







For the achievement of research goals and objective, an approach of multiple methods has been adopted. This includes the use of both, quantitative as well as qualitative methods for the collection of data. The methods of quantitative research will be focusing on the provision of wider statistical measure of the impact, limit and nature of deregulation related to tourism over national security utilizing a sensible size of the sample. In comprehensive and depth qualitative information has been collected over the effects of deregulating the security over national security, import of crime by tourism, comparing the crime of tourism along with other different categories of crime. This particular research will be employing different questionnaires for the collection of data from the candidates that make it one of the tools for the collection of data. There has been scheduling of interviews for reviewing the responses of population that has been selected on random basis. This part will be presenting an overview on the methods and procedures considered for obtaining the data required for the completion of this study. This overview will consist of the research design, instruments for collection of data, population being targeted, strategy of sampling, and methods for the analysis of data.


The Uniform Crime Report has been referred to that has helped in providing accurate primary data related to the subject of the research. Further ahead, the data had been collected from different authorities that include the unit of crime analyst, tourists, officials of local municipal, and the members of SAPS by referring to interviews conducted face to face from different areas of Africa.

In addition to this, this research has also included the data of interviews that have already been conducted along with reports that provide significant primary data.

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