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首先是格式。格式当然是重中之重,格式错了内容再怎么丰富也无济于事。希望同学们能重视。字体:Times New Roman,字号:小四,行距1.5倍。这些格式一开始就应该设置好,不要在修改的时候才改,避免造成不必要的失误而影响你的成绩。


其次是assignment的结构。有些同学对Assignment的结构表示不清楚,以为有很多种结构。其实不然,有时候就是自己觉得,只要了解了也不会有这种情况。一般Assignment分三个部分:Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion. Introduction需要写的就是你对topic的背景介绍还有论文里需要解决的问题,一般占字数的10%。而Main Body占字数的80%左右。内容则需要根据老师给的题目来做文章。有硬性要求你从哪些方面来讨论话题的就根据要求来,没有硬性要求的就可以自由发挥了,但一定要有逻辑,切记不要泛泛而谈。Conclusion占10%,结论就是总结,简洁明了的把你的观点概括出来就ok。




3、Reference 排序顺序一般是按字母排序法。最后面放的是带网址的Reference。



1、书面表达里禁缩写,例如:wouldn’t 必须写作would not!




5、开头表明观点,即thesis statement!




9、行距1.5倍,Basic Font:Times New Roman 16px






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Assignment是最常见的类型了,分成Group Assignment和Individual Assignment两种,一般你会有几天到几个星期的时间来完成。Individual Assignment多数是网上的一些练习题什么的,考的内容不会很难,一般是对单一知识点的考核。好一点的教授会给你好多次机会,严一点的教授会给5次左右的尝试机会。最狠的教授会给3次左右的机会,然后每答错一题都会扣掉这道题的一部分分数。多数教授会给bonus,类似附加题,或者你一次性答对所有的题会给你奖励一些分数。所以如果你朋友跟你说他作业得了110%,不要认为他在吹牛哦!Group Assignment通常是趣味性高一点的活动,没有标准答案,考察的面也很广。几个人一起查查资料做做研究,再写点观点和发现基本问题就可以了。队友很重要。如果你碰到一群“猪一般”的队友,那这个Assignment基本就离Fail不远了。Assignment还可以是阅读。不要以为这就轻松了,教授随随便便写几个页码让你读,然后配一个quiz,不理解好你读的东西保证你quiz一道题都做不出来。想蒙混过关?没有的事。






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最后把连接词放上去再比对一下,before & after之间差了多少。如果全错,那你应该多花力气去学习逻辑的基础知识,而不是着急去训练论文写作。


Good Question!假如你就是这样的同学,那么下面的内容就是为你量身定制。














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首先,学术论文应以正式文体写作。避免使用一些陈词滥调,一些比喻(比方说:“the flaws in this argument stand out like a sore thumb”,比喻会让丧失学术性),避免收缩(比如“don’t”,“aren’t”,“it’s”),避免让assignment看起来像一个演讲稿和日常用语短语(比方说:“well,this bit is really fascinating”,“嗯,这一点真的很吸引人”,这种短语应该是出现在日常生活中的,绝不是一篇assignment中),避免使用主观描述(比方说:“this beautiful sculpture”,“这个美丽的雕塑”,assignment绝对不是写故事)。

只在适当的时候使用第一人称“I”(例如,写你自己的经验或专业案例研究的时候)。如果可能的话,尽量使用第三人称,你可以使用“It can be argued”而不是“I think”。





























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Banks are facing expanding compliance expectations that are pushing compliance programs to the brink (PWC, 2013). The scope and nature of compliance have evolved and it is no longer limited to rules-based banking regulations. Operational and compliance risks have become more complex and entwined, increasing the potential for failed processes that cause customer confusion and compliance control breakdowns. Without a new approach to compliance and operational risk management, many banks will continue to face high costs and losses in the form of escalating litigation, penalties, and staffing needs. This theory helps me comprehend the relationship between the bank’s operation and CRM system.
Because the arrays of potential compliance risks faced by an organization are typically very complex, any robust assessment should employ both a framework and methodology. The framework lays out the organization’s compliance risk landscape and organizes it into risk domains, while the methodology contemplates both objective and subjective ways to assess those risks (Deloitte , 2015).
The framework needs to be comprehensive, dynamic, and customizable, allowing the organization to identify and assess the categories of compliance risk to which it may be exposed (see Figure 2). Some compliance risks are specific to an industry or organization—for example, worker safety regulations for manufacturers or rules governing the behaviour of sales representatives in the pharmaceutical industry. Other compliance risks transcend industries or geographies, such as conflicts of interest, harassment, privacy, and document retention(Deloitte , 2015).


