


维克多解释说,她在早期的年龄和遭受的压力看起来不错,这个元素使她忘记,集中对其他积极的方面她的性格就像研究。“当她来到了大学成为异国同学在她不同的颜色(棕色)和有一个诱人的吸引力。多社会生活她需要稳定生活”(Mcquade 341)。随着年龄的增长她抓住她的性格,关注她的性格的积极和重要元素除了外观和颜色。维克多的故事是很常见的,可以观察到在其他女孩来自不同地区特别是来自非洲区域。




Victor explained that she suffered in her early age and had pressure to look good and this element made her forget and concentrate about other positive aspects of her personality like good in studies. “When she came to the college she becomes exotic to her fellow students as she was of different color (brown) and had a seductive appeal. More than social life she needed stability in her life” (Mcquade 341). As she grew older she got hold of her personality and focused on the positive and prominent elements of her personality other than appearance and her color. The story of Victor is common and can be observed in every other girl coming from different region especially from African region.


Victor was motivated by her inner abilities and talents and promised with her that she will gain stability in her life. Victor was married and was contended from her life and appearance after she made peace with herself. She concentrated on her academic abilities and became confident to about her abilities. She decided to work on her abilities so she can gain competitive advantage over others on her mental strengths (Cruz, 1997). Looking at your personality and appearance in the way others want to see you become difficult and challenging to cope up with the real personality. In all these pressures the real identity is lost and becomes vague to an extent. The only reason to resolve all these issues is by concentrating on the personal abilities more than appearance.

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