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As far as my personal view regarding the issue of asylum seekers is concerned, I have formed my views and opinions by closely observing the consequences of asylum seekers’ migrations of Australian territory. I have worked with asylum seekers and came to know that they are faced with many extreme issues in Australian protection too. One of the major issues that I have observed while working with asylum seekers is the discriminatory behavior being followed by Australian nationals for them. Many Australians intentionally hinder the pace of their growth because they personally do not support asylum seekers and such people majorly think that asylum seekers are no more than a burden for their economy. In addition to this, it is very hard for anyone entering the country unlawfully to get the protection by lawful means. They have to go through tedious legal procedure to seek protection under Australian territory. Even if they remain able to get the protection under law their miseries do not end. They are not provided with equal opportunities as those given to Australian nationals. I personally feel that such discriminatory behavior against asylum seekers on the part of general public and Australian government is undesirable.

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