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本文主要讲的是定性研究方法,本研究采用的是定性研究方法。选择的定性方法是访谈法。这是用来产生的数据是从实践(Chacko et al., 2012)。定性方法被用在许多方法学方法中,下面介绍选择的理由。方法,程序,数据的分析和工作的伦理考虑已经在下面一节中详细说明。本次采访使用的数据收集方法是对某著名酒店的旅游经理进行采访,该酒店的工作涉及酒店周边地区的营销和旅游管理。本篇assignment代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

For this research, methodology that was used is the qualitative research methodology. The qualitative method that was selected is the interview method. This is used for the generation of the data that is developed from the practice (Chacko et al., 2012). The qualitative methods are used in many of the methodological approaches and the justification of choice is presented next. The methods, procedures, analysis of the data and the ethical considerations for the work have been detailed in the following section.The data collection method that is used for this interview is an interview conducted with the tour manager with a reputed hotel whose job connects across both marketing and tour management for the locations around the hotel.
In the interview method, to gain genuine information about the issues, there will be collation of the data from the actual sources (Bryman, 2006). For this, the interview is conducted with the hotel manager. The interview will be recorded and the information will be maintained. The anonymity of the information sources will be maintained as per qualitative research interview best practices (Gill et al., 2008). The real name will not be used for this research as an attempt to gain real insights about the particular issues.
The reason for the sampling procedure has been detailed in the following. Given the time constraints and the resource limitation, the sample that will be considered will be one. Hence, the sample needs to have extensive knowledge about the current trends of the hospitality industry. A manager in a reputed hotel brand will have real time knowledge about the issues and the current trends. There can be collation of the facts from the sampling. Thus, the manager in a branded hotel franchise was considered. In an effort to gain real insights, the real identity is maintained confidential. The data analysis technique has been detailed in the following.


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They can be detrimental or can enable in the increase of the social settings of the people. Some of the seniors could still feel that they are lonely in spite of the best efforts of the people. There must be creation of specific strategies or interventions that are aimed towards the addressing of the social isolation and loneliness within the residential care. However, many of the residential care services are found to be based on the organized activities that are aimed towards fostering of social interactions. One of the most common ways in which there is developing of the appropriate solution is the creation of the group intervention. The ways to ensure and foster the group intervention are detailed in the following.
The group intervention is aimed to the reducing of the loneliness. The groups are found to address the condition of the people who have limited mobility or have common disabilities, bereaved people. There are fostering of the group activities that include reading to children, writing and exercise sessions that are used for the production of the improvement of the health. The use of art is fostered in this system.
The Community-based group exercise programs ensure that the endorphins are released in the body. These hormones aide towards the creation of a positive outlook towards life. The increase in loneliness is found to be prominent in physically inactive community.
The long-term activities to improve the self-esteem of the people and the promotion of the personal control can lead to better relationships. The long-term effectiveness is improved in this process. To address certain individual issues, the use of individualized care and services are needed. There are some support groups and discussion sessions that are useful for the specific populations. Some individual care is needed to address certain condition that is not common to the group.


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The report is divided into four parts in which the report will be introduced, the second part contains the strategies adopted by the company for future growth, the third part contains the analysis and discussion which is done with the help of researching the secondary data in the form of Charts and graphs of the financial information about the company and in the last, the report is concluded.Alibaba dominates the market share of online shopping market in China and its market share is approximately 78.8%. It is the leader in the Chinese ecommerce industry. It provides every product to the customer i.e. from groceries to automobiles (Q1 2017 Alibaba group holding ltd earnings call – final, 2016).
IT is clear from the above chart that Alibaba has the majority of share in the Internet shopping market of China and the rest of the companies share small portions or small no. of consumers (Q1 2017 Alibaba group holding ltd earnings call – final, 2016).It can be concluded that the despite the extreme competition in the retail e commerce industry in the world, Alibaba has seen tremendous growth and has outperformed in the market. It has set its foot in the Chinese retail industry and have around 79% share in the market but it still have to grab the attention of the world.
The investors of the company are positive for its growth and thus the P/E ratio is so high. The report contains the discussion of the strategies adopted by the company for its future growth by taking into consideration the macro and micro factors through the tools like PESTEL. Analysis and discussion are made about the performance of the company and its profits and market share. The financial information has been extracted from secondary sources to analyse its financial performance in the industry and what are its future prospects.In the end, the criticism which is faced by the company by different institutions and government has been discussed and the response of the company’s officials has also been given to see what view company has for the future growth of the company and how it is dealing with the criticism.


