




Sexuality: It is an inborn feature of an individual and no individual chooses it after birth. It becomes a part of the personality of an individual in terms of physical, emotional and sexual attributes of an individual with which they can be attracted to males, females and even both. Sexuality is highly personalized and no-one else than the individual knows his sexuality. Sexuality can be heterosexual, homosexual and even bisexual or transgendered (Butler, 2002). It is related to the central aspect of human beings that includes sexual preferences, gender roles and identities, intimacy and reproduction. It is expressed through thoughts, desires, beliefs, attitudes, roles and relationships individuals have with others in the society. All the dimensions of sexuality are not always expressed and experienced as it is influenced by various factors related to biological, social, economic, legal, religious and cultural aspects of an individual.
Here the discussion will be done on the interrelationships between sex, gender and sexuality.
Sex differences in humans are well understood with intense knowledge of the cultural construction for gender based on appropriate beliefs and behaviours for individuals. Gender is uploaded with specific expectations and beliefs associated with certain physical characteristics of an individual. It is a point of thought that how specific beliefs and behaviours got associated with the physical characteristics of individuals and because of which they are said to be socially constructed (Schilt, 2009). Different cultures have different effects on the beliefs and expectation set for feminine and masculine genders. It does not mean that they are not affected by the biological variations between the two sexes and it does not mean that the beliefs and expectations set for different gender have no realistic effects on them and no specific individual can generate their own specific expectations about gender.

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