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It is clearly evident that the concerned situation is that of personality conflict and the same can have severe impacts or consequences on the overall company or its professional health.
Stress is the most common consequence of workplace conflicts and since the employee is new in the company, he / she is expected to experience severe level of stress leading to greater extent of anxiety and tension. As other employees does not seem to be cooperative, preparing for the next unpleasant situation or being in a constant states of alert can lead to both mental and physical strain for the new employee (Fischer 2012). The level of stress can be unbearable for the new employee and may cause him / her to leave the job.
Lower productivity – It is a well known fact that when work force lacks cooperation and engages in such conflicts, the professional health of the whole is severely or negatively affected. This impact can either be on the productivity or profitability, or on both. It is found that when some members of the company are engaged in conflict with each other, as in the concerned case, that conflict can heavily drain the energy of employees and thus, may lead to lower productivity for the company (Cahn 2007). The effectiveness and efficiency of the work force is heavily dependent on the degree of cooperation amongst them. The analysis demonstrates that in the situation of disruption in cooperation, the progress of the company negatively suffers because of its influence on morale of work force.
Waste of Time: As personality conflicts within a workplace involve two or more employees arguing for a certain topic, the company may experience a heavy loss of time. Despite of concentrating on the duties and responsibilities, in the situation of conflict, employees waste their time in divisive issues that eventually lead to the delay in certain tasks and practices.
Other than the outlined consequences, their personality conflicts may reduce the productivity of employees and eventually the business’s profitability. It is evident that more the number of personality conflicts, more will be the stress and wastage of time, thus resulting into reduction in the level of performance of the concerned employees. Sometimes, if two employees are engaged in personality conflicts, other may also get affected by the same, thus, negatively affecting their focus and concentration.

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