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本文主要讲的是实施活动和初步目标,重新调整组织目标以适应员工的目标,并产生一个新的使命声明,以遵循(Pater, Roest, & Kleinreesink, 2005)。传播公司的使命宣言,为所有员工灌输一个共同的目标,制定新的最低员工绩效标准,并培训所有员工达到这一最低绩效水平,如果达不到这一标准,员工就可能不再是旅行指南。培训必须确保正确解释员工的所有期望,并使他们了解与公司基准服务标准相一致的绩效标准。本篇assignment代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Realign organisational goals accommodate employee goals as well, and produce a new mission statement to be followed (Pater, Roest, & Kleinreesink, 2005). Spread the mission statement and infuse a singular purpose in all employees .Formulate a new strategy of minimum employee performance standard and train all employees to attain this minimum level of performance, failing which they may be withdrawn from being travel guides. The training must ensure proper explanation of all that is expected from the employees and make them aware of the performance standard which is again aligned with the company’s benchmark service standards.

Financial management is the most important step in controlling costs, improving sales, and enhancing net profits on a year on ear basis (Hall & Hord, 2001). The company must implement a plan of financial control to be followed by all employees and adhere to the guidelines so as to keep the investment under the prescribed limits. The employees must also be trained in such controlling activities so that they become innovative in using alternative modes of enhancing the sales and profits and reducing monetary investments for growth.

A renewed and refreshed but relevant and company-enhancing hiring procedure must be implemented where the directors, the employees must be assessed on the basis of their performance, the value they add, and the level of their commitment to the organisation (Cameron & Green, 2004). After assessment, proper task allotment must be done with a focus on product and service enhancements.The prime target is to reduce attrition levels, improve employee satisfaction, employee morale enhancement, and make the team stronger by instilling a meaningful purpose in all employees.
Thus these must be achieved in less than 6 months time.

This is primarily done to improve productivity of each employee, equip them with the skills and knowledge required to give superior experience to customers and convert customers into loyal customers. The performance standard defined will set a benchmark for service delivery and will challenge employees to grow personally.
This must be achieved in a time of 6-8 months.

This is primarily done to improve the bottom line of the business which is seen consistent decline. The cost when controlled can improve net profits and thus it can have more money to spend in its future growth.
The target must be to reduce the cost by 5-7% every year and improve sales and net profits by 5-7% every year which is the board’s expectations.

The prime idea is to forma team which is on the same platform of understanding and performance and accept the market conditions and acts accordingly. The director’s team when guides properly through the years of their experience, the team also get motivated and learns new things to be implemented.
This target must be achieved in less than 6 months following all procedural methods.


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It is suggested that in such scenarios, smaller and easily attainable tasks must be set as goals for individual or a department. These tasks as a whole must be oriented towards achieving the desired change. Using these tactics would keep people interested and motivated. (Kotter, 1995). It is evident that leaders play a major role to ensure that the momentum of changes is maintained and its affects are sustained. If this final step is overlooked, then the efforts made in all preceding steps could be nullified. If the change is not implemented successfully or fail to address the initial vision, the complete exercise would be a failure. Hence, to maintain momentum and keep the same passion of people alive is important for the leaders.
We have elaborated the necessary step to be taken by the leaders for successful change implementation in an organisation. Now, we would focus on the main issues faced by the employees who are subjected to the changes. It is generally observed that employees resist change mainly because of the difference between the views of employees and managers towards the change. While top management looks upon changes as a chance to enhance the business strategies and plans and to advance in the operations to attain higher success, however, the employees find changes to be intrusive and disruptive, which disturb their daily routine at work. This is why sound leadership is necessary to understand the employee-employer’s compacts and view it in the light of impending changes. Employee is said to have compacts with its employers which mainly consist of the following three dimensions, namely, formal, psychological and social.
The formal dimension is defined by basic need of assigning role and performing duties. The psychological addresses the implicit employee relationships. In included trust, dependency, respect between employees and employers. The third dimension is social, which helps employee evaluate the company’s culture. It also involves looking into the alignment between the company’s vision and managements’ attitude towards those goals. When change is implemented, it is necessary to address each of these compacts to ensure that the employees are aligned with the vision of the organization in implementing the changes. (Strebel, 1996, p. 86).


