




As much as the students and teachers enhance their roles and responsibilities, PLC helps in improvising the school as well. Most of the schools in rural parts of the country have found remarkable difference in the school.

The official reports from the national and state survey and board teacher reports also help in providing essential knowledge and skills to teachers. The next grade teachers will be given the report from the previous grade, thus helping in sharing enough knowledge about the student. Darling Hammond, L (1996) also wrote in the books quick revolution on this.

In times of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves beautifully equipped to live in a world that no longer exists (Eric Hoffer, 1972).

In conclusion, the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) is an organization that greatly promotes the enhancement of teaching levels and school reforms. It has been made evident that PLC strives to provide improvement of schools in the same way for “people improvement”. It also places more emphasize on student engagement in social activities can be given; frames mission and achievement records with milestones to encourage the students and teachers; enhances the moral values of the students through its programs and sustains good culture in communication. Also, the body also celebrates and recognizes students for encouraging them to improve better, and focus on building a good society and future. Moreover, PLC brings the confidence in each of the student to make.

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