


经济全球化加速由于投资的挑战和自由贸易,包括关税的下降以及其他挑战国际贸易。从持续时间20世纪中期开始,进步和关税下降在货运和航空运输铺平了道路扩大很大程度上在国际贸易(波尔特尼,T. 2004)。这导致导致更高的相互依存在服务和商品的国内市场,特别是在金融服务,导致整合金融和资本市场(克莱因2007)。全球化导致的资本流动自由的所有国家。这种流动导致生产兑换率的国际运动,利率和股票的价格。


尽管全球化有助于增加财富和最近一段时间以来,已经有负面影响在某些大陆和经济(波尔特尼,T . 2004)。非洲的情况变得更糟糕的是由于不平衡的增加,阻碍发展和加重贫困。因此,它可以表示,非洲经济发展面临巨大困难是因为全球化的活动在全球各地。




Globalization of economy has been accelerating due to the fall in challenges to investment along with free trade that includes, decline in the amount of tariffs along with other challenges to international trade. Beginning with the mid duration of twentieth century, decline in the advances and tariffs in freight and air transport paved the path for expanding greatly in the international trade (Poultney, T. 2004). This resulted in giving rise to the higher interdependence over domestic markets for services and goods, specifically in financial services that results in integrating the financial and capital markets (Klein 2007). Globalization results in making the movement of capital freely across all of the countries. This mobility results in production of international movements in the rates of exchange, rates of interest, and the prices of stock.


Even though globalization has helped in increasing wealth and growth since recent times, there have been negative impacts on certain continents and economies (Poultney, T. 2004). The condition of Africa has become worse due to increased imbalance and has been impeding development and aggravating poverty. Hence, it can be stated that Africa is facing huge difficulties in its economic development due to the activities of globalization all across the globe.


In addition to Africa, South America has been facing huge difficulties due to increased level of globalization (Gopinath 2008). This is mainly because of a number of factors involved in the current economic conditions of both, South America and Africa. These factors include low level of education, corruptions, weak policies in politics, and poor infrastructure of transportation.

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