them based on their race or their culture. Now critical marketing is just one of many steps towards resolving many ethical issues in marketing, but it cannot alleviate the effects as understood from other theories, which meaning that it cannot take the place of those theories, and this could be stated to be the weakness of critical marketing. Researchers such as Moraes et al. stated that there is an advent in critical marketing and related thinking. However, the humanist and axiological change is still overshadowed by business and related aspects . Similar to the social theories, the critical marketing challenges an also be discussed in the context of economic theories.


A second major weakness in critical marketing is that it challenges the theories and ways of working in other aspects. Critical marketing as presented by researchers increases the possessive individualism. The individual is stated to be possessive of his things. In this situation, the individual wants to consume more of the unique products and marketers make use of this chance. Where critical marketing comes into place, then a more communal understanding is forged per thinkers. Social relationships are increased.

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The national government of the country
The state government with particular competence in tourism
The local city government
The tourism establishments with tourism companies and their associations
The tourism development board
The financial institution that involve in financing the tourism projects
The workforce of the tourism industry, the tourism consultants, and tourism professionals
The trade unions of the employees of tourism industry


The education and training centres, which guide the students about the tourism industry
The tourists, including the business travellers along with the visitors of the tourist destinations
The local public along with the host communities at the tourist destination by their representatives
Besides this, the other juridical and the natural individuals having stake in the tourism development inclusive of the non-government firms which are specialized in tourism and associated with the tourism project and provide services related to the tourism


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The jamming process is mainly used to stops a communication device to send or receive communication signals. The use of jammers is quite controversial around the globe with a total ban on individual use. In the US, it is illegal to sell, without prior permission from the government. However, it is still widely available on some websites. Jammers are being used by federal offices under some circumstances. Strict laws, ranging from fine to imprisonment, have been enacted to stop personal usage of jammers. Recent incidence, including suspension of a teacher in Florida, using jammers in the classroom, shows the activeness of government against the personal use of jammers.


This technology has been developed to prevent the leakage of sensitive information, prevention of criminal activity at a particular place or thwarting bomb blast with the use of cell phone trigger. There was much news of blockage of communication signals when US president met with the masses. Some supporters of jammers have an opinion that it stops students from using phones and tablets during lectures.
There are many critical opinions against blocking of phone signals. It has also been viewed as a breach of their fundamental rights. Some also opine that it encourages criminal activity, as it prevents someone calling police help, during a bank robbery.
Assistance needed during emergency circumstances will be unavailable due to the absence of communications.

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西班牙的习俗表明,城市里的每个社区都有一个有组织的组织,被称为Casal faller。这个组织负责一整年的筹款晚宴和派对,提供一种叫做海鲜饭的流行菜肴。每个casa faller负责名为falla的构造。这个建筑在节日期间被烧毁。



The festival of las Falles is a traditional and historic celebration of r the Saint Joseph’s commemoration within Valencia, Spain. The name of the festival itself suggests the celebration and the burnt monuments during celebration. The tows within the region hold similar celebrations that were originated from the former Falles de Valencia festival. This festival was added as the intangible cultural humanity heritage by UNESCO in the year of 2016.


The customs of Spain suggest that each neighborhood across the city has an organized group which is referred as Casal faller. This group is responsible to work for yearlong fundraising dinners and parties that offer a popular dish called paella. Each of the casa faller is responsible for the construction named as falla. This construction is then burnt during the festival.
The festival takes place for the total of five days and night and the local streets can be seen in a mode of party throughout the festival. All the people ranging from children to elderly are engaged in fireworks and making noise on the streets. The event is fixed in terms of the dates and timings. However, there are varieties of grounds for the origin of this festival. It is believed by some that it started in the middle times when the broken artifacts were disposed by artisans to burn for the celebration of spring equinox. The celebration had been compressed due to the political changes but with the democracy being restored, the falls resurfaced and the people were enabled with the freedom of expression.

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人类价值观的核心原则被证明可以告知发现难以重新设计的个人生活计划。 即使在假设无限时间讨论的情况下,达成一致和理性协议的观点也未必在社会中发生。 由此可以得出结论,在社会共同利益的性质上存在某些合法且不可撤销的差异。 有可能存在不可调和的多元主义,哈贝马斯在理论中忽略了这些代理人。 世界观的多样性源于不可简化的多元性和理性。 这基本上意味着所有利益相关者和社会中的个人将达成共识。 在这种情况下,需要考虑的是,建立一个具有同质世界观和观点的社会根本不可能。




The central tenets of the human values are shown to inform the individual life programs that are found to be difficult to reengineer. Even in the cases of assuming unlimited time for discussion, the point of reaching a unanimous and rational agreement may not necessarily occur in the society. From these, it can be concluded that there are certain legitimate and irrevocable differences that occur over the nature of the common good in the society. There is a possibility of irreconcilable pluralism and these agents have been overlooked in the theory by Habermas. The variety of worldviews is found to stem from the irreducible plurality and rationality. This would essentially mean that all the stakeholder and the individuals in the society will have the same consensus. In this context, it needs to be considered that it is simply not possible to have a society where there is homogenous world view and perspective.


