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BRICS nation has the natural resources, young population, increasing innovation, cheaper labour or manufacturing costs and a more determined population. They were responsible for the growth of the economy of these nations. The Four nations have shown enormous potential for growth in the past few decades. The development of the technology and increase in the globalist agenda shows that the nations are developing at a positive rate. However, in the past few years the allure of this technology is not so prominent.
The issues of corruption, dwindling need for reserves, political issues, increase in the age of the population, exaggeration of the growth potential of the BRICS nation causes the growth be impeded for these nations. This fear stirs a negative cycle of events. This causes the growth of the nation be impeded in the process. The nations should find ways to contend towards this ideology.
It cannot be refuted that the BRICS nations have the potential to become world leaders and they also have to address the issues of the nation. In the case of macroeconomics only tangible factors cannot be viewed. There is a need for a cohesive policy to address the solutions. The five nations need to address their internal issues in order to become world leaders. Hence, BRICS nation has the potential to become dominant world players and they can also become the nations that are marred by issues. Owing to this, these nations should solve their internal issues to become stronger players in the world markets.


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hange management is an intrinsic process which is enforced by the external circumstances of the market where the company is required to match its performance with the expectations of the market. Social structures of society change. With it, their choices change, and when there is a shift in demand or a development of a new awareness, the choices again changes and demands new services from the provider. These factors consistently require the organisation to be more creative and keep its innovative side fresh as it may require adopting new and uncomfortable changes in order to meet the new and the rising demand of the market and consumers. Global Adventures, as an international travel company, is trying to adopt and implement the change management principles and gets its business on track to become profitable and acquire new customers along with retaining the old ones. The company is at a juncture which has to develop multiple change processes to ensure that all the strategies of change when clubbed together and implemented collectively will give the desired results for the company. The company has multiple loopholes which make its performance weaker and tend to deviate from the path of consistent profit and enhance the business value. This report will undergo a thorough analysis of the company and diagnose the gaps which keep the performance weak and business really out of focus from its core area of practice. The company must do a recce of the repeat customers they have, the new market that is available for capturing, the satisfaction level of the customers, and the likelihood of them repeating their association with Global Adventures. They have a very good customer base and proper strategy can sustain them and also acquire new ones. The cost factor is immediately needed to be assessed because the cost is increasing, while profits are declining. Sales are also increasing but the company seems to be investing more as the cost of doing business is increasing every year. It needs to control the cost and manage innovative investment to keep the marketing costs low, though effective in producing sales (Conway, Jones, & Steward, 2001).


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本文主要讲营销的方向,购买方便和沟通,实际上是考虑购买产品的空间。在现代,用来销售产品的地方已经被购买产品的便利所取代。耐克将其系列的鞋子,服装和设备出售给各个领域的许多销售点。销售产品的门户有,该公司将产品销售给零售商,网上商店,零售店,也通过Nike town销售(Kotler et al。,2015)。耐克城的零售店使公司能够销售产品。耐克的目标市场人口是健康意识强的人,他们积极参与体育运动。本篇加拿大essay代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

It is actually the spaces that are considered to buy the product. In the modern times, place that is used to sell the product has been replaced by the convenience to buy the product. Nike sells its range of shoes, apparel and equipment to a number of outlets across the spectrum. There are number of portals to sell the products and a number of distributions that are developed by the company. Currently, the company sells the product to retailers, online stores, retail outlets and also through Nike town (Kotler et al., 2015). The Nike town retail outlet enables the company to sell the product .The target market demography of Nike is heath conscious people who are active involved in sports. The company uses a number of portals to interact with this base. The age demography that Nike considered are the people below the age of 30. It is primarily directed its efforts to sell products to the youth demography (Kotler et al., 2015). In this notion, the people in this age group are continually looking for innovative newer products. The company has used marketing strategies to interact with the consumers.
In the current times the promotion is considered to be a form of manipulation of the consumers. The communication enables an interaction with the consumer to sell the product that they need (Kotler et al., 2015). The company depends on the effective promotion of the products. They have used the concept of celebrity endorsements, viral marketing campaign, and use of digital media and social media endorsements of the public. The combination approach that the company uses is advertisements, personal selling of the products, direct marketing, promotional sales, increase in public relations. They also sponsor the world sporting events such as Olympics and also have developed local community interactions. The company then uses the endorsement of the celebrity athletes to interact with the consumers. They have been found to benefit from these celebrity endorsements.
The company had benefitted immensely from its unique marketing campaign. Advertising is one of the biggest selling points of the company (Kotler et al., 2015). They have interesting logistical elements that are mixed with its communication campaign
The implication of focusing on innovation and being the shapers in the community has largely benefitted the company. It has sustained in the past and it has strategies to ensure the same in the future.


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Essay的写作要注意的最重要的一点是要be academic. Be academic中比较重要的几点是要让文章formal,objective,explicit,precise and responsible. Formal 是指用词正规正式,不同于平常的日常用语。Objective是指论点的阐述要客观,不能从自身观点出发,用事实和证据支持论点,不能想当然,不能以作者的身份随意发表观点。Explicit是指文字表达要准确清晰,不能出现模棱两可的句子。Precise是指论点论据得是精确的,例如,你想说wikipedia is a large-scale information sharing website, 不能单单止于此,起帆论文老师提醒广大留学生们为了使文字precise,你得说明为什么wikipedia就是 large-scale的,所以应该这样:wikipedia is a large-scale information sharing website, because it attracts 78 million visitors per month and has more than 91000 active contributors (Tillotsen, 2010). Responsible 是指对essay的论点论据都要负责任,不能信口开河,也不能写出没有根据的语句。并且作者必须要指明哪些信息是从哪里的信息源得来的,哪些是他们自己的。