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本文主要讲DDR计划纳入和平条约的好处,如果没有将DDR计划纳入和平条约,任何国家都无法管理和实现和平建设。解除武装、复员和重返社会方案被认为是任何地区在战争或冲突结束后缔造和平进程的一个基本要素。为了社会的利益和促进国家的经济和社会福利,该方案也是维持该地区和平与安全的一个关键因素。解除武装部队和装备武器的个人的武装和复员对于他们在冲突集团和社会之间建立和认可信任是必要的(Zawels, 1996年)。本篇assignment代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Peace building is unmanageable and unachievable to any nation without incorporation DDR program in their pact of peace. The disarmament, demobilization and reintegration program is considered an essential element of the peace making process in any region after a war or conflict is ended. This program is also a key element in sustaining the peace and security of the region for the interest of society and promoting the economy and social well-being of the nation. Disarmament and demobilization of armed troops and weapon equipped individuals is necessary for their confidence building and endorsing trust among the conflicting groups and the society (Zawels, 1996).
Disarmament and demobilization of the groups help them to discharge their weaponry and build a sense of security in them, while reintegration is necessary to locate them in a prosperous position in the society (Hanggi, 2005). Proper reintegration of former combatants allows them to gain their pre-war status in the community and rebuild their social lives (Brethfeld, 2010; Sriram and Herman, 2009). In the reintegration process, it is extremely important to provide them with sufficient opportunities of employment in the society so that they never revert back to violence (KIngma, 2001; Marley, 1999).
While a country heads towards the peace building process, either at the end of conflict or to ensure sustainable human security in the society, DDR program assist them to build confidence and trust among the conflicting groups and general public (Brzoska, 2005; Ozerdem, 2009). However, disarmament, demobilization and reintegration are complex tasks to perform. They require proper and professional planning and training of the conducting staff to run a successful peace-making program, because if the authorities fail to achieve a success in DDR, the former combatants may prove to be more harmful, aggressive and violent to the society and repeated conflicts may arise (Lilly, 2002). This will consequently harm the dignity as well as the economy of the nation.


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Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are widely used in various industry such as manufacturing industry and oil and gas industry. A PLC system consists of hardware and programming software. Hardware includes PLC module itself, power supply module, digital input and output (I/O) cards, analogue I/O modules, Human Machine Interface (HMI) and so on. All the I/O modules and PLC are installed on a backplane which allows communication between the PLC and I/O modules. There are four common used programming languages except for Instruction List. They are Ladder diagram (LD), Sequential Function Charts (SFC), Function Block Diagram (FBD) and Structured Text (ST).
A programmer can choose any of the languages to program. Whenever a programmer had finished programming, he/she can download the program into the PLC. A HMI is the interface between an operator and the PLC which allows an operator to control the operation of the PLC, input some parameters to the PLC and display some quantities.
PLC has many advantages. The main advantages are as follows:
Since there is no mechanical connection between control relays, there is no failure due to mechanical malfunction.
PLC is reprogrammable. If a programmer want to overwrite a PLC, he/she only needs to write programs using programming software on a computer and download it to the PLC.
Smaller Physical Size
In some industrial applications, physical size is very critical. And also smaller size means lower power consumption and easy installation.
For this project we decided to use the PID control method to control the water supply system. This method can be realized by an individual PID controller or integrated into a PLC. PID stands for proportional integral derivative controller or control method. The PID control is mostly used to reduce error by adjusting the control variable over time. Here is some detailed explanations of the proportional, integral, and derivative sides of the control method.


