






The registered trademark gives the owner the privilege to sell his goods under the trademark. Another company may not use the trademark to sell their goods. There are some tangible values that a company acquires over time and then there are some intangible values such as consumer preference because of say, custom.A trademark will help a consumer differentiate between the company that he holds tangible and intangible values for and another company that he does not know much about. Another company hence cannot take advantage of the consumer based on that a trademark protected company has built for itself.  This gives the businesses a sense of fair competition. There can be no devious practices, a business would be able to succeed because it built its own reputation and protected the same with the trademark and not because it used the reputation that some else built.


A trademark needs to be unique and also distinguishable. It is the right of usage awarded by the government to the corporations and individuals who want to market their creations. In order to provide adequate protection, it is necessary that one trademark be differentiated from another. Hence, the requirement imposed on the trademark is that it should be distinctive from the rest. This follows that companies cannot choose any word they like as a trademark. They will have to carefully analyze for and choose the trademark. It is the company’s burden to prove their distinctiveness and uniqueness to have a registered trademark.


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