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The institutional attributes of the stock market in China are different from the ones of other nations. A differentiating attribute of the Chinese stock market is that two categories of shares are issued by organization. Shares of class A are the ones dominated in the RMB and traded amongst the citizens of China, while the shares of class B are the ones dominated in terms of US dollars, are traded amongst the citizens who are non- Chinese or foreign Chinese. The owners of both of these categories of shares are known to be having equal rights related to the flows of cash and privileges to vote (Morck1989). However, the share market of class B is known to be having less liquidity and activeness in comparison with the share market of class A. This has been indicated in the average value of turnover in the share market of class B that is known to be the one- third ratio of the share market for class A. This type of a different and unique feature in the institute contributes in providing extra insights with respect to the mystery of herding behaviour amongst investors. This is with respect to the circumstances within which, there might be its occurrence within an environment having heavy control. It is apparent that the share investors of class A and class B share categories are extremely different from each other due to the point of different in the geographical location and cultural background. There are fewer chances that there will be occurrence of herding behaviour simultaneously amongst these two categories of investors. In the post period of World Trade Organization, opportunities of investment for global investors in the market of China will hike definitely (Naik1995). In the year 2002, the authorities of China had made an announcement that plans are being made by them for allowing the global investors to buy shares from class- A category and for participating in acquisitions and mergers along with the activities of taking over in the share market of class A shares. This is known to be the specific case as the market of China will be of huge economic relevance in the decades to come.

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