


一个月期间的收益率在0.90到0.86之间变化,对于特定的利率为1.25%。上述收益率曲线为一个月时间。这条曲线表明,从2013的产量已经减少了很多。01月2014日,它是0.90但在05月2014日,它降低到0.88(Deepti Govind,2014)。


This essay focuses on the financial market and institutions in Canada. The interest rates yield and inflation rates are the important indicators in the financial markets. The interest rates here are followed from the Bank of Canada website as being the best reliable source of information. The trends for the interest’s rate with other factors are also observed in this essay to understand the scenario in next couple of months.

The interest rate and yields are the important factors in the financial markets. The interest rates in Canada are 1.25%. The treasury yields are 0.90 and bond yields is 1.04 as reported on the official Canada bank website. These interest rates and yields are identified only at the Bank of Canada website, which is an official and reliable source of the information. The below graphs are for the yield curve for the specified interest rate for 1 month, 3 month, 6 months and 1-3 years duration (Bank of Canada, 2014).

The yield for one month period varies in between 0.86 to 0.90 for the certain given interest rate of 1.25%. The above yield curve is for one month duration. This curve indicates that from 2013 the yield has been reduced a lot. On 01 Oct 2014, it was 0.90 but on 05 Nov 2014, it reduced to 0.88 (Deepti Govind, 2014).

Below curve is for 3 months duration according to Bank of Canada official website. The below yield curve indicates that the yield rate has been reduced from 0.92 to 0.90. This means that for 3 months duration the investment return will be less on the government bonds. This indicates that the expected return would be less for 6 month duration if invested (Bank of Canada, 2014).

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