



主要有三种类型的财务报表使用的投资者,债权人,银行家和其他用户为了评估组织的盈利能力。这些财务报表即损益表、资产负债表和现金流量表(al Revsine等,2005)。在这三个中,损益表和资产负债表被投资者广泛使用,因为这两个语句更好的突出了组织的财务状况和性能。此外,现金流量表主要用于识别流入和流出的现金在一个特定的一年(画家和书法家,2007)。这篇报告写了公司的财务报表分析的目的。该公司已经选择了这份报告是维珍澳大利亚。按照维珍澳大利亚(2015),维珍澳大利亚最著名的公司之一,在澳大利亚的航空业。公司欢迎澳大利亚的观众主要是因为其优越的运营商服务以合理的和最有吸引力的利率。


This report has been written in order to shed the light on the importance of analyzing financial statements so that the performance of a company in the market place is evaluated. The company that has been chosen for this report is Virgin Australia that is operating in the airline industry of Australia. The report is divided into four parts. The first part is of introduction that highlights different types of financial statement and also gives an overview of the company. In the second part of the report financial position of a company is evaluated with the help of ratio analysis. In the third part of the report aspect of non-financial analysis has also been included so that position of the company can be evaluated more accurately. The last part of the report is to conclusion that summarized the entire report.

There are mainly three types of financial statements that are used by investors, creditors, bankers and other users in order to evaluate profitability of organizations. These financial statements are namely, income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement (Revsine, et, al, 2005). Among these three, income statement and balance sheet are widely used by investors because these two statements better highlights the financial position and performance of organizations. In addition, statement of cash flows is mainly used to identify inflow and outflow of cash during a particular year (Penman and Penman, 2007). This report has been written with the purpose of analyzing financial statement of a company. The company that has been chosen for this report is Virgin Australia. As per Virgin Australia (2015), Virgin Australia is one of the most renowned companies that are operating in airline industry of Australia. The company has been popular among Australian audience mainly because of its superior carrier services at reasonable and most attractive fare rates.


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