


研究称在当前场景由毛雷尔等,(2002)和麦当劳等,(2008)试图关注对骨钙和原因的重要性和饮食习惯可能/不可能导致骨质疏松症,酸中毒或其他并发症。而研究毛雷尔et al .,(2002)对雄性和雌性,这项研究由麦当劳et al .,2008年是更年期妇女进行60 – 65年。研究由毛雷尔et al .,(2002)是短暂的七天内,但Mc唐纳德和他的同事在2008年进行的这项研究共两年。


毛雷尔和他的同事试图建立一个传统的西方饮食之间的重要连接是高度发达的酸从而导致酸中毒等骨相关疾病由于快速丧失骨钙和皮质醇通过顺利取代酸性盐分别与NaHCO3和KHCO3。他们表明,骨钙保留情况中和饮食中增加。另一方面,麦当劳et al .,(2008)表明,碱丰富的饮食和充足的水果和蔬菜或柠檬酸钾不能导致骨髓密度的显著变化在长期在更年期后的女性。



Both the studies referred in the present scenario conducted by Maurer et al., (2002) and Mc Donald et al., (2008) try to draw attention towards the importance of bone calcium and the reasons and food habits which might/might not lead to osteoporosis, acidosis or other complications. While the study of Maurer et al., (2002) was conducted on both males and females, the study conducted by Mc Donald et al., 2008 was conducted on post menopausal women of 60-65 years only. The study conducted by Maurer et al., (2002) was for a short seven day period, but Mc Donald and his colleagues in 2008 carried out the study for a total two years.

Maurer and his colleagues tried to establish an important interlink between the conventional western diet which is highly rich is acid thereby leading to acidosis and other bone related disorders due to rapid loss of bone calcium and cortisol by smoothly substituting the acidic salts with NaHCO3 and KHCO3 respectively. They showed that bone calcium retention increased in cases where a neutralization diet was given. On the other hand, Mc Donald et al., (2008) showed that alkali rich diet with ample fruits and vegetables or potassium citrate was unable to cause significant change in the bone marrow density in the long run in post menopausal women.
Thus, the exact role of alkali in bone calcium retention or the specific fruit/ vegetable which could help in retention of bone calcium thereby maintaining the bone marrow density needs further research.

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