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本文主要内容是利普塞特理论,这突出了由西摩·马丁·利普塞特创立的利普塞特现代化和民主理论。该理论认为,经济发展的几个方面,如教育、财富、工业化和城市化,作为与民主相关的一个关键方面,其功能是相关的(He and Feng, 2008)。研究人员认为,民主是从文化和社会方面实现的(Inglehart和Welzel, 2009)。利普塞特理论指出,国家必须对历史上发生的独特事件和以自治方式运作的政治性质的子系统保持敏感。本篇assignment代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

This highlights the Lipset theory of modernization and democracy as established by Seymour Martin Lipset. The theory argues that the several aspects of economic development such as education, wealth, industrialization and urbanization are associated to function as a key aspect that is associated with the democracy (He and Feng, 2008). It was argued by the researchers that the democracy is realised from the cultural and social aspects (Inglehart and Welzel, 2009). The theory of Lipset indicates that the nation is required to be sensitive towards the unique events that have occurred in the history and on the subsystem of political nature that functions in an autonomous manner.
The focus of the American ideology on the uniqueness in Americanism indicates that the suggestions of Lipset to develop a unique nation that is based on the republicanism, individualism, egalitarianism, liberty and democracy along with the economics of laissez-faire nature indicates that the situation of US is best explained by the Lipset theory (Dahl, 2005). According to the Lipset theory, China holds the ability to make substantial achievements in terms of economy and entails the focus to remain working towards the democracy. The theory indicates that the political system is associated with various aspects of the community and society (Grugel and Bishop, 2014). Furthermore, it is indicated that the economic development can only be used in cases of China for supporting the survival of democracy.
It was identified that the development of the economy is related with a wide range of factors. Therefore, these aspects further influence and cause the democratisation to take place (Haerpfer, 2009). The increase in the equality as it is evident in the case of United States, education, work experience in manufacturing factories and urbanization along with the weakening of the traditional practices allows the nations to go towards the democratisation.
The economic development was the primary factor that resulted in the democratization of US (Hague et al., 2016). However, as the political system of the nation is closely associated by the society, the impacts of economic development towards influencing the democracy can be seen across China in future.


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I facilitated Adult Education Training Program. More knowledge was acquired on how treatment of the suffering victims should be done to avoid affecting the unconcerned parties. This allowed me to hone in on my communication skills in interacting with other people on a completely different level. There is so much to learn in the field of mental illness. I need to learn the skills and competencies required to deal with patients with severe mental illness. I believe that one can never learn enough and learning is an on-going and continuous process. In school, I held position of Boarding Prefect which instilled in my leadership and cooperation skills. I believe that cooperation and patience are two very important skills when handling patients with severe mental illness.
A person learns these two skills only through practice and experience. I still have a long way to go when it comes to learning and practicing. These two go hand in hand. My commitment to the National Honor Society allowed me to retain academic, social and service attitude and gave me the opportunity to participate in various charities and offer ideas to the committee. Thus, my diverse academic and extracurricular experiences had culminated in bringing me out of my shell. However, I am still in learning stage, I want to learn more and grow. I am open to new experiences and opportunities. I firmly believe that every opportunity given to me and every situation I experience facilitates learning new things. I am a keen learner.
Having witnessed firsthand the marvels of rehabilitation, I have become a strong believer in the power of shaping childhood development and believe that I may have found my true calling. Being exposed to mental illness at a young age not only instilled in me the need for patience and kindness, but it also opened me to a world of possibilities that would lead me to where I now stand: an exciting crossroads to my future.


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本文主要讲述的是企业文化和创新,Kenworthy(1995)和Lundvall(1998)进一步得出结论,国家和企业层面的文化可以影响组织相互合作的意愿(Lavie, 2006)。根据Gerard等人(1990)的研究,企业之间的合作存在于几个国家的开放创新之下(Adams & Jaffe, 1996)。在他们看来,影响开放式创新成功的最基本因素包括企业文化和与整个企业适当的专业技能开发相关的投资规模。本篇代做assignment文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

It was further concluded by Kenworthy (1995) and Lundvall(1998) that culture of national and corporate level can impact the organization willingness for collaborating with one another (Lavie, 2006). According to Gerard et al. (1990), it has been examined that collaboration between firms exists under open innovation in several nations (Adams & Jaffe, 1996). Within their perspective, the most essential factors that influence open innovation success include culture of corporate and the investment scale related with appropriate expertise development across the firm.
It was noted by Craig and Douglas (1997), that within emerging economies, the capability is for organizations to be in completion based upon the lowest price possible (Lazzarotti et al, 2010). This results in firms across supply chains to show an orientation of adversarial and transactional nature. They further suggested a transition towards a relationship of collaborative nature which happens after firms undertake to adopt measures depending over differentiation (Lichtenthaler & Lichtenthaler, 2009). According to Batra (1997), it has been noted that an essential reason behind firms biased towards competition based on price is due to the average income of customers being low within several emerging markets and there is also a higher sensitivity for customer price level (Lichtenthaler, 2008). In such situations where orientation of collaborative nature starts appearing within the emerging markets, this occurs often initially among firms that are present internationally because these firms have entered the international market (Lichtenthaler, 2011). Therefore, the need to innovate for them is followed. All the theoretical framework points to the fact that much can be gained through open innovation within developing economies.
The impact that open innovation has on the growth of the economy can be investigated through several points of vantage. Casual chains of prominence among the economic growth and open innovation are elaborated within this section and involves social capital creation through the expansion of network, increment in the resilience of the firm, human capital fostering through the transfer of knowledge, improved advantage in the competitiveness by absorption of technology as well as knowledge along with the multifactorial growth through the conjunction of the NSI.