要写一篇好的essay,必须要清晰的回答出题目的问题,准确了解题目的要求,自己确认好答案,或者选择好自己的论点,做到心中有方向。然后需要收集evidence及一切有可能帮助你写作的材料,包括你的论点和你相反的论点(可以进行适当的比较,加深文章的深度)。Evidence和其它材料也要注意必须是从可信的,有权威的信息源寻找,像百度这种网站的信息源就不够academic,不能直接引用在文章中。所有相关的材料准备好后,可以开始规划文章的organization and structure了。要保证读者在读你的文章是能清晰的理解你的思路,不会lost. 另外,文章的introduction 和conclusion 也是十分重要的。Introduction要说明这篇文章的内容已经要讨论的issues,点明文章的中心。Conclusion得总结文章中主要的观点,并且有一个strong的总结观点。最后,要注意所有在文章中出现引用的信息源都必须归纳在文章最后的reference list里面。








本文还关注了印度的政治。印度是联邦政府直接管理29个州和7个联邦领地的国家。联邦议会和州议会有立法权。联邦议会有两个议院,即参议院和众议院。,上院也被称为rajya Sabha,下院也被称为lok Sabha。在印度,年满18岁的人可以投票选举他们的领导人。印度有6个全国性政党和40多个地区性政党。印度存在一个政治不稳定的问题。


This paper emphasizes on overall profile of India of the year 2015. India is a country which has world’s second largest population. By the 1990s, India was among the poor countries because of the poor economic policies made by our government. Economic reforms adopted by India, which came in the year 1991, had helped tremendously for the economic development and improved the condition of our country. After that the economic policies of India kept improving and helped in the economic growth of the country. It has been taken as a potential rival to China.

Now there are many chances for India to flourish and develop and high expectations are from the government of Narendra Modi. This paper has also emphasized on the history of India. It has been believed by most of the scholars that Dravidian stocks were the population of Indus Valley civilization. During 1800, BCE in the northern India Indo-Aryan tribe started settling.

The concept of Hinduism started from there and the language spoken by them was Sanskrit. It also focuses on the British rule on India. What were the policies used by them which made them rule India for approx. 200 years. In addition, what were the policies and tactics used the national leaders and freedom fighters of India helped India to gain independence from British rule.

This paper has also focused on the politics of India. India is country where federal government directly rules 29 states and 7 Union Territories. Federal parliament and the state parliament have legislative power. There are two houses in the federal parliament i.e., upper house also known as rajya Sabha and lower house also known as lok Sabha. In India, those who are above the age of 18 years are allowed to vote for their leader. There are 6 national parties and more than 40 regional parties in India. There is a problem of political instability in India.









澳大利亚合同法和澳大利亚消费者法对合同的成立、效力审查等作出了必要的规定。要使合同生效,双方的协议是很重要的。对于有效的合同,要约必须由一方当事人提出,另一方当事人必须接受要约。正如在对第一个问题的讨论中所提出的,审议在这里成为一个非常关键的因素。在分析合同效力时,法院将适用对价规则。例如,考虑Beaton v McDevitt7案例。这个案件是在考虑的基础上作出判决的。被告作出承诺,他们将转让财产,而提交法庭的问题是,这种关于转让的承诺是否可以被视为对价。法院认为,对价是基于意图而存在的,因此具有价值。

第二,在对合同效力进行分析时,法院会给出适当的通知。法律关系,如合同,是由于两个或两个以上的当事人首先有兴趣建立法律关系而形成的。因此,建立法律关系的意愿对法院来说很重要。对合同条款的考虑和意图表明,双方知道他们正在讨论的有关合同条款的内容,并愿意订立这些条款。例如,在Rose和Frank & Co诉Crompton9一案中,法院能够确定,由于他们没有意图,他们也没有合同。在目前的情况下,双方都有合法的协议签署,因此,如果没有完全满意地完成工作,将导致退款或重新做整个工作,不收取额外费用。在这种情况下,错误来自年份,因此他们要承担相同的责任。也有过失违约的工作。


Dani owned old but valuable Mercedes car and wanted to give it new look and new feel with modern design. She wanted the care to have complete upholstery. She identified online one workshop nearby ‘Vintage Upholsterers”. Dani took her car to vintage and enquired all about experiences, quality of work and more. She clearly mentioned that the car is needed to restore to its original condition. Dani also showed some pictures to make sure that the car looks like those pictures after the work. Dani was told that the firm’s trades people were ‘first class’ and that one of them, Carl, had worked on Mercedes cars in Germany. She was told that Carl would be put in charge of upholstering her car. Dani agreed to having Vintage undertake the work and she signed a document headed ‘Agreement’. The agreement had one clause that every single care is taken while doing the work but the Vintage is not responsible for any damage to goods or for any defect in work completed. All warranties are hereby excluded.” This was also mentioned that Carl would take care of the care.

As soon the car got ready by Vintage, Dani complained about the poor work and the car did not look like as shown in given pictures. Also, she identified that the car is half done only when the supervisor Carl left for holiday. Dani is not happy with the work and so she wanted to have actions against Vintage for the remedy of the issue.


Contract terms and their validity


Australian Contract law and the Australian Consumer law makes the provisions needed for contract formation, validity checks and more. For contract to be in effect, agreement between the parties is important. For a valid contract, an offer has to be made by one of the parties, and another party has to accept the offer . As presented in the discussions of the first issue, consideration becomes a very critical element here. In analysing for the validity of a contract courts will apply the consideration rule . For instance, consider the Beaton v McDevitt7 case. The case was adjudged based on consideration. A promise was made by the respondent that they would transfer the property and the issue brought into court was whether such a promise on a transference could be considered as consideration. The court held that consideration existed based on intent and hence it had value .

Second to consideration, the intention is given due notice by courts when it comes to analysing for the validity of a contract. Legal relations as in the case of a contract is formed because two or more parties are interested to enter into the legal relation in the first place. So intention to enter into legal relations is important for the court. Consideration and intent shows that the parties were aware of what they were discussing with respect to terms of contract and were willingly entering into them . For instance, as seen in the case of Rose and Frank & Co v Crompton9, the court was able to establish that since they had no intention they had no contract as well . In the current scenario also, there is legal agreement sign both of them and hence for not completing the work with full satisfaction will lead for refund or redo the entire work again without extra charges. Here in this case, the fault is from the Vintage and hence they are liable for the same. There is also breach of negligence of work.




