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It is important that employees are not only communicated about the change but they are given proper skills about the given change. In this situation also program of the company was getting change and employees did not even have proper skills of doing that new job. In this way it is natural to resist because employees will not be comfortable with the new job and they will not be good in it that will ultimately result in job losses or low productivity of the employees (Kinicki, 1992).

Trust is important for any relationship and this is also present with the employees and supervisors of the organization. Relation should be based on trust, when employees trust their supervisors they accept the change and believe that this change is good for them and the organization but clearly this is not present in the current situation (Flemming, 2004). Directors do not have direct relation of trust with the employees of the organization and this can lead with mistrust among the employees. They will not only resist the change but they will stop working in the organization.

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