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When two persons do not have good relations with each other, then they may not work together within the same group. Thus, that may lead to generate a conflict within a group. This type of conflict is called relationship conflict. In relationship conflict, two persons may have a bad relationship or a negative relationship may arise by working together within the same team (Lu, Zhan & Laung, 2009).
Effect of relationship conflicts in group
The chances of having benefits of relationship conflict are very less or negligible. A relationship conflict may affect a group in many ways like:
1.When there is relationship conflict, then that may lead to a negative environment within a group.
2.Relationship conflict may lead to generation of groups within a single group which will reduce the spirit of team members in the same group.
3.When there is a relationship conflict within a group then those members start liking the other groups of the organization.
4.The efficiency of group also reduces with the relationship conflicts.
5.It also affects the individual performance of an employee.
Task Conflicts
Task conflicts are related to the task performed by the group. These types of conflicts occur when two people want to perform the same task or two members have different solutions for performing those tasks. In the second reason, if there is mutual understanding between the members of the team then that may lead to benefit the team. There are various other situations where the task conflict may occur. Task conflicts may be beneficial as well as harmful that depends on the situation of the team and the mutual understanding of the group members (Simons & Peterson, 2000).

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