公司的优势在于为高级定制品牌消费者提供定制化的体验。他们能够通过了解目标市场人口结构的核心需求而获得赞助。这些公司面临的外部威胁是来自其他品牌的竞争和新产品的进入。此外,该品牌还面临着先天不足。有一个品牌名称扩散的问题,这是由于多元化而产生的,是公司当前应该解决的问题(Kotler et al., 2015)。该公司的机会领域是开发一个能够满足当前需求的品牌,并开发一个能够增加公司消费者基础的战略。该公司的主要竞争优势是其高级时装系列。公司应该使用这种技术,在不降低服务质量和可交付成果的前提下,扩大消费者群体。


公司目前的营销策略已确定处于成熟阶段。ES品牌在过去很大程度上依赖于产品线的专业知识。尽管目前产品的销售状态已经接近饱和,但是ready to wear产品线的产品生命周期似乎处于公司的成长阶段(Kotler et al., 2015)。据估计,这种产品的销量在未来将会增加。



Strength of the company is the customized experience it provides to the Haute Couture brand consumers. They have been able to garner patronage by understanding the core requirements of this target market demography. The external threats that the companies face are competition from the other brands and new entry of products. There is also the innate weakness that the brand faces. There is the issue of the brand name diffusion that arises from diversification that the company should address in the current time (Kotler et al., 2015). The areas of opportunities for the company are to develop a brand that would suffice the needs of the current requirements and develop a strategy which would increase the consumer base of the company. The main competitive advantage of the company is its Haute Couture line. The company should use this technique to reach out to a larger consumer base without lowering the quality of services and the deliverables.


The current marketing strategy of the company is determined to be in its maturity stage. ES brand in the past greatly relied on the expertise in the product line. Nevertheless the sales state that the current product is reaching its saturation point, the product life cycle of the ready to wear lines seems to be in the growth stage of the company (Kotler et al., 2015). It is estimated that the sales for this product category will increase in the future.

The company has developed an eclectic consumer base owing to its differentiation strategy. It had initially focused on delivering Haute Couture lines to the wealthy consumers in the society. It has then increased the customer base by launching the affordable line. Strategic orientation behind this design is to gain more consumer patronage and increase sales of the product. It was estimated that there would be greater turnover and higher return on the investments.

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在考虑传统的以教师为中心的模型时,教师是信息获取的重要来源(Siegle, 2014)。与此相反,翻转学习的模式是从以教学为基础,以学习者为中心的学习方式的转变。翻转课堂中投入大量的课堂时间,探索更深层次的理解主题,创造丰富的学习机会。因此,学生能够在参与的同时,积极参与到知识的建构中去,能够以一种建立个人意义的方式来评价自己的学习。





When considering the traditional teacher-centralized model, the teacher can be identified as a crucial source from whom information is obtained (Siegle, 2014). In contrast to the same, the model of flipped learning is a shift from instruction based approach that focuses on learner centric approach. There is dedication of in-class time within flipped classroom in order to explore topics with deeper understanding and to create rich opportunities of learning . Due to this, students are able to have an active involvement in the construction of knowledge as they have participation and are able to evaluate their learning in a way that there is establishment of personal meaning .


Educators in flipped learning continuously think about the utilization of flipped learning model for assisting the students in the development of conceptual understanding along with procedural fluency . They are able to determine the key requirement for teaching and the materials that need to be explored by the students themselves.
Educators have been seen using intentional content for maximizing time in the classroom in order to consider adopting methods that can help engage students better such as active, student-centered strategies of active learning which is highly dependent on the subject matter and the grade level.


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员工个体的发展是领导存在的重要作用。这种个人的发展很可能被看作是员工赋权的发展。Men and stack(2013)的研究表明,变革型领导通过赋予员工权力,不仅直接而且间接地对员工对组织声誉的感知产生积极影响。因此,领导的角色就像是车轮上的关键齿轮,它形成了员工对组织的看法。在这里,领导模式的工作对于管理员工的反应和创建授权的环境变得至关重要。员工的授权过程使组织能够进步,并开发出更好的效率范围。


领导力影响个人发展的另一个领域与组织内的知识共享和沟通有关。领导者和管理团队的远见确保了员工有合适的环境来学习和分享新的想法和知识。这可以确保更大的创新空间和更多的员工参与创新(Huang et al., 2010)。人际信任产生于领导力影响的方式充分强调了企业知识共享与领导力之间的联系。


The development of individual employees is an important role for the presence of leadership. This kind of development of individuals is likely to be seen developing from the presence of empowerment of the employees. Studies conducted by Men and Stacks, 2013, show that transformational leadership positively influences employees’ perception of organizational reputation, not only directly but also indirectly, through empowering employees. Therefore, the role of leadership comes across as crucial cog in the wheel which forms the employees’ perception towards the organization. Here, the work of the leadership patterns becomes crucial to manage the responses of the employees and create an environment of empowerment. The empowering process of employees enables the organization to progress and develop better scope of efficiency.


Another area where leadership impacts development of individuals is related to knowledge sharing and communication within the organization. The outlook of the leaders and the management team ensures that the employees are provided suitable environment to learn and share new ideas and knowledge. This can ensure higher scope for innovation and greater presence of employee involvement in the creation of initiatives (Huang et al., 2010). The way in which the interpersonal trust is derived from impact of leadership amply underlines the connection between knowledge sharing in a firm and leadership.


