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传统的外观通常被丢弃,以获得更加合成的外观,但是在Eladio Dieste的蒙得维的亚购物中心的情况下,可以看出创作是由传统材料制成的。而不是使用钢筋混凝土和玻璃等工业元素,而是用较少的增强材料和大多数砖来制造Dieste的结构。建筑艺术家的作品也被视为符合他时代知识分子的意识形态,如画家和雕塑家JoaquínTorresGarcía。


he highlight of the work of Dieste was that he made commercial structures that made use of local material. In doing so the architectural artist was able to ensure that solutions had a humble creation, were sustainable and were also more aesthetic in their use. While the use of brick, sustainable and traditional forms such as the ones used for the church of Church of Cristo Obrero makes sense, as it is a traditional religious structure built with traditional elements (albeit Dieste did give it a modernistic spin also), most modernistic commercial structures such as malls or shopping centers are usually constructed in a very commercial way and hence necessitate the use of concrete, steel reinforcements and other materials which are not in the style of Dieste.

Traditional look is usually discarded for a more synthetic look, however in the case of the Montevideo shopping center of Eladio Dieste it is seen that the creation is made of traditional materials. Instead of using industrial elements such as concrete and glass with reinforced steel, the constructions of Dieste was seen to be made with that of less reinforced materials and mostly brick. The works of the architectural artist was also seen to be in line with the ideologies of the intellectuals of his time such as the painter and sculptor Joaquín Torres García.

The most important advantage here is that these forms of malls are cost effective. For instance in the case of the technique that Dieste has performed it is seen that the ruled surfaces being mapped as a Gaussian curvature will be developed on a flat surface and the curved surface runs end to end and this solves the problem of using reinforcement. Usually in a normal curved surface which might be chose for economical context, there would still be a very restricted choice of material that would run up the prices. In addition there is a need to stretch the material and this would require expensive technologies or other additional materials. On the other hand in the case of the work of Dieste there is not material stretching, Dieste achieves expensive constructions with only brick. It is not only inexpensive but is also done in a very fast manner. In addition to the advantages of being economical and also being fast in creation, these structures also use sustainable sourcing. The material used are not altered or stretched by technology, they are used as such.

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