





The land used for the development of the transportation facility in the city for supporting the MIA and MUAC is more supportive. The plan requires the collaboration between the community, transport department and the municipality for getting the sustainable infrastructure. When the plan is implemented then it will focus on the growth of the MjAC and the MuAC so it integrates the high density for the development for the urban designs. The high density residential buildings develop the vacant space for the 500m radius for any transportation that has the train stops and the ram usage as they support the MjAC and MuAC.

The Moreland is the unique position that gives the better option for the citizen with the wider community in the city of Moreland. This strategy action plan identifies and analysis the wider community for making the compact city. This also increases the economy of the city in the best chance between the northern Moreland sectors to the Southern Moreland sector. This also decreases use of the car and it reduces the pollution in the country which is eco friendly. This method also creates the job opportunity for the people in the Moreland city. The expansion of the train lines is the vision for making the future quality transport without affecting the environment. The plan increases the tree planting programs for the welfare of the environment and the cost for the program is very less. This also increases the bicycle lanes in the city which will be useful for the welfare of the community.

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