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在公司内部,薪酬等级和结构的管理被认为是非常极端的。所有非管理人员的雇员都受到同样的待遇。不同的员工可能做不同的工作,他们中的一些人可能有额外的才能,但他们得到的待遇是一样的。这并不保证实践中的公平(Borwn & Armstrong, 1999)。同样是那些拥有更多技能的非管理人员,与组织中的“巴士男孩”相比,他们仍以类似的标准被评判,他们或许会在外部市场赚得更好。这对MC来说是个大问题。


MC遵循成本防御策略和机械式组织工作。因此,它可能没有花必要的时间根据工作之间的内部公平关系来确定成本和支付做法。基本上,一个具有良好薪酬结构的组织应该有一个固定的薪酬线(Ashton, 1996)。然后,他们将使用某种形式的最低或最高工资等级,并根据工作和工人的熟练程度允许在工资等级之间重叠(Nister, 2012;爱德华兹,&埃文,1996)。


The management of pay grade and structure within MC is seen to be very extreme when the bonus is structured in. All employees who are non-managerial are treated in the same way. Different employees might do different forms of work, some of them might have extra talent and yet they are treated the same. This does not assure equity in practices (Borwn & Armstrong, 1999). The same non-managerial person with more skills, who is still judged by a similar yardstick compared to a bus boy of the organization, would perhaps earn better in the external market. This would be a major issue for MC.


MC follows a cost defender strategy and a mechanistic organizational working. Hence it might not be dedicating the necessary time for determining costs and pay practices according to internal equity relationships among jobs. Primarily an organization with a decent pay structure would have an established pay line (Ashton, 1996). They would then design for the pay grades using some form of a minimum or maximum with overlapping allowed between pay grades based on the job and proficiency of worker (Nister, 2012; Edwards, & Ewen, 1996).

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Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析 

Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析

首先,原始音乐是一种慢节奏的流行音乐,使用重复的和弦和有限的音色。没有做太多的掩蔽。在《我爱的女孩》的改版中,分数发生了彻底的变化。UJAM studio是这里用来制作一种新型干扰的软件。整首歌从流行歌曲转换成民歌。这个民族将没有人声,只有乐器。在民谣中,使用的是摇篮曲的风格。这种风格会增加一点音色的歌曲,并将有缓慢的音乐贯穿始终。

Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析

这里的节奏没有改变。然而,节拍是在1和2之间,不会超过这个。这个版本使用的乐器只有三角钢琴,它可以发出不同乐器的声音。这个组的和弦选择是E maj,也有其他和弦可以使用这个软件来设置。这首歌的主要变化是它将有一个很长的介绍和一个短的结尾不像原来的版本。


Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析

First of all, the original music is a slow pop version that makes use of repeated chords and limited timbres. There is not much masking made. There is a total change in the score in the altered version of “The Girl that I loved”. UJAM studio is the software used here to make a new form of jamming. The entire song is converted from pop to folk. This folk will be devoid of vocals and will only have instrumentals in it. Under Folk, the style used is Lullaby style. This style will add a bit of timbre to the song and will have slow music throughout.

Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析

The tempo is not altered here. However, the beat is between 1 and 2 and not more than that. The instrument used for this version is only grand piano that will give the sounds of different instruments. The chord selection for this set is E maj and there are also other chords that can be set using this software. The main variation that is done to this song is it will have a long intro and a short ending unlike the original version.
Certain chords are elongated in the remix version to make it sound more like a lullaby. Vocal chords are completely removed and they no longer form a part in the remix version. This folk style also has a contemporary touch in it. The interesting part during this transformation is that neither masking nor doubling is predominantly used. Instead, the breaking down of ensemble rhythm does justice to the song and the recording has a neat and clear sound.

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在上述情况下,加权平均资本成本是通过使用总债务、股本和Wesfarmers的总价值的市场价值来计算的。市场价值在其计算中被优先考虑,因为它更接近于利益相关者的期望。他们发现依靠市场价值更方便,从而有助于提高公司在外部市场的资本价值(Hofmann, 2014)。


股权的市场价值是从外部市场上Wesfarmers股份的市场价格中获得的。债务价值也代表公司的负债。采用考虑无风险利率、贝塔系数和市场收益率的资本资产定价模型计算权益成本。优于股利增长模型。然而,股利增长模型考虑了增长因素,但对利益相关者来说并不十分可靠(Hull, 2014)。贝塔系数是根据公司在网上的股价计算出来的。在计算权益成本时,使用的是市场收益率,而不是市场收益率与无风险利率之间的利差。


Weighted average cost of capital is termed as the rate which the stakeholders of the company expect from the company in terms of their return on the investments. The outside stakeholders determine it for the calculation of their average returns rather than management.
In the above case, the weighted average cost of capital is calculated by using the market value of the total debt, equity and the overall value of the Wesfarmers. Market value is preferred in its calculation, as it is closer to the expectations of the stakeholders. They find it more convenient to rely on the market values, which thereby help in raising the capital value of the company in the external market (Hofmann, 2014).


Market value of equity is taken from the market price of the shares of the Wesfarmers in the external market. Debt value also represents the indebtedness of the company. Cost of equity is calculated by the capital asset pricing model, which considers the risk free rate, beta and market return. It is better than the dividend growth model. However, the dividend growth model considers the growth factor, but it is not very reliable for the stakeholders (Hull, 2014). Beta is calculated with the help of the share prices of the company available on the web. Return on market is used rather than the spread between the return on market and risk free rate for calculation of cost of equity.

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作业成本法:这种成本法是指生产过程在连续基础上不间断地进行的组织所采用的一种成本计算方法。成本表由组织的管理会计编制,计算单位成本(Upadhye, 2014)。本技术不适用于Mal有限公司,因其生产工艺或花卉栽培工艺因季节性因素不能全年进行。


Process costing: This costing technique is used when product is manufactured or complete in different stages or in different processes. In this case, in order to calculate product cost, cost incurred in each process is summed up and then divided by no of finished units produced at last process. This costing technique can also employed by Mal ltd in terms; cost incurred in all process of flower grown shall be summed up and then divided by no of flowers grown.


Operation costing: This costing technique is used by that organization in which production process takes place son continues basis which means without any halt. Cost sheet is prepared by management accountant of the organization so as to calculate cost per unit (Upadhye, 2014). This technique is not suitable for Mal ltd as their production process or flower grown process does not goes throughout the year because of seasonality factor.

