




The very first book which was developed on the basis of the ideas of communism was titled as Utopia and released by Thomas Moore in the year 1516. In this book the cicerone view was raised for the very first time. The ideas which were put forward by Hythloday a character in the book raised the voice of communism. The ideas of communism were put forward for the first time in Utopia. The message which was common to all the communist revolution had been inspired from Utopia, a book which was written years before the very first communist movement took place in the world. The frame of mind which led to communism in the world was first penned down in the form of the book “Utopia” by Thomas Moore. Years after this, communists such as Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky begun the practices related to communism (Elliott, 1963). Utopia was the book which was way ahead of the actual incidents though had touched the people in such a sensitizing manner. The theories of philosophy, religion, social justice which was later practiced by Marx, Engels, Rawls etc. which were suggested in this book.

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