It can be alluded from this that the tenets of the speech act theory profess some of the important tenets for speech. It actively discusses about the people involved in the speech and the construction of the speech. However, the innate limitation of this model is the analytical assumption that the people would be attuned towards reaching consensus and working towards a common goal. Even though this is a positivist approach, it might not work in all the circumstances and considered to be the limitation to this model. The tenets of the speech act theory need to be considered to make important allusions. However, they can be considered as the idyllic situation or the final solution that can be reached. These are the main deductions that can be made from this allusion.

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在新加坡市场,超过14%的公司依赖中国公司。新加坡资本市场为中国金融家所熟知,他们利用新加坡资本市场作为获取资本的平台。新加坡投资者认为中国股票有利可图。交易活跃,平均成交速度超过100% (Chang, Luo, Ren, 2013)。它们的股价通常高于新加坡本地股票。新加坡股市认为,中国经济是一项有利可图的投资。新加坡交易所认为,中国市场是中国企业进入国际市场的有效融资渠道。新加坡政治稳定,地理位置优越,投资环境优越。还有当地的基础设施和更高的生活水平。新加坡的公司治理政策被发现有更好的监管。

要进入任何市场,公司需要满足一定的标准,其资本发行的总发行规模。这是他们需要坚持的最低锁定期。这将导致股东投资认为这是一个障碍(Carpentier, Cumming andSuret, 2012)。除此之外,上市公司必须继续履行之前对股东的义务。流动性和深度是公司股权投资最重要的因素(Luo, Fang and Esqueda, 2012)。更高的监管标准确保了投资者权利的保护。各国监管部门确保股东利益得到保护,确保制度的根本公平。


There is simplistic reasoning for the companies to choose to invest in foreign markets. They gain access to capital and get better price valuations.There is more transparency in the operations. Being in the developed markets of London, Singapore, Hong Kong or New York, the companies are able to gain leverage.


In the Singapore markets, more than 14% of the companies are dependent on Chinese companies. Singapore capital markets are well understood by the financiers of China and they use it as a platform to gain capital. The Singapore investors consider Chinese stocks to be lucrative. They are actively traded and the average turnover velocity is found to be more than 100% (Chang, Luo and Ren, 2013). They typically trade higher than the Singapore local stocks. Chinese economy is considered to be a lucrative venture by the Singapore stock markets. Singapore exchange considers Chinese markets to be an efficient finance pipeline for the Chinese companies to enter into international markets. Singapore has political stability, strategic geographic location and favorable investment environment. There is also local infrastructure and higher living standards. The corporate governance policy of Singapore is found to have better regulations.
To enter into any market, the company needs to fulfill certain criteria for its capital issue of overall offering size. These are the minimum lock up periods that they need to adhere. It would cause the shareholders investments to consider this to be an impediment (Carpentier, Cumming andSuret, 2012). Apart from this, the public company must continue to follow the previous obligations that it has made to the shareholders. Liquidity and depth are the important factors that are paramount for equity investment by the company (Luo, Fang and Esqueda, 2012). Higher regulatory standards ensure that there is protection of investor rights. The regulatory authorities of each country ensure that the shareholders’ interests are protected and ensure fundamental fairness of the systems.



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随着农业劳动力的转移,关键的预期是农场规模的扩大。在土地缺乏市场的情况下,就像中国和其他几个经济体一样,可以通过租用土地使用权或提供更普遍使用的服务来达到这种效果。土地整理有明确的限度,不能否认土地流转是由于农民对补贴可及性和社会保障可及性的关注而产生的。关键的结果将包括在兼职农民中增加优势。这些方法包括使用肥料和水等投入物或采用新技术的管理方法(Mansourian, 2011)。




As there is a shift in labor across agriculture, the key expectation is in increased sizes of farms. In the lack of market across land, as in the case of China and other several economies, there can be achievement of this effect either by renting the right for utilizing land or by providing services that are used more commonly. With a specific limit of land consolidation set, there is no denial that land transitions are impeded to rise out of farmer concern regarding the accessibility of subsidies and accessibility of social security. The key consequences will be inclusive of increased preponderance across the farmers working on part time basis. These include methods of management implying to apply inputs like fertilizer and water, or for adopting the new technology (Mansourian, 2011).


In addition, several producers will not have the ability of leaving agriculture as there is either a lack of human capital or financial capital. There will be a need for transitioning towards new industries and across urban areas. Contrasting the general international trends in expenses on agriculture related development and research, the cost of research and development in China has risen. Such spending makes key contribution for increasing productivity in agriculture, albeit with certain lags. However, there are several queries in context with managing the respective outcomes and investments with the involvement of several supportive stages of establishment.