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业务增长的基本战略应该是适当的广告、对潜在客户的透明度和有竞争力的定价。因为容易负担的产品会吸引更多的客户,带来较大的年营业额,所以要特别注意保持价格的高可承受性(Chang, 2016)。这将带来更大的结果,有助于建立公司的声誉。




The basic strategy for the growth of business should be proper advertising, transparency towards potential customers and competitive pricing. Since a product which is easily affordable will attract more customers and bring a large annual turnover, special attention should be paid towards keeping the price highly affordable (Chang, 2016). This will bring greater results and help establish reputation of the company.


The potential customers for this business plan are all the people irrespective of their age as cookies and breads are enjoyed by everyone. The aim of the business should be a wide and open approach as the easier it is to find the product, the more popular and reliable it becomes. Hence, the cookies and breads should be available readily at all the leading grocery stores and even in smaller shops. This results in end user trust and reliability. The consumer will always try to buy a product that is easily available.

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塔食品公司几年前就开始营业了。但目前,随着市场竞争的加剧,公司面临着严峻的问题。此外,即将上市的公司会为顾客提供更加多样化的价格,以吸引塔食落后的顾客。公司具有良好的管理和民主的领导风格,注重员工的工作与生活平衡。除此之外,公司员工的薪酬计划是好的。然而,公司在对员工进行适当的培训和技能发展计划方面存在滞后(Campling, 2008)。因此,年龄较大的员工缺乏应对当前工作环境或当前情景的能力。年长的员工在使用现代工具和技术以及他们在当前环境中分配的任务所需的技能方面处于落后状态。这家公司为顾客提供食品服务和设施管理。




The Tower Foods is carrying out its business from several years. However, at present, the company faces severe issues as the competition is growing in the market. Furthermore, the upcoming companies offer more diversified price to the customers to attract the customers where the Tower Foods is lagging. The company has good management and democratic leadership style and the company provides great emphasis on the work-life balance of its employees. Besides this, the compensation plan for the employees of the company is good. However, the company is lagging in proper training and skill development programs for their employees (Campling, 2008).Therefore, the older employees are deficient to cope with the present work environment or present scenarios. The older employees are lagging in the use of modern tools and techniques along with the required skills for the tasks they assigned in the present context. The company provides food services and facility management to its customers.


The company is serving for many years, and the employees are working with the organization from several years with effectiveness and efficiency. However, with the time, the situation has been changed considerably, and the company does not take any initiatives to handles the changing scenarios. The service and facilities offered by the company are rapidly becoming out steps . Therefore, the new companies, which have started later, beat the company in professional front. In the undertaken case, it is observed that the Tower Foods facilities are older and not maintained properly. The organization behaviour study provides a systematic approach to analyze the procedures of acting of the individuals and groups within an organization to fulfill the roles and duties assigned to them.

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领导力敏捷性面临的第一个挑战是,组织正在利用为不同时代建立的业务模型(Lewis et al., 2014)。尽管竞争对手已经转向其他模式,这些模式在与员工的互动中不那么正式、更开放,但雅虎仍在依赖几十年前建立的模式。


领导敏捷性在很大程度上依赖于工作场所的信任和文化(Derue et al., 2012)。任何时候,一个领导者都必须知道,当涉及到他们想要做出的决定时,他们可以信任其他组织的员工。因此,领导者与员工之间的联系是至关重要的(Fink and Neumann, 2007)。在梅耶尔的例子中,她是公司的新人,因此她需要首先与员工建立联系。梅耶尔的失败激怒了她的一些员工,其影响导致了许多问题。例如,雅虎对企业文化的看法发生了巨大转变。梅耶尔不了解这种文化,因此她不能真正改变或实施她的战略解决方案。由于无法与员工建立适当的关系和支持,而且没有适当的支持,她不可能为组织带来巨大的动力转变。


The first of the challenges to leadership agility was that the organization was making use of a business model that was built for a different era (Lewis et al., 2014). While competitors had moved on to other models that were less formal and more open in their interactions with employees, Yahoo was still relying on a model that was built decades back.


Leadership agility relies so much on trust and culture in the workplace (Derue et al., 2012). A leader at any point must know that they can trust the other organizational employees when it comes to the decision they want to take. For this, it is quintessential that the leader connects with the employees (Fink and Neumann, 2007). Now in the case of Mayer, she was a new person to the company and hence it was needed for her to connect with her employees first. In failing to so Mayer antagonised some of her employees and the impact of which led to much issues. For instance, there was a huge shift in how corporate culture was perceived at Yahoo. Mayer did not understand the culture hence and she could not really change or implement her strategic solutions. In failing to establish a proper relationship and support with her employees and without the right support, it was impossible for her to bring huge shifts in momentum for the organization.

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高管自身利益与所有利益相关者利益的对抗:安然事件破坏了企业文化伦理。安然是一个例子,一个企业在金融行业失败了,因为它越来越多的伦理问题(Moore, 2014)。首先,考虑一下安然公司存在的傲慢文化,在这种文化中,人们被鼓励去相信冒险是正确的。安然本应承担风险,但以一种更为谨慎的方式,并应向其员工规定同样的文化,但人们认为,它是为了激励其员工从事高风险行为。例如,安然公司的告密者Sherron Watkins在陈述安然公司的行为时指出,雇员只是被要求提供他们的数字。如果他们实现了目标,那么他们如何实现目标就无关紧要了。这导致了一种文化,在这种文化中,员工们相信,如果他们没有被抓到,可以做任何他们想做的事情。


In fact, Enron had a code of ethics for its corporate culture, but it was noted in many research on the company’s failure that the company did not take any active attempt to promote it. Financial professionals and related professionals working in the industry would not have had information on what was right and wrong, and furthermore, it was also seen that the decentralization program which was going on in Enron did nothing to support these values. Decentralization in the context of ongoing ethical crises only made things worse. Employees had less information on ethics, and only followed legal measures and there was a gap between ethics and law. The way employee’s performance appraisals were conducted and the very structuring of the compensation program was built based on numbers is indicative of this .