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本篇文章主要讲述豪华汽车制造商的销售策略,豪华汽车制造商细分其销售的前提是人口统计,心理图形和行为变量(Klein, 2010)。通常购买宝马的人都是中年人(35-50岁),他们在事业上出类拔萃,拥有乐观的本质,重视自己的经济福祉。这些人需要的优势是普遍性、执行力、可靠性和卓越性。宝马组织运用消费者激励理论,专注于为消费者提供质量管理,并将其纳入最新和有益的领域,以促进贸易。使命宣言的另一个基本观点是,宝马公司将在未来的发展、最新的汽车设计和初始驱动结构方面进行令人印象深刻的投资。本篇代做assignment文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The luxury car producer segments its sales on the premise of demographics, psychographics and Behavioural variables (Klein, 2010). Usual buyers of BMW are the ones in the middle age (35-50), who excel in their career, have an essence of optimistic items and value their own economic wellbeing. The advantages needed by these individuals are prevalence, execution, dependability and eminence. Using the theory of consumer motivation, the BMW organization concentrates on provision of quality management to its consumers, and it will involve it in latest and beneficial domains to enhance the trade. One more basic point in the mission declaration is that BMW organization will make investment impressively in future advancements, latest vehicle designs and initiating drive structures.
At present, BMW is aiming to concentrate on the developing economies of the globe. The sales records of BMW in diverse markets of the world show that the European and the US markets are the greatest markets for BMW organization with respect to BMW trade. These days, regardless, the Chinese market has been an astonishing charm for the BMW organization and sold units have been rising in all months for the BMW. Finally it can be concluded that the BMW perceives from its customers and tries to influence by advertisement and marketing to create brand’s image. The improvement of the firm, spreading out in latest markets, motorized progress and purchaser trustworthiness are the best approach to BMW triumph in the luxurious car industry.
Remembering the ultimate objective to boost the advantages of the firm, BMW ought to drop off overheads. The mission statement of the BMW declares that the firm is focussing on reduction in the costs by lessening the amount of staffs and by lessening of overheads on Research and Development. It is suggested that BMW should not reduce the overheads on Research and Development.
Audi Corporation has an upcoming practice that lays stress on extra concentration in Research and Development, to scrutinize fresh regions of the automobile trade. So, BMW will need to continue spending on Research and development for reducing the overheads on car making. Therefore, BMW needs a great supply chain management strategy. The innovations must be there to reduce the costs of the different parts and different steps in manufacturing procedure.


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A concentrated bank is a bank that has strong presence in UK but limited presence across other parts of Europe. For such an institution, Brexit related cost increases would be amplified. Such a bank would require huge investment into setting up a new subsidiary, hiring additional staff, regulatory expenses, cost of operations, infrastructure and maintenance.


The additional capex involved would require the banks to cut other operational cost to remain profitable. The banks may tend to fund the capex through headcount reduction and extensive compensation control. The IT infrastructures will be further improved.


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代写Assignment :规范的艺术形式

代写Assignment :规范的艺术形式




代写Assignment :规范的艺术形式

The artist who has created this picture has used the canonical art form. The horse is there at the center along with the man. Therefore, the maximum concentration of the art is present at the centre. Contemporary artists have shown a shift which is away from general and the most common anthropocentric model. If the environmental thought is considered, it can be understood that the existing humans are required to take up the responsibilities which are there with some of the other specifies. In the canonical art form there should be a grant to the animals and plants and their rights to exist without any damage.

