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From this perspective the theories in this research paper will have its basis on researches that have place in the field of fashion industry along with concepts related to supply chain management strategies (Brun et al 2008).
The three main theories here will be inclusive of traditional supply chain management, agility in supply chain and Responding quickly. Other frameworks will be inclusive of studying the logistics framework of fashion industries while development of new product which will further be inclusive of 3 important leading times which are time to market, time to serve and time to react.
The theories of virtual integration and market sensitivity will also further the insights on inefficient supply chain issues.
The shorter life cycles of products in the industry of fashion has made companies to look into the way in which supply chain can be rationalized and for this, adopting a new fashion strategy has become considerably important. However, the issues present in the supply chain are not able to make the organizations produce their new products on time and with quality (Hines et al 2007). This research is not only important from the perspective of fashion industry but also important on a niche level for new fashion organizations who are still striving to develop new products.
By organizing the theories and conceptions related to the research topic, the research question will help in answering “Does supply chain influences on new product development in fashion clothing?”

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