Self Interest of Executives Versus Interests of All Stakeholders: Ethics of corporate culture was destroyed in Enron. Enron is an example of an enterprise in the finance industry which failed because of its mounting ethical concerns (Moore, 2014). Firstly, consider the culture of arrogance that was present in Enron where people were given incentive to believe it was alright to take risks. Enron should have taken risks but in a more careful way and should have prescribed the same culture to its employees, but instead it was seen to motivate its employees into high risk behaviour. For instance, the whistle blower at Enron, Sherron Watkins in presenting Enron behaviour later states that employee was just asked to make their numbers. How they made their numbers did not matter, if they were meeting targets they were productive? This led to a culture where employees believed that it was alright to do whatever they want if they did not get caught.

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It is observed that both Blackberry and Apple have indeed focused on many types of innovations and strategies. Blackberry has relied on a chronology of breakthrough innovations, core innovations and slightly incremental innovations (in that order). On the other hand, Apple has focused on a chronology starting with formal and breakthrough innovations, and then the classic incremental innovations and finally are at the periphery of radical innovations. The competitive innovations strategy of apple is indeed more successful than Blackberry as has been observed in the current market situation.


Blackberry in innovation management has not considered many strategic options or alternatives, and have focused on being lesser pragmatists with lesser vision of what consumer need and this has led them to a market downfall. The future of mobile solutions and innovations is presented above. Somewhere in the expectation end, the smart workforce, the use of smart robots, bio-printing services, IoT services and more come into the picture. These are innovation triggers and it is based on how mobile solution providers deal with these innovation triggers that they can successes.

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美国代写ESSAY :加拿大的自由贸易政策


美国代写ESSAY :加拿大的自由贸易政策


美国代写ESSAY :加拿大的自由贸易政策

Canada is in the right direction for the stabilization and growth of economy through free trade policy. It is well-known that under the free trade policy of Canada, a number of Canadian services and goods benefit from the elimination or reduction of non-tariff and tariff barriers to trade like technical barriers or quotas. Other benefits are also evident in terms of investment, intellectual property and labour mobility.

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With the increase in trade across Canada, there is creation of demand for many people to perform as introduced in the nation of Canada. People are provided with more jobs and hence, they tend to enjoy more earnings. The companies of Canada dealing with the sector of trade need to understand hiring people who have the ability of working, as more product ranges will reflect more jobs and more capital. The lifestyle and living standards of the general population has started to rise as well because of many people approach the availability of jobs in Canada. As a result, the companies of Canada have turned out to be highly competitive and profitable . This further contributes to the creation of job. This can turn out to be highly effective and efficient in the industry of trade.

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Stress is a highly subjective phenomenon. It is found to vary based on the people and the subjective nature of the situation. In this, the companies need to factor in a number of factors and also ensure that there is a cash flow within the companies. Even though it is based on the subjective nature of the situation, certain common issues are felt by the sectors. In the following, the health care, manufacturing sector and IT sector have been used to comprehend the role of stresses in the organization.


In the case of health care organization, fatigue leads to decreased level of commitment to the job and the service quality rendered to the patients are often reduced. There is increase in the demands for the employees. They have to combat a number of issues to sustain in the industry. There is a general lower remuneration and the work is not evenly distributed between the personnel. The people in the company feel that they have been unfairly treated and this leads to the people to develop resentment. These increased levels of job stresses causes the employees to develop conditions such as cardio vascular condition and a host of detrimental conditions. These are found to increase the workload of the people.


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A concentrated bank is a bank that has strong presence in UK but limited presence across other parts of Europe. For such an institution, Brexit related cost increases would be amplified. Such a bank would require huge investment into setting up a new subsidiary, hiring additional staff, regulatory expenses, cost of operations, infrastructure and maintenance.


The additional capex involved would require the banks to cut other operational cost to remain profitable. The banks may tend to fund the capex through headcount reduction and extensive compensation control. The IT infrastructures will be further improved.


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目前公司2013年占比为1.68,2014年占比为1.08,2015年占比为1.11,2016年占比为1.35。公司2013年的速动比率为1.4,2014年为0.26,2015年为0.45,2016年为0.59。Smart, Megginson and Gitman(2007)认为,流动比率在1以上,说明公司财务状况良好,速效比率表明公司能够管理好所有的义务。2013年公司负债权益比为0.14,2014年为0.26,2015年为0.45,2016年为0.59。公司的债转股率不高,债务可控。流动性比率表明公司财务状况良好。


According to Sharma (2010), current ratio and quick ratio shows the capability of the entity to pay the debt amounts. The current ratio of the company in the year 2012 is 0.75, in the year 2013 is 0.98, in the year 2014 is 1.32 and in the year 2015 is 1.38. The quick ratio of the organization in the year 2012 is 0.79, in the year 2013 is 0.84, in the year 2014 is 0.88 and in the year 2015 is 0.92. The current ratio and quick ratio shows the entity will be able to pay all the debt amounts. The debt-equity ratio of the organization in the year 2012 is 0.36, in the year 2013 is 0.38, in the year 2014 is 0.4 and in the year 2015 is 0.42. The debt-equity ratio shows the debt level in comparison to equity is not so high which means a low level of risk. The liquidity ratios show good financial health of the organization.


The current ratio of the company in the year 2013 is 1.68, in the year 2014 is 1.08, in the year 2015 is 1.11 and in the year 2016 is 1.35. The quick ratio of the company in the year 2013 is 1.4, in the year 2014 is 0.26, in the year 2015 is 0.45 and in the year 2016 is 0.59. According to Smart, Megginson and Gitman (2007), current ratio is above one which means the financial health of the company is good and quick ratio shows the entity would be able to manage all its obligations. The debt-equity ratio of the company in the year 2013 is 0.14, in the year 2014 is 0.26, in the year 2015 is 0.45 and in the year 2016 is 0.59. The debt-equity ratio of the company is not so high which means the debts are manageable. The liquidity ratio shows the financial health of the company is good.

