






Daniel Kahneman has focused on the system II and according to him the system II is more influential on the human thoughts and on the human activities. The Daniel Kahneman has given the importance and significance of the both systems and in order to make the understanding better he used various pictures and practical examples in his book where he used various pictures in order to check the system I of human that is the unconscious and automatic thinking. Moreover the Daniel Kahneman has also used various facts and realities in order to check eh system II of thinking that is the conscious and deliberated act of our mind.


It is important to see how things in the surroundings are shaping up in order to ensure a clear understanding of human thinking and the patterns attached with the thinking. Not only that the author has attached a great deal of information with the human patterns, it has provided an in depth analysis of how human brain works in different conditions. The need to have a firm knowledge of brain helps in understanding behaviors and reactions that in turn will help in keeping the mind alert.

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