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The purpose of the construction was to have a gallery for the art glass and the glass blowing workshops that were conducted alongside with the showcasing. The initial planning was for a building that would be 60 m × 60 m with roof height of 4.5 m. The building that was planned was to house independent galleries as enclosed with glasses. Each of the workshops had similar arrangements. The rectangular enclosures were to have a 0.8 m wide cavity. This was the partition between the walls. The glass walls also serve as a form of visual connection. People inside the rooms would be able to view the outside wooded park in which the museum was located. The Glass Pavilion that actually looks simple when viewed in the above image is supported by a complex and integrated architecture. The majority of the interior partitions are achieved by making use of glasses only. Since glass was used extensively, the other building systems which required a more supportive and opaque necessity was actually connected out to the other sections of the building. A usual building architecture will have the plumbing and mechanical support organized within the building for which it provides such services. However in the case of this building it can be seen that the services are actually distributed. Yet another unconventional usage noted here was that the steel roof framing, steel vertical support and others required being coordinated to the glassed architecture. It was necessary that the building systems make use of unconventional methods because the solutions although conceptually similar are bound by different form of physical stresses. Some of the key elements as noted in this unconventional system are as follows: 1) the continuity of the girders and joists are the primary elements. These have to be continuous in order to support a distribution of the bending for the critical design movements. In addition it is also noted that the welding and more are constructed with infill joist spans which allows for easier bolting in as per the situation.


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