


结构上的黑洞有三个截然不同的领域。它们是内部和外部视界和单点“奇点”(Redd,2015)。这个黑洞的外部边缘被称为黑洞表面或视界。这是进一步分为内部和外部区域(夏皮罗& Teukolsky,2008)。这是边界线内没有对象可以逃离黑洞。奇点是空间,物质的密度如此密集,空间和时间的意义在这一点变得无限(Wittke,2012)。




上面的例子表明,粒子的轨迹的途径以及一旦穿过视界不能一步也走不动了。它还表明,黑洞附近区域的影响超出了地平线的事件。它最终将试图达到的奇点(Wudka,1998)。黑洞的引力取决于质量和大小的黑洞。为太阳大小的黑洞的事件视界是3公里。数百万太阳质量的黑洞的大小如果3 * 109公里。一旦粒子拽入黑洞不能逃离它(Wudka,1998)。因此这些黑洞的影响到周边地区根据经典物理学理论。量子力学已经略有所不同黑洞对周围地区的影响。


Structurally the black holes have three distinct areas. They are the inner and outer event horizons and a single point “singularity” (Redd, 2015). The external borderline of this black hole is known as the surface of the black hole or event horizon. These are further divided into outer and inner areas (Shapiro & Teukolsky, 2008). This is the boundary line within which no object can escape from the black hole. Singularity is basically space where the density of matter is so dense that meanings of space and time become infinite in this point (Wittke, 2012).

According to classic physics theory once a particle or an electromagnetic radiation like x-ray, light, UV rays enters into this black hole it cannot escape from the black hole. In other words they are substances of extreme density that even light cannot escape from the black hole if it is in the vicinity of that of the black hole. The reason that the density of the area is so strong is because the large amount of matter is pressed into a very minute area (Redd, 2015).

The above illustration shows that the trajectories of the pathway of the particles and how once it crosses the event horizon cannot go any further. It also shows how the nearby areas are affected by the black holes beyond the event of horizon. It will ultimately try to reach the point of singularity (Wudka, 1998). The gravitational pull of the black hole depends on the mass and size of the black hole. For black holes the size of the sun the event of horizon is 3 km. A black hole with million solar masses the size if 3*109 km. Once the particle is pulled into the black hole it cannot escape from it (Wudka, 1998). Thus these are the effects of the black holes to the surrounding areas according to the classical physics theory. Quantum mechanics has a slightly different take on effects of black hole on the surrounding areas.

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