




When I read this story I got attached to it as if I was living even scene mentioned in the novel and lived it as it was all happening in real. It was his strong will power that motivated him to compose his autobiography.  His example is enough to motivate the humans for not giving up to any situation in life and live life at its fullest by fighting with all the odds given by life. This finally will make a simple human an extraordinary human not for the world but at least for the ones who know him/her. Bauby never gave up to his situation and he kept fighting all through his life to live as happy and satisfied in his mind as he would have been able to do in his body. With just one eye functioning properly Jean expressed all what he felt in various moments of life like the feelings of joy and sadness when he saw his children and heard his father’s voice over phone. Bauby used to treat his wife Celine and his children very rudely when he was normal, but now he regrets of what he did with them (Glenn, 2009).  Pierre Roussin was respected a lot by Bauby and he visited to meet Bauby in hospital. Roussin was the man who boarded the seat of Bauby on his way to Hong Kong which was later hijacked. Bauby never contacted Roussin after he was released after being hostage for 4 years by hijackers. Roussin  when visited Bauby compared himself and Bauby facing the same situation of being  helpless like Roussin was kept as hostage for 4 years and  now Bauby was having after being ‘locked-in’ his body.

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