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众所周知,零售业是提供服务行业中最具活力的行业之一。在当前竞争激烈的环境下,零售商店或超市的商品销售有很多相似之处,所以集中在商品的选择上是很重要的。虚拟商品的销售应该是非常重要的。商品销售基本上是把顾客拉向零售商店的渠道。主要目的在于提高顾客对商品销售的欲望。商品的销售是通过内部和外部的展示来对客户进行的。在这些报告中,必须对组织(Connolly 2005)所遵循的整体主题的使用进行协调。维持和创建一个商店的销售计划不能被认为是一个简单的任务。持续确定客户所看到的东西是很重要的。

零售商品的销售基本上被称为是一系列不同的活动,导致产品被卖给客户以满足他们的最终需求。对于零售商店来说,这是非常重要的,因为它在商店中对顾客的吸引力起着重要作用,并促使他们购买。这对组织的成功有很大的影响,因为客户是零售业中商业组织的最重要的利益相关者。每一项投资和每一项投资都是为吸引和满足顾客而进行的(Craven 2014)。因此,可以说明组织的成功高度依赖于客户的满意度。除此之外,如果顾客满意,他们将保持对品牌的忠诚,这最终将有助于留住老顾客和吸引新顾客。


The sector of retail is known to be one of the most dynamic sector amongst the sectors of providing services (Bateson 2009). In the current era of highly competitive environment, where there are a number of similarities in the offering of merchandize by retail stores or supermarkets, it is important for concentrating on the selection of merchandize. Virtual merchandize should be given huge importance. Merchandizing is basically a source to pull the customers towards the outlet of retail store. The main objective is focused on enhancing desires for the attraction of customer to the business outlet for the sale of merchandize. The offering of merchandize is done to the customers by interior and exterior presentation. There must be coordination in these presentations with respect to the utilization of the overall theme being followed by the organization (Connolly 2005). Maintaining and creating a merchandizing plan of a store cannot be considered as an easy task. It is important for continuously determining what is being seen by the customer.
Merchandizing of retail basically is referred to as a number of different activities that result in contributing towards products being sold to the base of customers for meeting their final needs. This is extremely important for retail stores as it plays a significant role for the attraction of customer in the stores and to prompt them for making purchases as well. This has a major impact on the success of the organization as customers are the most important stakeholders for the business organizations in retail industry. Each and every investment is made and every single function is performed for the attraction and satisfaction of customers (Craven 2014). Hence, it can be stated that the success of the organization is highly dependent on the satisfaction of customers. In addition to this, if customers are satisfied, they will stay loyal to the brand and this will ultimately help in the retention of old customers and the attraction of new customers.

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