


总之,它可以指出,已经有了巨大的改变产品的设计相比传统和当代世界。差异在设计的前景,触觉,感觉和好处是可见的。在传统设计的产品像一把椅子,一个手机,电视,电脑等,花了太多的时间和精力设计师设计的产品。此外,产品的使用将是有限的。然而,在当今时代,随着技术的进步和创新,设计也出现了新的地平线,在产品设计已经成为一项简单的任务(阿什比,M. F.& 约翰逊,K,2013)。有更少的时间消耗产品。




To sum up, it can be noted that there has been a tremendous change in the designing of a product when compared to the traditional and the contemporary world. The differences in the design in its outlook, touch, feel and benefit are visible. In the traditional designing of a product like a chair, a mobile set, a TV, PC etc, it took much of the time and effort for the designers to design a product. Moreover, the use of the product will be limited. However, in the modern era, with the advancement of technology and innovation, the designing has also seen a new horizon, in which the product design has become an easy task (Ashby, M. F., & Johnson, K, 2013). There is less time consuming to make a product.


Considering the industrial products like mobile, PC, watches etc, the designing is easier and its working will be complex as it can deal multi-tasking, when compared to the simple traditional designs. When traditional designs have less technology on the creations, modern designs are mostly done using latest technologies, even considering the normal chairs, daily used utensils etc. On the other side, it is also argued that the quality of the traditionally designed products are more as they last for long time when compared to the modern hi-tech designed objects. Hence, with the support of technology, product design is made easy, less time consuming as these designer rely mostly on the machine run automated process for designing a product.

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