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Despite the advantages of the perovskite cells, there are also issues in its use. Stability is often cited as the main issue . Researchers have argued that in the long term, the thin film layers are less stable, and this means even if there are advantages in low cost production, it might need to be replaced more often and hence the advantage is not long lasting nor can the perovskite cell use be termed as sustainable.


Second, there are issues in deposit formation in the use of these cells. In maintaining thin layer uniformity, it is critical that no deposit would be encouraged over the long term. Therefore, this again challenges its stable use. Finally, as with most solar cells, these cells are also seen to suffer the issues of corrosion. Corrosion effect leads to complete wastage of the cell. Thermal stability concerns are also noticed. These concerns challenge the mass productivity dimension.

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The contemporary artists have used the models of the canonical art forms to a large extent. They have been referring to the different forms of art models based on the canonical art. This is the kind of the art forms developed from the canonical art. This kind of art form is important in the present world. The canonical account of land art which has been used in the painting of the contemporary art puts the man in the centre.


The need for doing the same is that the artists don’t find that there is a darker or the black colour fitting in the picture which leads to the ruining of the beauty of the picture. The need for the same is when the artists don’t find that the black or the darker colour actually fit in the picture. It can also be considered that art has a higher beauty than the facts . It is completely acceptable and is also considered to be appropriate. This technique has been used by the contemporary artists in the large number of art forms in the present times. This kind of canonical art form speaks much more about the beauty of the art than the fact itself. This kind of art form is used in a consistent manner so as to keep the art colourful. The art form generates a lot of interest because of its texture and the visual appeal.

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在20世纪30年代到20世纪50年代观察到的街头时尚的历史,其中注意到埃尔维斯普雷斯利和詹姆斯迪恩等青年文化偶像的巨大影响,值得特别提及。 20世纪30年代是爵士乐时代,哈莱姆和欧洲的色彩和种族混合在一起,音乐/舞蹈/服饰和文化也有交叉授粉。 20世纪50年代,杰姆迪恩和埃尔维斯普雷斯利的华丽和偶像化,这构成了服装,青年叛逆和意象之间的联系。强烈的压力感时尚正在发展成为着装要求。




The history of street fashion as observed in the 1930’s segment to the 1950’s where the considerable influence of such youth culture icons like Elvis Presley and James Dean are noticed, deserves a special mention. The 1930’s was the jazz era and there was a mixing of colour and race in Harlem and Europe, and there was also a cross pollination in music/dance/dress and culture. The 1950s was set with the glam and idolization of Jams Dean and Elvis Presley and this framed an association between costume, youth rebellion and imagery. A strong sense of stress fashion was developing as a dress code .


Street fashion can hence be said to have formatively created in the 1930s as an adaptation of the ideals set in movies and music. However, these were not the only influential points. Disinterested in copying the European high fashion, the famous designer McCardell searched for inspiration in art and street fashion. In this period, the innovations such as sashes, spaghetti string ties and menswear details appeared.

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The Telegraph has been defined as the Victorian Internet because the start of the literary communication in middle of 19th-century brought huge transformation to the community. This revolution and transformation was similar to the revolution thrown out by Internet in nowadays. Nowadays people get minute by minute news through online media and Internet. Similarly, prior to invention of emails, the communication history was moved by telegraphic use .


With the start of Telegraph, there was a message sent in 1791. A message was sent across wire Telegraph and created a range of 10 miles in four minutes. It was invented separately in England and United States . However, the Telegraph very soon went to head the continents by use of copper wiring and connected them with the wiring which was under the water. There was day and night sending of messages and so many networks need to move the printed documents of messages among different stations and major cities. There was a group of messengers who made the telegrams to be delivered from the point of transmission to the house of recipients all the offices of recipients. This had been at the beginning of the decade of 1870s when the Telegraph communication was very much into fashion and so it is known as the era of shaping up of Victorian Internet.


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Essay代写解读人力资源管理专业:凡是跟雇佣关系相关的话题,直接影响着每个人的工作的话题,就是HR专业学习的内容,HR的最大现实价值之一在于优化雇佣关系、工作环境、公司运营和组织等,这是美国优秀的HR专业所致力于的,因为美国对于相关的从业人员要求也较高。比如UIUC的School of Labor and Employment Relations(LER)在给未来的学生的话里是这样说的:在今天的社会中,任何单位的成功都取决于它所雇佣的人的质量,而HR的目的就是最有效率地成功管理一个单位最关键的资源——人。


HR在美国的称法大致分为两种:一种是Industrial Relations (IR);另外一种是Human Resources Management(HR),其课程设置我们列举几所学校以做说明:
1. University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Master of Arts in Human Resources and Industrial Relations(Master of Arts in HRIR)
Staffing, training, and development人员配置、培训与开发
Compensation and benefits薪酬福利
Labor relations and collective bargaining劳资关系和集体谈判
2. Michigan State University, Master of Human Resources and Labor Relations
Labor Markets劳力市场
Organizational Behavior in Labor and Industrial Relations组织行为学和劳资关系Human Resource Strategies and Decisions人力资源战略和决策
Compensation and Benefits Systems薪酬福利体制
Data Sources in Labor and Industrial Relations劳力数据源和劳资关系
Collective Bargaining集体谈判
Law of Labor Management Relations劳资关系法
以上两所学校的课程设置中我们可以看到HR/IR除了偏重于劳资关系、集体谈判、薪酬福利管理等人力资源的核心课程之外,还有一门课程是组织行为学(OB),部分学校将OB作为一门课程设置在HR/IR之下,部分学校有单独的OB相关专业,例如Cornell University的Industrial and Labor Relations学院下面就开设了独立的OB院系,而OB院系下面的硕士OB则又归类到了Masters in Human Resource Studies (MILR),成为了HR的一个分支,只是在OB院系下面的Ph.D. OB为OB院系下的独立学位,这有点类似于Michigan State University(MSU),在MSU,除了我们上面列出来的学校开设了硕士的HR/IR专业之外,还开设了博士的OB专业(Organizational Behavior-Human Resource Management),也就是说OB之类的专业,通常来说在硕士阶段,并没有从HR/IR中独立出来,但是到了博士阶段,则有些学校会将其独立出来

