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以各种方式,作者的重点是寻找在书中帮助Oskar表示这一章的忽略甚至人生最棘手的寂寞年没有父亲。Oskar经营的方式象征着完美的侦察探险(作品368)。他看着所有的地方寻找线索,他父亲的欲望,而他的父亲的工作方式是安静的直觉让他儿子通过斜海因兹理解。书中大部分的页面显示他旅途的Oskar,他获得了通过科学涉及的几种学习,不精确的自然情感和爱的人分享的时刻。在最后的远征,Oskar拒绝去中央公园,他还拒绝寻找任何锁的钥匙他父亲所拥有的。通过他的旅程从字面上和身体上的,也有一个情感旅程,他经历了(Foer 1-30)。Oskar的性格有矛盾,有智慧充满过度的自然和他的思想的想象力过滤进入行动。书中的对话有一种早熟的意象,其中有大量的,但也有大量的能量。


The key here is the element of signification through symbolism. The more appropriate title of the book will lie in a key to hope for Oskar. Oskar after the death of his father is not able to tackle the grief he is feeling. This makes him track the context of the key in order to look for a lock that opens the door to his father. This causes Oskar to get free from the routine he would follow daily, such as being depressed and bored (Foer 120). Trekking across the city, coming in contact with newer and beautiful people and obtaining a broader perspective becomes the aim in his life through the found key. In the end, Oskar is revealed of the thought that there is no door and there is no lock that this key would open symbolizing the context of hope in a world where living and dying are a part of life. The key is as a puzzle reminiscing Oskar’s father’s reconnaissance missions with a hope to enter a large world. The new journey makes Oskar achieve what he wouldn’t have otherwise without the key (Foer 60). The key further symbolizes that keeping a hope in life is always better than actually living a different reality that provides no hope (Oskar felt this after the death of his dad). Furthermore, Oskar symbolizes a protagonist who has an obsession to find and look for answers to the extreme questions of the world.
In various ways, the focus of the author is on searching as indicated by the last chapter in the book helping Oskar ignore even the most problematic and lonesome years of his life without his father. The way Oskar operates symbolizes perfectly the Reconnaissance Expedition (Foer 368). He looks at all places to find clues to what his father desires whereas the way his father works is quiet intuitive by making his son understand through oblique hinds. Most of the pages in the book indicate he journey of Oskar involving several learning that he gains through unscientific, imprecise emotional nature and sharing moments with those who love. At the final expedition, Oskar refuses to go to the Central park and he further refuses to look for any lock to the key his father possessed. Through his journey literally and physically, there is also an emotional journey that he undergoes (Foer 1-30). The character of Oskar has contradictions, has Intelligence filled with imagination of overactive nature and his thoughts are filtered to come into actions. The dialogues in the book have a precocious imagery with bulk in them but with a lot of energy as well.

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