


妇女的解放计划也反映在媒体。2001年11月13日,洋基航空服务国家资本的掌舵。比《华盛顿邮报》曾报道过,让国家资本作为一种可行的行为然后每个平凡的新闻镜头展示女士开始他们的罩袍,音乐再次被竞争,女人回到高中,所以足球比赛碗内的塔利班绞刑架被拆除。在那个月,CNN描绘自己的观点关于阿富汗的国家资本和不同城市的秋天,女性也被他们的罩袍,因此一些女士们所表现出的脸,在报纸的头版。媒体因此认为覆盖面是冰冻的,不会被修改。出于这个原因,这项研究还考察了描绘阿富汗妇女的美联社(Associated Press)线照片在塔利班政权的统治。由于政治的场景中,高度重视的问题是,已成为国际发展的一部分。




The liberation plan of women was also reflected within the media. On 13 Nov 2001, The Yankee aviation was at serving at the helm of national capital. The Washington Post had than reported, ‘Let national capital be taken as a doable act then have each mundane news camera show lady starting off their Burqas, music once more being vied, women going back to high school, and therefore the Taliban gallows within the football game bowl being torn down’. Throughout that month, CNN had portrayed their views regarding the autumn of national capital and different cities of Afghanistan, the women had also removed their burqas and therefore the few ladies who had shown their faces, were on the front page of newspapers. The media had thus viewed the coverage as frozen and would not be modified as a result. For this reason, the study also examines the depiction of women of Afghanistan in AP (Associated Press) wire pictures throughout the reign of Taliban regime. Due to the political scenario, the problem is of high importance and has become a part of international development.


The core emphasis on AP is aligned with its status and influence. Prime USA media retailers use as well as publish AP wire pictures through a usual image. With the exception of body, the study evaluates and analyzes visual cues regarded the portrayal of Afghan ladies through media. Starting off Burqas has been liberating in step with western concepts, however some media have even asserted that media will portray ladies in subordinate ways that on the far side being absolutely coated. Though pictures don’t seem to be staged, they still got to be hand-picked during a frame.

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