以上就是Essay代写人力资源管理专业知识解读,有关更多Essay代写论文知识解析,可以咨询美国论文人辅导机构,这是一个值得信赖的代写论文平台,对各科论文知识都有丰富的了解,对代写情况也是很有经验的,希望对同 学们带来帮助

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随着时间的推移,企业社会责任(CSR)的概念在公众和企业的争论中获得了前所未有的动力,同时也成为跨越部门界限的战略问题。企业社会责任进一步影响了企业的经营活动方式(Sen和Bhattacharya, 2001)。事实证明,它具有如此重要的意义,以至于许多商业组织考虑从这个角度重新定义核心价值。在企业社会责任的背景下,企业领导表达了深刻而广泛的意见。根据Friedman(1970),任何商业组织的社会责任都是为了提高利润水平(Lichtenstein et al., 2004)。


然而,不同的知觉被麦基(2005)表示,整个商业模式之后,食物可以代表资本主义的新形式,而有意识地为实现共同利益而不是工作唯一依赖的“看不见的手”一代的积极成果在社会(威廉姆斯et al .,2006)。企业社会责任的好处和机遇是无限的,但如果企业社会责任的项目对不同的利益相关者,如员工和客户,产生了负面影响,企业必须重新考虑。然而,CSR的好处可以被视为自然地反映了组织考虑参与CSR的关键原因。因此,本文的目的在于识别企业社会责任对员工、组织、管理、社会和环境的关键益处和危害。


With time, unprecedented momentum has been gained by the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in debate of public and business, while becoming a strategic issue that crosses the boundaries of department. CSR further impacts the way in which there is performance of business activities by the companies (Sen and Bhattacharya, 2001). It has turned out to have such significant that a number of business organizations consider rebranding the core values from this perspective. Deeply- held and far- ranging opinions have been expressed by business leading in context with CSR. According to Friedman (1970), the social responsibility of any business organization is for increasing the level of profits (Lichtenstein et al., 2004).

However, a different perception was expressed by Mackey (2005) that the business model followed by Whole Foods could be representing capitalism in its new form, while consciously working for the achievement of common good rather than having sole dependency on the invisible hand for the generation of positive outcomes across the society (McWilliams et al., 2006). Even though there are endless benefits and opportunities of CSR, it must be reconsidered by organizations, if their programs of CSR have negative impacts on different stakeholders involved, such as employees and customers. However, the benefits of CSR can be seen as naturally mirroring the key reasons organizations consider engaging in CSR. Hence, the aim of this essay lies in identifying the key benefits and dangers of CSR for the employees, organizations, management, society and the environment.

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对气泡和碰撞特征的分离可以通过以下几点来说明: 股价急剧上涨。利用大量的股份购买。资本市场的部分低效率。利益相关方的结盟。




The characteristics of the bubble and the crashes are shown with generating the slow accumulation of the long-time interval correlation. The collapse of the stock is being indicated for this reason, and the success of the income trust in the retail market has become the major concern for the creation of complexity in the income trust.
The segregation of the characteristics of the bubbles and the crashes can be illustrated by the aid of the following points mentioned below:
Steep rise in the stock prices: Leverage, High volume of the share purchase, Partial inefficiency in the capital market, and Alignment of the interested parties


Bubbles are indicated to be beginning with the rise of the stock prices, and if the rise persists, then the people tend to have more investment with raising the alarm of the naïve investors. The investors believe that the recent performance of the stock market could be used for making the future forecast and thereby, the future returns were expected to be more which were made by the investors . The rationale investors used to monitor the trading and the performance going on in the stock market. The decisions regarding selling and buying of the shares can be easily made to gain the huge profit. The attitude of most of the investors indicates the risk regarding the buying and the selling of the shares where they face many losses with gaining the chance to earn more profit. The fall in demand creates lowering the prices of the stocks and the crash is being created. The crash is very much essential since it creates awareness regarding the buying and the selling of the shares. This also creates an unwillingness in the minds of the investors to buy their shares and the unwilling acquire of the shares leads to the cause of the crash. The efficient market hypothesis is undertaken for the study which clearly explains the contributing factor for the asset bubble and the backing of the efficient market hypothesis is being imposed on the association. The changing of the market price is illustrated to be the main reason where the investor cannot expect to earn above the required returns. The combination of the two inside notions establishes an appropriate and efficient market which is being enhanced for the creation of the competition in the current market. Hence, the balance in the market must be maintained to avoid the downfall of the market.


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The purpose of the construction was to have a gallery for the art glass and the glass blowing workshops that were conducted alongside with the showcasing. The initial planning was for a building that would be 60 m × 60 m with roof height of 4.5 m. The building that was planned was to house independent galleries as enclosed with glasses. Each of the workshops had similar arrangements. The rectangular enclosures were to have a 0.8 m wide cavity. This was the partition between the walls. The glass walls also serve as a form of visual connection. People inside the rooms would be able to view the outside wooded park in which the museum was located. The Glass Pavilion that actually looks simple when viewed in the above image is supported by a complex and integrated architecture. The majority of the interior partitions are achieved by making use of glasses only. Since glass was used extensively, the other building systems which required a more supportive and opaque necessity was actually connected out to the other sections of the building. A usual building architecture will have the plumbing and mechanical support organized within the building for which it provides such services. However in the case of this building it can be seen that the services are actually distributed. Yet another unconventional usage noted here was that the steel roof framing, steel vertical support and others required being coordinated to the glassed architecture. It was necessary that the building systems make use of unconventional methods because the solutions although conceptually similar are bound by different form of physical stresses. Some of the key elements as noted in this unconventional system are as follows: 1) the continuity of the girders and joists are the primary elements. These have to be continuous in order to support a distribution of the bending for the critical design movements. In addition it is also noted that the welding and more are constructed with infill joist spans which allows for easier bolting in as per the situation.


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