


学生之间的关系属于SES类别也影响了他们的学业。白色(1982)发现,当学生开始变老他们的学术成就减少之间的区别。这被发现,因为两个原因(McCoach &科尔伯特,2010)。首先,学校提供的环境,每个人都是平等与社会的其他领域。其次,区别也减少了,因为许多学生通常属于低SES离开他们的教育。




The relationship between the students belonging to the SES category also influenced their academic. It was found by White (1982) that as the student begun to get older the difference between their academic achievements diminishes. This was found because of two reasons (McCoach & Colbert,2 010). Firstly, the schools provide the environment where everyone is treated equally unlike the other spheres of the society. Secondly, the difference also diminishes because many students who belong to low SES generally leave their education.

Another factor related to the low SES students is the concern of the school location. A close review of the school location showed that the students belonging to the low SES are more concerned about the location of the school. If the school is far off from their location, they won’t be going for the same. According to the recent survey conducted by NCES (National Center for Education Status) it has been found that the minority students lagged behind the others. This also, depicts that the socio economic status is related to the academic achievements (Hackman et al, 2010).

Due to the present socio economic status, students who falls to the low category ends up with the limited financial resources (Lam, 2014). Due to this the students tends to leave the academics. Not only this, it has been also found that the children who live in poor families need more money to fulfill their education. Due to this they are exposed to the bad practices such as drug trafficking, violence and other bad things.

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