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加拿大广播的做法是非常独特的,公众参与是恢复委员会和研究小组的青睐。即使Ad Hoc结构创建和传统权势的影响了。舆论导向的能力和公信力取决于这些群体的影响力,因为这些群体通常没有权力。另一方面,广播的政策决定,在某些情况下,最有影响力的因素,甚至是个别专家(雷波伊,1995)。对于任何加拿大广播政策的过程中最关键的因素是公共协商,通过任何参与者可以很容易地通过参与影响政策进程。决策者是直接访问所有资源的限制,允许的通信和资源的渠道。在社会问题上,公共干预在经济和社会文化因素方面更为有效。这是喜欢通过研究,无力的演员即使过程具有开放空间提供了令人惊讶的结果。


The broadcasting policy making in Canada is made through group efforts of industries, socio-cultural and institutional sectors (Raboy, 1995). When policy reviews were done on the Federal Broadcasting Act of 1991, it was found that a range of tactics were deployed by various groups as an attempt for influencing the broadcasting policy according to the respective interests of those groups.  In this article those categories were highlighted that had relative influences of various actors on the broadcasting policy of Canada. These actors were chosen in accordance with the resources used by them and the strategies used by them for maximizing their usage. The legislative changes were unlocked with the motive of providing access to the non-industrial public interest and socio-cultural groups to the policy process for the public broadcasting system (Abramson, 1999). In cases of economic interests the policy makers were directly addressed and the deployed means were radically increased.  The outcomes of the resultant policy showed the position that the public action and direct pressure were the effective means of influencing the particular issue and the basis of interests that promote it. In simple terms the broadcasting public policies of Canada were influenced by the process of policy formation that was relative and even depended on the access of various factors towards the decision making process that was influenced by various parties.

The Canadian practice for broadcasting is quite peculiar and public participation is favoured by restoring committees and study groups. Even ad hoc structures were created and the influences of traditional power brokers were eluded. The ability and credibility to strike chord in public opinion depended on the power of influencing of these groups as these groups were normally without power. On the other hand the most influential factor for broadcasting policy decisions under certain circumstances can even be individual experts (Raboy, 1995).  For any Canadian Broadcasting policy process the most critical element was the public consultation through which any actor can easily influence the policy process through participation. Decision makers were in direct access of all the resources up to a limit that was allowed by the channels of communication and resources. On social issues public intervention was far more effective where economic and socio cultural factors were involved. This was revelled through the research conducted that the disempowered actors can even provide surprising results if the process is provided with open up spaces.


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