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  • 明白论文的观点和中心思想,有好的观点才能借题发挥,写出一篇好文章。一篇文章的中心更是论文的切入点,因此也要选好论文的中心。中心确定后就要定好文章的大纲,分清文章的层次,这样在读者看来文章将更有层次感,会给导师更深的印象。一篇文章如果条理清楚也会很好地表达出论文的中心。
  • 针对论文对象而言,如果论文写作涉及科学和技术这两方面。针对描写的内容来看,是说论文的必须具有一定的可信度。大多数科技论文不能凭自己的想象乱写,要有一定的选材标准,毕业论文的中心思想要严密,必须紧扣主题。
  • 逻辑性的毕业论文一定要条理清晰,结构严密,推论合理,演算必须正确,标点符号要准确运用,而且文字必须要通顺,文章要前后呼应。不管我们的毕业论文所涉及的大小如何,文章里面都应该有自己的假设,证明和结论,而不是应该只是描述而已。
  • 首创性毕业论文是有一定的特殊要求的,文章要有一定的创新,这样的论文一定要遵循事物的特点和变化规律,文章必须是前所未有的简介或者是首创的作品,不能阐述别人的理论。完成写作之后要注意对文章进行审核,只有多次审核,将文章中错别字和语句意思不通顺的地方替换掉,才能够保证论文的质量,顺利完成一篇完美的毕业论文


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美国作业代写推荐:IAS 37的规则

美国作业代写推荐:IAS 37的规则

IAS 37确保了认可标准和测量基础适用于规定、或有负债和资产。IAS 37的规则就是这样形成的。IAS 37的主要目标是确保在财务报表中披露所需要的信息,这样用户就能够更好地理解它。IAS 37的一项关键原则是,只有在有责任或义务的情况下才可承认这一规定。基于义务的责任可以从与该条款相关的过去事件中得到确认。在IAS 37中必须有这种明确的理解,就是要确保在财务报表中处理真正的义务。那些不真实的义务将不会继续在未来的计划支出中发挥作用。他们根本不会被考虑。他们被排除在承认之外。

美国作业代写推荐:IAS 37的规则

IAS 37的范围是有限的。这可以从对相同的分析中得到理解。它设法排除一些义务和意外事件,只对其他的人有规定。这些规定包括IAS 39,金融工具IFRS 9和non-onerous待履行的合同等IAS 37,另一方面,将不适用于这种情况下的或有资产的情况下保险公司物品等。作为一个例子,考虑如何适用于一些IAS 11建筑合同的义务,而不是别人。它们只适用于那些只在这些合同项下产生的义务,而不适用于其他合同。同样,IAS 12所得税只适用于适用于当前或递延所得税的义务。

美国作业代写推荐:IAS 37的规则

The IAS 37, ensures that recognition criteria and measurement bases are applied correctly to provisions, contingent liabilities and assets. The rules of IAS 37 are formed to this effect. The IAS 37’s main objective is to ensure that the needed information is disclosed in financial statement notes in such a way that users would be able to comprehend it better. One of the key principles in the IAS 37 is that a provision can be recognized only in such cases where there is a liability or an obligation. The liability based on the obligation can be recognized from past events related to the provision. The necessity to have this explicit understanding in IAS 37 is to ensure to make genuine obligations to be dealt with in the financial statements. Those obligations that are not genuine will not continue to play a role in future planned expenditure. They would simply not be considered. They are excluded from recognition.

美国作业代写推荐:IAS 37的规则
The Scope of the IAS 37 is limited. This could be understood from an analysis of the same. It seeks to exclude some obligations and contingencies and only has provisions for others. Some of these provisions include the IAS 39, the financial instruments IFRS 9 and the non-onerous executory contracts etc. IAS 37, on the other hand, will not apply to such situations as the contingent assets in the case of insurer items etc. As an example, consider how the IAS 11 Construction Contracts are applicable for some obligations and not others. They are applicable only for those obligations that arise only under such contracts but not any other. Similarly, the IAS 12 Income Taxes will be applicable only for the obligations that are applicable for current or deferred income taxes.

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The free movement of the students in the UK had led to the rise of diversified multi-cultural students and in this regard, I observed that the team member fails in understanding the cultural mind-sets of the other team members. One main reason behind this is that most of the members hail from different cultural backgrounds. They are shifting in the UK for better educational opportunities. For this reason, they are facing communication problems with the other team members. On the other hand, I had observed that the different opinions of the individuals improve the team performance if we look at their personality variables and cognitive ability variables.

The personality variables consist of different contextual habits among the individuals, the presence of different skills among them and the different contextual knowledge. Apart from this, the cognitive ability variables consist of differences in the task habits among the individuals, task skill as well as the task knowledge. Hence, at the time of working with the team members in Glasgow, I had managed the individual differences and integrated with individual differences. The individual differences help in the increase of adaptability and effective execution of the presentation skills. Considering the fact that our team consists of four members, the interaction level is quite strong as we would finish our parts in the presentation and then collaborate on Wednesday to practice presentation.


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