




The economic growth of China has slowed gradually as the economy continues to experience structural transformation. The growth in the output was exceeding the target depicted by the government in the year 2013 reaching 7.7 per cent (World Bank). Furthermore, stable growth implied the mid-2013 effects when measuring the supported growth but the current rates of growth that is in the year 2014, has critically been below the observed levels since the past 10 years because the economic growth drivers have continuously shifted from the sector of manufacturing to the sector of services, especially on the side of supply and on the demand side, the same has shifted from investing to mere consumption. The labor markets have depicted decelerating growth which has however been small because of the economic activity structural shifts towards the sectors of services which are labor intensive (World Bank). This report has not only highlighted the unique perspectives in China’s economic growth depictions but has also outlined the risks present within the Chinese economy in order to recommend certain aspects that may help in steady economic growth of China. In brief however, the main aim of this report remains on analyzing the economic growth performance of China over a period of 10 years in order to understand the trend in economic growth experienced by the country.

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