代写Assignment :规范的艺术形式

It has been expressed by Denis Krakovic that there is an outrage in the human treatment of animals from the photographs of the ostriches which are kept in the confined and the cruel conditions. The concept and the existence of the canonical forms have been central to the study and teaching of the art for the centuries. It is still under the hub of the large number of traditions and the teachings of the art history which are there in the European nations. This can still shape the perception of the art. Canonical form of art is referred to an art form which doesn’t seem to lose any aura in the cult of the genius in the canonical status.


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本文主要讲社交媒体的作用,社交媒体是电台无价的工具,因为它是免费的。它使用方便,是一种无与伦比的与听众沟通的方式,从而获得了大规模的电台宣传。为了确保社会媒体的努力能够产生影响,广播电台要建立一个清晰的策略来帮助保持文章的新鲜、娱乐和原创从开始到结束(Cunningham, 2010)。在澳大利亚,有很多电台已经开始利用社交媒体和在线媒体来复兴他们,用原创的、新鲜的材料来振兴听众的思想。这些组织中的一些正在使用现在的功能,而另一些组织正在使用侦听器请求。这使这些组织有了竞争能力。本篇assignment代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Social media is a tool of invaluable nature for radio stations as it is free. There is usage ease and it is an unbeatable manner of connecting with the listening audience resulting to gain station publicity at a large scale. To ensure that the social media efforts make an influence, it is a good idea for radio stations to create a clear strategy that helps in keeping the posts fresh, entertaining and original from the start of the day to its end (Cunningham, 2010). There are various radio stations in Australia which have started harnessing social media and online media to rejuvenate them and revitalise the minds of the listeners with the original and fresh material. Some of these organizations are using now playing feature while others are making use of listener requests. These have allowed competitive ability to these organizations.

The thesis statement of this essay is to visualize by comparing and contrasting the services provided by 2 radio broadcasting websites (Groeling, 2010). There is no doubt that radio has integrated social media into its platforms of broadcasting. The two broadcasting websites selected are inclusive of a public service and a commercial service broadcaster. The public service provider selected is Radio National and Fox.

This public service broadcaster exists for nurturing all Australians intellectual and cultural life and this is as important and integral as a player within the national conversation development around the notions which are of much consideration. The broadcaster is known for its content speciality across culture and arts, current affairs and business, health, science and technology along with religion and ethics (Western et al., 2013). The content is excellent with regard to the fact that it offers thought provoking analysis delivered over air and across various digitalized platforms. RN (Radio National, Australia) from this perspective is a dynamic production house with world class ability where content is innovatively commissioned and produced. There are some programs which the company relays over Radio Australia which is a free to air service of shortwave internationally by ABC. Currently, RN has 327 transmitting sites and is responsible for covering more than 98 percent of Australia areas permanently inhabited (Utley, 2007).


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虽然选择德州的留学生远没有加州的多,但莱斯大学就在休斯顿市郊,生活质量上并不差,莱斯可是全美学生幸福指数最高的学校。学校树多环境美,并且娱乐活动也多,学校每学期每个college会轮流办public party,一共有11个学院,所以基本上每两周就有一party。如果住在学生公寓,也经常有烧烤类的聚会活动。餐厅吃的种类也是丰富多彩,学校的吃腻了还可以打电话叫中餐外卖。学校的校车也非常的人性化,每十五分钟就有一班,可以通过手机查看校车位置不用傻等,学生可以乘车在公寓和校园的主要建筑物间往返,十点半校车停运,如果晚上害怕可以打电话让校警开专车把你送回宿舍,周六还有班车载学生到附近的的美国超市购买生活用品,如此周到的服务,学生自然幸福指数高了。






  1. 一. 没有网站。连一个公司网站都没有却说自己有多少年代写经验,这种典型就是不想认真当骗子的骗子。背后很有可能只是一个或者几个学生想利用闲暇时间赚点外快,拿了你的钱之后如果心情好就随便给你写一点,心情不好就网上copy,反正写挂了也不管他们的事情,你也找不到人。
  2. 二. 网站做的粗糙简陋。网站做的不好的直接原因就这个公司没有钱。因为一个好的网站,从程序到美工,从前台到后台,从站内优化到站外SEO等等,不是一两个人可以完成的。大量的工作意味着大量的花销,而大量的花销绝对不是骗子公司可以承受的。
  3. 三. 看网站有没有站内支付功能。站内支付说白了就是网站内部的自动付款功能,我不敢说有站内支付功能的网站里没有骗子,但至少比那些没有的可信一点。
