


这是商业战略涉及一个公司执行在某些领域的研究和转化这一想法它探索通过研发到产品然后提供进入市场。这是需求拉动的反向策略的需求存在于市场和公司反应进行研究和产品的开发和生产,然后提供给市场(Mital,德赛,萨勃拉曼尼亚& Mital,2014)。根据这一理论,一个公司决定引进一个新功能的移动设备和执行研究和发展,在完成本研究领域和发展阶段的公司进入生产阶段功能成功添加后的设备和装置的功能是在市场和营销活动发布启动教育人们关于功能的设备的好处(Foehr,贼鸥,Turrin Petrali,&帕加尼,2013)。




It is the business strategy which involves the fact that a company performs the research in some area and convert that idea which it explored through the research and development into the product and then offered it into the market. This is the reverse of the demand pull strategy in which a demand is present in the market and company responds by performing research and development and production of the product and then offer it to the market (Mital, Desai, Subramanian, & Mital, 2014). According to this theory, a company decides to bring in a new feature in their mobile device and performs the research and development in that area after completing this research and development phase company enter into the production phase of the feature in the device and after the successful addition of the feature in the device it is released in the market and a marketing campaign is launched to educate people about the benefits of that feature in the device (Foehr, Jager, Turrin, Petrali, & Pagani, 2013).


Several steps involve in PD each with their specific purpose which are focus to cover different aspects. Different types of theories are presented about PD i.e. Don Koberg with his fellow researcher Jim Bengal has presented 7 steps theory for problem solving related to creativity. PD provide the design engineers to align their activities according to universal benchmarks which help them in developing a standard product (Liang, Tan, & Ma., 2013). There are several people which involve in the process from idea to the last stage of developing tangible product.

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