


这个家庭作业帮助我练习如何找到学术文章和网络书籍用于制定最终的研究。为了开始工作,我第一次访问我们的网上图书馆的网站英语通过使用web域:http://library.ccis.edu/lit/。达到英语课程指南后,我能找到各种蓝色标签等关键字的文章和书籍。我点击“找文章”,我是从定向到一个不同的页面找到所有我需要的学术文章。数据库进一步上市对于文学研究。找到一个期刊论文我选择学术搜索完成,JSTOR和项目缪斯链接为了寻找关键词找到Tono-Bungay或h . g .威尔斯的作品。我寻找关键词和试图搜索由作者的名字,因为它是安静的著名文学背景。我是高度投入在在线图书馆web领域,因为它给了我一个真正的环境,所有的知识是我及时响应(井,19)。通过输入作者的名字我能找到许多期刊文章写的H。G威尔斯在他的身体工作。然而,最有趣的是一个领域的期刊文章文学和神学,命名为“见证世界末日:H。G井教育启示书”。杂志上的这篇文章被我由于配方H。G作品太棒了,这帮助我理解圣经的浩瀚和视图。


This homework has helped me in practicing how to find scholarly articles and internet books used for formulating the final research study. In order to start the work, I first visited the website of our online library for English by using the web domain:  http://library.ccis.edu/lit/. After reaching the English Course Guide, I could find various blue labels with keywords such as articles and books. I clicked on “Find Articles” from where I was directed to a different page to find all the scholarly articles that I needed to. Databases were further listed with regard to literature studies. To find a journal article I selected the Academic Search Complete, JSTOR and Project MUSE links in order to look for keywords to find body of work by Tono-Bungay or H. G. Wells. For this I looked for key words and tried to search by the author’s name as it is quiet famous in the literary context. I was highly engaged over the online library web domain as it offered me a real environment on which all the knowledge is at my prompt response (Wells, 19). By entering the author’s name I was able to find numerous journal articles written by H.G Wells or around his working bodies. However, the most intriguing of them all was a journal article from the domain of literature and theology, named as, “Witnessing the End of the world: H.G Wells Educational Apocalypses”. This journal article was chosen by me due to the formulation of H.G Well’s fantastic writings and this helped me understand the vastness of his scriptures and views.

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