


Wyke社区和儿童中心是一个组织,是一个主要的工作的父母,婴儿和儿童的入学年龄在照顾儿童看护设施。它还组织了学校的俱乐部,为学校的孩子。虽然功能1995、社区中心的维克成为Wyke SureStart儿童中心与政府的计划被称为“每个孩子都重要”(ECM)有关。最后,在2009个后来被称为Wyke社区儿童中心。的Wyke社区和儿童中心旨在为儿童创造一个环境,所以他们仍然在他们的表演活动感兴趣,这个组织的理念是从游戏工作原理借。游戏工作原理是基于整体发挥的机会,促进孩子的全面发展(威廉姆斯,2010)。基于她对6个学校俱乐部老板威廉姆斯(2010)的研究,反对的想法,整合后的学校俱乐部与计划的目标,“年初基础阶段”,因为它是限制和不利的儿童健康发展。因此,Wyke社区儿童中心提出了一个刺激的环境,给孩子自由决定他们想做与他们在俱乐部的时间。这也让孩子们对自己负责,对他们的财产以及理解他们的行为和结果的行动。


The Wyke community and children’s centre is an organization that is a primary child-care facility for working parents and caregivers of infants and children who are below the school-going age. It also organizes out of school clubs for school going children. Although functioning from 1995, the Wyke community centre became Wyke Sure Start Children’s Centre and formally associated with government’s programme called ‘Every Child Matters’ (ECM). Finally, in 2009 it came to be known as the Wyke community and children’s centre. The Wyke community and children’s centre aims to create an environment for children so they remain interested in the activities they are performing and this philosophy of the organization is borrowed from the playwork principles. The playwork principles are based in holistic play opportunities that contribute to a child’s comprehensive development (Williams, 2010). Based on her study on 6 out-of-school club owners Williams (2010) opposes the idea of integrating after school clubs with the planned objectives of ‘Early Year Foundation Stage’, for it is restrictive and detrimental for the wholesome development of children. Therefore, Wyke Community and Children’s Centre proposes a stimulating environment that provides the children the freedom to decide what they wish to do with their time in the club. It also allows children to become responsible for themselves, for their belongings as well as understand their actions and the outcome of their actions.

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