





Big cities have always thrilled me. Earlier I was of the opinion that just like a big city, NYU was filled with academically diverse and successful people. It occurred to me after a while that NYU becomes its own haven for the students and the chances to learn and grow are unlimited. NYU has continued to be a hub for communication for the entire world and is the center of the largest city on the planet. NYU is the premier school for studies due to the diversity and its consolidation of the world. NYU could help me grow into a successful adult as the opportunities here are endless.

The main hopes of all the applicants at universities are that they would get high quality of education in the most basic theory. However, it is on how they utilize the available resources that the actual success of the individual is dependent on. For me, the diverse culture of students at NYU is the main catch. It is true to say that all the people who get into NYU are ambitious and getting to interact with them would help me to develop as an individual and also share my views on different topics. By exercising and proving my ability to stand out as an individual this would enable me to use this demographic and at the same time contributing to the collective. Both in terms of career opportunities and education the city offers a unique set of resources which would be an added advantage for me.

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