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1948的最高法令产生了大量的影响。首先,包括五大电影制片厂、二十世纪福克斯、米高梅和华纳兄弟在内的世界上最大的制片公司被迫卖掉了他们的戏剧连锁店。第二,电影发行方式的转变。它迫使工作室不同控股从分布(Fox &克莱格,1992)。分配方式的主要途径,包括大宗交易等。第三,成立了一些新的和独立的公司。它迫使剧院大量提供租金。第四,取消了街区预订和盲目购买。因此,不仅是各大制片厂,而且独立制片商也获得了出售电影的权利。
HUAC是房子美活动委员会成立的反共组织在美国持使指责共产党试验和黑色上市的目的试验。如果指控的共产党人没有被捕,他们就被社会列为黑名单。由于黑名单的影响,共产党被遗弃在他们的工作领域(Buhle et al,2003)。最大的黑名单由HUAC包括好莱坞的黑名单中,大量的导演、制片人,作家被列入黑名单,从行业。由于同样的原因,他们被放弃了为好莱坞工作。这是当时好莱坞所目睹的最大的热潮之一。黑名单的主要原因是他们的怀疑或联想。在此过程中,多达151名好莱坞专业人士被禁止。这一趋势持续了十年,在1957时,阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克雇用了Norman Llyod谁是禁止演员断。


There were a large number of effects of Paramount Decree of 1948. Firstly, the greatest production houses in the world including the Big Five studios, Twentieth century Fox, MGM, and Warner Bros. were forced to sell their theatre chains. Secondly, there was a shift in the ways of distribution of the films. It forced the studios to diverse their holding from the distribution (Fox & Kraig, 1992). The central ways for the distribution which included the trade practices such as block book. Thirdly, a number of new and independent companies were formed. It forced the theatres to provide their pictures on rent in large numbers. Fourth, there was the elimination of block booking and blind buying. Thus, not only the major studios, but the independent producers also got the rights to sell the movies.
HUAC was the House up American Activities Committee which was the anticommunist organization in USA who held trials for the purpose of making the accused communists trials and black listing of them. In case the accused communists were not arrested, they were blacklisted by the community. As an effect of Blacklisting, the communists were abandoned from working in their field (Buhle et al, 2003). The biggest blacklist done by HUAC included the Hollywood blacklist in which a large number of directors, producers, and writers were blacklisted from the industry. As a result of the same, they were abandoned from working for Hollywood. This was one of the greatest upsurge which was witnessed by the Hollywood during those times. The primary reason for the blacklist was their suspected beliefs or creation of associations. In the process, as many as 151 Hollywood professionals were banned. This trend continued for over ten years and was broken in 1957 when Alfred Hitchcock hired Norman Llyod who was a banned actor.

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